Terminal issue my desktop has permission -rwxr-xr-x - macos

So I did a command
sudo cp myfile /Desktop
my file was an executable and It changed my desktop to be an executable I need to reset to be a directory with permissions drwxrwxr-x+
Can someone please help Thanks

I think the correct command to change permissions on a file/folder is chmod or you could reset to default using umask (but I'm not sure about how to use this as well)


Visual Studio Code always asks for sudo permissions

Ok, so I've got a problem with VSCode where every time I try to save a file it asks me for sudo permission and it's really annoying and I can't make folders or files directly in the IDE. Can please someone help me?
Screenshot from VSCode
The running instance of VS Code doesn't seem to have write permission to the file you wish to save.
Since the file is in the directory of user uteu3, first make sure that it is user uteu3 that has started VS Code (it probably is, if uteu3 is the user logged into the system).
make sure uteu3 is the owner of the file and change the permissions by opening a terminal and executing:
sudo chown uteu3 filename && sudo chmod 664 filename
(Replace filename with actual path+name to the file.)
If this doesn't solve the problem, please execute the following two lines in a terminal and provide the output:
ps aux | grep visual-studio-code
stat -f '%A %a %N' filename
Since you indicate that this happens repeatedly also with other files, maybe several of the file permissions in your home directory are problematic. In that case, consider trying to fix them all. See for example: Need to fix file permissions in a user's home directory

VScode unable to save files inside my WSL2 home folder

I'm trying to make WSL2 work for my web projects development and this is driving me crazy!
Basically, i have two options.
1. Save my project files into c drive and access those with WSL (which makes the responses extremelly slow)
2. save my project files into /home/ which makes the project run super smooth, but i'm unable to edit those files with VSCode.
The error that is what follows:
Failed to save 'DefaultSeeder.php': Unable to write file 'vscode-remote://wsl+ubuntu-20.04/home/lucas/Projetos/API/src/database/seeds/DefaultSeeder.php' (NoPermissions (FileSystemError): Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/home/lucas/Projetos/API/src/database/seeds/DefaultSeeder.php')
Here is another command to provide your user with sufficient permissions to write to files:
sudo chown -R myuser /path/to/folder
From https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-remote-release/issues/1008
Well, turns out I was being stupid and posted a stupid question.
After many hours trying to make this damn thing work, I was able to do so, by setting the ownership of the folder to my user.
Here is the shell snippet to change the ownership to the current logged in user:
$ sudo find /~~folder-path~~/ -type d -user root -exec sudo chown -R $USER: {} +~
This solved it for me
sudo find /home/ -type d -user root -exec sudo chown -R $USER: {} \;
I had the same problem and spent hours to find this working solution.
For me, it seems to be right one because it doesn't produce problems with 1. too generous file permissions sent to git afterwards and 2. change ubuntu config to fit windows environment (coupling to windows user).
I found the source of this solution on github. Thanks to saltazaur!
Steps to solve the problem:
Reset (or reinstall) the Ubuntu distro via Windows "Programs and Features"
Note: If you have data in your home directory already, copy it to windows before
Open Ubuntu & follow initial setup (create user)
Add file "/etc/wsl.conf" with:
cd /etc
sudo touch wsl.conf
sudo nano wsl.conf
copy and paste the content from microsoft docs
save with CTRL+X > "Y" > ENTER
restart wsl (or windows, to be sure ;))
At next startup of ubuntu, the settings in wsl.conf will be applied.
The important part in this case is the following line:
options = "metadata,umask=22,fmask=11"
It sets, that all newly created files will use umask 22 (chmod 775) and fmask 11 (chmod 644)
This settings also applies for IDEs like VSCode & PHPStorm.
Happy coding - finally! ^^
In my case, I cannot edit/delete any file directly by File Explorer too, not just VSCode.
After opening Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS on Windows, run
sudo chown -R my_username my_folder
Note the my_username is the username in the Ubuntu.
This solves my issue.
I've managed to solve this issue as follows:
"Run as administrator" the VS Code
and then open folder -> locate the working folder.
It worked fine for me.

mkdir/cp in Mac terminal gives "Permission denied" error

I'm trying to copy a directory in terminal from the Downloads directory to a sub-directory within the Applications/ directory, and I keep getting "Permission denied" error. Why is this so?
ls -lt
to see access permission of the folder you want copy file into
then use
chmod 777 your_folder_name
to change the access permissions of the folder
If you "right-click -> Get info" the Applications folder you will notice that the permissions for the Applications folder are Read/Write for 'system' or 'admin'. For 'everyone' it's Read-only. If you are not an admin you need to use 'sudo cp -R Downloads/___Test /Applications'. Obviously, you need to enter a password.
MacOS prevents interaction with downloaded files until you confirm that they are safe. You can effectively do this programmatically by running:
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine ~/Downloads/your_file_here
Then you should be able to copy the file.

Run script on mac prompt "Permission denied"

I'm new to mac with not familiar on terminal command, i put the dvtcolorconvert.rb file on root directory of my volume, this ruby script can converting xcode 3 themes into xcode 4 themes format, which is xxxxxxxx.dvtcolortheme format.
Then run the script /dvtcolorconvert.rb ~/Themes/ObsidianCode.xccolortheme on terminal, but it's always prompt "Permission denied".
what's wrong with this? Anybody can help me solve this problem? Thanks.
Did you give yourself the rights to execute the script?
The following command as super user will do this for you:
sudo chmod 755 'filename'
For details you should read the man page of chmod.
Please read the whole answer before attempting to run with sudo
Try running sudo /dvtcolorconvert.rb ~/Themes/ObsidianCode.xccolortheme
The sudo command executes the commands which follow it with 'superuser' or 'root' privileges. This should allow you to execute almost anything from the command line. That said, DON'T DO THIS! If you are running a script on your computer and don't need it to access core components of your operating system (I'm guessing you're not since you are invoking the script on something inside your home directory (~/)), then it should be running from your home directory, ie:
~/dvtcolorconvert.rb ~/Themes/ObsidianCode.xccolortheme
Move it to ~/ or a sub directory and execute from there. You should never have permission issues there and there wont be a risk of it accessing or modifying anything critical to your OS.
If you are still having problems you can check the permissions on the file by running ls -l while in the same directory as the ruby script. You will get something like this:
$ ls -l
total 13
drwxr-xr-x 4 or019268 Administ 12288 Apr 10 18:14 TestWizard
drwxr-xr-x 4 or019268 Administ 4096 Aug 27 12:41 Wizard.Controls
drwxr-xr-x 5 or019268 Administ 8192 Sep 5 00:03 Wizard.UI
-rw-r--r-- 1 or019268 Administ 1375 Sep 5 00:03 readme.txt
You will notice that the readme.txt file says -rw-r--r-- on the left. This shows the permissions for that file. The 9 characters from the right can be split into groups of 3 characters of 'rwx' (read, write, execute). If I want to add execute rights to this file I would execute chmod 755 readme.txt and that permissions portion would become rwxr-xr-x. I can now execute this file if I want to by running ./readme.txt (./ tells the bash to look in the current directory for the intended command rather that search the $PATH variable).
schluchc alludes to looking at the man page for chmod, do this by running man chmod. This is the best way to get documentation on a given command, man <command>
In my case, I had made a stupid typo in the shebang.
So in case someone else on with fat fingers stumbles across this question:
Whoops: #!/usr/local/bin ruby
I meant to write: #!/usr/bin/env ruby
The vague error ZSH gives sent me down the wrong path:
ZSH: zsh: permission denied: ./foo.rb
Bash: bash: ./foo.rb: /usr/local/bin: bad interpreter: Permission denied
You should run the script as 'superuser', just add 'sudo' in front of the command and type your password when prompted.
So try:
sudo /dvtcolorconvert.rb ~/Themes/ObsidianCode.xccolortheme
If this doesn't work, try adapting the permissions:
sudo chmod 755 /dvtcolorconvert.rb
sudo chmod 755 ~/Themes/ObsidianCode.xccolortheme
To run in the administrator mode in mac
sudo su
use source before file name,,
like my file which i want to run from terminal is ./jay/bin/activate
so i used command "source ./jay/bin/activate"
Check the permissions on your Ruby script (may not have execute permission), your theme file and directory (in case it can't read the theme or tries to create other themes in there), and the directory you're in when you run the script (in case it makes temporary files in the current directory rather then /tmp).
Any one of them could be causing you grief.

xampp htdocs permission problem OSX

I just installed XAMPP on OSX. I can't add folder on the htdocs via Finder. I can add a folder via the terminal using sudo mkdir foldername. However I want to add folder by not using the sudo command.
I execute ls -ld htdocs and got this output:
drwxr-xr-x# 7 root admin 238 Sep 13 14:11 .htdocs
How do I add myaccount so that I can create folder without having to use sudo? I'm really confused on the use of chown or chmod.
The .htdocs directory belongs to root, which means, as a simple user, you can't modify anything in without using sudo.
Try changing the ownership of that folder, or change permissions on it : chmod 757 .htdocs.( rwx r-x rwx ).
After that you might be able to create a directory in it, either from the command line, or via the Finder.
