Referring to "title" of <a> in Xpath request - xpath

I'm making an Xpath as part of a scraping project I'm working on. However, the only defining feature of the text I want is the title attribute of the enclosing <a> tag like so:
This is what I want to scrape
Is it at all possible to refer to that title and create a path like this?
//tr/td[style='vertical-align:top']/a[title='Vacancy details']

Attributes in XPath expressions need to be prefixed with the # symbol...
//tr/td/a[#title='Vacancy details']

//tr/td/a[#title='Vacancy details']/#title
You can grab just the title if that's all you want


How to select a specific text using CSS selector

I want to select the text "Auto-Publish" in Span. How can I do it with a CSS selector? with Xpath I know how to do it. I am using Nightwatch for UI automation. I want to make a generic function in the page object which will take a value as a parameter.
I can't do it like this since it's an XPath and I have to specify that it's an XPath. If it was a CSS selector I could do it since I don't have to specify that it's a CSS selector. Or is there is any way that I can do it with Xpath too?
CSS does not have any method like text. So in HTMLDOM, it is not possible at this point of time to locate the element based on text.
Moving further, You could do below in nightwatch.js
.useXpath().click('//span[contains(text(), "' + desiredText+ '")]')
and before calling this assign Auto-Publish to the desiredText variable.
Give a specific id to span tag and then edit css. You can also use inline css which will be the best option.
<span style="color:blue;">

XPATH - how to get the text if an element contains a certain class

JHow do I grab this text here?
I am trying to grab the text here based on that the href contains "#faq-default".
I tried this first of all but it doesn't grab the text, only the actual href name, which is pointless:
//a/#href[contains(., '#faq-default-2')]
There will be many of these hrefs, such as default-2, default-3 so I need to do some kind of contains query, I'd guess?
You are selecting the #href node value instead of the a element value. So try this instead:
//a[contains(#href, '#faq-default-2')]

How can I query XPath matching an attribute from one tag against another attribute from another tag?

I'm scripting a web app that has labels for input fields. EG:
<label for="surname">Family Name:</label>...<input id="surname" ...></input>
I'd like to be able to write an XPath expression that takes the text "Family Name:" to match the label, then takes the "for" attribute from the label and uses that to find the associated input tag by matching its "id" tag.
I can make this "work" as follows:
//label[contains(.,"Family Name:")]/following::input[1]
However, for this web app I think it would be more reliable to match for/id. (EG: How can I be sure that in all possible layouts the first input tag following the label is the one I want? And what happens if somewhere down the line this page is rendered using a right-to-left script?
My ultimate aim is to create a library function that we can use to write QA scripts in advance of web pages to test against, when all we have is a picture or document with an input field labelled "Family Name:" and no idea what id some programmer will ultimately assign to the field.
Maybe this is what you're looking for?
//input[#id = //label[contains(., "Family Name:")]/#for]
As for your ultimate goal, you may want to take a look at the XPath gem for Ruby. Some of what you're doing may already be implemented there. (Specifically, check out the library's HTML Helpers)

xpath search for divs where the id contains specific text

On my HTML page I have forty divs but I only want one div.
Using agility pack to search and get all the divs with Ids I use this XPath:
But how do I search for divs with Ids where the id contains the text "test" like so:
<div id="outerdivtest1></div>"
Use the contains function:
I've used this with for the CSS class:
//div[#class = 'atom']
I assume it's similar with id's.
You can use the xpath
If you want to use the first occurrence, it works fine but if it's not the first occurrence you have to go with different xpath specific to the particular element.
For example if you want first selection "id" is like that
(//[#id="numberIdentify"])//following:://a[contains(text(),'V ')]

Detect link with no href

$string='<dt class="comment-author " id="c6290261621627103206">
<a name="c6290261621627103206"></a>
I want to be able to detect if a tag is missing the href. I have tried:
and various preg_match variations on that. But sadly to no avail. I should state that I only want to detect, I do not need to output and values from the string.
Using your RegEx, your matches will be very limited.
Try this RegEx, it can find the value of a href tag on the page regardless of where it falls. If there is no value returned, there is no href tag!
The lookahead match of href\=" will look for/match the href at any position instead of RIGHT AFTER the a only.
