Not receiving pushes in xtify GCM sample app - xtify

I have built the xtify sample app and installed it on a device. Through the xtify console, I can see that my device is registered. When I use the "Test Implementation" feature of the xtify console, I receive the message.
However, broadcasts (both simple and rich) sent via the PushPoint Manager and the TARGET Manager are not being received.
When I hit the "Update Location" button in the sample app, I receive the rich pushes... shouldn't I be able to get the pushes even when the app isn't running?


Parse Push Notification on Amazon Fire TV only received upon app restart

About a week ago, I began noticing my Android app stopped receiving Parse push notifications, but received just one notification (even if there were more than one) upon app restart.
Since then, I've updated to SDK 1.10.3 (from 1.10.1) and I'm still using PPNS 1.10.1 since 1.10.3 doesn't have a PPNS jar and the Amazon Fire OS doesn't support GCM. However, I'm still experiencing the same issue.
Here is the related logs upon app starting up:
V/PPNSService: Received request to start service if required
D/com.parse.push: successfully subscribed to the broadcast channel.
V/com.parse.PushConnection: PushConnection transitioning from com.parse.PushConnection$WaitStartState#4112f5f8 to com.parse.PushConnection$ConnectState#41150560
V/com.parse.PushConnection: PushConnection transitioning from com.parse.PushConnection$ConnectState#41150560 to com.parse.PushConnection$ConnectedState#419cca40
E/message: {"action":"com.familiair.display.UPDATE_STATUS","old_channel_id":43,"push_hash":"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e","type":"channel","new_channel_id":44}
The last log line is my app printing out the message of the push notification, so the device is definitely receiving push notifications, just only the first one on app start. I have been manually sending push notifications from the Push dashboard. The fact that I'm still receiving one push notification upon app start means that there's nothing wrong with the push message and that it's targeting the correct device.
The push dashboard says it successfully delivered the push notification. Before this week, all push notifications were being received on my Amazon Fire TV devices.
Any help would be appreciated.

How do I get my Arduino Yún to receive push notifications with

I followed the Quick Start Guide to set up receiving Parse Push notifications on my Arduino Yún.
I'm using the Yún embedded SDK 1.0.3-1.
It only works once, on reboot or whenever .setup() is called.
Afterwards, receiving pushes does not work, regardless of whether I'm sending from either the dashboard or a javascript client.

How is whatsapp fetching message in background in windows phone?

After the latest update of Whatsapp on Widows Phone Store, I have noticed that now, once they show the toast of message on my device, then they mark the message as delivered (notify the sender that the message has reached my device).
After I let the toast notification go away, I switched off all my data connection and opened Whatsapp and found that that particular message in my app. This is happening consistently on both wp7 and wp8 device. This was happening even when I had disabled background agent! Beside background agent of an app does not run all the time.
So my questions is, on windows phone platform, where the app is not allowed to run in background all the time, how is Whatsapp application getting those messages? Is it using any particular api/hack to get(in app) those messages when it's not on foreground.
The question you have asked has two parts: one for wp7 and the other for wp8. I will anser each one by one.
Windows phone 7
Based on my research, I have found that whatsapp is still using audio streaming api on wp7 devices to stream messages in the background i.e. when the app is not running. Whatsapp was criticized of using this API as constantly using this causes battery drainage as well as hampers the music experience of the user.
Windows Phone 8
Once whatsapp moved to wp8 they stopped using the Audio API and moved to VOIP API. Note that whatsapp doesn't use VOIP for any purpose but their manifest shows usage of VOIP api, and after reading many articles I have come to the conclusion that they are using this API to activate background agent and pool messages in the background.
While sending raw push of type 4, the background agent for VOIP is activated in which you can practically do anything from reading the payload to establishing a new socket connection subjected to restriction on usage of certain APIs
I have also found out that even if a user disables bg agents for an app some essential bg agent still continue to run for eg bg agents in audio stream API and VOIP API.
I hope this answers your question.
Go through this link
Push notification for Windows Phone
What will help you to understand is
The server maintains a maximum of 30 notifications (regardless of type) for each URI. Once the limit of 30 is reached, all new messages sent to the server are discarded until the device reconnects and the queue can be flushed.
In windows phone there is something called raw notifications, these are different from push notifications, push notifications display a notification, but raw notifications triggers a background task that can run under certain api restrictions for about 15 seconds. (I think, I'm not sure about the time duration), I think what whatsapp does is that it downloads the message and saves it in a local database which is maintained in the device. When whatsapp is opened it will read the local database and also sync with the server.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

Does Apple keep sending notifications after they have been disabled?

It is widely known that you can disable the reception of Apple notifications from the applications that allow it. But does anyone know if the disabling is made locally (ignoring the notifications Apple sends to the app), or does Apple stop sending you notifications from it's servers?
I've finally discovered in depth how Apple Push Notifications work: if you disable the notifications on one app, Apple does not know of this behavior instantly, so it keeps sending notifications to the device whenever they are created. These notifications will try to reach your app, but instead they will be sent back to Apple with an error code. That feedback will be sent to your servers (the ones that order Apple to distribute your app notifications). You will have to check that information regularly so that if one device has returned a certain amount of "errors", it means that the user has disabled the notifications (or has even uninstalled the app)
Further information: Local and Push Notification Programming Guide

How to Use Apple Push Notification?

I am completed my App but i want to add push notification into my application, i installed the SSL certificate and also build the app and get the ipa file...
But i have a doubt that is how the apple pushes the Notification to My Device? How to change the Alert Message from Apple? Where the code written to Customize our Push Notification message? Is it Client side Or server side..?
I suggest reading this carefully first and when you run into problems you ask them here.
Push Notifications programming guide
You need a push notification server in order to be able to send push notes to your application. Push notification server tutorial
