MQ Extended Transactional Client - ibm-mq

Is Extended Transactional Client installed by default? How do I verify if this is installed or not? How do I get this installed?

In previous versions of the MQ client, it certainly wasn't included with the standard client (the Transactional Client had cost / licensing implications).
However from the date of the announcement of WMQ v7.5 onwards it is now included with the Standard clients at v7.0.1 and up.
From the IBM Websphere site
With the availability of WebSphere MQ V7.5 the capability previously
delivered within the Extended Transactional Client is incorporated
into the standard WebSphere MQ client.
And in more detail, here
Wider access to the Extended Transactional Client for all customers
The Extended Transactional Client enables customers to configure their
WebSphere MQ client to participate in a transactional unit of work
when exchanging messages to an MQ server. Use of this client without
charge was previously restricted to customers using WebSphere
Application Server, WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus, or WebSphere
Process Server as the Transaction Manager. With the announcement of
WebSphere MQ V7.5, the Extended Transactional Client is available for
use in all client deployments without additional entitlement. This
includes all supported versions of WebSphere MQ client connecting to
any supported version of WebSphere MQ queue manager.
With the availability of WebSphere MQ V7.5 the capability previously
delivered within the Extended Transactional Client is incorporated
into the standard WebSphere MQ client. Customers using WebSphere MQ
V7.0.1 and WebSphere MQ V7.1 gain the benefit of use of the Extended
Transactional Client without charge from the date of this
announcement. IBM is making available refreshed code including updated
License Information. Customers can realize this benefit through the
download and acceptance of this new License Information.

The XTC component used to be provided separately with the queue manager and required both a license and a separate install step. As of this year, it is free and built into the client. All of the client software downloads have been updated with the XTC capabilities and there is no longer a separate component. To obtain it, just download and install the latest client. Recommended to use the v7.5 client if at all possible but everything from v7.0 and up is available and supported.
V7.0 - SupportPac MQC7
V7.1 - SupportPac MQC71
V7.5 - SupportPac MQC75


Can I upgrade my MQ version to 9.0 while still using WAS 8.5.5?

My employer has an application running on WAS server 8.5.5. It uses MQ client adapter to connect to a MQ setup on version 7. Now my employer is upgrading to version 9 on the MQ but want to retain the WAS server at 8.5.5. Is this possible? In one of the IBM articles I saw the following:
The IBM MQ Version 9.0 resource adapter cannot be deployed into earlier versions of WebSphere Application Server, as these versions are not Java™ EE 7 certified.
If your question is specifically on traditional WAS (rather than Liberty profile), then the answer is yes.
tWAS bundles a level of MQ resource adapter, and this bundled RA inherits the support lifecycle of the application server. [This support does not apply to other versions of the MQ resource adapter that have been manually applied to the tWAS installation, and so using the bundled RA is generally recommended.]
Any supported MQ client can communicate with any supported MQ queue manager, as either side will negotiate the version of MQ communication flows in use down to the mutually appropriate level. This means that the MQ 7.1 resource adapter can communicate with a version 9.0 queue manager, although of course any connections that this client makes will not be eligible to use functionality added to the product after 7.1.

I would like to know if the IBM Websphere MQ Web Console and REST API Licence is extra paid or it is included with the Basic IBM MQ server

I would like to know if the Basic IBM MQ Server licence cost, covers also the IBM Websphere MQ web console and the REST API.
As JoshMc already answered in the comments: The MQ Console and MQ REST API are part of the MQ product.
These components are also not specifically mentioned on the IBM MQ licensing page as a separate product, so it complies to the "All other IBM MQ components from the install media not explicitly mentioned above" rule.

Client jar file version for IBM MQ7 and MQ8

Our product will support IBM MQ7 and MQ8 based on client requirement. Now, we like to know latest client jar version that we may use for our application?
We would like to use JMS 1.1 specification. I have found following link for MQ 7.5 JAR-
Is it sufficient if we use above mentioned client jar to connect MQ 7 and MQ 8 server?
Application will use JRE 1.7 and WAS liberty
If you are using WebSphere Liberty as your application server, then you will need to the MQ JCA Resource Adapter (MQ-RA) to make use of MQ JMS messaging. Liberty (unlike traditional WebSphere Application Server) does not ship a copy of the MQ-RA, but you can download and install one pretty easily and then link to it from within the Liberty server's server.xml configuration file. Here's a link to explain how to do this:
Now, Liberty can use a copy of the WebSphere MQ V7.5.0.5 (or later) Resource Adapter, which only supports the JMS 1.1 API, and the Liberty feature you will want to enable with that version is "wmqJmsClient-1.1".
However, I would suggest you consider the latest version of the IBM MQ-RA (at the time of writing this is V9.0.0.0). The MQ V8.0.0.3 and V9 RAs support both the JMS 1.1 "classic" API as well as the newer 2.0 "simplified" API. Therefore you can use the newer MQ-RA levels but your JMS 1.1 application will still work perfectly fine. If using a V8 or V9 IBM MQ-RA, then the Liberty feature to enable to is "wmqJmsClient-2.0".
The V7.5, V8 and V9 MQ Resource Adapters can connect to any MQ queue manager version; the major or maintenance versions between the JMS client and the MQ server do not need to match.
For reference, here are a couple of links I recommend reading over as well:
I hope this helps!

Can IBM Websphere MQ client be used without installing

I want to use IBM Websphere MQ client v7.5. I am writing standalone JMS client application to send and consume messages from the IBM WebsphereMQ server(which is running somewhere else but I have authority to send/receive messages)
I followed steps below:
Installed Websphere MQ client(Free version for 6 months) and did all basic installation.
I copied required Jar to other location/host and wrote a sample JMS application to send/receive messages. I am able to communicate to with the server.
My questions is : Can I use these Jars independently on any host(even in production) for life long or I should buy proper licence, install the client and then use those JARs ?
MQ v8.0.0.4 provides exactly what you want. See here: Look for IBM MQ JMS and Java 'All Client'. Client is free but whoever runs the queue manager must have appropriate licenses.

Does WebSphere Application Server's MQ link facilitate connecting to third party JMS providers

An earlier question on interoperating with MQ Series and a pure open-source solution was answered partly with:
"The one exception is that WebSphere App Server Messaging Engines can interoperate with WMQ. These are pure JMS messaging engines written in Java but they understand the WMQ formats and protocols and appear to WMQ as another QMgr. So if you have WAS you can talk to WMQ without a WMQ client or another QMgr."
The documentation I've read through says that
WebSphere Application Server using WebSphere MQ link can operate with a service integration messaging engine or queue-sharing group.
So as I understand it, if you have WAS and WebSphere MQ link you could connect an WebSphere esb to an exterior MQ Series QMgr and look like a QMgr to that exterior MQ Series QMgr.
Without a WebSphere esb though can WAS act like a MQ QMgr and somehow manage third-party JMS messaging providers like ActiveMQ?
Thanks for any help
I believe you are mixing up capabilities.
WAS can absolutely appear to WMQ as another QMgr when using the WMQ Link. The QMgr appears to WAS in this configuration as another Service Integration Bus.
Service Integration Bus or SIB is the WAS abstraction for a JMS transport provider. It isn't the same thing as IBM's Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) product. Both talk to WMQ but WAS is in no way dependent on the ESB product to do so.
Either WMQ or any other pure JMS transport can be configured in WAS as a Foreign JMS Provider. The administrator points WAS to the JMS classes provided by the transport provider. These can include Active MQ.
There is no concept of WAS seeing WMQ but managing some other transport such as Active MQ. WAS can use normal JMS API calls to interact with Active MQ or any other transport provider. It can also make use of whatever administration API is provided by that transport provider using that provider's administration API. Since both WAS and MQ are IBM products, the integration is a bit tighter between them which is why you can use WMQ natively whereas other JMS transports must be configured as foreign JMS providers.
