how to redirect the URL in magento? - magento

how to redirect the URL in Magento if i click on category or subcategory it should show page which i have created because of responsive design i'm doing this
I've created the URL for pages in such a way that the both category and subcategory URL is equal to page URL.

For this all you have to do is to add URL rewrite. For example if you category id is 10 and cms page link is "cmspage.html", then in magento backend admin go to
catalog->URLrewrite Management and search for id 10 in ID path column copy the "Target Path" field data now write a custom url rewrite for this "Target Path"
go to Catalog->URL rewrite Management, Click Add URL rewrite button. choose “Custom” from “Create URL Rewrite” drop-down list. add the details like belwo
Request Path — It must be the Target path which copied before (catalog/category/view/id/10) in above.
Target Path — It should be the CMS page URL
That's it you will have linked category with custom cms page


How to remove only sub category URL from magento

I am using Magento for my eCommerce website
My current URL structure is :
I want a solution for the URL be changed to:
I just want to remove sub category from the URL
We can configure it by URL Rewrites
Go to Magento 2 Admin -> Marketing -> SEO & Search -> URL Rewrites
Find the path by searching the Request path column.
Remove the cache PHP bin/magento cache:clean.
Refresh the front-end, click the main menu category then you can see the configured path.

Magento - URL Rewrite not working

In magento i am trying to add in a url redirect in the admin system so I can bypass a category page to go straight to the product as there is only 1 product in that category. In the Catalog => URL Rewrite Management section i have the following entered:
Type - Custom
ID Path - category/15
Request Path - labels
Target Path - labels/a4.html
Redirect - Yes
But when i go to the labels page it doesn't redirect. I know that it definetly has a category ID of 15 and that the labels/a4.html is correct

Magento - How to create a custom url based on attributes?

In the Magento Admin > Catalogue > Attributes > Attribute Sets, we have a set of attributes for "Manufacturers" which group products under designers.
I am trying to create a hyperlink that maps a custom route to an attribute query like so
this is route i want:
this is what it will map to:
I have tried creating a custom url rewrite under Catalogue > URL Rewrite Management with no luck.
Please refer this this may help you
if you want to create custom url, than follow the steps...
From the Admin panel, select Catalog >> URL Rewrite Management
In the upper-right corner, click the Add URL Rewrite button
In the Add New URL Rewrite section, set Create URL Rewrite to “for Product.”
Find the product in the list below and click to open the record and click Skip Category Selection button
In the URL Rewrite section, do some following things:
a.In the Request Path field, enter the new value for the updated URL. The Request Path must be unique for each rewrite.
b.Set Redirect to one of the following:
Temporary (302)
Permanent (301)
For your own reference, enter a brief description of the rewrite.
click to save and enjoy ;)

title does not change when in Category joomla 2.5

I have created one website using joomla 2.5
I have created one item: shop
I went out the home page, and click on the link categories: shop
the title of this page, the same as the title of the home page: Home
if now I want, page headers categories: shop "shop" What do I do
I'm not sure I understand your question correct. But you may want to have a look at the menu item parameters. On the right side there is a slider named "Page Display Options". This allows to specify a title for the browser tab and the page heading.
There is also a parameter in the Joomla Global Configuration in the "Site" tab in the "SEO Settings" section named "Include Site Name in Page Titles". This allows to specify if the site name should be added to the page title or not.
Hope that helped, otherwise please specify your question.

Magento category URL redirecting to other product url

I have a category whose URL key is toys, which was accidentally also the URL key for a product. Therefore everytime I visited toys.html, It was redirected to the product page and not the category one.
Now, I have changed the product URL to something else, but still the category page redirects to the product page only. Please tell me how to solve this issue.
This is the category LINK
UPDATE :- When i renamed the toys category to toys-arena, it started working. So I have renamed the URL using toys-arena.html
Go into the magento admin area, Catalog -> URL Rewrites
you can then search for you product or category url, and edit or delete them. you can delete any old reqrites you no longer want to use.
