sed: Argument list too long - shell

I have created a script in Unix environment. In the script, I used the sed command as shown below to delete some lines from the file. I want to delete a specified set of lines, not necessarily a simple range, from the file, specified by line numbers.
sed -i "101d; 102d; ... 4930d;" <file_name>
When I execute this it shows the following error:
sed: Arg is too long
Can you please help to resolve this problem?

If you want to delete a contiguous range of lines, you can specify a range of line numbers:
sed -i '101,4930d' file
If you want to delete some arbitrary set of lines that can't easily be expressed as a range, you can put the commands in a file rather than on the command line, and use sed -f.
For example, if foo.sed contains:
then this:
sed -i -f foo.sed file
will delete lines 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 from file. Putting the commands in a file rather than on the command line avoids limits on command line length.
If there's some pattern to the lines you want to delete, you might consider using a more sophisticated tool such as Awk or Perl.

I had this exact same problem.
I originally put the giant sed command sed -i "101d; 102d; ... 4930d;" <file_name> in a file and tried to execute as a bash script.
To fix - put only the deletion commands in a file and run that file as a sed script. I was able to execute 18,193 deletion commands that had failed to run before.
sed -i -f to_delete.sed input_file

With awk:
awk ' NR < 101 || NR > 4930 { print } ' input_file

This might work for you (GNU sed and awk):
cat <<\! >/tmp/a
> 2
> 4
> 6
> 8
> !
seq 10 >/tmp/b
sed 's/$/d/' /tmp/a | sed -f - /tmp/b
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next};FNR in a{next};1' /tmp/{a,b}


Delete the 3 last line of my txt with bash? [duplicate]

I want to remove some n lines from the end of a file. Can this be done using sed?
For example, to remove lines from 2 to 4, I can use
$ sed '2,4d' file
But I don't know the line numbers. I can delete the last line using
$sed $d file
but I want to know the way to remove n lines from the end. Please let me know how to do that using sed or some other method.
I don't know about sed, but it can be done with head:
head -n -2 myfile.txt
If hardcoding n is an option, you can use sequential calls to sed. For instance, to delete the last three lines, delete the last one line thrice:
sed '$d' file | sed '$d' | sed '$d'
From the sed one-liners:
# delete the last 10 lines of a file
sed -e :a -e '$d;N;2,10ba' -e 'P;D' # method 1
sed -n -e :a -e '1,10!{P;N;D;};N;ba' # method 2
Seems to be what you are looking for.
A funny & simple sed and tac solution :
tac file.txt | sed "1,$n{d}" | tac
double quotes " are needed for the shell to evaluate the $n variable in sed command. In single quotes, no interpolate will be performed.
tac is a cat reversed, see man 1 tac
the {} in sed are there to separate $n & d (if not, the shell try to interpolate non existent $nd variable)
Use sed, but let the shell do the math, with the goal being to use the d command by giving a range (to remove the last 23 lines):
sed -i "$(($(wc -l < file)-22)),\$d" file
To remove the last 3 lines, from inside out:
$(wc -l < file)
Gives the number of lines of the file: say 2196
We want to remove the last 23 lines, so for left side or range:
Gives: 2174
Thus the original sed after shell interpretation is:
sed -i '2174,$d' file
With -i doing inplace edit, file is now 2173 lines!
If you want to save it into a new file, the code is:
sed -i '2174,$d' file > outputfile
You could use head for this.
$ head --lines=-N file > new_file
where N is the number of lines you want to remove from the file.
The contents of the original file minus the last N lines are now in new_file
Just for completeness I would like to add my solution.
I ended up doing this with the standard ed:
ed -s sometextfile <<< $'-2,$d\nwq'
This deletes the last 2 lines using in-place editing (although it does use a temporary file in /tmp !!)
To truncate very large files truly in-place we have truncate command.
It doesn't know about lines, but tail + wc can convert lines to bytes:
truncate -s -$(tail -$lines $file | wc -c) $file
There is an obvious race condition if the file is written at the same time.
In this case it may be better to use head - it counts bytes from the beginning of file (mind disk IO), so we will always truncate on line boundary (possibly more lines than expected if file is actively written):
truncate -s $(head -n -$lines $file | wc -c) $file
Handy one-liner if you fail login attempt putting password in place of username:
truncate -s $(head -n -5 /var/log/secure | wc -c) /var/log/secure
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed ':a;$!N;1,4ba;P;$d;D' file
Most of the above answers seem to require GNU commands/extensions:
$ head -n -2 myfile.txt
-2: Badly formed number
For a slightly more portible solution:
perl -ne 'push(#fifo,$_);print shift(#fifo) if #fifo > 10;'
perl -ne 'push(#buf,$_);END{print #buf[0 ... $#buf-10]}'
awk '{buf[NR-1]=$0;}END{ for ( i=0; i < (NR-10); i++){ print buf[i];} }'
Where "10" is "n".
With the answers here you'd have already learnt that sed is not the best tool for this application.
However I do think there is a way to do this in using sed; the idea is to append N lines to hold space untill you are able read without hitting EOF. When EOF is hit, print the contents of hold space and quit.
sed -e '$!{N;N;N;N;N;N;H;}' -e x
The sed command above will omit last 5 lines.
It can be done in 3 steps:
a) Count the number of lines in the file you want to edit:
n=`cat myfile |wc -l`
b) Subtract from that number the number of lines to delete:
c) Tell sed to delete from that line number ($x) to the end:
sed "$x,\$d" myfile
You can get the total count of lines with wc -l <file> and use
head -n <total lines - lines to remove> <file>
Try the following command:
n = line number
tail -r file_name | sed '1,nd' | tail -r
This will remove the last 3 lines from file:
for i in $(seq 1 3); do sed -i '$d' file; done;
I prefer this solution;
head -$(gcalctool -s $(cat file | wc -l)-N) file
where N is the number of lines to remove.
sed -n ':pre
1,4 {N;b pre
$!{P;N;D;b cycle
}' YourFile
posix version
To delete last 4 lines:
$ nl -b a file | sort -k1,1nr | sed '1, 4 d' | sort -k1,1n | sed 's/^ *[0-9]*\t//'
I came up with this, where n is the number of lines you want to delete:
count=`wc -l file`
lines=`expr "$count" - n`
head -n "$lines" file > temp.txt
mv temp.txt file
rm -f temp.txt
It's a little roundabout, but I think it's easy to follow.
Count up the number of lines in the main file
Subtract the number of lines you want to remove from the count
Print out the number of lines you want to keep and store in a temp file
Replace the main file with the temp file
Remove the temp file
For deleting the last N lines of a file, you can use the same concept of
$ sed '2,4d' file
You can use a combo with tail command to reverse the file: if N is 5
$ tail -r file | sed '1,5d' file | tail -r > file
And this way runs also where head -n -5 file command doesn't run (like on a mac!).
echo 'Enter the file name : '
read filename
echo 'Enter the number of lines from the end that needs to be deleted :'
read n
#Subtracting from the line number to get the nth line
m=`expr $n - 1`
# Calculate length of the file
len=`cat $filename|wc -l`
#Calculate the lines that must remain
lennew=`expr $len - $m`
sed "$lennew,$ d" $filename
A solution similar to but with editing in place and not hardcoded number of lines:
seq $n | xargs -i sed -i -e '$d' my_file
In docker, this worked for me:
head --lines=-N file_path > file_path
Say you have several lines:
$ cat <<EOF > 20lines.txt
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 18
> 19
> 20
Then you can grab:
# leave last 15 out
$ head -n5 20lines.txt
# skip first 14
$ tail -n +15 20lines.txt
POSIX compliant solution using ex / vi, in the vein of #Michel's solution above.
#Michel's ed example uses "not-POSIX" Here-Strings.
Increment the $-1 to remove n lines to the EOF ($), or just feed the lines you want to (d)elete. You could use ex to count line numbers or do any other Unix stuff.
Given the file:
cat > sometextfile <<EOF
ex -s sometextfile <<'EOF'
This uses POSIX Here-Docs so it is really easy to modify - especially using set -o vi with a POSIX /bin/sh.
While on the subject, the "ex personality" of "vim" should be fine, but YMMV.
This will remove the last 12 lines
sed -n -e :a -e '1,10!{P;N;D;};N;ba'

Sed file from row number stored in array

I've an array such
echo ${arr[#]}
1 13 19 30 34
I would like to use this array to sed rows (1,13,19,30 and 34) from other file. I know that I can use a loop, but I would like to know if there is a more straightforward way to do this. So far I've not been able to do it.
sed solution:
a=(1 13 19 30 34)
sed -n "$(sed 's/[^[:space:]]*/&p;/g' <<< ${a[#]})" file
This will extract 1, 13, 19, 30 and 34th rows from file
You can execute a single sed command on each line by appending the command and a semicolon to each line, and run the result as a sed program. This can be managed in a compact way using bash pattern replacement in variables and arrays; for example, to print the selected lines, use the p command (-n suppresses printing the unselected lines):
sed -n "${arr[*]/%/p;}"
Works fine also with more complex commands like s/from/to/:
sed "${arr[*]/%/s/from/to/;}"
This will perform the replacement only on the selected lines.
awk -v rows="${arr[*]}" 'BEGIN{split(rows,tmp); for (i in tmp) nrs[tmp[i]]} NR in nrs' file
You could use awk and the system function to run the sed command
awk '{ for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) { system("sed -n \""$i"p\" filename") } }' <<< ${arr[#]}
This can be open to command injection though and so assess the risk accordingly.

How to delete a particular word from a file using shell script

I have a file contains
demo demo1 demo2 demo3 demo12 demo13 demo23
I just want to delete only one line contains demo with out delete other contents
Also I can't specify the line number. Line no: varies alternately
sed -e 's/\<wordtodelete\>//g' file.txt
This will also print the contents of the file to confirm the word is destroyed.
sed -e 's/\<wordtodelete\>//g' -i file.txt
Use -i if you want to overwrite the file in place.
Maybe these will help,
In awk you could use:
awk '{gsub("demo", "");print}' input
1 2 3 12 13 23
Using perl you could use:
perl -p -e 's/demo//g' input
1 2 3 12 13 23
Both the awk and perl use regex to match the word demo, then remove it from the line
sed -i '/\b**demo**\b/d' filename

remove lines based on file input pattern using sed

I have been trying to solve a simple sed line deletion problem.
Looked here and there. It didn't solve my problem.
My problem could simply be achieved by using sed -i'{/^1\|^2\|^3/d;}' infile.txt which deletes lines beginning with 1,2 and 3 from the infile.txt.
But what I want instead is to take the starting matching patterns from a file than manually feeding into the stream editor.
E.g: deletePattern
1 Line here
2 Line here
3 Line here
4 Line here
Desired output
4 Line here
Thank you in advance,
This grep should work:
grep -Fvf deletePattern infile.txt
4 Line here
But this will skip a line if patterns in deletePattern are found anywhere in the 2nd file.
More accurate results can be achieved by using this awk command:
awk 'FILENAME == ARGV[1] && FNR==NR{a[$1];next} !($1 in a)' deletePattern infile.txt
4 Line here
Putting together a quick command substitution combined with a character class will allow a relatively short oneliner:
$ sed -e "/^[$( while read -r ch; do a+=$ch; done <pattern.txt; echo "$a" )]/d" infile.txt
4 Line here
Of course, change the -e to -i for actual in-place substitution.
With GNU sed (for -f -):
sed 's!^[0-9][0-9]*$!/^&[^0-9]/d!' deletePattern | sed -f - infile.txt
The first sed transforms deletePattern into a sed script, then the second sed applies this script.
Try this:
sed '/^[123]/ d' infile.txt

How can I delete every Xth line in a text file?

Consider a text file with scientific data, e.g.:
5.787037037037037063e-02 2.048402977658663748e-01
1.157407407407407413e-01 4.021264347118673754e-01
1.736111111111111049e-01 5.782032163406526371e-01
How can I easily delete, for instance, every second line, or every 9 out of 10 lines in the file? Is it for example possible with a bash script?
Background: the file is very large but I need much less data to plot. Note that I am using Ubuntu/Linux.
This is easy to accomplish with awk.
Remove every other line:
awk 'NR % 2 == 0' file > newfile
Remove every 10th line:
awk 'NR % 10 != 0' file > newfile
The NR variable in awk is the line number. Anything outside of { } in awk is a conditional, and the default action is to print.
How about perl?
perl -n -e '$.%10==0&&print' # print every 10th line
You could possibly do it with sed, e.g.
sed -n -e 'p;N;d;' file # print every other line, starting with line 1
If you have GNU sed it's pretty easy
sed -n -e '0~10p' file # print every 10th line
sed -n -e '1~2p' file # print every other line starting with line 1
sed -n -e '0~2p' file # print every other line starting with line 2
Try something like:
awk 'NR%3==0{print $0}' file
This will print one line in three. Or:
awk 'NR%10<9{print $0}' file
will print 9 lines out of ten.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
seq 10 | sed '0~2d' # delete every 2nd line
seq 100 | sed '0~10!d' # delete 9 out of 10 lines
You can use a awk and a shell script. Awk can be difficult but...
This will delete specific lines you tell it to:
nawk -f awkfile.awk [filename]
awkfile.awk contents
if (!lines) lines="3 4 7 8"
n=split(lines, lA, FS)
!(FNR in linesA)
Also I can't remember if VIM comes with the standard Ubuntu or not. If not get it.
Then open the file with vim
vim [filename]
Then type
:%!awk NR\%2 or :%!awk NR\%2
This will delete every other line. Just change the 2 to another integer for a different frequency.
