Does WebSphere Application Server's MQ link facilitate connecting to third party JMS providers - websphere

An earlier question on interoperating with MQ Series and a pure open-source solution was answered partly with:
"The one exception is that WebSphere App Server Messaging Engines can interoperate with WMQ. These are pure JMS messaging engines written in Java but they understand the WMQ formats and protocols and appear to WMQ as another QMgr. So if you have WAS you can talk to WMQ without a WMQ client or another QMgr."
The documentation I've read through says that
WebSphere Application Server using WebSphere MQ link can operate with a service integration messaging engine or queue-sharing group.
So as I understand it, if you have WAS and WebSphere MQ link you could connect an WebSphere esb to an exterior MQ Series QMgr and look like a QMgr to that exterior MQ Series QMgr.
Without a WebSphere esb though can WAS act like a MQ QMgr and somehow manage third-party JMS messaging providers like ActiveMQ?
Thanks for any help

I believe you are mixing up capabilities.
WAS can absolutely appear to WMQ as another QMgr when using the WMQ Link. The QMgr appears to WAS in this configuration as another Service Integration Bus.
Service Integration Bus or SIB is the WAS abstraction for a JMS transport provider. It isn't the same thing as IBM's Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) product. Both talk to WMQ but WAS is in no way dependent on the ESB product to do so.
Either WMQ or any other pure JMS transport can be configured in WAS as a Foreign JMS Provider. The administrator points WAS to the JMS classes provided by the transport provider. These can include Active MQ.
There is no concept of WAS seeing WMQ but managing some other transport such as Active MQ. WAS can use normal JMS API calls to interact with Active MQ or any other transport provider. It can also make use of whatever administration API is provided by that transport provider using that provider's administration API. Since both WAS and MQ are IBM products, the integration is a bit tighter between them which is why you can use WMQ natively whereas other JMS transports must be configured as foreign JMS providers.


Websphere MQ Server-To-Server-Connection with Apache ActiveMQ possible?

Does Apache Active MQ provide Server-To-Server-Connection as IBM Websphere MQ does?
We currently have Websphere MQ 7.0.1 (CUST) installed to communicate with another remote Websphere MQ Server (GOV), which is not under our control.
The MQs hold a Server-To-Server-Connection via VPN-tunnel. We would like to replace our Websphere MQ with Apache ActiveMQ.
We have one QM-Manager with 4 queues and 3 channels.
OUT (type remote): for sending messages to GOV
QOUT (local type transmission) that is used for OUT
IMP (local): used for receiving from GOV
DLQ: (local): dead letter queue
conch: server connection
CUST_GOV: sender
GOV_CUST: receiver
I read a lot about bridging ActiveMQ to Websphere MQ (Client API, Resource Adapter, OSGi) with Camel.
Looks pretty easy with a Camel route, but this is at least a Client-Server setup.
E. G.
I need something that hides away the IBM proprietary channel stuff.
Now I found this entry:
As this is from 2012 I would like to ask, if anyone successful switched from Websphere MQ to ActiveMQ resp. is it still true that I can only use Client-Server?
ActiveMQ does not support a server-to-server connection to WebsphereMQ. As you mentioned, Camel would probably be the simplest way to get a connection between the two brokers.
To be clear, even if ActiveMQ did implement a bridge with WebsphereMQ it would almost certainly use the WebsphereMQ client so would fundamentally still be a client-server implementation. It's not really clear from your question why you want to avoid this.

Connecting to remote JMS Provider

I am trying to connect to a foreign JMS provider from Websphere Application Server.
Can we connect to a remote JMS provider from Websphere Application Server without using Websphere MQ?
You don't need WebSphere MQ, if your provider supports JMS 1.1 you can configure it as Generic JMS Provider. See the following page as a startnig point: Choosing a messaging provider
Choose a third-party messaging provider. You can use any third-party
messaging provider that supports the JMS Version 1.1 unified
connection factory. You might want to do this, for example, because of
existing investments.
To administer a third-party messaging provider, use the resource adaptor or client supplied by the third party. You can still use the
WebSphere Application Server administrative console to administer the
JMS connection factories and destinations that are within WebSphere
Application Server, but you cannot use the administrative console to
administer the JMS provider itself, or any of its resources that are
outside of WebSphere Application Server.
To use message-driven beans (MDBs), third-party messaging providers must include Application Server Facility (ASF), an optional feature that is part of the JMS Version 1.1 specification, or use an inbound resource adapter that conforms to the Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) Version 1.5 or 1.6 specification.

JMS without a queue

I am not expert in JMS and recently came across a situation in my project where they wanted to use JMS to communicate between applications. Is it possible to make use of JMS without an underlying MQ software like Websphere MQ / TIBCO EMS to communicate asynchronously. My thinking is that just like we use JDBC API to speak to a physical Database product (like Oracle/DB2 DB) underneath, we would use JMS to speak to a physical queue. But my team says just JMS and no queue. Can anyone help me understand? We use Websphere 6.0 server and use spring framework.
Thanks in advance.
You are correct: JMS is solely an interface, it contains no implementation. The comparison with JDBC is quite fitting.
When using JMS you always need a JMS provider. A provider is the JMS implementation, which interfaces a message oriented middleware.
Most application servers have built in JMS providers, so maybe your team meant using JMS without an external provider.
Is it possible to make use of JMS without an underlying MQ software like Websphere MQ / TIBCO EMS to communicate asynchronously
This makes no sense. Few points to note -
JMS is just specs. By specs you can imagine it as set of APIs/interfaces/ method signatures and governing rules.
There are various organization/companies that provide implementation of these APIs.Apache's ActiveMQ,IBM's Websphere MQ or TIBCO EMS are some of the examples.
Now when you say I want to use JMS then you need a JMS compatible server i.e server which understands the rules laid down by specs. This is generally know as MQ server and is provided by the provider.
My thinking is that just like we use JDBC API to speak to a physical Database product (like Oracle/DB2 DB) underneath, we would use JMS to speak to a physical queue. But my team says just JMS and no queue
Two things to note here. When you say you want to use databases and JDBC APIs to communicate JMS comes no where in the picture. Please understand why JMS is used. In short it is used to transfer messages between two decoupled system. What storage type JMS server uses(and if it is configurable) will depend on the provider. Generally all have DB storage type and can be configured to use your DB.
Next JMS has two types of communications - PTP(peer to peer) which uses queues and PUBSUB(publish subscribe) which uses Topics. When you say you are using JMS everything boils down to either of these two and some of it's variants.Now when you say JMS without a queue perhaps your team meant using PUBSUB. But again it is not something you decide randomly and use it in your application. This decision is takes as per what your requirement is as both of them behave differently.
First you will need queues/topics to use JMS.
Second (your team probably means not using WebSphere MQ because my team was saying the same thing)
This diagram in IBM's Red Book will fully answer your question (it is the same as WS6):
page 4.
Probably what you will be using is the WebSphere Default Messaging Provider.

What is Foreign JMS provider? What is the typical role of Weblogic in a JMS application?

Currently I am working on a JMS application. But I use plain JMS API and Property file for configurations. My application is running in Weblogic and connects to MQ series server of my client.
Recently I got to know I can use Weblogic for JMS configurations.
Please explain.
What is "Foreign JMS provider"?
Is Weblogic also a JMS server or Foreign JMS provider or Both?
Weblogic provides the JMS Server features fully compliant with all JMS spec elements such as ConnectionFactory and Destinations. On this JMS Server you can connect and send messages to the client's Messaging Server via a configured Destination.
In addition using Weblogic as the JMS Server gives you lot many features such as Message Retry in case of failure, setting message quotas as well as enhanced monitoring of the JMS Server to track errors. The idea is to have more configuration driven settings for performance, deadlocks, tuning, filestore or database store etc.
A full list of such features is given at
A Foreign JMS Provider in Weblogic is the term used to define JMS implementations other than Weblogic JMS. An example is IBM MQ in your case.
Once the Foreign Provider is configured within Weblogic, for all practical purposes within the code - it can be called as if it was on local JNDI lookup. Weblogic will make the remote calls transparent to your code. This allows you to change your destination via configuration on the Weblogic console.
You will need a Messaging Bridge within Weblogic JMS Server to connect a source destination from which messages are received, and a target destination to which messages are sent.
Some essential reading on this is at:
and an example of configuring IBM MQ as a Foreign Provider is at

How does a message bridge relate to a queue in Weblogic?

We have been discussing this at work and now I am even more confused than ever. As far as I understand it a message bridge is used to talk to a queue in a different domain. Is this correct?
From the Weblogic documentation:
The WebLogic Messaging Bridge is a
forwarding mechanism that provides
interoperability between WebLogic JMS
implementations, and between JMS and
other messaging products. Use the
Messaging Bridge to integrate your
messaging applications between:
Any two implementations of WebLogic JMS, including those from separate
releases of WebLogic Server.
WebLogic JMS implementations that reside in separate WebLogic domains.
WebLogic JMS and a third-party JMS product (for example, MQSeries).
So transferring messages between a queue in one domain and a queue in another is an example of one possible use of a message bridge. The source and destination for your bridge can be queues, topics, or distributed destinations.
