Magento category URL redirecting to other product url - magento

I have a category whose URL key is toys, which was accidentally also the URL key for a product. Therefore everytime I visited toys.html, It was redirected to the product page and not the category one.
Now, I have changed the product URL to something else, but still the category page redirects to the product page only. Please tell me how to solve this issue.
This is the category LINK
UPDATE :- When i renamed the toys category to toys-arena, it started working. So I have renamed the URL using toys-arena.html

Go into the magento admin area, Catalog -> URL Rewrites
you can then search for you product or category url, and edit or delete them. you can delete any old reqrites you no longer want to use.


Magento 2 category URL disabled

On my Magento 2.2.2 store I'm adding new categories. But it seems that on all new, but also the old existing categories. I'm unable to change the URL Key under the 'Seach Engine optimization' tab.
The URL is shown, but it's greyed out and the input field is disabled.
How can I change the category URL?
You Can Change The Category Url By Dashboard -> Products -> category -> ->Url
SEO Setting are not for changing category url thas why its showing greyed non editable
See Image Here

Url Not Display Category Name

When i navigate products, at status bar my url not display category name.
For My knowledge it's mostly the problem with reindexing. once you complete the reindexing to Ready mode , this problem may solve , including catalog url rewrites also should be in Ready mode.

how to redirect the URL in magento?

how to redirect the URL in Magento if i click on category or subcategory it should show page which i have created because of responsive design i'm doing this
I've created the URL for pages in such a way that the both category and subcategory URL is equal to page URL.
For this all you have to do is to add URL rewrite. For example if you category id is 10 and cms page link is "cmspage.html", then in magento backend admin go to
catalog->URLrewrite Management and search for id 10 in ID path column copy the "Target Path" field data now write a custom url rewrite for this "Target Path"
go to Catalog->URL rewrite Management, Click Add URL rewrite button. choose “Custom” from “Create URL Rewrite” drop-down list. add the details like belwo
Request Path — It must be the Target path which copied before (catalog/category/view/id/10) in above.
Target Path — It should be the CMS page URL
That's it you will have linked category with custom cms page

Magento - clicking on parent category returns a 403 error

I have a problem with my Magento installation.
Clicking on subcategories works fine and will send me to the proper URL and display products. When I click on a parent category however, I get a 403 forbidden error.
Does anyone know what the problem is?
There are a few reasons that a category link would 403.
My first guess would be that there is a directory in the web root with the same name as the category and you have URL suffixes disabled.
For example giving a top level category the URL key of 'media' while URL suffixes are disables will usually result in a 403.
Another possibility would be if you are using Apache and have mod_security enabled and the category name contains a work that mod_security doesn't like (e.g. select, insert & delete).

Product loads wrong template (and url) when click on it from home in Magento

I have 2 templates in my store. Depending on category it loads a different template.
The problem is that at home page, the newest products loaded points to that always loads the default template on the first visit.
If the user visits the product on it category (some-categ/same-product.html) it loads right, and if he goes back to home, and click again in the same product, it still loads right.
What can I do to make sure that the product always loads the right template in this case?
I am using magento 1.6.1 and template is assigned to the category, and the product have only one category.
