Sinatra: User.first method - ruby

I'm reading a book that's making a Twitter clone with Sinatra in order to improve my knowledge of Ruby. I'm puzzled by the author's use of
User.first(:nickname => params[:recipient])
which he uses in several locations throughout the code, as in the following example.
post '/message/send' do
recipient = User.first(:nickname => params[:recipient])
Status.create(:text => params[:message], :user => User.
get(session[:userid]), :recipient => recipient)
redirect '/messages/sent'
What exactly is 'first' adding to this method. For example, is it searching for the first user with the nickname passed in as the parameter :recipient? In other words, is it equivalent to 'find'?
I should add that it puzzles me also because the nicknames are supposed to be unique, so there's no reason why it would need to search for the 'first' if that's indeed what it's doing.
The author is using DataMapper for the ORM

Ok, 'first' is a datamapper method that 'finds'. From the docs
zoo = Zoo.first(:name => 'Metro') # first matching record with the name 'Metro'


How do I remove sphinx_deleted from a Sphinx query?

I am new to Ruby and ThinkingSphinx.
I have the following Sphinx Query - SELECT * FROM user_core, user_delta WHERE sphinx_deleted = 0.
I do not want to see the condition "WHERE 'sphinx_deleted' = 0. How do I remove this? I have removed the sql_attr_uint = sphinx_deleted from my sphinx.conf file, yet I see the sphinx_deleted being passed in the query.
Here is the index file definition:
ThinkingSphinx::Index.define :user, :with => :active_record, :delta => true do
indexes [first_name,last_name,display_name], :as=>:name, :sortable=>true
indexes first_name, :sortable => true
indexes last_name, :sortable => true
indexes display_name, :sortable => true
indexes email, :sortable => true
indexes phone, :sortable => true
indexes title, :sortable => true
has id, :as => :user_id
has roles(:id), :as => :role_ids
has jurisdictions(:id), :as => :jurisdiction_ids
set_property :delta => true
I do not have a sphinx_scope or default_sphinx_scope defined.
We are using thinking-sphinx-3.1.0 and ruby-2.1.0
The sphinx_deleted attribute is created by Thinking Sphinx, and is used in the following cases (using your scenario of a User model with core and delta indices in the examples):
When a User is deleted, sphinx_deleted is set to 1 for that record in both the core and delta indices - there's no point returning Sphinx records if the underlying ActiveRecord object no longer exists.
When a User is updated, the delta index is processed with the latest field and attribute details, and the core index's document has sphinx_deleted set to 1, so only the latest (accurate) information will match. e.g. if a user has their name changed from Fred to Georgina, a search for 'Fred' will not return Georgina, because the core index document (which does match) is filtered out.
That is why the attribute exists. You cannot tell Thinking Sphinx to not add it, nor can you remove that filter, short of mucking around in the internals of Thinking Sphinx.
If there is a specific reason for wanting to remove the attribute and filter, feel free to comment here, or you can open an issue on the GitHub repo, or post to the TS Google Group.
Okay, further to this, there are three ways around it.
Option One:
The first way is to make the query to Sphinx yourself, using a Thinking Sphinx connection:
results = ThinkingSphinx::Connection.take do |connection|
connection.execute "SELECT * FROM user_core, user_delta"
Keep in mind that this returns raw Sphinx values, not ActiveRecord instances.
Option Two:
A more complicated alternative, though, is to have your own search middleware stack. First, you'll want to create a custom subclass of ThinkingSphinx::Middlewares::SphinxQL that removes the :sphinx_deleted filter:
class SphinxQLWithoutFilter < ThinkingSphinx::Middlewares::SphinxQL
def call(contexts)
contexts.each do |context|
end contexts
class Inner < ThinkingSphinx::Middlewares::SphinxQL::Inner
def inclusive_filters
super.except :sphinx_deleted
Then, create a new middleware stack which uses this new SphinxQL query middleware:
WithoutFilterMiddleware = do
use ThinkingSphinx::Middlewares::StaleIdFilter
use SphinxQLWithoutFilter
use ThinkingSphinx::Middlewares::Geographer
use ThinkingSphinx::Middlewares::Inquirer
use ThinkingSphinx::Middlewares::ActiveRecordTranslator
use ThinkingSphinx::Middlewares::StaleIdChecker
use ThinkingSphinx::Middlewares::Glazier
And then you can use that middleware stack in specific search queries: 'foo', :middleware => WithoutFilterMiddleware
It's worth noting the two middleware present in that stack for stale ids. They work together to catch any Sphinx results that do not have a matching ActiveRecord object, and re-run the Sphinx query up to three times filtering out those unmatched records. They're probably useful, but if you don't want to use them, you can remove them from your custom stack. However, without them, any Sphinx records that don't have matching ActiveRecord objects will be transformed into nils.
Option Three:
This is the more hackish version of the previous solution, but will apply to all searches, so probably isn't worthwhile: re-open the class that adds the filter with class_eval and change the method definition:
ThinkingSphinx::Middlewares::SphinxQL::Inner.class_eval do
def inclusive_filters
# normally:
# (options[:with] || {}).merge({:sphinx_deleted => false})
# but without the sphinx_deleted filter:
options[:with] || {}
Now, all that said: I presume you're not actually deleting users, but somehow the deletion callbacks are being fired anyway? Hence, users do exist but are currently being filtered out by Sphinx? If so, I highly recommend not using ActiveRecord's destroy method, and instead having a custom method to mark users as inactive. This avoids the callbacks, and thus avoids the need for any of the above 'solutions'.

Creating a Ruby API

I have been tasked with creating a Ruby API that retrieves youtube URL's. However, I am not sure of the proper way to create an 'API'... I did the following code below as a Sinatra server that serves up JSON, but what exactly would be the definition of an API and would this qualify as one? If this is not an API, how can I make in an API? Thanks in advance.
require 'open-uri'
require 'json'
require 'sinatra'
# get user input
puts "Please enter a search (seperate words by commas):"
search_input = gets.chomp
puts "Performing search on YOUTUBE ... go to '/videos' API endpoint to see the results and use the output"
# define query parameters
api_key = 'my_key_here'
search_url = ''
params = {
part: 'snippet',
q: search_input,
type: 'video',
videoCaption: 'closedCaption',
key: api_key
# use search_url and query parameters to construct a url, then open and parse the result
uri = URI.parse(search_url)
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
result = JSON.parse(open(uri).read)
# class to define attributes of each video and format into eventual json
class Video
attr_accessor :title, :description, :url
def initialize
#title = nil
#description = nil
#url = nil
def to_hash
'title' => #title,
'description' => #description,
'url' => #url
def to_json
# create an array with top 3 search results
results_array = []
result["items"].take(3).each do |video|
#video =
#video.title = video["snippet"]["title"]
#video.description = video["snippet"]["description"]
#video.url = video["snippet"]["thumbnails"]["default"]["url"]
results_array << #video.to_json.gsub!(/\"/, '\'')
# define the API endpoint
get '/videos' do
An "API = Application Program Interface" is, simply, something that another program can reliably use to get a job done, without having to busy its little head about exactly how the job is done.
Perhaps the simplest thing to do now, if possible, is to go back to the person who "tasked" you with this task, and to ask him/her, "well, what do you have in mind?" The best API that you can design, in this case, will be the one that is most convenient for the people (who are writing the programs which ...) will actually have to use it. "Don't guess. Ask!"
A very common strategy for an API, in a language like Ruby, is to define a class which represents "this application's connection to this service." Anyone who wants to use the API does so by calling some function which will return a new instance of this class. Thereafter, the program uses this object to issue and handle requests.
The requests, also, are objects. To issue a request, you first ask the API-connection object to give you a new request-object. You then fill-out the request with whatever particulars, then tell the request object to "go!" At some point in the future, and by some appropriate means (such as a callback ...) the request-object informs you that it succeeded or that it failed.
"A whole lot of voodoo-magic might have taken place," between the request object and the connection object which spawned it, but the client does not have to care. And that, most of all, is the objective of any API. "It Just Works.™"
I think they want you to create a third-party library. Imagine you are schizophrenic for a while.
Joe wants to build a Sinatra application to list some YouTube videos, but he is lazy and he does not want to do the dirty work, he just wants to drop something in, give it some credentials, ask for urls and use them, finito.
Joe asks Bob to implement it for him and he gives him his requirements: "Bob, I need YouTube library. I need it to do:"
# Please note that I don't know how YouTube API works, just guessing.
client = 'hola')
video_urls = client.videos # => ['https://...', 'https://...', ...]
And Bob says "OK." end spends a day in his interactive console.
So first, you should figure out how you are going to use your not-yet-existing lib, if you can – sometimes you just don't know yet.
Next, build that library based on the requirements, then drop it in your Sinatra app and you're done. Does that help?

How can I get all the responses by a particular user to posts on a particular topic

I have a user, a micropost and a response model.
The user has many microposts and has many responses.
Microposts have tags using the acts as taggable gem.
I need to find the number of responses a user has, to microposts that are tagged with a specific tag. To be clear, for example, how many responses has user 1 given to microposts on "exercise"
There is some basic ruby syntax and relationship logic I am missing. This is what I haev in my user model.
def user_responses_on_topic tag
microposts = self.microposts.tagged_with(tag, :on => :tags)
responses_count = 0
microposts.each do |micropost|
count = micropost.responses.where("user_id = :user_id", user_id:
responses_count = responses_count + count
Its giving me a value but I know its wrong because when I add responses on a particular topic the users value doesn't increase.
I am sure there is a simple "ruby" way to get at this using
responses = user.microposts.responses
But I need to know how to get the tagged logic on microposts into this code
I have tightened it up a bit but still not luck. The individual components of this code work but I can't get the whole thing to work together
def user_responses_on_topic(interest)
microposts = Micropost.tagged_with(interest, :on => :tags, :any => true)
responses ||= 0
microposts.each do |micropost|
responses += micropost.responses.where("user_id = :user_id", user_id:
This works
def user_responses_on_topic(interest)
microposts = Micropost.tagged_with(interest, :on => :tags, :any => true)
count = 0
microposts.each do |micropost|
responses = micropost.responses.size
count = count + responses
But there's got to be a better Rails way (this smells of PHP)
Any ideas?
If all of the components are working independently, it might be as simple as adding a line to the end of your method: responses. After the .each loop executes, it returns the original array (not the value you modified within the loop). Since you want to return the number stored in responses, you want that variable to be the last line of your method.
You should be able to do the count in a single query like this:
microposts.tagged_with(tag, on: :tags).joins(:responses).where(responses: {user_id: id}).count

ActiveRecord, find by polymorphic attribute

Having this:
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :historizable, :polymorphic => true
user = User.create!
I can:
Event.create!(:historizable => user)
But I can't:
Event.where(:historizable => user)
# Mysql2::Error: Unknown column 'events.historizable' in 'where clause'
I have to do this instead:
Event.where(:historizable_id =>, :historizable_type =>
Code that reproduces the issue:
This has been implemented in Rails master and will be available in
Rails 4. Thanks.
– #carlosantoniodasilva
I do this:
This is a proper AR query, you can chain it with other scopes and stuff:<your event conditions here>)
EDIT: AFAIK the other way around you must specify both fields (makes sense: you could have a user with id 4 and another thing with events, like a Party, also with id 4).
EDIT2: Regarding "Why does create work and where doesn't": create is more highlevel than where, because the former deals with "a complete model", while the latter manages things at the database table level.
ActiveRecord's create (AFAIK) uses a combination of new + update_param somewhere down the line.
update_param uses your model's xxxx= methods for assigning each individual property.
In your example, historizable= is a method built by the belongs_to expression. Since the belongs_to "knows" that it's polymorphic, it can deal with the type and id.
On the other hand, when you pass a hash to the where clause, the parameters there only refer to database fields. Rails provides scopes for "higher level" access:
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :by_historizable, lambda { |h| where(:historizable_id =>, :historizable_type => }
Event.by_historizable(user).where(<your other queries here>)
I've heard that this might change in Rails 4, and where might be more "intelligent". But I have not checked yet.
Event.joins(:historizable).where(:historizable => {:historizable_type => user})

ROR- Cannot use Find in a 1-many relationship

In Ruby on rails, our model includes orders and payments.
There's 1-many relationship between order and payments.
In the orders model we specify:
has_many :payments, :as => :payable
And a payment record has payable_id that is set to
In a report, I want to select all payments that belong to orders of a given type.
payments = Payment.find(:all, :conditions => conditions)
and adding 'payable.type="a" ' to the conditions doesn't work.
It seems that ActiveRecord doesn't develop this into a correct join statement ( and orders.type='a').
I cannot use explicit SQL here, as the condition contains other things that are inserted there earlier in the code.
Raffi Lipkin
Your conditions clause is wrong.
You state that an Order
has_many :payments, :as => :payable
This tells me that a Payment
belongs_to :payable, :polymorphic => true
This means that the payments table has two columns of note: payable_id and payable_type. This also means that Payments can be applied not just to Orders, but also to other models as well (CreditCardBalances, who knows).
If you want to query for payments of a specific type, i.e. belonging to any instance of a particular class, you need to be querying the field payments.payable_type. This works fine:
Payment.find(:all, :conditions => "payable_type = 'Order'")
Here's a gist that shows what I did to test this. The models created are set up just like described above.
Don't forget that you can extract that into named scopes if it's easier:
named_scope :on_orders, :conditions => "payable_type = 'Order'"
Which makes it
Or dynamically:
named_scope :on, lambda { |type| { :conditions => "payable_type = '#{type.to_s}'" } }
Which then makes it
Payment.on(Order) # or Payment.on(CreditCardBalance) or Payment.on("Order")
Try incliding and reference the actual table id name in the condition, rather than the association alias:
find(:include => "payments", :conditions => ["payment.type = ?", "x"]
You mention 'payment type'. If they're fairly static, have you considered using single table inheritance (STI) to subclass your different payment types? Then Rails will do all the magic to filter on type.
class CreditCardPayment < Payment
It doesn't even need to exhibit different behaviour initially; however you'll probably find that it turns out to be really useful to have different data and polymorphic behaviour around payments.
