Amazon EMR JSON - hadoop

I am using Amazon EMR Hadoop Hive for big data processing. Current data in my log files is in CSV format. In order to make the table from log files, I wrote regex expression to parse the data and store into different columns of external table. I know that SerDe can be used to read data in JSON format and this means that each log file line could be as JSON object. Are there any Hadoop performance advantages if my log files are in JSON format comparing CSV format.

If you can process the output of the table (that you created with the regexp) why do another processing? Try to avoid unnecessary stuff.
I think the main issue here is which format is faster to read. I believe CSV will provide better speed over JSON but don't take my word. Hadoop really doesn't care. It's all byte arrays to him, once in memory.


Amazon Glue - Create Single Praquet

I have my data source which generates hourly files in csv format which are pushed to S3. Then using Glue I do some ETL and push the transformed data again back to S3.
The other department which consumes this data wants the files to be consolidated into a single file for yesterday.
I have written a python program that consolidates yesterday's 24 files into a single CSV file.
Now it is also needed that the single consolidated file should also be available in Parquet.
I created a crawler to generate my csv table and then I have a Glue job that converts the single transformed file into Parquet, but I am getting multiple parts of the Parquet file, which I believe because of the snappy compression. But I want to create a single one. How can I do this in Glue ?Secondly I would like to understand that when to use multiple Parquet files and when it makes sense to create a single one.
You can break out to DataFrames, call repartition(1) and then call write.

Apache Solr support for ORC file format

I have a bunch of tables in Hive, stored as ORC. I want to index their data in a SolrCloud collection.
Is there any support for indexing data stored in ORC format in Solr?
I've googled around but nothing came out.
Looks like you want SolR to read data from a specific Hive file format.
You might look at the problem the other way i.e. use Hive to write data to SolR -- and thus let Hive take care of the complexity of the actual input file format (whether ORC, Parquet, AVRO, whatever -- even HBase data files).
In the LucidWorks GitHub repo you will find a project labeled hive-solr. Have a look.
I'll accept Samson's answer.
Anyway, I'm not fully satisfied about this solution. In fact, now I still need to create an external table manually declaring all fields in the original table. In terms of operations, it is not different from creating a new table (stored ad textfile) starting from the original one, indexing the new text files and finally dropping them (of course, this may be a problem for very large tables, which is not my case).
Being ORC a self-describing format, it would be great for Solr to read both field names and data directly from the compressed files.

Hadoop Input Formats - Usage

I know different file formats in Hadoop ? By default hadoop uses text input format. what is advantage/disadvantage of using text input format.
What is advantage/disadvantage of avro over text input format.
Also please help me understand use case for different file formats(Avro, Sequence, TextInput, RCFile ).
I believe there are no advantages of Text as default other than its contents are human readable and friendly. You could easily view contents by issuing Hadoop fs -cat .
The disadvantages with Text format are
It takes more resources on disk, so would impact the production job efficiency.
Writing/Parsing the text records take more time
No option to maintain data types incase the text is composed from multiple columns.
The Sequence , Avro , RCFile format have very significant advantages over Text format.
Sequence - The key/value objects are directly stored in the binary format through the Hadoop's native serialization process by implementing Writable interface. The data types of the columns are very well maintained, and parsing the records with relevant data type also done easily. Obvoiusly it takes lesser space compared with Text due to the binary format.
Avro - Its a very compact binary storage format for hadoop key/value pairs, Reads/writes records through Avro serialization/deserialization. It is very similar to Sequence file format but also provides Language interoperability and cell versioning.
You may choose Avro over Sequence only if u need cell versioning or the data to be stored will used by few other applications written in different languages other than Java.Avro files can be processed by any languages like C, Ruby, Python, PHP, Java wherein Sequence files are specific only for Java.
RCFile - The Record Columnar File format is column oriented and it is a Hive specific storage format designed to make hive to support faster data load, reduce storage space.
Apart from this you may also consider the ORC and the Parquet file formats.

Analyzing huge amount of JSON files on S3

I have huge amount of json files, >100TB size in total, each json file is 10GB bzipped, and each line contain a json object, and they are stored on s3
If I want to transform the json into csv (also stored on s3) so I can import them into redshift directly, is writing custom code using hadoop the only choice?
Would it be possible to do adhoc query on the json file without transform the data into other format (since I don't want to convert them into other format first every time I need to do query as the source is growing)
The quickest and easiest way would be to launch an EMR cluster loaded with Hive to do the heavy lifting for this. By using the JsonSerde, you can easily transform the data into csv format. This would only require you to do a insert the data into a CSV formatted table from the JSON formatted table.
A good tutorial for handling the JsonSerde can be found here:
Also a good library used for CSV format is:
The EMR cluster can be short-lived and only necessary for that one job, which can also span across low cost spot instances.
Once you have the CSV format, the Redshift COPY documentation should suffice.

Suggested Hadoop File Format for Tabular Data

My application needs to process a couple of TB worth of tabular data. At the moment, the data is saved as several huge comma separated csv files. I can control how the files are being provided to my M/R job and I am wondering what is the preferred file format to make the job to run faster? For instance, is there any point in saving the input data as sequence files instead of the text file that I am using now? Will that make my M/R job to run noticeably faster?
From the perspective of "file format" I don't think using SequeceFile will be a great improvement over text file for csv data. If it was a single (Key,Value) pair in the CSV data, using SequenceFile over textfile would have made sense.
How ever, I am intrigued over use of RCFile (Record Columnar File) which should lend itself well for CSV like data. I have used it with hive tables and achieved some significant improvement in execution time for hive queries. I am assuming that that was due to execution efficiency in M/R since hive queries get translated to M/R programs.
