Bash completion command - bash

in my function I have
# Tab completion
if [ "$1" = "--complete" ]; then
# Commands
for line in $(compgen -ac "notes_$1" | sed 's/^notes_//'); do
echo $line
# Notes
for line in $(cd $NOTES_DIR; ls $1* 2>/dev/null); do
echo $line
this should list all commands which start with notes_ and all files in some directory, and it does when called like notes --complete. However, when i try to use tab completion
complete -C 'notes --complete "$COMP_LINE"' notes
it shows only the files not the commands?

echo "--$1--"
The problem is that in
compgen -ac "notes_$1"
the contents are not what you expect
I guess $1 has the value notes when you do
$ notes <TAB>
And there is no notes_notes* alias or command in your PATH
Check that adding an alias notes_notesWHATEVER and trying again autocompletion


How to remove a single command from bash autocomplete

How do I remove a single "command" from Bash's auto complete command suggestions? I'm asking about the very first argument, the command, in auto complete, not asking "How to disable bash autocomplete for the arguments of a specific command"
For example, if I have the command ls and the system path also finds ls_not_the_one_I_want_ever, and I type ls and then press tab, I want a way to have removed ls_not_the_one_I_want_ever from every being a viable option.
I think this might be related to the compgen -c list, as this seems to be the list of commands available.
Background: WSL on Windows is putting all the .dll files on my path, in addition to the .exe files that should be there, and so I have many dlls I would like to remove in my bash environment, but I'm unsure how to proceed.
Bash 5.0's complete command added a new -I option for this.
According to man bash —
complete -pr [-DEI] [name ...]
[...] The -I option indicates that other supplied options and actions should apply to completion on the initial non-assignment word on the line, or after a command delimiter such as ; or |, which is usually command name completion. [...]
function _comp_commands()
local cur=$2
if [[ $cur == ls* ]]; then
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -c "$cur" | grep -v ls_not_wanted) )
complete -o bashdefault -I -F _comp_commands
Using #pynexj's answer, I came up with the following example that seems to work well enough:
if [ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -ge "5" ]; then
function _custom_initial_word_complete()
if [ "${2-}" != "" ]; then
if [ "${2::2}" == "ls" ]; then
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -c "${2}" | \grep -v ls_not_the_one_I_want_ever))
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -c "${2}"))
complete -I -F _custom_initial_word_complete

Associative array, file names refering to the path, for dmenu

And I started playing with dmenu and it seems such an automation for almost every thing. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with bash and it should be on my list.
I have a folder for my markdowns with subfolders containing my files. I'm trying to have a script to show them in dmenu while using an alias.
If the path to a file is
I would like to have
as an option in my dmenu. So when I choose
network -----> /home/user/docs/markdown/practice01/rmd/network.rmd
Here is my broken script. There are a few things I'm missing.
This way I get full path on my dmenu which i don't need. I tried to read about associative arrays but I can't figure it out in bash.
This script works but in case I decide to ESC and exit, still it opens up an empty vim in my directory. Hence, I should know if statements huh!
DMenu=("dmenu -l 10 -i -nb "#eaeaea" -sb "#E53935" -nf "#474747"")
cd ~/docs/markdown/
target=$(find -type f -name '*.rmd' | $DMenu)
st vim "$target"
I made a little example. But the problem is that it is a manual work to add each file, which definitely we don't wanna do right!
declare -A dotfiles
target=$(echo -e $list | dmenu -i -nb "#eaeaea" -sb "#E53935" -nf "#474747")
st vim "${dotfiles["$target"]}"
Thank you
Associative arrays can be weird... but returning output to a variable makes it easier to manipulate as any other string in bash, as shown in the example below:
shopt -s nullglob globstar
item=( "$prefix"/**/*${suffix}) # Search *.md in all dirs/subdirs
item=( "${item[#]#"$prefix"/}" )
item=( "${item[#]%${suffix}}" ) # Removes '.md' string from item name
result=$(printf '%s\n' "${item[#]}" | dmenu)
[[ -n $result ]] || exit # exit if nothing is found
gedit "${prefix}/${result}.md" # Open file by adding again '.md'
When the percent sign (%) is used in the pattern ${variable%substring}, it will return content of the variable with the shortest occurrence of substring deleted from the back of the variable.
Listed below for reference are 2 examples I wrote, one in Bash and the other in Python, for managing pass and markdown notes with dmenu:
Also, listed below are a couple nice articles that might help you out:
The weird, wondrous world of Bash arrays
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide: Manipulating Strings
Instead of putting some code in an array, use a function!
my_dmenu() {
dmenu -l 10 -i -nb "#eaeaea" -sb "#e53935" -nf "#474747"
If your markdown files are all in the same folder (and not in subfolders), you certainly don't need find: use a glob instead! and if your files are in subfolders, use a glob instead (with the globstar shell option).
All in all:
my_dmenu() {
dmenu -l 10 -i -nb "#eaeaea" -sb "#e53935" -nf "#474747"
# Also, check the return code of cd!
cd "$base_dir" || { echo >&2 "Can't cd to $base_dir. Exiting"; exit 1; }
# Using a glob: use the shell option nullglob
shopt -s nullglob
files=( *.rmd )
# Check that there are some files found:
if (( ${#files[#]} == 0 )); then
echo "No files found. Exiting."
exit 1
# Now we're ready to send the files to dmenu:
chosen_file=$(printf '%s\n' "${files[#]}" | my_dmenu)
# If dmenu returns nothing: don't launch vim!
if [[ ! $chosen_file ]]; then
echo "No files selected. Exiting."
exit 1
# Now you can launch vim!
st vim "$chosen_file"
If you also want to find the *.rmd files in subfolders: use instead:
shopt -s nullglob globstar
files=( **/*.rmd )
Edit to address the requirement in your comment (and the edit of your question):
If you want to strip the .rmd suffix to show in dmenu, use:
chosen_file=$(printf '%s\n' "${files[#]%.rmd}" | my_dmenu)
# ...
st vim "$chosen_file.rmd"
The expansion ${files[#]%.rmd} will strip the suffix .rmd from each field of the array files. Don't forget to add this suffix back when you edit the file (as shown in the last line).
dmenuoptions="-l 10 -i -nb '#eaeaea' -sb '#E53935' -nf '#474747'"
st -e vim $(find ~/docs/markdown -type f -name '*.rmd' | dmenu $dmenuoptions)

Use string as argument in a bash scipt

Trying to write a script that use vlc to create a playlist.
while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
case $1 in
-f | --filepath ) shift
-h | --help ) usage
* ) usage
exit 1
#echo $filename
vlc $filename --novideo --quiet
This script is working but it only finds mp3 files in the root of any usb device. So i want to change the filename variable. This code gives similar results but it lists evething.
filename=$(find /media/* -name *.mp3 -print)
filename=$(tr '\n' ' ' <<<$filename)
Now the problem is that i can't pass it as an argument. I tried:
vlc $filename --novideo --quiet
vlc $*filename --novideo --quiet
vlc "$filename" --novideo --quiet
nothing worked. Any suggestions?
Guys the problem I want help with is how to make vlc accept the filename variable as argument or arguments of files to use in the playlist. filename contains
/media/MULTIBOOT/Linkin Park - In The End.mp3 /media/MULTIBOOT/Man with a
Mission ft. Takuma - Database.mp3 /media/MULTIBOOT/Sick Puppies - You're
Going Down.mp3 /media/MULTIBOOT/Skillet - Rise.mp3 /media/MULTIBOOT/Song
Riders - Be.mp3 /media/MULTIBOOT/30 Seconds to Mars - This is War.mp3
/media/MULTIBOOT/Fade - One Reason.mp3
Now this is a string how to use it file path arguments?
I would use bash's recursive globbing and arrays:
shopt -s globstar nullglob
while [[ $1 ]]; do
case $1 in
-f | --filepath ) shift
-h | --help ) usage
* ) usage
exit 1
if [[ ${#files[#]} -eq 0 ]]; then
files=( /media/**/*.mp3 )
if [[ ${#files[#]} -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "no mp3 files found"
exit 1
#printf "%s\n" "${files[#]}"
vlc "${files[#]}" --novideo --quiet
With this code, you can specify -f filename multiple times to play a few songs.
You need to quote *.mp3. Otherwise it will be expanded in the current directory.
filename=$(find /media/* -name '*.mp3' -print)
You also don't need to remove the newlines. When you use the variable without quoting it, all whitespace, including newlines, will be converted to word delimiters.
rather than storing all filenames in a variable, you can tell find to call an application with all the files. this will prevent problems with whitespace, newlines and the like:
find /media -name '*.mp3' -exec vlc --novideo --quiet \{\} \+
A better way to handle options in your script might be to use getopts, if you don't mind losing the option of long options. For example:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while getopts vqt opt; do
case "$opt" in
f) filename=($OPTARG) ;;
h) usage; exit 0 ;;
*) usage; exit 1 ;;
shift $((OPTIND - 1))
filename=($(find /media/ -name \*.mp3 -type f))
vlc --novideo --quiet "${filename[#]}"
I don't know this usage of VLC, but the effect of this script is to create a command line with all the files found by the find command, which were stored in array called $filename.
An advantage of handling things in an array is that it lends itself to use in for loops.
for thisfile in "${filename[#]}"; do
vlc "$thisfile" # with options to convert just one file
NOTE that since you're using bash, you may not need to use find at all.
shopt -s globstar
Check man bash for discussion of globstar.

bash call script with variable

What I want to achieve is the following :
I want the subtitles for my TV Show downloaded automatically.
The script "" is ran as soon as the show is downloaded, but it can happen that no subtitle are released yet.
So what I am doing to counter this :
Creating a file each time "" is ran. It contain the location of the script with its arguments, for example :
/Users/theo/logSubtitle/ "The Walking Dead - 5x10 - Them.mp4" "The.Walking.Dead.S05E10.480p.HDTV.H264.mp4" "/Volumes/Window HD/Série/The Walking Dead"
If a subtitle has been found, this file will contain only this line, if no subtitle has been found, this file will have 2 lines (the first one being "no subtitle downloaded", and the second one being the path to the script as explained above)
Now, once I get this, I'm planning to run a cron everyday that will do the following :
Remove all file that have only 1 line (Subtitle found), and execute the script again for the remaining file. Here is the full script :
cd ~/logSubtitle/waiting/
for f in *
do nbligne=$(wc -l $f | cut -c 8)
if [ "$nbligne" = "1" ]
rm $f
command=$(sed -n "2 p" $f)
sh $command 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | grep down > $f ; echo $command >> $f
This is unfortunately not working, I have the feeling that the script is not called.
When I replace $command by the line in the text file, it is working.
I am sure that $command match the line because of the "echo $command >> $f" at the end of my script.
So I really don't get what I am missing here, any ideas ?
I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve with the cut -c 8 part in wc -l $f | cut -c 8. cut -c 8 will select the 8th character of the output of wc -l.
A suggestion: to check whether your file contains 1 or two lines (and since you'll need the content of the second line, if any, anyway), use mapfile. This will slurp the file in an array, one line per field. You can use the option -n 2 to read at most 2 lines. This will be much more efficient, safe and nice than your solution:
mapfile -t -n 2 ary < file
if ((${#ary[#]}==1)); then
printf 'File contains one line only: %s\n' "${ary[0]}"
elif ((${#ary[#]==2)); then
printf 'File contains (at least) two lines:\n'
printf ' %s\n' "${ary[#]}"
printf >&2 'Error, no lines found in file\n'
Another suggestion: use more quotes!
With this, a better way to write your script:
shopt -s nullglob
for f in "$dir"/*; do
mapfile -t -n 2 ary < "$f"
if ((${#ary[#]}==1)); then
rm -- "$f" || printf >&2 "Error, can't remove file %s\n" "$f"
elif ((${#ary[#]}==2)); then
{ sh -c "${ary[1]}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | grep down; echo "${ary[1]}"; } > "$f"
printf >&2 'Error, file %s contains no lines\n' "$f"
After the done keyword you can even add the redirection 2>> logfile to a log file if you wish. Make sure the cron job is run with your user: check crontab -l and, if needed, edit it with crontab -e.
Use eval instead of sh. The reason it works with eval and not sh is due to the number of passes to evaluate variables. sh will treat the sed command as its command to execute while eval will evaluate the sed command first and then execute the result.
Briefly explained.

Create shell sub commands by hierarchy

I'm trying to create a system for my scripts -
Each script will be located in a folder, which is the command itself.
The script itself will act as a sub-command.
For example, a script called "who" inside a directory called "git",
will allow me to run the script using git who in the command line.
Also, I would like to create a sub command to a psuedo-command, meaning a command not currently available. E.g. some-arbitrary-command sub-command.
Is that somehow possible?
I thought of somehow extending to accomplish the task.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
command=`basename $0`
case "$subcommand" in
"" | "-h" | "--help" )
echo "$command: Some description here" >&2
* )
subcommand_path="$(command -v "$command-$subcommand" || true)"
if [[ -x "$subcommand_path" ]]; then
exec "$subcommand_path" "${#}"
return $?
echo "$command: no such command \`$subcommand'" >&2
exit 1
This is currently the script I run for new custom-made commands.
Since it's so generic, I just copy-paste it.
I still wonder though -
can it be generic enough to just recognize the folder name and create the script by its folder name?
One issue though is that it doesn't seem to override the default command name, if it supposed to replace it (E.g. git).
After tinkering around a bit this is what I came to eventuall:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
COMMAND=`basename $0`
case "$SUBCOMMAND" in
"" | "-h" | "--help" )
cat "$COMMAND_DIR/help.txt" 2>/dev/null ||
command $COMMAND "${#}"
* )
SUBCOMMAND_path="$(command -v "$COMMAND-$SUBCOMMAND" || true)"
if [[ -x "$SUBCOMMAND_path" ]]; then
exec "$SUBCOMMAND_path" "${#}"
command $COMMAND "${#}"
This is a generic script called "helper-sub" I symlink to all the script directories I have (E.g. ln -s $HOME/bin/helper-sub $HOME/bin/ssh).
in my zshrc I created this to call all the scripts:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
PATH=${PATH}:$(find $HOME/.zsh/scripts -type d | tr '\n' ':' | sed 's/:$//')
export PATH
typeset -U path
for aliasPath in `find $HOME/.zsh/scripts -type d`; do
aliasName=`echo $aliasPath | awk -F/ '{print $NF}'`
alias ${aliasName}=${aliasPath}/${aliasName}
unset aliasPath
Examples can be seen here:
You can't make a directory executable as a script, but you can create a wrapper that calls the scripts in the directory.
You can do this either with a function (in your profile script or a file in your FPATH) or with a wrapper script.
A simple function might look like:
git() {
local subPath='/path/to/your/git'
local sub="${1}" ; shift
if [[ -x "${subPath}/${1}" ]]; then
"${subPath}/${sub}" "${#}"
return $?
printf '%s\n' "git: Unknown sub-command '${sub}'." >&2
return 1
(This is the same way that the sub project you linked works, just simplified.)
Of course, if you actually want to create a sub-command for git specifically (and that wasn't just an example), you'll need to make sure that the built-in git commands still work. In that case you could do like this:
git() {
local subPath='/path/to/your/git'
local sub="${1}"
if [[ -x "${subPath}/${sub}" ]]; then
"${subPath}/${sub}" "${#}"
return $?
command git "${#}"
return 1
But it might be worth pointing out in that case that git supports adding arbitrary aliases via git config:
git config --global alias.who '!/path/to/your/git/who'
