Setting Byte Order mark in WebTest in VS2010 - visual-studio-2010

When invoking WCF WebService via WebTest in Visual Studio, I have set stringbody as raw Xml request, i.e. without this tag <?xml version="1.0"> as below -
<Operation1Request xmlns="">
Child Value
It is the responsibility of Visual Studio to form the envelope and call WCF Service.
Do I have to set byte order mark explicitly, so that request could be formed in utf-8, or utf-16?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
Does it make any difference for testing WCF Services?
Thank you for your help.

Is is a Rest or a Soap Service ?
From my point ov view, use a unit test for soap rather than web performance test. It will be easier to code and to maintain.


Unknown mediator referenced by configuration element: dataServiceCall

Hi I am trying to use Data Service Call. When I use it in any proxy service in wso2 I get an error Unknown mediator referenced by configuration element: dataServiceCall
I am following the link as mentioned above. Can someone guide me what am I doing wrong ?
Below is the code I have written
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<proxy name="TestData" startOnLoad="true" transports="http https local" xmlns="">
<dataServiceCall serviceName="Hello">
Probably this has to do with the version of the Integration Studio you are using. It seems the IDE is unable to find the DataServiceCall Mediator. First, try updating the Integration Studio referring this document. If that doesn't work, try using a newer version of the Integration Studio.
Once updated the Dataservicecall Mediator should be listed under the Mediators section.
You are calling a dataservice but you didn't initiate this dataservice project before,so you have to make a dataservice before calling this dataservice from the proxy service.After that a design of "dataServiceCall " will appear in the integration Studio.

Cannot show the endpoint list when calling link without ?wsdl, but still can call the SOAP web service?

I have a web service with Spring and CXF like:
#WebService(serviceName = "ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl")
public class ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl {
public Long returnSignReult(ResultObj resultObj) {"Start receive from Voffice...");
return 0L;
and my ws-endpoint-lazy-load.xml file config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="">
<bean class="">
<property name="endpoints">
When I call http://localhost:8082/services/pbh/ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl?wsdl, it works and I can call SOAP. But when I call http://localhost:8082/services/pbh/ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl, I expected it will show the endpoint's information. It shows error:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<faultstring>Fault occurred while processing.</faultstring>
What I want is something like:
How do I fix that?
I'm not sure you understand how a SOAP web service works, so here is some explanation about what you are seeing when accessing those URLs.
When dealing with a SOAP web service there is only one endpoint address to use to send messages to the web service and it is invoked over POST.
In your case:
POST http://localhost:8082/services/pbh/ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl
is how you invoke the web service. As long as the web service is running and listening on that address, then a POST with a SOAP message will invoke the web service.
Because a SOAP web service can be described by a WSDL document, there must be some way to obtain the WSDL for the web service. By convention, it is accessible over a GET request at the web service endpoint by specifying a ?wsdl parameter.
In your case:
GET http://localhost:8082/services/pbh/ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl?wsdl
will return the WSDL of the web service.
Any other GET/POST/URL comination will either return an error or will return some other information provided for convenience, assuming the web service framework used to build the web service does that. For example, this web service ( allows you to call its endpoint over GET and will return a human readable summary of what the WSDL accessible at ( contains, but don't expect that to be the case with every framework out there (from what I remember CXF just returns an error if you call the web service endpoint over GET without a ?wsdl parameter).
So, to recap, the HTTP verbs and URLs valid for your web service are:
POST http://localhost:8082/services/pbh/ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl -> to invoke the service
GET http://localhost:8082/services/pbh/ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl?wsdl -> to obtain the service WSDL
Some other resources to read:
How is a SOAP call possible without WSDL?
The WSDL is not the SOAP web service
Is it mandatory to have a WSDL definition accessible using ?wsdl?
Finally, if you are using the proper URL and HTTP verb combination and you are getting that error, note that Fault occurred while processing is a generic error message that may show some issue with the web service code. Maybe there is a NullPointerException or some other error in your web service code. You need to look in your web service logs or in your web service console to see if there are any other exception messages or stacktrace that points to a root cause for that fault message.

Apache CXF SOAP JAXB issue on WebLogic 12c

We are using Java 8, Apache CXF as a SOAP client on top of Spring Boot to send SOAP messages to WS.
If the app is deployed as a WAR on Tomcat 8, the app works well and the SOAP client is sending the right XML messages with the right namespaces.
If the same app WAR is deployed on Weblogic 12c the SOAP message that is produced by the CXF SOAP client has missing namespaces.
We know that the WebLogic maybe uses some old JAXB jars that are responsible for creating the XML message from Java objects and they are different then the Tomcat server and this maybe the reason why we are seeing this issue.
We also know that we can specify in the weblogic.xml in the war file what jars the Weblogic needs to load from the war and what dependencies to load from directly from the Weblogic libraries, but every combination that we tried in the weblogic.xml does not work.
Any good advice will be fully appreciated
Sample XML output from Tomcat server with Apache CXF
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<event xmlns="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns3="urn:test1:1423.15465:123123:namespace">
Sample code from Weblogic 12c
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<event xmlns="" xmlns:ns5="">
The "urn:test1:1423.15465:123123:namespace" is completely ignored in the weblogic server making this XML message not valid by the consumer
we are trying to tell weblogic to load our classes from the war file instead of the JaxB classes from the web logic but without success
Except this issue everything else is working fine, the Apache CXF is sending correct in multiple scenarios, just in one is it not adding the namespace we need
It looks like you are describing a class loading problem here. Thus, kindly use the below tag in your weblogic.xml descriptor.
Some years ago I was struggling with class loading issues because I was missing it. Below you have an example about this extracted from this blog.
If after applying this you still are facing issues with the class loader, you should install Classloader Analysis Tool (CAT) to get the class loader, which is loading the conflicting classes. In this blog you will have some instructions about how to use CAT.
Importantly, in this document Oracle states about this
Note that in order to use prefer-application-packages or prefer-application-resources, prefer-web-inf-classes must be set to false.
This issue was solved by updating the
#javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema(namespace = "urn:test1",
xmlns = {#XmlNs(prefix = "",
namespaceURI = "")},
elementFormDefault = javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)
This is the part of the package-info that was not been there before
xmlns = {#XmlNs(prefix = "",
namespaceURI = "")}
adding the namespace trick JavaXB to add the original namespace
Please check the mentioned page, which has a different Filtering classloading:
<!-- <wls:package-name>javax.jws.*</wls:package-name> -->

how to set jms message custom header using xpath in camel route

I am using camel route builder to move one activemq jms message from one queue to another by setting some custom header, by using xpath to read the node value from xml. nothing has been set. Please suggest if you know the answer.
XML would look like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns3:orderRequest xmlns:ns2=""
XML with namespaces requires the name spaces to be setup correctly.
You need to setup a namespace handler with something like this:
Namespaces ns = new Namespaces("ns3", "");

seam 2.2.2.Final looses translations

I'm using seam 2.2.2.Final with Richfaces 3.3.3.Final on JBoss AS 6.
My application is translated into 2 languages (dutch and english).
Sometimes (varying from hours to days) the web application looses the translations. It then only displays the key's as labels and not the translations.
Would anyone know what causes this?
First I thought it could be caused by the character set used in dutch. I then converted the files to ascii with native2ascii.exe but this did not solve the problem.
I'm using the default files from seam. In my case these are and In JSF I use the EL-tags #{messages['key']}. after a few hours or days it seems like the application can't find the files anymore.
My faces-config.xml file contains these settings:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<faces-config version="1.2" xmlns=""
In JSF I use it like this:
<h:outputText value="#{messages['admin.scheduling.title']}" />
In Code I use
What are you using for translation? A converter?
The getAsString method must return the translated string.
Could you post the code?
I've ultimately solved this by creating an own implementation of the messages component.
It seems like an internal cache in seam gets cleared (probably after deserialisation of something). If the cache is (almost) empty I read the bundles again.
