xpath search for divs where the id contains specific text - xpath

On my HTML page I have forty divs but I only want one div.
Using agility pack to search and get all the divs with Ids I use this XPath:
But how do I search for divs with Ids where the id contains the text "test" like so:
<div id="outerdivtest1></div>"

Use the contains function:

I've used this with for the CSS class:
//div[#class = 'atom']
I assume it's similar with id's.

You can use the xpath
If you want to use the first occurrence, it works fine but if it's not the first occurrence you have to go with different xpath specific to the particular element.

For example if you want first selection "id" is like that
(//[#id="numberIdentify"])//following:://a[contains(text(),'V ')]


XPATH - how to get the text if an element contains a certain class

JHow do I grab this text here?
I am trying to grab the text here based on that the href contains "#faq-default".
I tried this first of all but it doesn't grab the text, only the actual href name, which is pointless:
//a/#href[contains(., '#faq-default-2')]
There will be many of these hrefs, such as default-2, default-3 so I need to do some kind of contains query, I'd guess?
You are selecting the #href node value instead of the a element value. So try this instead:
//a[contains(#href, '#faq-default-2')]

how to select the second <p> element using Xpath

I am trying to scrape full reviews from this webpage. (Full reviews - after clicking the 'Read More' button). This I am doing using RSelenium. I am able to select and extract text from the first <p> element, using the code
reviewNodes <- mybrowser$findElements(using = 'xpath', "//p[#id][1]")
which is for less text review.
But not able to extract full text reviews using the code
reviewNodes <- mybrowser$findElements(using = 'xpath', "//p[#id][2]")
reviewNodes <- mybrowser$findElements(using = 'xpath', "//p[#itemprop = 'reviewBody']")
It shows blank list elements. I don't know what is wrong. Please help me..
Drop the double slash and try to use the explicit descendant axis:
(see the note from W3C document on XPath I mentioned in this answer)
As you're dealing with a list, you should first find the list items, e.g. using CSS selector
Based on these elements, you can then search on inside the list items, e.g. using CSS selector
Of course you can also do it in 1 single expression, but that is not quite as neat imho:
div.srm p[itemprop='reviewBody']
Or in XPath (which I wouldn't recommend):
If neither of these work for you, then the problem must be somewhere else.

Unable to locate the correct element using xpath

I am facing issue in selecting a particular drop down from the webpage.
I need to select the second highlighted div tag in the image above.
The xpath that I am trying to use is:
Kindly suggest how can I edit the xpath to select the second div tag.
I am new to xpaths and any help will be appreciated.
I think the below xpath should work to locate the second instance
The second row has a tr class. When you use //div[#class='page-container']//table//div[#class='ui-multiselect-selected-container'] since your are referring to relative div(using //) it points to 1st element found by default.
I see that the tr element for the second multiselect has a class attribute, which makes unique
so, this will be //div[#class='page-container']//table//tr[#class='rowRelativeTo']//div[#class='ui-multiselect-selected-container']
You can also use the style elements which are unique:
//div[#class='page-container']//table//tr[#class='rowRelativeTo']//div[#style='float:right'] /div[#class='ui-multiselect-selected-container']

Retrieve value from within a div tag in xpath

I am trying to retrieve the value in the data-appid field, I have tried using following-sibling but its not really a sibling per se. Not sure how to go about retrieving this. Any pointers will really be great.
<div class="section app" data-appid="532054761" data-updateid="10184169">
The sibling axis applies to elements, not attributes.
You can reference data-appid simply as an attribute of the div element. For example,
will select 532054761
If you need to be more specific about the particular div element for which you want its data-appid, you can use a predicate to select a particular div element. For example:
You need to use getAttribute() method
Try the following code
String dataAppId = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='section app']")).getAttribute("data-appid");

Referring to "title" of <a> in Xpath request

I'm making an Xpath as part of a scraping project I'm working on. However, the only defining feature of the text I want is the title attribute of the enclosing <a> tag like so:
This is what I want to scrape
Is it at all possible to refer to that title and create a path like this?
//tr/td[style='vertical-align:top']/a[title='Vacancy details']
Attributes in XPath expressions need to be prefixed with the # symbol...
//tr/td/a[#title='Vacancy details']
//tr/td/a[#title='Vacancy details']/#title
You can grab just the title if that's all you want
