bash call script with variable - bash

What I want to achieve is the following :
I want the subtitles for my TV Show downloaded automatically.
The script "" is ran as soon as the show is downloaded, but it can happen that no subtitle are released yet.
So what I am doing to counter this :
Creating a file each time "" is ran. It contain the location of the script with its arguments, for example :
/Users/theo/logSubtitle/ "The Walking Dead - 5x10 - Them.mp4" "The.Walking.Dead.S05E10.480p.HDTV.H264.mp4" "/Volumes/Window HD/Série/The Walking Dead"
If a subtitle has been found, this file will contain only this line, if no subtitle has been found, this file will have 2 lines (the first one being "no subtitle downloaded", and the second one being the path to the script as explained above)
Now, once I get this, I'm planning to run a cron everyday that will do the following :
Remove all file that have only 1 line (Subtitle found), and execute the script again for the remaining file. Here is the full script :
cd ~/logSubtitle/waiting/
for f in *
do nbligne=$(wc -l $f | cut -c 8)
if [ "$nbligne" = "1" ]
rm $f
command=$(sed -n "2 p" $f)
sh $command 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | grep down > $f ; echo $command >> $f
This is unfortunately not working, I have the feeling that the script is not called.
When I replace $command by the line in the text file, it is working.
I am sure that $command match the line because of the "echo $command >> $f" at the end of my script.
So I really don't get what I am missing here, any ideas ?

I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve with the cut -c 8 part in wc -l $f | cut -c 8. cut -c 8 will select the 8th character of the output of wc -l.
A suggestion: to check whether your file contains 1 or two lines (and since you'll need the content of the second line, if any, anyway), use mapfile. This will slurp the file in an array, one line per field. You can use the option -n 2 to read at most 2 lines. This will be much more efficient, safe and nice than your solution:
mapfile -t -n 2 ary < file
if ((${#ary[#]}==1)); then
printf 'File contains one line only: %s\n' "${ary[0]}"
elif ((${#ary[#]==2)); then
printf 'File contains (at least) two lines:\n'
printf ' %s\n' "${ary[#]}"
printf >&2 'Error, no lines found in file\n'
Another suggestion: use more quotes!
With this, a better way to write your script:
shopt -s nullglob
for f in "$dir"/*; do
mapfile -t -n 2 ary < "$f"
if ((${#ary[#]}==1)); then
rm -- "$f" || printf >&2 "Error, can't remove file %s\n" "$f"
elif ((${#ary[#]}==2)); then
{ sh -c "${ary[1]}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | grep down; echo "${ary[1]}"; } > "$f"
printf >&2 'Error, file %s contains no lines\n' "$f"
After the done keyword you can even add the redirection 2>> logfile to a log file if you wish. Make sure the cron job is run with your user: check crontab -l and, if needed, edit it with crontab -e.

Use eval instead of sh. The reason it works with eval and not sh is due to the number of passes to evaluate variables. sh will treat the sed command as its command to execute while eval will evaluate the sed command first and then execute the result.
Briefly explained.


Ampersand in bash script not working

Using the Ampersand (&) to place it in the background. But in this script for some reason it doesnt work. My programming skills are not great, so please remember im a noob trying to get stuff working.
# Date in format used by filenaming
date=$(date '+%Y%m%d')
# Location where the patch files should be downloaded
# Location of the full list
while :
# Fetching last download date from downloaded patches
ldd=$(cd $patches && printf '%s\n' * | sed "s/[^0-9]*//g"); echo $ldd
if [ "$ldd" = "" ]
if [ "$ldd" = "$date" ]
ndd=$(date +%Y%m%d -d "${ldd}+1 days")
# Cant have multiple patches in $patches directory, otherwise script wont work
rm -rf $patches/*
sleep 1
curl -s -o "$file" "$ndd.diff.gz" &
sleep 1
done=$(jobs -l | grep curl | wc -l)
until [ "$done" == 1 ]
echo "still here"
gunzip "$file"
# Apply patch directory to list's file directories
cat $(echo "$file" | sed "s/.gz//g") | sed 's/.\/yesterday//' | sed 's/.\/today//' > $patches/$ndd.diff
rm $(echo $file | sed "s/.gz//g")
cd $blacklist
patch -p1 --batch -r /root/fail.patch < $patches/$ndd.diff
rm /root/fail.patch
What i want to do is let the script wait for each command until the one before is finished. As you can see i used 'sleep' sometimes but i know that isnt a solution. I also read about the wait command, but then you have to place a command in the background using the Ampersand. And thats the problem. For some reason this script doesnt recognize the ampersand at the end of my curl command. I also tried wget, same results. Who can point me in the right direction?
It would never change done after first check. So you need to check every iteration, that's why you should test for command, not for variable
And while will be better, because you need to check before entering
while [ "$(jobs -l | grep curl | wc -l)" -ne 0 ]; do
echo "Still there"
sleep 1
I've added sleep because otherwise it wold just flood your console.

How to find latest modified files and delete them with SHELL code

I need some help with a shell code. Now I have this code:
find $dirname -type f -exec md5sum '{}' ';' | sort | uniq --all-repeated=separate -w 33 | cut -c 35-
This code finds duplicated files (with same content) in a given directory. What I need to do is to update it - find out latest (by date) modified file (from duplicated files list), print that file name and also give opportunity to delete that file in terminal.
Doing this in pure bash is a tad awkward, it would be a lot easier to write
this in perl or python.
Also, if you were looking to do this with a bash one-liner, it might be feasible,
but I really don't know how.
Anyhoo, if you really want a pure bash solution below is an attempt at doing
what you describe.
Please note that:
I am not actually calling rm, just echoing it - don't want to destroy your files
There's a "read -u 1" in there that I'm not entirely happy with.
Here's the code:
function process {
if test -n "$buffer"
nbFiles=$(printf "%s" "$buffer" | wc -l)
echo "================================================================================="
echo "The following $nbFiles files are byte identical and sorted from oldest to newest:"
ls -lt -c -r $buffer
lastFile=$(ls -lt -c -r $buffer | tail -1)
while true
read -u 1 -p "Do you wish to delete the last file $lastFile (y/n/q)? " answer
case $answer in
[Yy]* ) echo rm $lastFile; break;;
[Nn]* ) echo skipping; break;;
[Qq]* ) exit;;
* ) echo "please answer yes, no or quit";;
find . -type f -exec md5sum '{}' ';' |
sort |
uniq --all-repeated=separate -w 33 |
cut -c 35- |
while read -r line
if test -z "$line"
buffer=$(printf "%s\n%s" "$buffer" "$line")
echo "done"
Here's a "naive" solution implemented in bash (except for two external commands: md5sum, of course, and stat used only for user's comfort, it's not part of the algorithm). The thing implements a 100% Bash quicksort (that I'm kind of proud of):
# Finds similar (based on md5sum) files (recursively) in given
# directory. If several files with same md5sum are found, sort
# them by modified (most recent first) and prompt user for deletion
# of the oldest
die() {
printf >&2 '%s\n' "$#"
exit 1
quicksort_files_by_mod_date() {
if ((!$#)); then
# the return array is qs_ret
local first=$1
local newers=()
local olders=()
for i in "$#"; do
if [[ $i -nt $first ]]; then
newers+=( "$i" )
olders+=( "$i" )
quicksort_files_by_mod_date "${newers[#]}"
newers=( "${qs_ret[#]}" )
quicksort_files_by_mod_date "${olders[#]}"
olders=( "${qs_ret[#]}" )
qs_ret=( "${newers[#]}" "$first" "${olders[#]}" )
[[ -n $1 ]] || die "Must give an argument"
[[ -d $1 ]] || die "Argument must be a directory"
shopt -s nullglob
shopt -s globstar
declare -A files
declare -A hashes
for file in "$dirname"/**; do
[[ -f $file ]] || continue
read md5sum _ < <(md5sum -- "$file")
for hash in "${!hashes[#]}"; do
((hashes[$hash]>1)) || continue
for file in "${!files[#]}"; do
[[ ${files[$file]} = $hash ]] || continue
files_with_same_md5sum+=( "$file" )
echo "Found ${hashes[$hash]} files with md5sum=$hash, sorted by modified (most recent first):"
# sort them by modified date (using quicksort :p)
quicksort_files_by_mod_date "${files_with_same_md5sum[#]}"
for file in "${qs_ret[#]}"; do
printf " %s %s\n" "$(stat --printf '%y' -- "$file")" "$file"
read -p "Do you want to remove the oldest? [yn] " answer
if [[ ${answer,,} = y ]]; then
echo rm -fv -- "${qs_ret[#]:1}"
if((!has_found)); then
echo "Didn't find any similar files in directory \`$dirname'. Yay."
I guess the script is self-explanatory (you can read it like a story). It uses the best practices I know of, and is 100% safe regarding any silly characters in file names (e.g., spaces, newlines, file names starting with hyphens, file names ending with a newline, etc.).
It uses bash's globs, so it might be a bit slow if you have a bloated directory tree.
There are a few error checkings, but many are missing, so don't use as-is in production! (it's a trivial but rather tedious taks to add these).
The algorithm is as follows: scan each file in the given directory tree; for each file, will compute its md5sum and store in associative arrays:
files with keys the file names and values the md5sums.
hashes with keys the hashes and values the number of files the md5sum of which is the key.
After this is done, we'll scan through all the found md5sum, select only the ones that correspond to more than one file, then select all files with this md5sum, then quicksort them by modified date, and prompt the user.
A sweet effect when no dups are found: the script nicely informs the user about it.
I would not say it's the most efficient way of doing things (might be better in, e.g., Perl), but it's really a lot of fun, surprisingly easy to read and follow, and you can potentially learn a lot by studying it!
It uses a few bashisms and features that only are in bash version ≥ 4
Hope this helps!
Remark. If on your system date has the -r switch, you can replace the stat command by:
date -r "$file"
Remark. I left the echo in front of rm. Remove it if you're happy with how the script behaves. Then you'll have a script that uses 3 external commands :).

How to change parameter in a file, only if the file exists and the parameter is not already set?

# See if registry is set to expire updates
> test.log
CODE=sudo if [ ! -f $FILE] && grep $PARAMETER $FILE; then echo "File found, parameter not found."
#CODE=grep $PARAMETER $FILE || sudo tee -a /etc/.properties <<< $PARAMETER
while read -r -a line
echo $hostname":" >> test.log
#ssh -n -t -t $hostname "$CODE" >> test.log
echo $CODE;
done < "$filename"
I want to set "Updates 30" in /etc/.properties on about 50 servers if:
The file exists (not all servers have the software installed)
The parameter "Updates" is not already set in the file (e.g. in case of multiple runs)
I am a little puzzled so far how, because I am not sure if this can be done in 1 line of bash code. The rest of the script works fine.
Ok, here's what i think would be a solution for you. Like explained in this article
invoke the script which contains the commands that you want to be executed at the remote server
Code script 1:
while read -r -a line
ssh ${line} "bash -s" < script2
done < "$filename"
To replace a line in a text file, you can use sed (
Code script 2:
NEWPARAMETER=Updates ###(What you want to write there)
if [ ! -f $FILE] && grep $PARAMETER $FILE; then exit
So, I'm not certain this covers all your use case, I hope this helps you out if there is anything feel free to ask!

Bash Script exiting without error while using diff

I'm fairly new to using bash and was trying to create an autograder script for running some test cases. Currently my bash script seems to be acting strangely; when I have the -e flag set bash will just exit when a diff has a positive size, and when the -e flag is not set the script ignores any differences in the diff files and says that all tests passed.
The script exits immediately after the "write_diff_out=...." command, the next line is not printed. I've only included the diffing portion of the script as everything else runs fine (the files all exist as well).
# Validate outputs and print results
echo "> Comparing current build's final memory output with golden memory output...";
for file in `ls test_progs`;
file=$(echo $file | cut -d '.' -f1);
echo "$file";
write_diff_out=$(diff ./log/$file.writeback.out ./log/$ > ./diff/$file.writeback.diff);
echo "Finished write_diff";
program_diff_out=$(diff -u <(grep -E '###' ./log/$file.program.out) <(grep -E '###' ./log/$ > ./diff/$file.program.diff);
echo "Finished program diff";
if [ -z "$write_diff_out" ] && [ -z "$program_diff_out" ]; then
printf "%20s:\e[0;32mPASSED\e[0m\n" "$file";
printf "%20s:\e[0;31mFAILED\e[0m\n" "$file";
echo "> Done comparing test outputs.";
Feel free to suggest a better way of formatting the diff commands as well, I know there are different methods of writing them.
I don't exactly know what's your problem, but I have rewritten your script to conform to some best practices. Perhaps it will work better.
# Debugging mode: prints every command as executed, remove when uneeded
set -x
# Validate outputs and print results
echo "> Comparing current build's final memory output with golden memory output..."
cd test_progs
for file in *; do
file="$(echo "$file" | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//')"
echo "$file"
# will PASS when both diffs return non-zero
if ! diff "log/$file.writeback.out" \
"log/$" > \
"diff/$file.writeback.diff" && \
! diff -u <(grep -E ### "log/$file.program.out") \
<(grep -E ### "log/$") > \
"diff/$file.program.diff"; then
printf '%20s:\e[0;32mPASSED\e[0m\n' "$file"
printf '%20s:\e[0;31mFAILED\e[0m\n' "$file"
echo "> Done comparing test outputs."
It avoids parsing ls, use quotes where it is due, used [[ instead of [ (you don't need to quote variables inside of [[), and it tests if the written file is empty instead of storing something at a variable.
If you really wanted to store diff's output in a variable, you would do this:
write_diff_out="$(diff "log/$file.writeback.out" "log/$" | tee "diff/$file.writeback.diff")"
Then $write_diff_out would contain the same data the diff/$file.writeback.diff file has.
EDIT: edit my answer a bit, to implement some of the things in the comments.

Test if a command outputs an empty string

How can I test if a command outputs an empty string?
Previously, the question asked how to check whether there are files in a directory. The following code achieves that, but see rsp's answer for a better solution.
Empty output
Commands don’t return values – they output them. You can capture this output by using command substitution; e.g. $(ls -A). You can test for a non-empty string in Bash like this:
if [[ $(ls -A) ]]; then
echo "there are files"
echo "no files found"
Note that I've used -A rather than -a, since it omits the symbolic current (.) and parent (..) directory entries.
Note: As pointed out in the comments, command substitution doesn't capture trailing newlines. Therefore, if the command outputs only newlines, the substitution will capture nothing and the test will return false. While very unlikely, this is possible in the above example, since a single newline is a valid filename! More information in this answer.
Exit code
If you want to check that the command completed successfully, you can inspect $?, which contains the exit code of the last command (zero for success, non-zero for failure). For example:
files=$(ls -A)
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo "Command failed."
elif [[ $files ]]; then
echo "Files found."
echo "No files found."
More info here.
if [[ $(ls -A | head -c1 | wc -c) -ne 0 ]]; then ...; fi
Thanks to netj
for a suggestion to improve my original:if [[ $(ls -A | wc -c) -ne 0 ]]; then ...; fi
This is an old question but I see at least two things that need some improvement or at least some clarification.
First problem
First problem I see is that most of the examples provided here simply don't work. They use the ls -al and ls -Al commands - both of which output non-empty strings in empty directories. Those examples always report that there are files even when there are none.
For that reason you should use just ls -A - Why would anyone want to use the -l switch which means "use a long listing format" when all you want is test if there is any output or not, anyway?
So most of the answers here are simply incorrect.
Second problem
The second problem is that while some answers work fine (those that don't use ls -al or ls -Al but ls -A instead) they all do something like this:
run a command
buffer its entire output in RAM
convert the output into a huge single-line string
compare that string to an empty string
What I would suggest doing instead would be:
run a command
count the characters in its output without storing them
or even better - count the number of maximally 1 character using head -c1(thanks to netj for posting this idea in the comments below)
compare that number with zero
So for example, instead of:
if [[ $(ls -A) ]]
I would use:
if [[ $(ls -A | wc -c) -ne 0 ]]
# or:
if [[ $(ls -A | head -c1 | wc -c) -ne 0 ]]
Instead of:
if [ -z "$(ls -lA)" ]
I would use:
if [ $(ls -lA | wc -c) -eq 0 ]
# or:
if [ $(ls -lA | head -c1 | wc -c) -eq 0 ]
and so on.
For small outputs it may not be a problem but for larger outputs the difference may be significant:
$ time [ -z "$(seq 1 10000000)" ]
real 0m2.703s
user 0m2.485s
sys 0m0.347s
Compare it with:
$ time [ $(seq 1 10000000 | wc -c) -eq 0 ]
real 0m0.128s
user 0m0.081s
sys 0m0.105s
And even better:
$ time [ $(seq 1 10000000 | head -c1 | wc -c) -eq 0 ]
real 0m0.004s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.007s
Full example
Updated example from the answer by Will Vousden:
if [[ $(ls -A | wc -c) -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "there are files"
echo "no files found"
Updated again after suggestions by netj:
if [[ $(ls -A | head -c1 | wc -c) -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "there are files"
echo "no files found"
Additional update by jakeonfire:
grep will exit with a failure if there is no match. We can take advantage of this to simplify the syntax slightly:
if ls -A | head -c1 | grep -E '.'; then
echo "there are files"
if ! ls -A | head -c1 | grep -E '.'; then
echo "no files found"
Discarding whitespace
If the command that you're testing could output some whitespace that you want to treat as an empty string, then instead of:
| wc -c
you could use:
| tr -d ' \n\r\t ' | wc -c
or with head -c1:
| tr -d ' \n\r\t ' | head -c1 | wc -c
or something like that.
First, use a command that works.
Second, avoid unnecessary storing in RAM and processing of potentially huge data.
The answer didn't specify that the output is always small so a possibility of large output needs to be considered as well.
if [ -z "$(ls -lA)" ]; then
echo "no files found"
echo "There are files"
This will run the command and check whether the returned output (string) has a zero length.
You might want to check the 'test' manual pages for other flags.
Use the "" around the argument that is being checked, otherwise empty results will result in a syntax error as there is no second argument (to check) given!
Note: that ls -la always returns . and .. so using that will not work, see ls manual pages. Furthermore, while this might seem convenient and easy, I suppose it will break easily. Writing a small script/application that returns 0 or 1 depending on the result is much more reliable!
For those who want an elegant, bash version-independent solution (in fact should work in other modern shells) and those who love to use one-liners for quick tasks. Here we go!
ls | grep . && echo 'files found' || echo 'files not found'
(note as one of the comments mentioned, ls -al and in fact, just -l and -a will all return something, so in my answer I use simple ls
Bash Reference Manual
6.4 Bash Conditional Expressions
-z string
True if the length of string is zero.
-n string
True if the length of string is non-zero.
You can use shorthand version:
if [[ $(ls -A) ]]; then
echo "there are files"
echo "no files found"
As Jon Lin commented, ls -al will always output (for . and ..). You want ls -Al to avoid these two directories.
You could for example put the output of the command into a shell variable:
v=$(ls -Al)
An older, non-nestable, notation is
v=`ls -Al`
but I prefer the nestable notation $( ... )
The you can test if that variable is non empty
if [ -n "$v" ]; then
echo there are files
echo no files
And you could combine both as if [ -n "$(ls -Al)" ]; then
Sometimes, ls may be some shell alias. You might prefer to use $(/bin/ls -Al). See ls(1) and hier(7) and environ(7) and your ~/.bashrc (if your shell is GNU bash; my interactive shell is zsh, defined in /etc/passwd - see passwd(5) and chsh(1)).
I'm guessing you want the output of the ls -al command, so in bash, you'd have something like:
LS=`ls -la`
if [ -n "$LS" ]; then
echo "there are files"
echo "no files found"
sometimes "something" may come not to stdout but to the stderr of the testing application, so here is the fix working more universal way:
if [[ $(partprobe ${1} 2>&1 | wc -c) -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "require fixing GPT parititioning"
echo "no GPT fix necessary"
Here's a solution for more extreme cases:
if [ `command | head -c1 | wc -c` -gt 0 ]; then ...; fi
This will work
for all Bourne shells;
if the command output is all zeroes;
efficiently regardless of output size;
the command or its subprocesses will be killed once anything is output.
All the answers given so far deal with commands that terminate and output a non-empty string.
Most are broken in the following senses:
They don't deal properly with commands outputting only newlines;
starting from Bash≥4.4 most will spam standard error if the command output null bytes (as they use command substitution);
most will slurp the full output stream, so will wait until the command terminates before answering. Some commands never terminate (try, e.g., yes).
So to fix all these issues, and to answer the following question efficiently,
How can I test if a command outputs an empty string?
you can use:
if read -n1 -d '' < <(command_here); then
echo "Command outputs something"
echo "Command doesn't output anything"
You may also add some timeout so as to test whether a command outputs a non-empty string within a given time, using read's -t option. E.g., for a 2.5 seconds timeout:
if read -t2.5 -n1 -d '' < <(command_here); then
echo "Command outputs something"
echo "Command doesn't output anything"
Remark. If you think you need to determine whether a command outputs a non-empty string, you very likely have an XY problem.
Here's an alternative approach that writes the std-out and std-err of some command a temporary file, and then checks to see if that file is empty. A benefit of this approach is that it captures both outputs, and does not use sub-shells or pipes. These latter aspects are important because they can interfere with trapping bash exit handling (e.g. here)
some-command &> "$tmpfile"
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo "Command failed"
elif [[ -s "$tmpfile" ]]; then
echo "Command generated output"
echo "Command has no output"
rm -f "$tmpfile"
Sometimes you want to save the output, if it's non-empty, to pass it to another command. If so, you could use something like
list=`grep -l "MY_DESIRED_STRING" *.log `
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
/bin/rm $list
This way, the rm command won't hang if the list is empty.
As mentioned by tripleee in the question comments , use moreutils ifne (if input not empty).
In this case we want ifne -n which negates the test:
ls -A /tmp/empty | ifne -n command-to-run-if-empty-input
The advantage of this over many of the another answers when the output of the initial command is non-empty. ifne will start writing it to STDOUT straight away, rather than buffering the entire output then writing it later, which is important if the initial output is slowly generated or extremely long and would overflow the maximum length of a shell variable.
There are a few utils in moreutils that arguably should be in coreutils -- they're worth checking out if you spend a lot of time living in a shell.
In particular interest to the OP may be dirempty/exists tool which at the time of writing is still under consideration, and has been for some time (it could probably use a bump).
