Connect to tfspreview from VS2010 SP1 -> TF31002: Unable to connect - visual-studio-2010

I have freshly installed VS2010 with SP1, and when I try to connect to a project on, I get TFS31002 error:
Google did not help very much. Anyone solved this?

Ok, I managed to find this blog post which has solution: install KB2581206 which enables VS2010 to connect to tfs-azure and use Microsoft account to authenticate.
It works :)
Credits to Tarun Aurora

It may seem unrelated on quick glance but I had the same problem. My machine had a preloaded McAfee. Even I hadn't activated it.
It was popping up asking me to register all the time. And I had always told it to ask me later and had in fact turned it off, but it was still blocking me from getting onto the Team Foundation Server anyway.
Whenever I uninstall the McAfee that was preloaded on the my new machine, it has started working perfectly fine. Anyone else who can't solve this problem with the mentioned answers above, and has McAfee on the machine, just give this a shot.
Hope it helps


IIS Manager is installed but shows empty page

I hope this is the right place to ask. I was thinking serverfault might not be correct, since the computer in question is not a server. Feel free to migrate if StackOverflow is not right.
I usually install IIS on servers but have installed it on Workstations before. I actually had the same problem with another machine of the same model a few weeks ago but can't remember how I resolved it. I must have installed additional features or run some powershell-command that did not resolve the issue on this machine.
I installed IIS the correct way using the Windows Features, as described in the answers to this question. I've actually removed and reinstalled it since then, but it hasn't resolved my problem.
The WWW publishing service is running and I can open the IIS Manager, but it's completely empty, unlike here where the IIS Manager at least shows the local computer
When I type localhost into a browser I don't see the IIS Startpage, I get the error ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
You can see that all the required checkboxes are checked:
And the service seems to be running.
I've since tried installing IIS using
And I checked the status using the iisreset command which was mentioned in the comments here (second linked question upstairs):
It restarts without any error and says everything is working fine.
Has anyone ever encountered this before or might know what I could try to get IIS actually working?
I just noticed, while trying to uninstall IIS, that I can not uninstall it. I used Windows-Features and confirmed to reboot when prompted, but while rebooting Windows does a rollback and IIS is still available. So I can't even uninstall it.
Also just found this similar quesion on SuperUser. I'm still trying some suggestions there. So far to no avail.
Thanks for the comments.
I was on vacation, but a colleague was able to fix the problem.
Unfortunately, the solution was to reset Windows 11. He was then able to install IIS through Windows Features and it worked.
No idea why it didn't work in the first place, or why it got to this unrecoverable state. But now everything is fine.

We could not refresh the credential for the account

I am not able to "Sign in" to Visual Studio 2019 (enterprise). I am getting below message
Not sure what is the issue here. I start getting this issue once I configured my laptop on domain account.
Please help me on this.
This was interesting to fix. I tried almost all workaround out there on internet. None of them fixed the issue.
Repair, reinstall, cleaning temp, .Identity, etc. weapons were useless :).
This is what worked for me -
I had to install windows updates and remove the user profile.
This is what my IT told me.
Hope someone can verify this. I pray to God no one come to this issue.

Bot Framework Emulator - Cannot connect to local bot

I am trying to connect to a local bot which has been pulled from a shared repo. Other developers have had this running and connected successfully. Points I have checked:
App is running.
Correct URL
Correct AppId/AppPassword
I have also tried both with/without ngrox.
Error/warning recieved: Taking longer than usual to connect
Any ideas what might be causing this to only fail on my machine?
I finally figured this out. Running under IIS Express caused this issue for me. Changing to use the CLI and command dotnet run instead solved the issue.
Very bizzarre, I should think a re-install of IIS-Express will then sort it out. Thanks for the comments though.

Azure VM suddenly unavailable

I've had an Azure VM running fine for years but all of a sudden I can't access it anymore. Not through RDP nor through http.
Nothing changed on my side and Microsoft only gives phone support for 230€/month. What to do?
Maybe it has corrupted? The only two things I can think of are: try connecting over Powershell to see if it will respond; You could pull it down from storage and launch the console locally to see what is going on? Azure as you may know doesn't offer a console access. The only other option is to rebuild it assuming you have backups etc.
Ok, finally put the money down and got it up again. The advice on the phone was to upgrade from A2 to A3 processor/memory specs. This would force the VM to go to another machine, ruling out problems with the hardware / NIC. This worked but was quite expensive. They will get back to me next week with the exact problem report.

Can't access and web site after installing VS2013 Preview

Recently i installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Preview Ultimate on Windows 7. Everything went smoothly except now i can't access and anymore. Tried latest IE10 and FireFox, both show blank page when accessing the above mentioned web sites. Firefox in its left bottom corner shows that it is waiting for
I'd really like not to reinstall OS on my machine, so i'd appreciate any idea how to fix this. For myself i tried to stop Firewall service and disable MS Security Essentials runtime protection, neither helped.
PS: I can access and from another machine in the same local network
UPDATE: i am using as my TFS server and it opens fine if i am not signed in. But once i am trying to log in it opens blank, like browser is waiting for something (the same as for and Something related to live ID?
Don't think this is the website to post this kind of question but try uninstalling VS2013 preview because you think that's causing the problem. Search in Google for people getting similar problem. I also don't think it is VS2013 because I can't think of anyway of how VS2013 would somehow disable you from going to a certain website. Make sure the sites weren't down at the time or if you're having something kind of Internet server issues.
skype is owned by microsoft, so you can't enter both microsoft pages. This could be related with some kind of ISP (Internet Service Provider) and not with VS2013, or you can try rebooting your router. Last thing i would do is traceroute both address and see where they fall.
I wanted to write this as a comment but I don't have enough reputation yet. Anyway, obviously trying to uninstall the program and trying again would be a good start as already mentioned, but you should also look inside your hosts file for any weird redirections some virus of malware might have set up. It's located at "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" and you can open this inside notepad (might require notepad to be run as an administrator). Check to see if or are in there and are pointing to a different IP address. If they are you can just remove them and save the file (might require a restart to take effect). If still no luck you should try a livecd of a linux distro to make sure the problem is definitely inside your windows somewhere.
Let us know how it goes.
