I have been tasked with creating a Ruby API that retrieves youtube URL's. However, I am not sure of the proper way to create an 'API'... I did the following code below as a Sinatra server that serves up JSON, but what exactly would be the definition of an API and would this qualify as one? If this is not an API, how can I make in an API? Thanks in advance.
require 'open-uri'
require 'json'
require 'sinatra'
# get user input
puts "Please enter a search (seperate words by commas):"
search_input = gets.chomp
puts "Performing search on YOUTUBE ... go to '/videos' API endpoint to see the results and use the output"
# define query parameters
api_key = 'my_key_here'
search_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search'
params = {
part: 'snippet',
q: search_input,
type: 'video',
videoCaption: 'closedCaption',
key: api_key
# use search_url and query parameters to construct a url, then open and parse the result
uri = URI.parse(search_url)
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
result = JSON.parse(open(uri).read)
# class to define attributes of each video and format into eventual json
class Video
attr_accessor :title, :description, :url
def initialize
#title = nil
#description = nil
#url = nil
def to_hash
'title' => #title,
'description' => #description,
'url' => #url
def to_json
# create an array with top 3 search results
results_array = []
result["items"].take(3).each do |video|
#video = Video.new
#video.title = video["snippet"]["title"]
#video.description = video["snippet"]["description"]
#video.url = video["snippet"]["thumbnails"]["default"]["url"]
results_array << #video.to_json.gsub!(/\"/, '\'')
# define the API endpoint
get '/videos' do
An "API = Application Program Interface" is, simply, something that another program can reliably use to get a job done, without having to busy its little head about exactly how the job is done.
Perhaps the simplest thing to do now, if possible, is to go back to the person who "tasked" you with this task, and to ask him/her, "well, what do you have in mind?" The best API that you can design, in this case, will be the one that is most convenient for the people (who are writing the programs which ...) will actually have to use it. "Don't guess. Ask!"
A very common strategy for an API, in a language like Ruby, is to define a class which represents "this application's connection to this service." Anyone who wants to use the API does so by calling some function which will return a new instance of this class. Thereafter, the program uses this object to issue and handle requests.
The requests, also, are objects. To issue a request, you first ask the API-connection object to give you a new request-object. You then fill-out the request with whatever particulars, then tell the request object to "go!" At some point in the future, and by some appropriate means (such as a callback ...) the request-object informs you that it succeeded or that it failed.
"A whole lot of voodoo-magic might have taken place," between the request object and the connection object which spawned it, but the client does not have to care. And that, most of all, is the objective of any API. "It Just Works.™"
I think they want you to create a third-party library. Imagine you are schizophrenic for a while.
Joe wants to build a Sinatra application to list some YouTube videos, but he is lazy and he does not want to do the dirty work, he just wants to drop something in, give it some credentials, ask for urls and use them, finito.
Joe asks Bob to implement it for him and he gives him his requirements: "Bob, I need YouTube library. I need it to do:"
# Please note that I don't know how YouTube API works, just guessing.
client = YouTube.new(api_key: 'hola')
video_urls = client.videos # => ['https://...', 'https://...', ...]
And Bob says "OK." end spends a day in his interactive console.
So first, you should figure out how you are going to use your not-yet-existing lib, if you can – sometimes you just don't know yet.
Next, build that library based on the requirements, then drop it in your Sinatra app and you're done. Does that help?
I’m writing an app that scrapes genius.com to show a user the top ten songs. The user can then pick a song to see the lyrics.
I’d like to know how to employ the user input collected in my cli class inside of a method in my scraper class.
Right now I have part of the scrape happening outside the scraper class, but I'd like a clean division of responsibility.
Here’s part of my code:
Class CLI
def get_user_song
chosen_song = gets.strip.to_i
if chosen_song > 10 || chosen_song < 1
puts "Only the hits! Choose a number from 1-10."
I’d like to be able to do something like the below.
Class Scraper
def self.scrape_lyrics
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open("https://genius.com/#top-songs"))
#url = page.css('div#top-songs a').map {|link| link['href']}
user_selection = #input_from_cli #<---this is where I'd like to use the output
# of the 'gets' method above.
#print_lyrics = #url[user_selection - 1]
scrape_2 = Nokogiri::HTML(open(#print_lyrics))
puts scrape_2.css(".lyrics").text
I'm basically wondering how I can pass the chosen song variable into the Scraper class. I've tried a writing class method, but was having trouble writing it in a way that didn't break the rest of my program.
Thanks for any help!
I see two possible solutions to your problem. Which one is appropriate for this depends on your design goals. I'll try to explain with each option:
From a plain reading of your code, the user inputs the number without seeing the content of the page (through your program). In this case the simple way would be to pass in the selected number as a parameter to the scrape_lyrics method:
def self.scrape_lyrics(user_selection)
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open("https://genius.com/#top-songs"))
#url = page.css('div#top-songs a').map {|link| link['href']}
#print_lyrics = #url[user_selection -1]
scrape_2 = Nokogiri::HTML(open(#print_lyrics))
puts scrape_2.css(".lyrics").text
All sequencing happens in the CLI class and the scraper is called with all necessary data at the get go.
When imagining your tool more interactively, I was thinking it could be useful to have the scraper download the current top 10 and present the list to the user to choose from. In this case the interaction is a little bit more back-and-forth.
If you still want a strict separation, you can split scrape_lyrics into scrape_top_ten and scrape_lyrics_by_number(song_number) and sequence that in the CLI class.
If you expect the interaction flow to be very dynamic it might be better to inject the interaction methods into the scraper and invert the dependency:
def self.scrape_lyrics(cli)
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open("https://genius.com/#top-songs"))
titles = page.css('div#top-songs h3:first-child').map {|t| t.text}
user_selection = cli.choose(titles) # presents a choice to the user, returning the selected number
#url = page.css('div#top-songs a').map {|link| link['href']}
#print_lyrics = #url[user_selection - 1]
scrape_2 = Nokogiri::HTML(open(#print_lyrics))
puts scrape_2.css(".lyrics").text
See the tty-prompt gem for an example implementation of the latter approach.
Learning Ruby & APIs. Practicing with the Uber API. Wrote a script to estimate the price of a ride.
require 'uber'
require 'geocoder'
def ride()
# print "start? "
# location_start = gets.chomp
# print "finish? "
# location_end = gets.chomp
coordinates_start = Geocoder.coordinates("dublin") # gets a location for start and transforms into lat long
coordinates_end = Geocoder.coordinates("dalkey") # gets a location for start and transforms into lat long
client = Uber::Client.new do |config|
config.server_token = "{SERVER_TOKEN}"
config.sandbox = true
estimate = client.price_estimations(start_latitude: coordinates_start[0], start_longitude: coordinates_start[1],
end_latitude: coordinates_end[0], end_longitude: coordinates_end[1])
puts ride
the output of estimate has the format #<Uber::Price:0x00007fc663821b90>. I run estimate.class and it's an array. I run estimate[0].class and I get Uber::Price. How can I extract the values that I should be getting from Uber's API response? [0]
[0] https://developer.uber.com/docs/riders/references/api/v1.2/estimates-price-get#response
You're talking to the API via a library, normally you'd follow the documentation of that library uber-ruby.
Unfortunately that library doesn't document what an Uber::Price does. It's a safe guess that Uber::Price has the same fields as in the API documentation. Peaking at the code for Uber::Price we see this is basically correct.
attr_accessor :product_id, :currency_code, :display_name,
:estimate, :low_estimate, :high_estimate,
:surge_multiplier, :duration, :distance
You can access the API fields with estimate.field. For example, to see all estimates and durations...
estimates = ride()
estimates.each do |estimate|
puts "Taking a #{estimate.display_name} will cost #{estimate.estimate} #{estimate.currency_code} and take #{estimate.duration / 60} minutes"
I am the maintainer and co-author of uber-ruby gem. #Schwern is correct, the client library gives the attributes same as that in uber api response's structure. I should probably indicate that in the documentation.
Please also note that test specs of the gem are 100% covered and it can give you the idea of how to interact with the gem, wherever it's unclear.
For price estimate, you can refer to https://github.com/AnkurGel/uber-ruby/blob/master/spec/lib/api/price_estimates_spec.rb#L61-L73
I can't find a basic explanation anywhere about how I can test, with Rack::Test, that a Ruby/Sinatra post method successfully saves data to a YAML store/file. (This explains testing get, which I can do(!), but not post; other mentions of testing post methods with rack/test seem irrelevant.) For self-study, I'm building a "to do" app in Ruby/Sinatra and I'm trying to use TDD everything and unit test like a good little boy. A requirement I have is: When a user posts a new task, it is saved in the YML store.
I was thinking of testing this either by seeing if a "Task saved" was shown in the response to the user (which of course isn't directly testing the thing itself...but is something I'd also like to test):
assert last_response.body.include?("Task saved")
or by somehow testing that a test task's description is now in the YML file. I guess I could open up the YML file and look, and then delete it from the YML file, but I'm pretty sure that's not what I'm supposed to do.
I've confirmed post does correctly save to a YML file:
get('/') do |*user_message|
# prepare erb messages
#user_message = session[:message] if session[:message]
#overlong_description = session[:overlong_description] if
session[:message] = nil # clear message after being used
session[:overlong_description] = nil # ditto
#tasks = store.all
erb :index #, user_message => {:user_message => params[:user_message]}
post('/newtask') do
#task = Task.new(store, params)
# decide whether to save & prepare user messages
if #task.complete == true # task is complete!
#task.message << " " + "Task saved!"
session[:message] = #task.message # use session[:message] for user messages
#task.message = ""
#task.message << " " + "Not saved." # task incomplete
session[:message] = #task.message # use session[:message] for user messages
session[:overlong_description] = #task.overlong_description if
#task.message = ""
#task.overlong_description = nil
redirect '/'
As you can see, it ends in a redirect...one response I want to test is actually on the slash route, not on the /newtask route.
So of course the test doesn't work:
def test_post_newtask
post('/newtask', params = {"description"=>"Test task 123"})
# Test that "saved" message for user is in returned page
assert last_response.body.include?("Task saved") # boooo
Github source here
If you can give me advice on a book (chapter, website, blog, etc.) that goes over this in a way accessible to a relative beginner, I'd be most grateful.
Be gentle...I'm very new to testing (and programming).
Nobody answered my question and, since I have figured out what the answer is, I thought I would share it here.
First of all, I gather that it shouldn't be necessary to check if the data is actually saved to the YAML store; the main thing is to see if the web page returns the correct result (we assume the database is groovy if so).
The test method I wrote above was correct; it was simply missing the single line follow_redirect!. Apparently I didn't realize that I needed to instruct rake/test to follow the redirect.
Part of the problem was that I simply hadn't found the right documentation. This page does give the correct syntax, but doesn't give much detail. This page helped a lot, and this bit covers redirects.
Here's the updated test method:
def test_post_newtask
post "/newtask", params = {"description" => "Write about quick brown foxes",
"categories" => "writing823"}
assert last_response.body.include?("Task saved")
assert last_response.body.include?("Write about quick brown foxes")
(With thanks to the Columbus Ruby Brigade.)
If I have a method like this:
require 'tweetstream'
# client is an instance of TweetStream::Client
# twitter_ids is an array of up to 1000 integers
def add_first_users_to_stream(client, twitter_ids)
# Add the first 100 ids to sitestream.
# Add any extra IDs individually.
twitter_ids.each do |id|
return client
I want to use rspec to test that:
client.sitestream is called, with the first 100 Twitter IDs.
client.control.add_user() is called with the remaining IDs.
The second point is trickiest for me -- I can't work out how to stub (or whatever) a method on an object that is itself a property of an object.
(I'm using Tweetstream here, although I expect the answer could be more general. If it helps, client.control would be an instance of TweetStream::SiteStreamClient.)
(I'm also not sure a method like my example is best practice, accepting and returning the client object like that, but I've been trying to break my methods down so that they're more testable.)
This is actually a pretty straightforward situation for RSpec. The following will work, as an example:
describe "add_first_users_to_stream" do
it "should add ids to client" do
bulk_add_limit = 100
twitter_ids = (0..bulk_add_limit+rand(50)).collect { rand(4000) }
extras = twitter_ids[bulk_add_limit..-1]
client = double('client')
expect(client).to receive(:sitestream).with(twitter_ids[0...bulk_add_limit])
client_control = double('client_control')
expect(client).to receive(:control).exactly(extras.length).times.and_return(client_control)
expect(client_control).to receive(:add_user).exactly(extras.length).times.and_return {extras.shift}
add_first_users_to_stream(client, twitter_ids)
I have read through the Web Services site at http://developer.rallydev.com/help/
The basic issue I have is that I am trying to update custom created fields in Rally from a Ruby script and I do not know the format to use. The Rally Devs said this was possible and directed me to post here as they do not support users with such things.
I am wondering if anyone else has been able to do this. I can get the defect, but the debug info has not given me any clues as to where these custom fields may be lurking. Thanks in advance for your help and please let me know if you need any additional information. The simple code I have right now is this:
require 'rubygems'
require 'rally_rest_api'
defect = "DE677"
logger = Logger.new("debug-rally.txt")
logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
rally = RallyRestAPI.new(:username => "hidden",
:password => "hidden",
:logger => logger,
:version => 1.34)
result = rally.find(:defect) { equal :formattedid, defect }
if result.page_length == 0
puts "The defect "+defect+" was not found"
elsif result.page_length == 1
puts "Found it"
res_array = result.results
thedefect = res_array.at(0)
puts thedefect.state
puts thedefect.requirement.defects
puts "Returned more than one result"
puts result.page_length
res_array = result.results
for i in res_array
puts i
EDIT:It was actually staring me right in the face. When I checked the debug log again they were in the xml. For instance in the UI there was a custom field called fu and in the resulting xml it was there as bar.
There is a display name and a name property when you create it. In your example my guess is fu is your display name and bar is the name.