Routing Error - No route matches - ruby

Here's the problem, when visiting requests/index.html.erb:
Routing Error
No route matches {:action=>"cancel", :controller=>"requests"}
<%= link_to "Cancel", cancel_request_path %>
resources :requests do
get 'cancel', on: :member
def cancel
request = Request.find(params[:id])
request.update_attributes(stage: "Cancelled")
redirect_to root_path
What am I missing?

Fixed. I just needed to change to this in my index.html.erb:
<%= link_to "Cancel", cancel_request_path( %>
I thought all the attributes of the object would get passed to the action in params, but I guess I have to specify which params to pass to the action.

get 'cancel', :on => :member
On member means, you path would be like :
or simply the requests object in the parameter...


Routing issue on Nested Resource Custom Update Method

Im Building out a Rails app in Rails 4 Ruby 2
I have built a custom Method in a controller that allows me to update a table by button click.
I had some help building out the button, however it only updates the first id, in the nested element.
I am looking for said button when pushed to target only the line item its sitting in.
The button/link:
<%= link_to "Remove Unit", [#call, responding], class: 'btn btn-danger btn-sm', method: :delete, confirm: "Are you sure you want to remove this unit?" %><%= link_to "Responding", unit_responding_update_call_responding_path(call_id:, id:, method: :patch %>
this button is displayed with in a <%= #respondings.each do |responding| %> and should populate with each line item that is added, so that it can update that record when pushed.
the controller action is:
def unit_responding_update
#call = Call.find(params[:call_id])
#responding = Responding.find(params[:id])
#responding.responding_tme =
#responding.responding = "true"
#responding.on_scene = "false"
#responding.clear = "false"!
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to #call, notice: "Responding time successfully updated." }
format.html { render action: 'edit' }
Routes.rb is:
resources :calls do
resources :respondings, except: [:index], controller: 'calls/respondings' do
member do
patch :unit_responding_update
resources :pings, except: [:index], controller: 'calls/pings'
resources :agencies, except: [:index], controller: 'calls/agencies'
resources :incidents, except: [:index], controller: 'calls/incidents'
resources :complainants, except: [:index], controller: 'calls/complainants'
And finally the output for Rake Routes for the custom action is:
unit_responding_update_call_responding PATCH /calls/:call_id/respondings/:id/unit_responding_update(.:format) calls/respondings#unit_responding_update
I know its probably only a small problem, ive looked at similar StackOverflow Questions, treehouse forums and code academy resources but can not for the life of me sort this one out..
Thanks in advance for your assistance. Please lte me know if you require anything further for information.
however it only updates the first id, in the nested element.
this is caused by
<%= link_to "Responding", unit_responding_update_call_responding_path(call_id:, id:, method: :patch %>
As this button is displayed with in a <%= #respondings.each do |responding| %>, replace with
<%= link_to "Responding", unit_responding_update_call_responding_path(call_id:, id:, method: :patch %>

removing a document by passing its id using form_tag

Let's say I have book model, book.rb
class Book
include Mongoid::Document
field :book_id, type: String
field :title, type: String
(Here I'm using mongoid, but I think for this question it doesn't matter what type of data is.)
The book model has its own controller, views, etc.
Now, I want to create a page with form_tag (let me know if this is not a proper way), where by entering book's id and clicking enter I'll be able to remove the record this this given id from the database.
<%= form_tag books_path, :method => 'get' do %>
<%= text_field_tag :book_id, params[:book_id] %>
<%= submit_tag "Remove", :name => nil, :confirm => "Are you sure?" %>
<% end %>
I know how to remove a given document, but can't figure out how to pass the value entered in the form and where to put the logic that will remove document.
First things first. Why do you need to store a book_id for your Book model ? Mongoid already provide a _id field for this purpose.
The usual way to destroy resources is to hit the destroy action in your controller by making a DELETE HTTP request.
class BooksController
def destroy
redirect_to :back
Then simply do a link with the following:
link_to "Delete", book_path(#book), method: :delete
Where #book is your book instance.

How to pass param from 1 controller to another

I want to pass param from the following link in the view of Client controller
and the hash is #client, I want to pass #client.user_id, if i put (:id => #client.user_id) I am not able the get :id in the other controller Estate where I want to pass this param. What should I do ? Is there a way to do it ?(Two controllers are Client and Estate, I want to pass param from Client view to the Estate controllers create method. There is no nesting of resources here!)
<%= link_to "New Property", new_estate_path(:key => #client.first.user_id) %>
create action
def create
# #estate =[:estate])
if current_user.Company.nil?
#estate =[:estate])
serve = User.find(params[:key])
#estate =[:estate])
##estate.user_id = user_id
respond_to do |format|
if #estate.Mgmt.nil?
format.html { redirect_to #estate, notice: 'Estate was successfully created.' }
format.json { render json: #estate, status: :created, location: #estate }
format.html { render action: "new" }
format.json { render json: #estate.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
The code you pasted here should work:
<%= link_to "New Property", new_estate_path(:id => #client.user_id) %>
I think the problem is, you are expecting the params in create method but where as it actually goes to new method.
If you are looking for the create method. You can do
<%= link_to "New Property", estates_path(:id => #client.user_id), :method => :post %>
But that is not the right approach to use for POST actions. The right solution would be to use button_to.
<%= button_to "New Property", estates_path(:id => #client.user_id), :method => :post %>
link_to defaults to GET and button_to defaults to POST, as those are their primary usages. You can override :method if you want them to perform other action than their default.
Simply do this
<%= link_to "New Property", new_estate_path(user_id: #client.user_id) %>
In your controller:
You problem is that the create action is a POST not a GET. The link_to will only allow GET actions.
I made class variable in the controller outside all the actions.
##key, and in the new action assigned ##key the user_id that was coming through the params, and this ##key in the create action. I don't know if its the right way to do it. But it worked like a charm !

Why form_for use incorrect REST url_helpers for namespaced controller?

In my rails app have a partial that contains a form shared between the new and edit action:
<%= form_for #customer do |f| %>
<% end %>
These action are of a controller (called customers) namespaced (called admin), if try to run the code show the error when execute form_for:
undefined method `customer_path'
Have resolved this using:
<%= form_for :customer, #customer do
|f| %>
<% end %>
Now the form is generated with correct url when is called by new action but when generated by edit the form url is "/admin/customers/1/edit" instead of update. If submit the form show the error:
No route matches "/admin/customers/1/edit"
but in routes.rb have:
namespace :admin do
resources :customers
and rake:routes show all the REST urls:
admin_customers GET /admin/customers(.:format) {:action=>"index", :controller=>"admin/customers"}
POST /admin/customers(.:format) {:action=>"create", :controller=>"admin/customers"}
new_admin_customer GET /admin/customers/new(.:format) {:action=>"new", :controller=>"admin/customers"}
edit_admin_customer GET/admin/customers/:id/edit(.:format){:action=>"edit",:controller=>"admin/customers"}
admin_customer GET /admin/customers/:id(.:format) {:action=>"show",:controller=>"admin/customers"}
PUT /admin/customers/:id(.:format) {:action=>"update", :controller=>"admin/customers"}
DELETE /admin/customers/:id(.:format) {:action=>"destroy",:controller=>"admin/customers"}
Any idea?
Try this
<%= form_for [:admin, #customer] do |f| %>

Rails3 routing error with ajax

UPDATED CODE at the bottom
I am creating a story voting app via Simply Rails 2 book. I am getting this error when I click the button to vote up a story:
No route matches "/stories/4-pure-css-icons-showcase"
My routing file looks like this:
Shovell::Application.routes.draw do
get "votes/create"
root :to => "stories#index"
resources :stories do
resources :votes
class VotesController < ApplicationController
def create
#story = Story.find(params[:story_id])
create.rsj :
page.replace_html 'vote_score', "Score: #{#story.votes.size}"
page[:vote_score].visual_effect :highlight
<span id="vote_score">
Score: <%= #story.votes.size %>
<%= %>
<%= link_to, %>
<div id="vote_form">
<%= form_tag :url => story_votes_path(#story), :remote => true do %>
<%= submit_tag 'shove it' %>
<% end %>
story.rb :
class Story < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :name, :link
has_many :votes
def to_param
"#{id}-#{name.gsub(/\W/, '-').downcase}"
I've been working through a number of other errors before this having to do with deprecated code and so forth, so I feel somewhat lost at the moment. It seems like it should just be a routing a issue, but since I've been working through AJAX errors that also have to do with the vote function I wanted to post those files just in case it was more than routing.
It says no route matches "/stories/4-pure-css-icons-showcase" but when I visit "/stories" (my root) and click on the link to take me to "/stories/4-pure-css-icons-showcase" it works fine, however after clicking on the vote button I get this error. As you could probably tell after reading the code, it is suppose to update the vote count and do a :highlight via ajax.
Changed code (all changes are per Sam's advice):
Shovell::Application.routes.draw do
resources :votes
root :to => "stories#index"
resources :stories do
resources :votes
<div id="vote_form">
<%= form_tag :url => new_story_vote_path(#story), :remote => true do %>
<%= submit_tag 'shove it' %>
<% end %>
class VotesController < ApplicationController
def create
#story = Story.find(params[:story_id])
respond_to do |format|
The problem is still exactly the same, but I think (read: hope) we are making progress!
The scenario: My index (/stories) page randomly displays a story from the database, when you click the link it takes you to the story's internal page (ex. /stories/2-sitepoint-forums) on this page it displays the number of votes the story has and has a button to vote for it. When you click the vote button it is suppose to use ajax to update the and use a :highlight visual effect. However, the problem is that when you click the vote button the page changes to a "Routing Error" page which displays:
No route matches "/stories/2-sitepoint-forums"
Its weird to me because you can in fact be routed to that address and you are from the link on the first page...
Here is the error in the console:
Started POST "/stories/2-sitepoint-forums?url=%2Fstories%2F2-sitepoint-forums%2F
votes%2F2-sitepoint-forums&remote=true" for at 2010-11-08 16:30:17 -08
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/stories/2-sitepoint-forums"):
Rendered C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-3.0.0.rc2/lib/action_dis
patch/middleware/templates/rescues/routing_error.erb within rescues/layout (1.0m
Im not sure if this is any more telling, but I thought I'd add it incase.
I have not been able to solve this problem as of yet. Because I still don't feel like I completely understand the issue I have decided to move over to the Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial Book online and see if I can't figure it out while working through it. Since I was planning to do it next anyway (I have plans to combine both apps later) it appears now is the time.
<%= form_tag :url => new_story_vote_path(#story), :remote => true do %>
<%= submit_tag 'shove it' %>
<% end %>
That should send it to the create action.
def create
#story = Story.find(params[:story_id])
respond_to do |format|
And that should take care of your ajax.
take this get "votes/create" out of your routes
and add this
map.resources :votes
I'm not familiar with using form_tag and :remote (as I normally just write jQuery for stuff like this) but a couple of things definitely pop out at me with what you're doing here that may help you resolve the issue.
First of all, I think you can rework the way you set up a vote and thus the way you set up the form for the vote. In the stories controller, for the show action, I'd set up the vote right away:
#vote = =>
This lets you set up your form as so:
= form_for(#vote), :remote => true do |f|
= hidden_field f.story_id
= submit_tag "Vote"
This is both a cleaner way of doing things, in my opinion, but also may fix the general issue you are dealing with, because you are now passing data with the form (the hidden field) in your POST request. Rails will behave unexpectedly if you perform AJAX POST requests that do not actually submit data.
In other words, your original form is likely running as an AJAX POST request but it would have worked better as an AJAX GET request, since it is not actually submitting data, it is simply "hitting" an URL.
I am not sure if you found the answer to your problem yet, but I wanted to post for others that may be looking for an answer similar to yours.
The code:
<%= form_tag :url => new_story_vote_path(#story), :remote => true do %>
<%= submit_tag 'shove it' %>
<% end %>
will result in /stories/:story_id/votes/new url with a :post request. It won't work because the new route is a :get method request. If you wanted to go to the new method, you'll need to tell the form to use the get http method.
<%= form_tag :url => new_story_vote_path(#story), :remote => true, :html => { :method => :get } do %>
<%= submit_tag 'shove it' %>
<% end %>
However, I think that you are wanting to route to the create method in your controller. I would do something like:
<%= form_tag :url => story_votes_path(#story), :remote => true do %>
<%= submit_tag 'shove it' %>
<% end %>
This should route correctly to the create method in your VotesController.
