Stm32CubeIDE can't flash because of arm-eabi-gcc - gcc

I'm on Archlinux trying to flash a Nucleo STM32F446 board using STM32CubeIDE.
While running an example code (correctly build without problem), i get this error :
The quite not fun fact is that the command "arm-none-eabi-gdb --version" works well when i launch it on terminal.
And the same way, the file "" is linked in /usr/lib/ :
well, i'm lost here. i don't know what more to do. Even if i already checked a few forums, i know i'm not the only one with this issue.
Thanks for your help !

Well, kinda figured it out,
an AUR package can solve the problem : ncurses5-compat-libs
Download this package after removing the handmades links helps removing thins error.
Unfortunately, an other error, which seems to come from the code of the package itselfs pops up instead :
But i will create an other topic specifically on this one.
Have a great day, hope it works well for you !


VS Code Go intellisense causing problems

fmt.Printf("hello") was working great with intellisense
but suddenly in every go file my fmt.P .. suggestion becomes this
and this
I am not getting "fmt.Printf()" suggestions anymore and getting stuck with those "const", "func", "import", "type", & "var".. what is happening? (Though it is not suggesting fmt.Printf() but it's still working). how can I get normal suggestions by intellisense like previous?
I tried disabling GO official extension, then it got fixed but also I lose all autocomplete/suggestion feature. a go file in root directory is working fine but other files inside packages are showing this kinda problems. Please help
After searching a lot I couldn't find exact problem and solution. And somehow I saw some were facing "case-insensitive import collision:" and it was due to upper-case and lower-case mixture usage in filename. I remembered it seeing in my package name (though this error vanishes sometimes and ignored it as code execution was working) and tried renaming my filename from "sequenceUtils.go" to "sequence_utils.go" and boom ..! intellisense started working ..! though my colleague was working with same filename and he wasn't facing problems..
I think the problem should be properly identified..!

Error in Quantum Espresso configuration with libxc

Please let me know if there's a better place to ask this question. I'm new to the field and know absolutely nothing.
I'm trying to configure quantum espresso with libxc, and no matter what I do I seem to get the same error: 'configure: error: Could not find required libxc library'. I downloaded the libxc source and followed the installation instructions on this website: I can't seem to find any errors in the installation but I really have no idea what I'm doing so it's possible.
Configuring quantum espresso with the './configure' command and then making PW, everything works fine and I can use quantum espresso just find without the libxc library. Adding the --with-libxc flag, no matter what I put for --with-libxc-prefix flag, I always get the same error pictured below.
I'm working through ssh on my research group's supercomputer. This is my first time using a unix interface, I know nothing about compilers or anything like that, I have absolutely no idea how to solve this problem, I can't seem to find any solutions that work on the quantum espresso forums, and I feel extremely stuck. Any help is appreciated.
One needs to compile both programs with the same compiler. My default was using gfortran for one and ifort for the other.
A good place to ask these kinds of questions is to the mailing list listed here:

Cordova file plugin can't access the application directory on windows 8

Please help, I can't seem to get an answer for this anywhere.
If I use the Cordova file plugin to try and access the application directory on Windows 8, it always fails! Here is the basic code I am using:
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.dataDirectory + 'www/assets/images/image.png', gotFile, fail);
I have been using the same basic code on the Android and iOS versions of the app for some time now with no problem so I don't understand why the Windows 8 version doesn't like it.
Through console logs I can see that the link generated is in fact correct and it's actually exactly the same as one used to append the same image to the page (which works fine):
<img src="ms-appx:///www/assets/images/image.png">.
Can anyone please tell me why I can't use cordova.file.applicationDirectory with Windows? I know that folder is read only, I am just trying to read from it.
Note: I can use window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL with the cordova.file.applicationDirectory no problem at all, it works as expected. Its only the cordova.file.dataDirectory that always fails for me. The closest answer I could find was some people having trouble with the image paths of images saved from the camera plugin but that seems to have been a bug that was fixed by Cordova. If this is not a bug also then I'm assuming there is something really simple I can do to make the resolveLocalFileSystemURL work?
I found a solution to my problem by using '', I had success with the following code:
Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Windows.Foundation.Uri('ms-appx:///www/test.html')).done(win, fail);
More info can be found here:… I hope this helps some other people struggling with Windows 8 as I spent quite a time scratching my head about it and trying lots of different ways.

Top command failing in my embedded device

When I fire the top command for my board it says 'vt102': unknown terminal type. I cant seem to figure out why it is happening so I have also loaded the library files from my PC into the board.The procps was built using my own cross-sompiled gcc which went quite well. Does anyone know what is missing?
Probably the problem lies in the TERM environment variable.
Try to do
export TERM=linux
and to relaunch top
I instead hacked into the code and commented the //#include asm/page.h and good gracious it worked.
If anyone need help on the issue leave a post.

MSBuild error with linked files

When I use msbuild I get the following error:
CS2001 Source file could not be found.
I have noticed the only files that I get this error for are used as a linked reference to the file, so this could be the issue. Any idea's how to get them to build?
I should add that I am able to build the solution in visual studio without a problem.
Hi everyone! Just want to let anyone who cares know what the problem was. It was a length issue as I stated in my comment. I changed the path to just my c drive and everything built fine. Thanks to everyone who took the time to look at this for me. I appreciate it.
Just want to let anyone who cares know what the problem was. It was a length issue as I stated in my comment. I changed the path to just my c drive and everything built fine. Thanks to everyone who took the time to look at this for me. I appreciate it.
