Run script on mac prompt "Permission denied" - macos

I'm new to mac with not familiar on terminal command, i put the dvtcolorconvert.rb file on root directory of my volume, this ruby script can converting xcode 3 themes into xcode 4 themes format, which is xxxxxxxx.dvtcolortheme format.
Then run the script /dvtcolorconvert.rb ~/Themes/ObsidianCode.xccolortheme on terminal, but it's always prompt "Permission denied".
what's wrong with this? Anybody can help me solve this problem? Thanks.

Did you give yourself the rights to execute the script?
The following command as super user will do this for you:
sudo chmod 755 'filename'
For details you should read the man page of chmod.

Please read the whole answer before attempting to run with sudo
Try running sudo /dvtcolorconvert.rb ~/Themes/ObsidianCode.xccolortheme
The sudo command executes the commands which follow it with 'superuser' or 'root' privileges. This should allow you to execute almost anything from the command line. That said, DON'T DO THIS! If you are running a script on your computer and don't need it to access core components of your operating system (I'm guessing you're not since you are invoking the script on something inside your home directory (~/)), then it should be running from your home directory, ie:
~/dvtcolorconvert.rb ~/Themes/ObsidianCode.xccolortheme
Move it to ~/ or a sub directory and execute from there. You should never have permission issues there and there wont be a risk of it accessing or modifying anything critical to your OS.
If you are still having problems you can check the permissions on the file by running ls -l while in the same directory as the ruby script. You will get something like this:
$ ls -l
total 13
drwxr-xr-x 4 or019268 Administ 12288 Apr 10 18:14 TestWizard
drwxr-xr-x 4 or019268 Administ 4096 Aug 27 12:41 Wizard.Controls
drwxr-xr-x 5 or019268 Administ 8192 Sep 5 00:03 Wizard.UI
-rw-r--r-- 1 or019268 Administ 1375 Sep 5 00:03 readme.txt
You will notice that the readme.txt file says -rw-r--r-- on the left. This shows the permissions for that file. The 9 characters from the right can be split into groups of 3 characters of 'rwx' (read, write, execute). If I want to add execute rights to this file I would execute chmod 755 readme.txt and that permissions portion would become rwxr-xr-x. I can now execute this file if I want to by running ./readme.txt (./ tells the bash to look in the current directory for the intended command rather that search the $PATH variable).
schluchc alludes to looking at the man page for chmod, do this by running man chmod. This is the best way to get documentation on a given command, man <command>

In my case, I had made a stupid typo in the shebang.
So in case someone else on with fat fingers stumbles across this question:
Whoops: #!/usr/local/bin ruby
I meant to write: #!/usr/bin/env ruby
The vague error ZSH gives sent me down the wrong path:
ZSH: zsh: permission denied: ./foo.rb
Bash: bash: ./foo.rb: /usr/local/bin: bad interpreter: Permission denied

You should run the script as 'superuser', just add 'sudo' in front of the command and type your password when prompted.
So try:
sudo /dvtcolorconvert.rb ~/Themes/ObsidianCode.xccolortheme
If this doesn't work, try adapting the permissions:
sudo chmod 755 /dvtcolorconvert.rb
sudo chmod 755 ~/Themes/ObsidianCode.xccolortheme

To run in the administrator mode in mac
sudo su

use source before file name,,
like my file which i want to run from terminal is ./jay/bin/activate
so i used command "source ./jay/bin/activate"

Check the permissions on your Ruby script (may not have execute permission), your theme file and directory (in case it can't read the theme or tries to create other themes in there), and the directory you're in when you run the script (in case it makes temporary files in the current directory rather then /tmp).
Any one of them could be causing you grief.


Terminal error: zsh: permission denied: ./

I am running a command
./ nginx:start
and I am getting this error message
zsh: permission denied: ./
why could this be happening?
Be sure to give it the execution permission.
cd ~/the/script/folder
chmod +x ./
This will give exec permission to user, group and other, so beware of possible security issues. To restrict permission to a single access class, you can use:
chmod u+x ./
This will grant exec permission only to user
For reference
Alternatively you can use bash:
Then you don't need execution permission.
In MacOS Catalina, Apple has replaced bash with zsh as default shell. This can mean, that they intend to remove bash in the future, so this might not be an option later, but with Catalina it still works.
Starting with macOS Catalina,
Your Mac uses zsh as the default login shell and interactive shell. You can make zsh the default in earlier versions of macOS as well.
How to change your default shell
Whether your user account is configured to use zsh (recommended), bash, or another shell, you can change the default shell from Users & Groups preferences or the command line.
From Users & Groups preferences
Choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, then click Users & Groups.
Click the lock , then enter your account name and password.
Control-click your user name in the list of users on the left, then choose Advanced Options.
Choose a shell from the ”Login shell” menu, then click OK to save the changes.
Follow link for more details -
You need to grant execution permission to your file. Here's a way to do that.
Navigate to the folder that contains your file and run this command-
chmod 755 <filename>
The three digits of the number 755 represent permissions for the three types of users- Owner, Group, and Others.
So, 755 represents-
Digit (octal)
Thus this command gives all three permissions- read, write and executable to the owner, while only read and executable to group and others.
More details about permissions in MacOS/Linux are discussed here-
Another annoying error can be n typo in the sh script.
In the following example, the ZSH error message does confusing. ZSH does tell you zsh: permission denied: But you have access rights to your script. The issue is the invalid Shebang line in the script:
#!/usr/local/bin sh
The right Shebang line can be e.g.:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
Below worked for me but I don't know why.
My file permissions before making the below change were -rwxr-xr-x. Even though I had the execute permission but still i got the permission denied error.
I am using vs code editor. I executed chmod +x filename and the file permissions still remained the same. The only difference this time was that I was able to run the file. Something changed about the file but it's not visible. The reason why I say it's not visible is that in the source control tab of my editor, my new file and old file looked 100% the same. If I stash my changes and execute the file then again same error.
I don't know why and how it worked but it's worth a try.
I will be more than happy if someone can explain the reason to me why it did not work earlier as I had the same permissions? Also, what changed in my file which is not visible to me?
add sudo before command start, will save your time like
sudo anyTemninalCommand

Permission Denied on editing .bash_profile?

I am trying to set adb path so I can access it easily from any directory.To set the path I am trying to edit the .bash_profile to insert the following line :
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/anshulsinghla/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/
Command I use to open file: open -e .bash_profile
But I always get a prompt saying "You Don't own the file .bash_profile and don't have permission to write to it. You can duplicate this document and edit the duplicate.Only the duplicate will include your changes".
I tried checking the who is the owner and what permission do they have with following command :
ls -la ~ | grep bash
-rw------- 1 anshulsinghla staff 6820 Jun 22 10:09 .bash_history
-rw-r--r-- 1 anshulsinghla staff 659 Jun 22 10:11 .bash_profile
It clearly shows I am the owner of the file and I do have read/write permissions but why it never let me edit the file, someone please help me.
All the diagnostics have been using ~, so try:
open -e ~/.bash_profile
What did we learn from this? When diagnosing an error, always use exactly the same filename as was used in the error.
The original command did not try to edit .bash_profile in your home directory, yet in the comments everyone was looking at your home directory.

Why do my setuid root bash shell scripts not work?

I created this simple script to allow the user to remove files created by the web server in his home directory without giving him "su". Both scripts are set with "chmod 4750".
The craziest thing is that they DID work and now they don't. Here's the scripts:
# Ask for directory to delete
echo "Enter the file or directory you would like to delete, the assumed path is /home/user"
rm -rf /home/user/"$DIRECTORY"
echo "Deleting /home/user/$DIRECTORY ..."
exit 0
# Reset permissions
echo "Resetting the ownership of the contents of /home/user to user."
chown -R user /home/user
exit 0
I will make them a little more advanced and work for multiple users but right now I cannot even get the simple version to work. It works when run as root of course. It used to work when run as user 'user' but now it doesn't. I get this:
Enter the file or directory you would like to delete, the assumed path is /home/user/[your input]
rm: cannot remove ‘/home/user/test-dir/test-file’: Permission denied
Deleting /home/user/test-dir ...
chown: changing ownership of ‘/home/user/test-dir’: Operation not permitted
What can possibly be the problem?
-rwsr-x--- 1 root user 291 Nov 6 05:23
-rwsr-x--- 1 root user 177 Nov 6 05:45
There is a pretty comprehansive answer at
Bottom line is that there are two main points against it:
A race condition between when the Kernel opens the file to find which interpreter it should execute and when the interpreter opens the file to read the script.
Shell scripts which execute many external programs without proper checks can be fooled into executing the wrong program (e.g. using malicious PATH), or expand variables in a broken way (e.g. having white space in variable values), and generally it has less control on how well the external programs it executes handle the input.
Historically, there was a famous bug in the original Bourne shell (at least on 4.2BSD, which is where I saw this in action) which allowed anyone to get interactive root shell by creating a symlink called -i to a suid shell script. That's possibly the original trigger for this being prohibited.
EDIT: To answer "How do I fix it" - configure sudo to allow users to execute only these scripts as user root, and perhaps use a trick like in to find the original user's name and force operation on their own home directory, instead of letting them pass in any arbitrary input (i.e. in their current state, nothing in the scripts you include in your question prevents user1 from executing the scripts and passing them users2's directory, or any directory for that matter)

Terminal issue my desktop has permission -rwxr-xr-x

So I did a command
sudo cp myfile /Desktop
my file was an executable and It changed my desktop to be an executable I need to reset to be a directory with permissions drwxrwxr-x+
Can someone please help Thanks
I think the correct command to change permissions on a file/folder is chmod or you could reset to default using umask (but I'm not sure about how to use this as well)

rc.common not run on mac os x

I want to run a shell script on startup
by google ,I found that I could add shell in rc.common
so I added the code below at the end of rc.common
is it a permission problem?
## rc.common test ##
touch ~/test.txt
reboot,there is no test.txt in my user fold
when I test it in terminal manualy ,it's ok
ls -l /etc/rc.common
-rw-r--r-- 1 guirong wheel 1737 3 30 22:36 /etc/rc.common
where is the problem? my system verison is 10.7.3
is it not ran by default in os x?
Just as an added bit of information about what was happening; /etc/rc.common runs as root, so when you were touching the file at ~/test.txt it would have been ending up in /var/root (the root user's home directory)
If you want the script to be run only for the current user, you should use ~/.bashrc instead
Later edit: I misread your question. If you want something to run at startup, you should look into launchd here
