About a week ago, I began noticing my Android app stopped receiving Parse push notifications, but received just one notification (even if there were more than one) upon app restart.
Since then, I've updated to SDK 1.10.3 (from 1.10.1) and I'm still using PPNS 1.10.1 since 1.10.3 doesn't have a PPNS jar and the Amazon Fire OS doesn't support GCM. However, I'm still experiencing the same issue.
Here is the related logs upon app starting up:
V/PPNSService: Received request to start service if required
D/com.parse.push: successfully subscribed to the broadcast channel.
V/com.parse.PushConnection: PushConnection transitioning from com.parse.PushConnection$WaitStartState#4112f5f8 to com.parse.PushConnection$ConnectState#41150560
V/com.parse.PushConnection: PushConnection transitioning from com.parse.PushConnection$ConnectState#41150560 to com.parse.PushConnection$ConnectedState#419cca40
E/message: {"action":"com.familiair.display.UPDATE_STATUS","old_channel_id":43,"push_hash":"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e","type":"channel","new_channel_id":44}
The last log line is my app printing out the message of the push notification, so the device is definitely receiving push notifications, just only the first one on app start. I have been manually sending push notifications from the Push dashboard. The fact that I'm still receiving one push notification upon app start means that there's nothing wrong with the push message and that it's targeting the correct device.
The push dashboard says it successfully delivered the push notification. Before this week, all push notifications were being received on my Amazon Fire TV devices.
Any help would be appreciated.
The triggered notifications are not receiving in to the android devices, and these scenario's are failing to receive the notification.
1) When the Android/iOS mobile app doesn't has the internet but notifications are triggered from the FCM Console or FCM Api(We developed the api to trigger notifications). Few minutes later Android/iOS mobile app get internet access, immediately Android/iOS mobile app should get all triggered notifications. But Android mobile app doesn't receive the any notifications, iOS mobile app able to receive the all notifications.
2) We have Scheduler to schedule the notifications by Daily basis, the android mobile app is not receiving the scheduled notifications from the FCM Server, but iOS mobile app received all scheduled notifications from the FCM Server.
Kindly requesting you please help me to resolve these scenario.
Let me know if you require more information on my side.
Push notifications are managed by firebase service for Android. Google software decides how to queue and when to push notifications to the device. If you are pushing iOS notifications through firebase, Apple service decides when to push notifications to the device. That means that these services doesn't have to follow the same pattern. The real question is if all notifications are received finally by android device or not. If all there is no error in your code. What you can do is to set higher priority for android notifications. Google service takes in count traffic, battery state and several other factors when sending notifications to device. If Android device does not receive any notifications during lets say 1 hr, you should revisit your code.
we are using Amazon Simple Push Notifications to push the notifications to APNS. We had our app certificate changed around December 2015 and missed out to update in AWS. Thus, the notifications is failed to deliver to user.
We update the certificate in AWS in June 2016 and we had user complaints that he received a lot of notifications. After we troubleshoot, we found that the notifications that user received is the notifications we sent between December 2015 to May 2016 but this should not happening as the notifications should be failed to deliver to user.
We had check with AWS and they mentioned that their services is to deliver the message to APNS and nothing much can do from their end.
Thus, we would like to request for help to troubleshoot for this issue.
There are few questions we would like to ask:
1. How long is the notifications will be cache if it do not able to deliver to user?
2. Is the notifications services have any retry mechanism?
3. Anyway we can reset/kill all notifications that we have sent to APNS?
4. Any possible scenario that the notifications will be keep for half year long?
We tried to use the following steps to reproduce the issue but we not able to reproduce the issue.
Revoke the push notifications certificate in app configuration.
Send few notifications.
Update the new push notifications certificate.
Test if the notifications sent after push notification is revoked will be received by user.
I followed the Quick Start Guide to set up receiving Parse Push notifications on my Arduino Yún.
I'm using the Yún embedded SDK 1.0.3-1.
It only works once, on reboot or whenever .setup() is called.
Afterwards, receiving pushes does not work, regardless of whether I'm sending from either the dashboard or a javascript client.
It is widely known that you can disable the reception of Apple notifications from the applications that allow it. But does anyone know if the disabling is made locally (ignoring the notifications Apple sends to the app), or does Apple stop sending you notifications from it's servers?
I've finally discovered in depth how Apple Push Notifications work: if you disable the notifications on one app, Apple does not know of this behavior instantly, so it keeps sending notifications to the device whenever they are created. These notifications will try to reach your app, but instead they will be sent back to Apple with an error code. That feedback will be sent to your servers (the ones that order Apple to distribute your app notifications). You will have to check that information regularly so that if one device has returned a certain amount of "errors", it means that the user has disabled the notifications (or has even uninstalled the app)
Further information: Local and Push Notification Programming Guide
I am completed my App but i want to add push notification into my application, i installed the SSL certificate and also build the app and get the ipa file...
But i have a doubt that is how the apple pushes the Notification to My Device? How to change the Alert Message from Apple? Where the code written to Customize our Push Notification message? Is it Client side Or server side..?
I suggest reading this carefully first and when you run into problems you ask them here.
Push Notifications programming guide
You need a push notification server in order to be able to send push notes to your application. Push notification server tutorial