as-create-or-update-trigger: command not found - amazon-ec2

I download the Auto Scaling Tool here:
When I tried to create a trigger, the command not found. I also export its environment, but command that not found.. I tried to find that as-create-or-update-trigger folder, but there is no file like that. What's up?
root#ip:/root/tools# as-create-or-update-trigger Trigger1
--auto-scaling-group AutoScale --namespace "AWS/EC2" --measure CPUUtilization --statistic Average --dimensions
"AutoScalingGroupName=AutoScale" --units "Percent" --period 60
--lower-threshold 30 --upper-threshold 70 --lower-breach-increment"=-1" --upper-breach-increment "1" --breach-duration 120 OK-Created/Updated trigger
as-create-or-update-trigger: command not found
Does anyone has the same issue? Any solution?

that command is now deprecated and replaced by
auto scaling policies and cloudwatch alarms.
There is some documentation on how to do this here:

I think this has been deprecated in favor of "mon-put-metric-alarm"


Error while generating report in apache-jmeter-5.4.1.tgz

sh -n -t filePath.jmx -l outFilePath.jtl -e -o folderPath
Error generating the report: Error while processing samples: Consumer failed with message :Consumer failed with message :Consumer failed with message :Consumer failed with message :Begin size 0 is not equal to fixed size 5
In resume
Consumer failed with message :Begin size 0 is not equal to fixed size 5
currently using Java version "17" 2021-09-14 LTS
MacOS big SUR version 11.4
the properties files are fresh and values are equal to the default ones
Jmeter 5.4.1
1632430450882,1117,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-3,text,true,,3824,557,3,3,Url_hidden,1111,0,256
1632430450448,1755,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-2,text,true,,3836,557,3,3,Url_hidden,1755,0,690
1632430450448,1755,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-1,text,true,,3828,557,3,3,Url_hidden,1755,0,690
1632430452312,585,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-2,text,true,,3836,557,3,3,Url_hidden,585,0,144
1632430452238,758,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-3,text,true,,3832,557,3,3,Url_hidden,757,0,137
1632430452301,806,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-1,text,true,,3828,557,3,3,Url_hidden,805,0,136
1632430452962,550,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-2,text,true,,3824,557,3,3,Url_hidden,550,0,152
1632430453328,593,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-1,text,true,,3828,557,2,2,Url_hidden,592,0,135
1632430453276,815,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-3,text,true,,3840,557,1,1,Url_hidden,814,0,142
The thread run successfully and the jtl file is created as well.
I quite new on Jmeter and tried to see where that "size" attribute is currently locate to see how change it, but could not find it on any *.properties file
any though how can be this fixed, what the message is referring to?
This error is likely due to an incompatibility of JMeter with Java 17 (as mentioned by Dmitri T).
Whilst we wait for a fix, a workaround would be downgrading to Java 16. I can confirm this solved the issue for me.
I had the same issue with:
MacOS big SUR version 11.6
Jmeter 5.4.1 (installed via brew)
Temurin 11 (LTS) OpenJDK & Temurin 8 (LTS) OpenJDK
Running Jmeter with Java 8 solved my issue. The problem was, that Jmeter always used Java 11. I struggled some days to find out, how to set the Jmeter Java version:
set the correct Java 8 Home in: /usr/local/Cellar/jmeter/5.4.1/bin/jmeter:
JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_8_HOME exec "/usr/local/Cellar/jmeter/5.4.1/libexec/bin/jmeter" "$#"
Maybe there are easier ways to set Java 8 for Jmeter - but this was the only solution which worked for me.
I had Java 8 installed however, the JMeter was picking up Java 1.17 which was nowhere in my system. So uninstalling and reinstalling jmeter, worked like a charm for me.
I cannot reproduce your issue using:
openjdk:8-jre-alpine docker image
JMeter 5.4.1
Test plan Test.jmx from extras folder of JMeter
If you cannot reproduce the above behaviour I think you made some changes either to Results File Configuration or to Reporting Configuration or both so you need to inspect all the JMeter Properties which differ from the defaults and restore their values to the original ones.
If you need further support you need to share at least first 2 lines of your outFilePath.jtl results file. Better if possible the full file and all the .properties files from JMeter's "bin" folder.
exec commandline /usr/libexec/java_home -V
enter image description here
replace bin of jmeter JAVA_HOME
enter image description here
and then ,it is success.

ES Won't Start on Win x64 Java SE 8 u 171/2

I have Win 10 x64. I updated to Java 8 Update 171. Attempting to run ES up with this command line
cd bin
resulted in failure to start with this rather cryptic error
Common was unexpected at this time
I upgraded to 172 and it was the same. (Disclaimer: It might have been "not expected" rather than "unexpected" but I'm not re-installing 172 to check it and then downgrading again.)
I had a look in jvm.options and the only place I could find "common" was in a comment
# turn off a JDK optimization that throws away stack traces for common
# exceptions because stack traces are important for debugging
Downgrading to je 8 U 162 fixed the issue and all was well.
My local DynamoDB ran up OK under the latest Java. Is this an issue with how I'm starting ES (don't think so - it's been working for ages)? Is an issue with ES or Java? Is there a work around that anyone knows of as I'd rather run the latest Java.
For me helped to change in elasticsearch.bat from %JAVA% to !JAVA! in line 47
With elastic 6.6.2
change line 46 of elasticsearch.bat - from %JAVA% to !JAVA!
change line 60 of elasticsearch-env.bat - from %JAVA% to !JAVA!

what's the difference between google-containers and google_containers when use kubeadm(kubernetes)

Currently I'm using kubeadm 1.7.2 to install kubernetes.
It will download images like
But in, I only see google-containers.
So is the same ????
If they are the same, why when I tag them to google-containers instead of google-containers kubeadm will download the google_containers/xxx ???
So is the same
Since 2015, yes: see kubernetes issue 6229
It turns out that that is because I am using an older version of docker which does not allow "-" in namespaces.
I get Invalid namespace name (google-containers), only [a-z0-9_] are allowed, size between 4 and 30 error on running $docker pull
#thockin suggested that we can change the path to use google_containers instead of google-containers since that works for all versions of docker.

Caffe for Windows on VS 2013 failing with leveldbutil error

I am trying to compile and run cafee with the directions found here:
But when I run it, for example on the MNIST example:
"bin\caffe.exe" train --solver=examples\mnist\lenet_solver.prototxt
I get the output:
Usage: leveldbutil command...
dump files... -- dump contents of specified files
What do I do to fix this?
Pulling from solved the problem.
Check the users group in case you need help:!forum/caffe-users
Check the issue tracker in case you need help:

OpenDJ silent install

I am writing a shell script that will read OpenDJ installation properties from a file and install OpenDJ.
I have read their documentation and prepared the properties file with required data.
#enableStartTLS = true
#ldapsPort = 1636
rootUserDN=cn=Directory Manager
#usePkcs11Keystore = true
#keyStorePassword = password
When I run command from opendj unzipped setup it prompts me for license agreement to accpet even after putting --no-promt option i.e -n .
./setup -n -i --propertiesFilePath
Due to this my installation does not proceed. What am i missing here.
I got the answer , there is paramter called --acceptLicense that can be passed. Thier use manual is bit unreadable form i missed it.
If documentation is unclear, you should create a ticket for improvement on the OpenDJ project issue tracking system
