No spaces in Joomla 2.5 Output - joomla

I'm in a pickle. I've designed a Joomla 2.5 site, which I have locally installed. I typically equip my installations with JCE editor for my clients, but at design time, operate in HTML mode. When all the content was in, I decided to test WYSIWYG mode to make sure nothing went awry. Unfortunately, something did. Observe the lack of spaces:
Very interesting that the problem occurs ONLY when saving from WYSIWYG view.
At first I thought JCE was malfunctioning (although the editor itself continued to show spaces), so I tried reinstalling. Then I tried other editors -- CKEditor and TinyMCE. The same symptoms manifested with them as well.
Trying to isolate the problem, I checked the database after pasting in clean markup in HTML view, and again after saving in WYSIWYG view. This is the result:
So, based on the database field, it would appear that the process of saving, in either HTML or WYSIWYG view is working properly... But then why is the output being fed to the browser different depending on which method was used to edit?
So far I've checked entity encoding, CSS (although it's obviously not a CSS issue), and tried installing on another local server. No changes in behavior.
I could really use some suggestions.
Thank you in advance for your help.
PS: This is the latest version of Joomla (2.5.6), running on Apache.

When we typed some text continually this issue was occurred. Actually this was not the issue this problem was solved by using correct css style for that division.
<style type="text/css">#divid {width:750px;word-wrap;break-word;"}</style>
You have to use this css style for your division . Surely this ll resolve that problem...


How do you see your html edits after you reload (Firefox DevTools)?

I feel like this should be really easy to find if it exists, but I've been googling for 10 minutes. I don't see it mentioned in the official documentation.
I'm trying to troubleshoot a solution to a problem. The solution requires rearranging the order the head child elements.
It's trivial to make that change with Firefox devtools, but I don't know how to view the page with those changes; if I reload (ctrl+r), the HTML goes back to the server version. Does this feature exist?
FWIW, I can find ways of doing this for CSS and JS changes.
There is currently (as of Firefox 92) no such feature of re-applying HTML changes.
What I found is a feature request in Mozilla's bug tracker.
At the moment, the only workaround for this is to directly transfer the changes on the server side script creating the HTML output once you've done them in the Inspector.
Note: It requires some heuristics to re-apply changes to HTML in the browser because the resources served over the network could change in the meantime.
For CSS, the simple DevTools solution is to replace a file entirely by the saved one. For JavaScript, they have some heuristics to recognize where a line moved when code has changed between two reloads. Though those solutions cannot be transferred to HTML easily, as it is generated dynamically most of the time.

dompdf no line height. Same code, different enviroment

I am having an issue with DOMPDF. My code should be fine and I can post if you really want to see it. I dynamically create an HTML page into a cache and then pass it to create the PDF.
I have some REAL BASIC CSS and even was able to use custom font when on LAMP. But even running it with stock fonts, forcing crazy line height in CSS and just about everything else I can think of. I am getting the same smushed text results when on my external linux server.
I have fought with this for days and have googled until my fingers have bled.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
WAMP/LAMP side by side

Twitter Bootstrap navbar only toggles once when logged in

I am building a site in Joomla (unfortunately) for a client. I have installed a template that uses Bootstrap as its basis, with some integration with Joomla, called H5BPTB. The problem I'm having is that when I visit the homepage on a small screen, and toggle the responsive navbar, it works fine, however after logging in, the navbar will open once, then close, but then no longer responds unless I refresh the page.
I read a few references elsewhere on stackoverflow to this being a problem with missing CSS transitions in the .collapse class in Bootstrap CSS. I checked and they are not missing. I also read another answer that suggested that it was a problem with some other Javascript overriding support.transition in the Bootstrap JS. I also can't find a reference to that in any other JS file. Is there anything else this could be?
Also I should add that the navbar works perfectly well in IE, but not in Firefox or Chrome.
Here is the site:
I'd recommend just trying to update your Bootstrap files in the theme. They're both on version 2.1.1 and as far as I've seen looking around some people have had similar problems with earlier Bootstrap version.
The files you're looking to change are:
If that doesn't work, I'd try just looking around and making sure that some scripts aren't conflicting, that could just mean disabling all but the Bootstrap JS. Then seeing if it works fine.
Edit: Just attempted this, changing the CSS messed with the styles a bit, and it still didn't work. I don't think it loaded the JS into the page properly though, I'll try that now...
Edit 2: So after giving this a shot, I've concluded there is only one explanation now... I've observed the difference between the page when you're logged in and logged out. When you log in there are various other bits of JS that load into the page.
One of these must be overriding Bootstraps collapse methods, thus stopping it from working. There are a few extra scripts that load when you're logged in and some more styles. It might be working trying to remove these and then trying it again.

WYSIWYG buttons don't show in IE for CKEditor

I have a fresh installation of Liferay on Tomcat and in IE7 it doesn't show the buttons for visual editing in the editor when I try to edit content.
It works on in Firefox or Chrome.
Does anyone have an idea why would that happen? I am not sure where to dig, I don't see javascript exceptions and it doesn't look like the buttons are even populated in IE. It is hard to debug IE problems since I don't have a tool like Firebug there.
I downloaded the 6.1 and still have the same problem, adding the URLs of what I see. Looks like IE only has the text box and in the DOM I don't see the same things that I see in FF.
Update on this:
I checked with some people in our organization and they have the buttons on their browser.
I checked the version of the IE browser and it's the same down to the last digit. Properties are the same as well. The only difference is that I have some plugins installed that the other browser doesn't. I tried disabling all the plugins but it didn't help.
The suspect plugin is Google Chrome Frame (ChromeFrame BHO). Can someone please try to add this plugin and see if it messes things up? The disabling it doesn't help.
Liferay CE 6.0 contains few bugs within the WYSIWYG editor integration.
One issue with IE is LPS-16004 (solution included). This might be the same problem as you are experiencing.
I remember we had also problem with javascript race condition in editor initialization, which sometimes loads the editor incorrectly.
But I strongly suggest you to move to Liferay CE 6.1 as it is much more stable.
Ok, I finally figured it out, so if someone has the same problem, here is the reason - we have Google Chrome Frame plugin installed in our organization, but it only works on white-listed domain names. In this case the domain the site was on wasn't whitelisted, but the portal looked at the agent string and saw chromeframe there and assumed it can use it as chrome browser, which broke things.
Right now I will try to white-list the domain and see if it works. Another solution would be to try and find a place where we look for the agent string and fix it there, not sure where this place is.

No Magento Header & Custom Navigation

I can't seem to figure out how to disable the header as a whole. I have installed the blank theme, and have been playing in the page XML, but to no avail. I also cannot seem to switch from 2columns-right to 2columns-left, even though i've run searches for every damn file that includes the phrase and swapped it. I'm wondering if it's just not displaying to me, but I've disabled my catch, repeatedly clear it, and have even tried disabling cookies. Anyway, once all this is done, how do i add static pages and my own navigation.
Sorry I know this covers several questions, but I have been tirelessly searching and experimenting on my own to no avail.
I can answer the part about adding new static pages.
Go to Admin , Under CMS->Manage Pages ... choose add new Page
Well, I have some of the problems. I did lots of modification to default/mystore/layout/something.xml but saw nothing happen in the frontend.
Then I did the same modification in default/default/layout/something.xml and now changes where done.
For now for me it seems that I can only modify template files in default/mystore/template but not layout files in default/mystore/layout.
Maybe your issue is the same, that Magento is using the default files and not your theme files?
