how to set jms message custom header using xpath in camel route - xpath

I am using camel route builder to move one activemq jms message from one queue to another by setting some custom header, by using xpath to read the node value from xml. nothing has been set. Please suggest if you know the answer.
XML would look like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns3:orderRequest xmlns:ns2=""

XML with namespaces requires the name spaces to be setup correctly.
You need to setup a namespace handler with something like this:
Namespaces ns = new Namespaces("ns3", "");


Apache CXF SOAP JAXB issue on WebLogic 12c

We are using Java 8, Apache CXF as a SOAP client on top of Spring Boot to send SOAP messages to WS.
If the app is deployed as a WAR on Tomcat 8, the app works well and the SOAP client is sending the right XML messages with the right namespaces.
If the same app WAR is deployed on Weblogic 12c the SOAP message that is produced by the CXF SOAP client has missing namespaces.
We know that the WebLogic maybe uses some old JAXB jars that are responsible for creating the XML message from Java objects and they are different then the Tomcat server and this maybe the reason why we are seeing this issue.
We also know that we can specify in the weblogic.xml in the war file what jars the Weblogic needs to load from the war and what dependencies to load from directly from the Weblogic libraries, but every combination that we tried in the weblogic.xml does not work.
Any good advice will be fully appreciated
Sample XML output from Tomcat server with Apache CXF
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<event xmlns="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns3="urn:test1:1423.15465:123123:namespace">
Sample code from Weblogic 12c
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<event xmlns="" xmlns:ns5="">
The "urn:test1:1423.15465:123123:namespace" is completely ignored in the weblogic server making this XML message not valid by the consumer
we are trying to tell weblogic to load our classes from the war file instead of the JaxB classes from the web logic but without success
Except this issue everything else is working fine, the Apache CXF is sending correct in multiple scenarios, just in one is it not adding the namespace we need
It looks like you are describing a class loading problem here. Thus, kindly use the below tag in your weblogic.xml descriptor.
Some years ago I was struggling with class loading issues because I was missing it. Below you have an example about this extracted from this blog.
If after applying this you still are facing issues with the class loader, you should install Classloader Analysis Tool (CAT) to get the class loader, which is loading the conflicting classes. In this blog you will have some instructions about how to use CAT.
Importantly, in this document Oracle states about this
Note that in order to use prefer-application-packages or prefer-application-resources, prefer-web-inf-classes must be set to false.
This issue was solved by updating the
#javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema(namespace = "urn:test1",
xmlns = {#XmlNs(prefix = "",
namespaceURI = "")},
elementFormDefault = javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)
This is the part of the package-info that was not been there before
xmlns = {#XmlNs(prefix = "",
namespaceURI = "")}
adding the namespace trick JavaXB to add the original namespace
Please check the mentioned page, which has a different Filtering classloading:
<!-- <wls:package-name>javax.jws.*</wls:package-name> -->

Force format for ibm mq messages

We use Spring-integration to send messages from a RabbitMQ to MQSeries. This works fine.
<int-jms:outbound-channel-adapter channel="toJms" .../>
For some consumers we need to force the format of the ibm message or the charset
We allready use a header enricher to force some properties:
<int:header-enricher id="theHeaderEnricher" input-channel="fromRabbit" output-channel="toJms" >
How can we change the mq format and the charset of messages? Format is not a JmsHeaders but a property of the message. Can this be done with xml configuration?
Thanks for your help
Before sending to the <int-jms:outbound-channel-adapter> you can place a <transformer> in between with POJO method call and there you can do whatever you need with your reformatting.
Unfortunately it is not clear from your question how that formatting looks and what you would like to change from and into.
Therefore my answer is as generic as your question.
Please, see more info about transformer in the Docs:

Apply Caching Aspect to Camel Routes using InterceptFrom

I want to apply the caching aspect to Apache Camel Routes using InterceptFrom feature by intercepting
every incoming exchange in a route.
I am able to successfully load the RestDefinitions and RouteDefinitions currently from separate xml files.
In a similar way I want to load the Intercept definition from a seperate XML file.
I currently have tne following content in my xml(Intercept.xml) file which I use to load the InterceptFrom Definitions as below. I only log them as of now. i will be adding the logic to check for cache hit/miss eventually.
<log message="Intercepted Route" />
I am loading them using the below method,
List<InterceptFromDefinition> intDefns=getInterceptDefinitions("Intercept.xml");
I also set them to the routes.
I get the error as below,
2016-10-08 22:13:19.711 ERROR 6004 --- [ main] com.demo.composite.util.CamelUtil : Exception reading configuration files:javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"interceptFrom"). Expected elements are <{}aggregate>,<{}aop>,<{}avro>,<{}barcode>,<{}base64>,<{}batch-config>,<{}bean>,<{}beanio>,<{}bindy>,<{}boon>,<{}castor>,<{}choice>,<{}circuitBreaker>,<{}constant>,<{}contextScan>,<{}convertBodyTo>,<{}crypto>,<{}csv>,<{}customDataFormat>,<{}customLoadBalancer>,<{}dataFormats>,<{}delay>,<{}delete>,<{}description>,<{}doCatch>,<{}doFinally>,<{}doTry>,<{}dynamicRouter>,<{}el>,<{}enrich>,<{}exchangeProperty>,<{}expression>,<{}expressionDefinition>,<{}failover>,<{}filter>,<{}flatpack>,<{}from>,<{}get>,<{}groovy>,<{}gzip>,<{}head>,<{}header>,<{}hessian>,<{}hl7>,<{}ical>,<{}idempotentConsumer>,<{}inOnly>,<{}inOut>,<{}intercept>,<{}interceptFrom>,<{}interceptSendToEndpoint>,<{}jacksonxml>,<{}javaScript>,<{}jaxb>,<{}jibx>,<{}json>,<{}jsonpath>,<{}jxpath>,<{}language>,<{}loadBalance>,<{}log>,<{}loop>,<{}lzf>,<{}marshal>,<{}method>,<{}mime-multipart>,<{}multicast>,<{}mvel>,<{}ognl>,<{}onCompletion>,<{}onException>,<{}optimisticLockRetryPolicy>,<{}options>,<{}otherwise>,<{}packageScan>,<{}param>,<{}patch>,<{}pgp>,<{}php>,<{}pipeline>,<{}policy>,<{}pollEnrich>,<{}post>,<{}process>,<{}properties>,<{}property>,<{}protobuf>,<{}put>,<{}python>,<{}random>,<{}recipientList>,<{}redeliveryPolicy>,<{}ref>,<{}removeHeader>,<{}removeHeaders>,<{}removeProperties>,<{}removeProperty>,<{}resequence>,<{}responseHeader>,<{}responseMessage>,<{}rest>,<{}restBinding>,<{}restConfiguration>,<{}restContextRef>,<{}restProperty>,<{}rests>,<{}rollback>,<{}roundRobin>,<{}route>,<{}routeBuilder>,<{}routeContextRef>,<{}routes>,<{}routingSlip>,<{}rss>,<{}ruby>,<{}sample>,<{}script>,<{}secureXML>,<{}serialization>,<{}setBody>,<{}setExchangePattern>,<{}setFaultBody>,<{}setHeader>,<{}setOutHeader>,<{}setProperty>,<{}simple>,<{}soapjaxb>,<{}sort>,<{}spel>,<{}split>,<{}sql>,<{}sticky>,<{}stop>,<{}stream-config>,<{}string>,<{}syslog>,<{}tarfile>,<{}terser>,<{}threadPoolProfile>,<{}threads>,<{}throttle>,<{}throwException>,<{}tidyMarkup>,<{}to>,<{}toD>,<{}tokenize>,<{}topic>,<{}transacted>,<{}transform>,<{}univocity-csv>,<{}univocity-fixed>,<{}univocity-header>,<{}univocity-tsv>,<{}unmarshal>,<{}validate>,<{}verb>,<{}vtdxml>,<{}weighted>,<{}when>,<{}wireTap>,<{}xmlBeans>,<{}xmljson>,<{}xmlrpc>,<{}xpath>,<{}xquery>,<{}xstream>,<{}xtokenize>,<{}yaml>,<{}zip>,<{}zipFile>
javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"interceptFrom"). Expected elements are <{}aggregate>,<{}aop>,<{}avro>,<{}barcode>,<{}base64>,<{}batch-config>,<{}bean>,<{}beanio>,<{}bindy>,<{}boon>,<{}castor>,<{}choice>,<{}circuitBreaker>,<{}constant>,<{}contextScan>,<{}convertBodyTo>,<{}crypto>,<{}csv>,<{}customDataFormat>,<{}customLoadBalancer>,<{}dataFormats>,<{}delay>,<{}delete>,<{}description>,<{}doCatch>,<{}doFinally>,<{}doTry>,<{}dynamicRouter>,<{}el>,<{}enrich>,<{}exchangeProperty>,<{}expression>,<{}expressionDefinition>,<{}failover>,<{}filter>,<{}flatpack>,<{}from>,<{}get>,<{}groovy>,<{}gzip>,<{}head>,<{}header>,<{}hessian>,<{}hl7>,<{}ical>,<{}idempotentConsumer>,<{}inOnly>,<{}inOut>,<{}intercept>,<{}interceptFrom>,<{}interceptSendToEndpoint>,<{}jacksonxml>,<{}javaScript>,<{}jaxb>,<{}jibx>,<{}json>,<{}jsonpath>,<{}jxpath>,<{}language>,<{}loadBalance>,<{}log>,<{}loop>,<{}lzf>,<{}marshal>,<{}method>,<{}mime-multipart>,<{}multicast>,<{}mvel>,<{}ognl>,<{}onCompletion>,<{}onException>,<{}optimisticLockRetryPolicy>,<{}options>,<{}otherwise>,<{}packageScan>,<{}param>,<{}patch>,<{}pgp>,<{}php>,<{}pipeline>,<{}policy>,<{}pollEnrich>,<{}post>,<{}process>,<{}properties>,<{}property>,<{}protobuf>,<{}put>,<{}python>,<{}random>,<{}recipientList>,<{}redeliveryPolicy>,<{}ref>,<{}removeHeader>,<{}removeHeaders>,<{}removeProperties>,<{}removeProperty>,<{}resequence>,<{}responseHeader>,<{}responseMessage>,<{}rest>,<{}restBinding>,<{}restConfiguration>,<{}restContextRef>,<{}restProperty>,<{}rests>,<{}rollback>,<{}roundRobin>,<{}route>,<{}routeBuilder>,<{}routeContextRef>,<{}routes>,<{}routingSlip>,<{}rss>,<{}ruby>,<{}sample>,<{}script>,<{}secureXML>,<{}serialization>,<{}setBody>,<{}setExchangePattern>,<{}setFaultBody>,<{}setHeader>,<{}setOutHeader>,<{}setProperty>,<{}simple>,<{}soapjaxb>,<{}sort>,<{}spel>,<{}split>,<{}sql>,<{}sticky>,<{}stop>,<{}stream-config>,<{}string>,<{}syslog>,<{}tarfile>,<{}terser>,<{}threadPoolProfile>,<{}threads>,<{}throttle>,<{}throwException>,<{}tidyMarkup>,<{}to>,<{}toD>,<{}tokenize>,<{}topic>,<{}transacted>,<{}transform>,<{}univocity-csv>,<{}univocity-fixed>,<{}univocity-header>,<{}univocity-tsv>,<{}unmarshal>,<{}validate>,<{}verb>,<{}vtdxml>,<{}weighted>,<{}when>,<{}wireTap>,<{}xmlBeans>,<{}xmljson>,<{}xmlrpc>,<{}xpath>,<{}xquery>,<{}xstream>,<{}xtokenize>,<{}yaml>,<{}zip>,<{}zipFile>
at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallingContext.handleEvent(
at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.Loader.reportError(
Probably I need to wrap the interceptFrom using a element similar to the way I wrapped the Rest and RouteDefinitions. But, not sure how.
I am not sure if I am doing it the correct way.
Can somehow help me on this.
Also, I see there is a InterceptStrategy which can be set to the camelcontext.
Is there a way I can use that to do AOP like processsing for my routes by applying the caching concern instead of InterceptFrom.
Also, my Camel Application is based on Spring Boot, so is there any feature in Spring Boot which I can use to intercept the route calls.
I have added the sample project which I had created to load my routes and apiroutes in this repo using XML files. Similarly, I would want to apply the cross cutting concern of caching using interceptors so that they do not mix with route logic. I am looking for a way to use the interceptFrom camel feature so that I can intercept every message to a route and handle them accordingly. I am not sure how to load the interceptors or how to have them linked with the routes.
I have currently removed the code which I had added to load the interceptors because of namespace error. Once, I get the correct approach of the solution I will add the same accordingly.
Can you give the full Intercept.xml? Seems your Intercept.xml xml file have the wrong namespace, just like
<camelContext xmlns="">
<!-- intercept incoming messages and route them to the mock:middle1 endpoint
before we proceed and continue routing from the point of interceptions, that
is mock:end will be the next target -->
<to uri="mock:middle1"/>
<!-- here we have a very simple route -->
<from uri="direct:start"/>
<to uri="mock:end"/>

How does the Spring framework process XML namespace based syntax for configuring spring components?

While reading about spring-rabbit, I stumble upon the following syntax of configuring spring components:
<beans xmlns=""
<rabbit:connection-factory id="connectionFactory"/>
<rabbit:template id="amqpTemplate" connection-factory="connectionFactory"/>
<rabbit:admin connection-factory="connectionFactory"/>
<rabbit:queue name="myqueue"/>
I am only aware of bean way of configuring components, where you declare a bean with id and class and set appropriate properties. I am not clear about the above way, by making use of XML namespace, of configuring components and how it is internally handled by Spring.
The use of namespaces is really nothing more than shortcut configurations. Behind the scenes, Spring is doing all of your bean creating like you mentioned you are accustomed to doing yourself. As for HOW, well, there are a few components. First you need a registered NamespaceHandler. Going with your spring-rabbit example, you'll find in the spring-rabbit jar a file at a META-INF/spring/spring.handlers with something like this:
This is registering RabbitNamespaceHandler for the rabbit namespace configurations. Alongside that file you will see one called spring.schemas, and its purpose is to register the schemas that constrain the rabbit namespace.
The next step is to have one or more BeanDefinitionParser instances that do the "magic" of turning your shortcut configurations into full-blown bean creation definitions, so to speak. In this rabbit example, you will find ConnectionFactoryParser which is responsible for parsing the <rabbit:connection-factory /> element. It simply looks at all of the attributes, sub-elements, etc. that your declare in xml and creates the necessary beans for you.
You can follow this formula to create your own namespace configuration as well.
Spring's XML namespace support provides a way to register several components at once, in a more succinct and meta-data driven (or indeed domain-specific) approach. Anything you can do with a namespace handler, could also be done with (probably quite a lot more) bean definitions.
Creating a namespace handler is a fairly simple process - and Spring, by its extensible nature easily allows you to create your own, if you wish.
Here's a some detailed documentation on how to do that:

How to configure FreemarkerTag in JSP

I try to use the FreemarkerTag in a JSP. I was wondering a bit because the distribution lacks a TLD file, but I created one on my own:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<info>Taglib for freemarker in JSP</info>
<info>Allows evaluation of FreeMarker templates inside JSP</info>
I can use the FreemarkerTag with this and do basic things (like string concats + loops). I can't use it for example to use the include directive like this:
<#include "dummy_product_box_page_67623.ftl">
In this case, the template to include won't be found. I don't have a clue how to configure my main template in more detail. Especially, for the include directive, I don't find a way to configure the TemplatePath.
I found lots of examples how to do it programmatically via setDirectoryForTemplateLoading() on the config object, but I don't have programmatic access in my scenario.
Any hints and ideas would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
It uses Configuration.getDefaultConfiguration(), so that's the configuration instance you have to configure on some very early stage, like preferably before any HTTP request processing threads are started. Note however, that Configuration.getDefaultConfiguration() is deprecated because what's if some other component, one that you don't even know about, sets up that singleton for itself too. But that's how it is with that poor abandoned tag right now anyway... (I guess it should get the Configuration from the Servlet request scope as an attribute, and failing that, from the application context.).
