I have a simple "Java Request" sampler (ie: AbstractJavaSamplerClient). How do I produce custom variables from this sampler and graph these? (Preferably with out-of-the-box graphing listeners). Currently I can only easily graph sample times.
Put your var in JMeter:
JMeterContextService.getContext().getVariables().put("YOUR_VAR", value)
And add in user.properties:
Your var will be output in CSV ou XML.
You can then use it.
I want to generate a random name that will be used in the HTTP request in Jmeter for my APIs performance testing. The name would get changed for every thread.
format : "gpt_OverTimePayUsage_<some_random_number>"
The <some_random_number> would change as the thread would change.
I thought of using the JSR2223 pre-processor for each HTTP request and using Java as the language. But I am not sure how to go forward.
The easiest is just using __Random() function like:
JSR223 PreProcessor can be used as well, but in this case consider using Groovy as the language as java is not the real Java, it's Beanshell interpreter and using Beanshell is some form of a performance anti-pattern
My question is - if I run a test via Jmeter, for example , if it's a site which enables you to book a flight, and you choose your source and destination when you record it.
Is it possible to pass different values to the destination field? I mean, maybe a txt file with some destinations and pass it to the Jmeter test and then, you will have some tests which each of them is running with a different destination?
If yes, how can I do it?
It's not necessary that it will be a txt file. Just a way to pass different values to one parameter.
Important: I'm using blazemeter plugin for chrome.
Thanks a lot,
You can use CSV Data Set Config. It is very easy to use for parameterizing variables in the test plan.
Check this article on blazemeter to understand the CSV Data Set Config quickly.
Depending on what you're trying to achieve you can go for:
HTML Link Parser. See Poll Example which shows how you can use it for selecting random values from inputs
You can extract all the possible values from the previous response using a Post-Processor, most probably CSS Selector Extractor and configure each thread to use its own (or random) value from the input
And last, but not the least, you can use an external data source like .txt or .csv file and utilize __StringFromFile() function or CSV Data Set Config so each thread (virtual user) would read the next value from file instead of using recorded hard-coded values.
How to capture response data into a list and to use those in next thread using BeanShell post processor?
Example: the response data was having:
mobile number:1
mobile number:2
mobile number:3
mobile number:n
I want to capture all mobile numbers and want to use in next thread.
How to do that? Can any one tell?
Using Beanshell for scripting is some form of a performance anti-pattern therefore I'll provide solution using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language
Given you have response data like:
mobilenumber:1 mobilenumber:2 mobilenumber:3
Add JSR223 PostProcessor as a child of the request which returns the above data and put the following code into "Script" area:
props.put('list',prev.getResponseDataAsString().split(" ").collect())
The above code will split the response data by spaces and store the result into an ArrayList structure
In the next Thread Group you will be able to access the values like:
def list = props.get('list')
I have to give dynamic values to url which takes number of users and their age , which can be selected though web page. but I want to give it in Jmeter using BeanShell PostProcessor.
Help me in this,since I'm new to Jmeter.
This is the path:
from what I've got looks like you can use CSV Data Set Config.
Create .txt file with the data you want to feed your test with;
Place the above .txt file to the folder where your .jmx file lies;
In your Test plan: Under your request sampler - place CSV Data set Config;
Then if you need to use your dynamic values within one threadgroup => refer these data as ${quanity}, ${age} in you url.
If you need to pass these values across the threadgroups => add BeanShell Assertion
Then (in the other Tread group) refer those as ${__property(_quantity)},${__property(_age)}.
Hope, it helps.
First of all you need Beanshell PreProcessor, not Beanshell PostProcessor.
All this parameters are basically name/value pairs which can be defined via HTTPSamplerBase class. HTTPSamplerBase class instance is available to Beanshell PreProcessor as sampler pre-defined variable so if you add the following code into the Beanshell PreProcessor "Script" area
sampler.addEncodedArgument("flexibility", "true");
Your HTTP request will be populated with the values, you set via Beanshell.
JMeter Variables can be accessed via vars shorthand which stands for JMeterVariables class instance.
String airport = vars.get("airport");
sampler.addEncodedArgument("airports[]", airport);
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component article for comprehensive information on how to use Beanshell Test Elements in Jmeter.
Remember that it is recommended to avoid scripting where possible so if there is another way of implementing your task - go for it.
I am building a load/stress test for some webpages. I have a HTTP Request Default set up that has the base server name. I would like to use a Random Controller and HTTP Request to check all pages at random, but I do not want to have to make 150 HTTP Request that each hold a unique path. I would rather have one HTTP request that pulls a path at random from a file.
Is what I am describing possible? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
In fact it's possible. Everything is possible. In case of JMeter you'll need to do some scripting.
Given the following test plan structure:
setUp Thread Group
Beanshell Sampler
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
List lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File("/path/to/your/file"));
bsh.shared.lines = lines;
Thread Group
HTTP Request Sampler, Path: ${randomline}
Beanshell PreProcessor
List lines = bsh.shared.lines;
Random rnd = new Random();
vars.put("randomline", lines.get(rnd.nextInt(lines.size())));
It will be possible to use random URL from file as HTTP Request Path.
setUp Thread Group - special Thread Group type which is executed before any other Thread Group. The idea is to read file only once.
Beanshell Sampler - uses FileUtils library to read all the lines into lines array and bsh.shared namespace so the array will be accessible globally to all Thread Groups
Beanshell PreProcessor - uses Random class to generate random line number, obtains random value from the lines array and stores the value into randomline variable via JMeterVariables class.
Refer generated random line as ${randomline} where required.
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component guide for more information on Beanshell scripting in JMeter and a kind of Beanshell cookbook.
I re-worded my searching and have found that this is not possible. I think I am going to take the advice from another forum and randomize my file to achieve this. Seems to be the simplest solution.