Shipping for Downloadable product - Magento - magento

I have one downloadable product in which I have option to sent medie. If user choose to media along with my downloadable product I want shipping option enable in my checkout. How can I achive this any idea ?
Thanks in advance :)

Rebuild your product.
Use a simple product and a downloadble.
Build up a configurable product from the two.
Then depending on the option the user chooses, he get's a simple product (with shipping) or a downloadable without.


Turning a Magento website into an online catalouge without Prices and a shopping basket

Hey im just looking for some advice, my project is to create a website on magento without the price option. This means no shopping basket either but just the option for users to view all the products without having the option to buy it online. Its important that i still keep the feature of selling online for the future but if it was possible to just disable it all.
Id love for some insight onto what people think the best option is for me to do.
You should do three things:
Remove all inclusions for the prices from your theme (just comment them out)
Remove the button in the addtocart.phtml files
Disable onepage checkout via the backend

magento “Quick simple product creation” section is not showing up

I installed an extention for configurable product but it did not work for me so I un install this. Now in admin section I am not seeing section "Quick simple product creation". I think it is lost by the extention, how Can I get back this section ?
I found it, in magento "quick create section" appears only after the initial configurable product is saved. :)

How to map products to manufacturers with MAGMI

This is probably a stupid question, but I haven’t had any luck figuring this out. How does MAGMI add products to the manufacturers_products table? Right now, it is not doing this so products are not displaying on the frontend when browsing by manufacturer unless I open the product in the backend for edit then click “Save”…which is obviously not a solution. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks all!
This manufacturers_product table is surely an extension specific table. so not a magento table. clicking "save" on product will call the extension that will identify the manufacturer of the product & put it in extension specific table. so if you want magmi to fill an extension specific table, you need to have a specific plugin that would do this job.

Magento Cart Checkout doesn't display TAX anymore?

Since a few weeks I'm working with Magento. I've been doing all the work myself, but this time i've hit a problem which I can't solve.
I've got a problem with my shopping cart. I live in the Netherlands where it's usuall to add 19% TAX to all the products. So products, shipping costs and all that are ALWAYS displayed with TAX. In the store, all my products are displayed with TAX. However, in the shopping cart and the checkout proces they aren't. Now I've installed the Dutch Shop Settings for magento. This plugin worked with my normal checkout, but I've also installed Golden Spiral Studio One Click Cart Checkout 2.0 which workes fine, accept for the TAX.
Bottom line: Since my One Click Cart Checkout, al my products are displayed without tax again. Changing something in the configuration doensn't help! I need to go deeper.
Have a look in my store at for the problem. Order a product and you will see.
In your admin go to System > Configuration > Shipping Settings, and then fill out all the details under Origin. This can affect the tax being applied to your location.

Magento for Non-Ecommerce websites?

Should I use Magento for a product brochure style website with no need for e-commerce?
This may seem odd but I'm in need of some feedback as my client has decided to convert their entire portfolio of websites from PHP/symfony to Magento just so "it's all on the same platform" and "'one day' we may sell these products online".
An example of a 'product brochure style website with no e-commerce' would be something like this (random google search):
All shopping cart functionality would need to be turned off within Magento as it's just a brochure site.
If just now you need a Product Catalog, I don't recommend to use Magento, because if "one day' we may sell these products online" you (or another developer) will stuck upgrading magento to latest stable release and undoing all changes to make sales work again.
Just my opinion, but, you can do this with no big problems (now). Just disable Mage_Sales module and remove all "Add to cart" buttons from tempalte.
Yes, you can use Magento for non-transactional site. Mainly if you need it for flexible product management then that's good choise. You will need to amend all tempaltes and remove 'add to cart' buttons, disable some modules like Mage_Checkout, Mage_Wishlist, Mage_Sales... etc.. there is a lot of things to switch off.
But if you need something more powerfull from CMS point of view then I would choose soemthing else (Drupal, Concrete5...)
