Ruby - add constructor to Fixnum and other classes - ruby

In my last Question I was looking for a way to extend the abilities of Ruby-variables. Answering this lead me to a new question. Apparently "monkey patching" is what solved a huge chunk of that problem, now I can at least do my typing indirectly with something along the lines of (a = 3).nat where nat is a method "monkeypatched" into Fixnum checking weather "3" is a valid value. This is ok for a start but still a bit clumsy and unintuitive. What I really need in the end is a way to rewrite, extend, intercept or overload to constructor for Fixnum so that a = 3 directly calls the method nat.
Is there a way to do this?
I am not only interested in a "proper way", it can be a bit "hacky". This is only for my research, it can be a dangerous, unsupported way.

In your example a constructor is not called, what is happening is that you are making a a reference to the literal 3 through the use of the assignment operator =.
What you want is to overwrite assignment which is not possible AFAIK.


Why does rubocop or the ruby style guide prefer not to use get_ or set_?

I was running rubocop on my project and fixing the complaints it raised.
One particular complaint bothered me
Do not prefix reader method names with get_
I could not understand much from this complaint so I looked at source code in github.
I found this snippet
def bad_reader_name?(method_name, args)
method_name.start_with?('get_') && args.to_a.empty?
def bad_writer_name?(method_name, args)
method_name.start_with?('set_') &&
So the advice or convention is as follows:
1) Actually they advice us not to use get_ when the method does not have arguments . otherwise they allow get_
2) And they advice us not to use set_ when the method has only one argument .otherwise they allow set_
What is the reason behind this convention or rule or advice?
I think the point here is ruby devs prefer to always think of methods as getters since they returns something and use the equals "syntactic sugar" (like in def which lets you do = something). In essence the point I've always seen made is that the get and set are redundant and verbose.
In opposition to this you have get and set with multiple args which are like finder methods (particularly get; think of ActiveRecord's where).
Keep in mind that 'style guide' = pure opinion. Consistency is the higher goal of style guides in general so unless something is arguably wrong or difficult to read, your goal should be more on having everything the same than of a certain type. Which is why rubocop let's you turn this off.
Another way to see it: the getter/setter paradigm was, as far as I can tell, largely a specific convention in Java/C++ etc.; at least I knew quite a few Java codebases in the very foggy past where Beans were littered with huge amounts of get_-getters and set_-setters. In that time, the private attribute would likely be called "name" with "set_name()" and "get_name()"; as the attribute itself was called "name", the getter could not be "name()" as well.
Hence the very existence of "get_" and "set_" is due to a (trivial) technical shortcoming of languages that do not allow the "=" in method names.
In Ruby, we have quite a different array of possibilities:
First and foremost, we have name() and name=(), which immediately removes the need for the get_ and set_ syntax. So, we do have getters and setters, we just call them differently from Java.
Also, the attribute then is not name but #name, hence solving this conflict as well.
Actually, you don't have attributes with the plain "" syntax at all! For eaxmple; while Rails/ActiveRecord pretends that "" is a "attribute", it is in fact simply a pair of auto-generated getter name() and setter name=(). Conceptionally, the caller is not supposed to care about what "name" is (attribute or method), it is an implementation detail of the class.
It saves 4 or 3 key presses for each call. This might seem like a joke, but writing concise yet easily comprehensible code is a trademark of Ruby, after all. :-)
The way I understand it is that it's because foo.get_value is imperative and foo.value is declarative.

Why do some Ruby methods need a bang and others don't to be a destructive method?

For example, array.pop doesn't need a bang to permanently alter the array. Why is this so and what was the reasoning behind developing these certain Ruby methods without this conformity?
Bang methods are most commonly used to distinguish between a dangerous and a safe version of the same method. Here are some example cases that one might want to distinguish with a bang/no-bang combination:
mutator methods - one version changes the object, the other one returns a copy and leaves the original object unchanged
when encountering an error, one version throws an exception while the other one only writes an error message to the log or does nothing
However, the convention is to leave the bang off if there is only one version that makes sense. For example, poping an array without actually changing it makes no sense. In this case, it would end up being a different operation: Array#last. A lot of methods change the object they are called on, for example setters. We don't need to write these with a bang either, because it's clear that they change the object.
Lastly, there are a few exceptions to this, where some developers might use a bang method without implementing a bang-less counterpart. In these cases, the bang is simply used as a way to making the method calls stand out visually. For example:
the method does something dangerous or destructive
the method does something unexpected
the method has a significant performance impact
The bang is used to distinguish between a dangerous and less dangerous version of the same method. There is only one pop method, so there is nothing to distinguish.
Note: the name of the method has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with what it does. Whether a method is destructive or not depends on what code it executes, not what name it has.
A suffix of ! means that a method is a dangerous version of another method. For example, save! is the dangerous version of save. Dangerous could mean editing in place, doing something with more strict errors, etc. It is not required to use the ! suffix on a method that is dangerous, but doesn't need a safer counterpart. Additionally, this is just a naming convention, so Ruby does not restrict what you can and can't do if a method does or doesn't end with !.
There is a common misconception that every method that edits something in place should end with !. This is not true, ! is only needed when there is a more dangerous version of a method that already exists, and this does not necessarily mean that the dangerous method edits in place. For example, in Rails, ActiveRecord::Base#save! is a version of ActiveRecord::Base#save that performs validations.
The meaning of bang in Ruby is "caution". It means you should use the method with caution, nothing more. I cannot find the reference anymore, but people of authority said explicitly that bang ≠ destructive method. Bang is just a semantic element associated with caution. It is up to the programmer to weigh in everything and decide when to use bang.
For example, in my simulation gem, I use #step method to obtain the step size.
simulation.step #=> 0.42
and step! method to actually perform the simulation step.
simulation.step! #=> takes the simulation to the next time step
But as for #reset method, I decided that the word "reset" it's verbose enough and it is not necessary to use bang to warn the user that the simulation state will be destroyed:
simulation.reset #=> resets the simulation back to the initial state
P.S.: Now I remember, once upon a time, Matz said half jokingly that he regrets introducing methods with bang into Ruby at all, because bang is semantically so ambiguous.

What is special about boolean?

In Ruby, there is a convention to have a method name end with a question mark to indicate that its return value is boolean. Why is boolean considered so special? Is there anything convenient if you know that a method's return value is particularly boolean? After all, in Ruby, you can insert all kinds of value returning (getter) methods into a conditional without caring whether it is boolean or not.
I think it is a waste to use the question mark just for indicating a boolean value. There should be more useful uses. I have plenty of use case where I want to have a pair of getter and setter methods, where the setter method should return self so that I can use it in a method chain. And naming them something like get_foo and set_foo looks cumbersome. Rather than following the convention, I am tempted to name a pair of getter and setter methods like this:
def foo?; #foo end
def foo v; #foo = v end
where the value of #foo is not (necessarily) boolean. (Besides potential criticism that breaking the convention will confuse other programmers), is there something wrong with doing that?
There is nothing special at all, it's just a convention. A question can be answered with "yes" or "no", but also with another stuff like someone's name.
By returning a boolean on methods with a question mark, it indicates it to be an explicit behavior.
If you make the answer be "yes" or "no", it's easy for the reader of your code to identify the behavior of your method without even looking at the implementation. On the other hand, if you make it return any other type, it is more difficult for the reader to understand your code without reading your class and method definition.
With a boolean there are only two possible answers. If the return value is not boolean it can be anything, which would not help at all. You would still need to look at the method implementation. You should always look further to understand some piece of code, but using this convention makes it simpler.
There is a convention to use question mark in method names to indicate that a method is a predicate. AFAIK, this predicate is not required (by the convention) to return a boolean value, thanks to simple rules for truthy/falsey values.
Besides potential criticism that breaking the convention will confuse other programmers, is there something wrong with doing that?
Confusing and surprising fellow programmers is bad. Ruby couldn't care less. It's just a convention. And conventions exist for a reason.
You can put anything in a flow control construct, but semantically booleans are appropriate. "If" in real human language typically takes a boolean, and the same is true of the construct in many programming languages. Ruby likes to make things convenient and assigns a "truthiness" value to everything in the language, which affects how it behaves in a boolean context.
In other words, booleans are the only things that are almost exclusively used for flow control, so the convention is to make them look "right" for flow-control constructs. It's their native environment.
(Besides potential criticism that breaking the convention will confuse other programmers), is there something wrong with doing that?
In the same sense that there is nothing wrong with naming all your variables after 1920s comedians, no, there's nothing wrong with that. But also in the same sense as naming all your variables after 1920s comedians, it isn't a very good idea. Nowhere in any language that I know of -- human or computer -- does the question mark mean "get." So the semantics of your code are off with that convention.
This question and the answers boil down to "POLS" AKA "Principle of Least Surprise".
A method name can be a random choice of letters and numbers separated by underscores, with '!', '?' and '=' sprinkled through them, if we chose to do so. They could be randomly created by the code at run time, and, as long as the rest of the code used the same arrangement of characters, the program would run and Ruby would be happy.
We humans, the programmers, determine the name of the methods used, to represent something, a characteristic or an action. Trying to use randomly named methods would lead to madness, or at least a very hard to maintain program. So, instead, we try to use sensible names for things. Sometimes they're verbs or adjectives, sometimes they're more descriptive because the method does several things.
As part of that naming, sometimes we want to provide additional hints about the behavior of the method. By convention in Ruby, we use "!" to warn the coder that the method changes something or is destructive. "=" indicates the method takes a parameter and assigns it to the receiver/object. It's a setter method and in many other languages it'd be idiomatic to use "set_flag..." or "set_value..." as the name. It's just a convention in that language, and followed by developers in the language.
We use "?" in Ruby to ask a question about an object, whether it is, or isn't, true about that object. We could say "is_true?" or "true?" and indicate we are testing whether something is true about it. If it's true, or false, it's a Boolean response so we return a true/false value.

Why can't a variable name end with `?` while a method name can?

A method name can end with a question mark ?
def has_completed?
return count > 10
but a variable name cannot.
What is the reason for that? Isn't it convenient to have variable names ending the same way too? Given that we usually can't tell whether foobar is a method or a variable just by looking at the name foobar anyway, why the exception for the ? case?
And how should I work with this? Maybe always to use has or is in the code?
if process_has_completed
if user_is_using_console
You'd have to ask Matz to get an authoritative answer. However,
Ruby is an untyped programming language and a variable like finished? would imply a specific type (boolean) which appears somewhat contradictory to me.
A question somewhat requires a receiver (who can answer the question). A method must have a receiver (the object the method is called on), so a question mark makes sense. A variable on the other hand has no receiver, it's a mere container.
Now this is just a thought, but I think methods with names like empty? suggest that a some sort of check has to be made inside and object or a class (depending on the context). This check or evaluation means an action must be done. Overall, since we are asking (thus, ?) object for some state, means there is a possibility that object's state could change throughout the application's lifecycle. A variable could be outdated, but ?-method (check) will be done in the specific moment, thus providing an up-to-date information on some state that could be presented in a boolean form.
So I'd like to think that this is a design constraint provided by the architect (Matz) to enforce a more logical, close-to-real-life coding approach.

What does 'Monkey Patching' exactly Mean in Ruby?

According to Wikipedia, a monkey patch is:
a way to extend or modify the runtime
code of dynamic languages [...]
without altering the original source
The following statement from the same entry confused me:
In Ruby, the term monkey patch was
misunderstood to mean any dynamic
modification to a class and is often
used as a synonym for dynamically
modifying any class at runtime.
I would like to know the exact meaning of monkey patching in Ruby. Is it doing something like the following, or is it something else?
class String
def foo
The best explanation I heard for Monkey patching/Duck-punching is by Patrick Ewing in RailsConf 2007
...if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a duck, right? So
if this duck is not giving you the noise that you want, you’ve got to
just punch that duck until it returns what you expect.
The short answer is that there is no "exact" meaning, because it's a novel term, and different folks use it differently. That much at least can be discerned from the Wikipedia article. There are some who insist that it only applies to "runtime" code (built-in classes, I suppose) while some would use it to refer to the run-time modification of any class.
Personally, I prefer the more inclusive definition. After all, if we were to use the term for modification of built-in classes only, how would we refer to the run-time modification of all the other classes? The important thing to me is that there's a difference between the source code and the actual running class.
In Ruby, the term monkey patch was
misunderstood to mean any dynamic
modification to a class and is often
used as a synonym for dynamically
modifying any class at runtime.
The above statement asserts that the Ruby usage is incorrect - but terms evolve, and that's not always a bad thing.
Monkey patching is when you replace methods of a class at runtime (not adding new methods as others have described).
In addition to being a very un-obvious and difficult to debug way to change code, it doesn't scale; as more and more modules start monkey patching methods, the likelihood of the changes stomping each other grow.
You are correct; it's when you modify or extend an existing class rather than subclass it.
This is monkey patching:
class Float
def self.times(&block)
self.to_i.times { |i| yield(i) }
remainder = self - self.to_i
yield(remainder) if remainder > 0.0
Now I imagine this might be useful sometimes, but imagine if you saw routine.
def my_method(my_special_number)
sum = 0
my_special_number.times { |num| sum << some_val ** num }
And it breaks only occasionally when it gets called. To those paying attention you already know why, but imagine that you didn't know about the float type having a .times class-method and you automatically assumed that my_special_number is an integer. Every time the parameter is a whole number, integer or float, it would work fine (whole ints are passed back except when there is a floating-point remainder). But pass a number with anything in the decimal area in and it'll break for sure!
Just imagine how often this might happen with your gems, Rails plugins, and even by your own co-workers in your projects. If there's one or two little methods in there like this and it could take some time to find and correct.
If you wonder why it breaks, note that sum is an integer and a floating-point remainder could be passed back; in addition, the exponential sign only works when types are the same. So you might think it's fixed, because you converted bother numbers to floats ... only to find that the sum can't take the floating-point result.
In Python monkeypatching is referred to a lot as a sign of embarrassment: "I had to monkeypatch this class because..." (I encountered it first when dealing with Zope, which the article mentions). It's used to say that it was necessary to take hold of an upstream class and fix it at runtime instead of lobbying to have the unwanted behaviors fixed in the actual class or fixing them in a subclass. In my experience Ruby people don't talk about monkeypatching that much, because it's not considered especially bad or even noteworthy (hence "duck punching"). Obviously you have to be careful about changing the return values of a method that will be used in other dependencies, but adding methods to a class the way that active_support and facets do is perfectly safe.
Update 10 years later: I would amend the last sentence to say "is relatively safe". Extending a core library class with new methods can lead to problems if somebody else gets the same idea and adds the same method with a different implementation or method signature, or if people confuse extended methods for core language functionality. Both cases often happen in Ruby (especially regarding active_support methods).
Explanation of the concept without code:
It means you can "dynamically" modify code. Wanna add a method "dynamically" to a particular class known only at "runtime"? No problem. It's powerful, yes: but can be misused. The concept "dynamically" might be a little too esoteric to understand, so I have prepared an example below (no code, I promise):
How to monkey patch a car:
Normal Car Operations
How do you normally start a car? It’s simple: you turn the ignition, the car starts!
Great, but how can we "monkey patch" the car class?
This is what Fabrizzio did to poor Michael Corleone. Normally, if you want to change how a car operates, you would have to make those changes in the car manufacturing plant (i.e. at "compile" time, within the Car class ^**). Fabrizzio ain't got no time for that: he monkey patches cars by getting under the bonnet to surreptitiously and sneakily rewire things. In other words, he re-opens the Car class, makes the changes he wants, and he's done: he's just monkey patched a car. he done this "dynamically".
You have to really know what you are doing when you monkey patch otherwise the results could be quite explosive.
“Fabrizzio, where are you going?”
Like Confucius Say:
"Keep your source code close, but your monkey patches closer."
It can be dangerous.
^** yes i know, dynamic languages.
Usually it is meant about ad-hoc changes, using Ruby open classes, frequently with low quality code.
Here's a good follow-up on the subject.
