VirtueMart -- No pdf generation - joomla

I am using VM 2.0.8e , everything works great except that I don't have PDF invoices.
The emails are sent to the customer correctly but no PDF attachments. I've looked into the configuration and there is nowhere I can specify I want PDF invoices.
Can anybody help please?

Apparently this was the solution:

Are you sure that pdf's are generated at all? In my case I had to create a folder vm-files and make it in a path not accessible by an URL. Then input it in the VM config.
Btw, Phoca PDF is for Virtuemart 1.x :)


How customer can upload the image in product magento?

I want to upload the image at the front end of the product view page
but i don't know how to do these so if anybody know the answer then replay me.
I see the some extension but its not work properly
Thanks in advance.
Magento has out of the box custom options. You can add new custom options with type file.
Check it, possible it helps in your case.

CSV translation word doesn't work only in a specific server environment

I configured my Magento in es_AR and it works, it translates everithing ok. But happends that one word "Wishlist","Lista de deseos" works in my machine locally, works also ok in one server but in another it dosnt translate. It continues showing "Wishlist". And all the rest of the traductions are ok. So weird. Any guess? Im working with Magento Enterprise versiĆ³n Thanks in advance.
Clear cache and refresh - or translate it in the locale files of Magento: app\locale\es_AR\Mage_Customer.csv
Look for Wishlist there and change it
Maybe you have different Developer Mode sttings (on/off) via your index.php. Maybe you have some DB-Translations differing in the systems.

Magento : CMS upload image fail silently

I am trying to figure out why the tinyMCE WYSIWYG editor in the CMS module of Magento will not upload images. I can create/delete folders but any file will simply not get uploaded, and there seems to be no message as to why the file is not successfully written on the server.
Anyone may have an idea why?
** Update **
I'm using Magento 1.6.2. I have tried to track down the problem and it seems that the controller never gets executed. I have added a line to log the arguments in the uploadAction() action (in Mage_Adminhtml_Cms_Wysiwyg_ImagesController) and nothing gets logged.
This is project inherited from someone else, and was modified to some extend, but nothing seems to point out that this part of Magento would have been touched in anyway by the modifications.
** EDIT**
The project associated with this question has been dropped and I no longer can provide an answer to this question. If anyone can confirm a working answer (as this problem was apparantly common with Magento), I will gladly mark that answer as "accepted".
Otherwise, I will flag this question for removal for the aformentioned reasons.
Thank you.
Other than solutions provided here, it may occur when you use a CDN (or a different domain) for your javascript and media files in admin panel. If you use CDN, use it for your website(s) scope and use your own domain for default scope. It will make your website(s) media and javascript files to be loaded from CDN, and backend's media and javascript files to be loaded from your own domain. This will solve your problem.
There are some known issues with flash image uploader on Magento. Unfortunately when it falls, it falls silently. Here are some cases when smth can break it:
if you try to use it with secured connection using open ssl certificate
if you're using it on server with apache authentication
on some Magento versions with prototype 1.7
I think the latter is your best bet. Maybe you should try to apply the patch from here:
In my case it was a cross domain problem, and one quite hard to find if you ask me...
What was puzzling me was that the uploader for product images was working like a charm but the one in the CMS section was failing completely silently. We are serving the skin folder from an Amazon S3 bucket, and the flash uploader lives under that folder.
Interestingly enough, our version of Magento ( is using two different methods to calculate the path to the SWF file, depending whether you are under CMS or Product update.
The CMS file (app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/cms/browser/content/uploader.phtml) is using the following method to embed the Flash Uploader:
<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('media/uploader.swf') ?>
While the Product image uploader is using:
<?php echo $this->getUploaderUrl('media/uploader.swf') ?>
In our case, the first one resolves to the AWS S3 url, obviously in a separate domain, while the second one will still reference the local domain's url.
So yeah, the quick, dirty fix would be to replace getSkinUrl for getUploaderUrl in app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/cms/browser/content/uploader.phtml. Alternatively you can extend the core to load a different template in which you would have replaced that method.
I hope this helps somebody... I wish I had found something like this five days ago when I first stumbled upon the issue :-)
Are you using flash uploader with https? If so, is your secure address in differente domain (usually used in shareds ssl)?
I got some trouble with this. I solved by installing a flash uploader disabler plugin.
You can download the plugin with this downloader key:
I hope it helps.

How to I replace the default logo in transactional emails?

I don't want to create templates for all transactional emails but I would like to replace the default Magento logo used for emails.
I know that I can go into the base directory and replace it, but if I upgrade the system it will wipe it out. Does anyone know the proper way to change it?
Another correct way to do that is to go in BackEnd to System>>Configuration>>Design>>Transactional Emails>>Logo Image
and easily pick your logo image from there.
You can create a new theme and place it there. This isn't as difficult as it sounds because of the way themes fall back onto defaults in Magento. If Magento can't find something in your theme, it will fall back onto the base theme by looking in the default folder.
For example, in a store that I maintain, I uploaded my own version of the e-mail logo image in
and in the Administration panel, I went to System > Configuration > Design > Themes and set Default to {my-theme-name}.
Why does this work?
In the e-mail templates, Magento specifies the src of the logo image as {{skin url="images/logo_email.gif" _area='frontend'}}. This is Magento template gibberish for "find the images/logo_email.gif in the frontend area of the current theme." So Magento looks in for /frontend/{package}/{my-theme-name}/images/logo_email.gif, finds it, and uses that path when dishing out the HTML.
If you delete your image, it doesn't break! Instead, although Magento would still first search in your theme directory as described above, it would discover that it doesn't exist and fall back onto the one in /frontend/{package}/default/images/logo_email.gif.
Good luck, and hope this helps!
The best answer for handling logos in transactional emails is a combination of the previous answers.
Select the logo for your transactional emails by going here: System -> Configuration -> Design -> Transactional Emails -> Logo Image
Then, in your transactional emails ensure that they reference: {{var logo_url}} for the url of the logo.
I upgraded from an older version of Magento and it had {{skin url="images/logo_email.gif" _area='frontend'}} for the logo url. This older method referenced the logo_email.gif stuck in the default image folder.
For magento 1.9, if you want to change transactional mails' logo for all templates follow this:
System -> Configuration -> Design -> Transactional Emails -> Logo Image
In Magento < use {{var logo_url}} instead of {{skin url="images/logo_email.gif" _area='frontend'}}
Sometimes the email client will keep a cached version of the image.
I was viewing the correct image in the browser by copying the url from the email source code, but still Mail on Mac Os was displaying the demo store logo...

Editing email templates

this is probably really easy, but here goes:
My changes to the magento email templates don't show in the emails.
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to reinstall magento to get the updates? Am I simply editing the wrong files?
UPDATE: So now:
I have a fresh magento install
I haven't touched the Transactional Emails admin
I don't have locale set to 'en_US' (but since 1.4 that shouldn't be a problem right? Anyway, I tried setting the locale but it didn't help)
I ERASED the entire app/locale/en_US/template/email/ catalog
With this setup I completed an order and I still get the default email.
The only thing I can think of is I'm coming at this from the wrong direction, but I can't for the life of me figure it out.
Is it possible that your email templates are already saved into the database, and that your changes of the files are therefore not editing the correct version of the templates? Take a look at System -> Transactional Emails to see any templates that have been "promoted" to the database.
Hope that helps!
Make sure you have the proper locale selected within the admin if you are using the Transactional Emails to create new templates. Also you can also edit the files directly via
