How to use Webmin - Cluster software package installer in CentOS - installation

I am using Webmin 1.590 on a cluster of machines running CentOS 6.2
I am particularly interested in the Cluster management part of Webmin.
I am trying to install packages using the cluster software package installer
There is an option called Package from YUM which always throws the following error:
Failed to install on : An error occurred installing the specified updates
Any idea why this might be happening?
The following are two links that I found while searching for this error, both of them haven't been answered yet
sourceforge -webmin error
another post regarding the same error


Elasticsearch installation failed on windows

I am trying to install Elasticsearch 7.16.2 on windows server but while installation I am getting below error.
Installing service : "elasticsearch-service-x64"
Using ES_JAVA_HOME (64-bit): "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1"
Failed installing 'elasticsearch-service-x64' service
Whoever has the same problem, try 'elasticsearch-service.bat remove'. I actually had the same error, checked the log files and it said that the service already existed and that's why it was failing to install. Once I removed it I was able to reinstall it and then I had issues starting it but I think it was because of some typos in the elasticsearch.yml file.
If that doesn't work, maybe try 'elasticsearch-service.bat manager' for some information and check your environment variables.

Permission error when starting a microservice with

I have just created a new microservice with micro new <microservice_name> using Micro. I have then installed the needed dependencies (protobuf) and run make proto, as specified in the official documentation. However, when I run micro run ., I get Fork/exec /usr/local/Cellar/go: permission denied:.
I have already tried:
running the same command with sudo;
checking the permissions for /usr/local/Cellar/go (drwxr-xr-x);
checking the permissions for $HOME/bin/micro (.rwxr-xr-x);
reinstalling Go (brew reinstall go).
Nothing changed: I still get the same error message.
I have just found a solution. The issue I was experiencing was related to Homebrew. After uninstalling Go with brew uninstall go and installing it with the official installer for Mac (available at the official download page) I finally managed to start my microservice with micro server and micro run .

Installing Open Project 7 (Apache error: Service Unavailable)

Here is the original question:
I'm trying to install Open Project 7 in a brand new Ubuntu instance at Digital Ocean.
I've follow the instructions at, but it's not working.
After the complete of installation and the run of the openproject configure command, i have selected options to install both MySQL and Apache server. When it's all done, i'm unable to connect to my server.
My enviroment:
Ubuntu 16.04
At logs, i can see two strange messages.
bundler: failed to load command: unicorn (/opt/openproject/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.4.0/bin/unicorn)
Second is a warning:
WARN -- : You are setting a key that conflicts with a built-in method OmniAuth::AuthHash::InfoHash#name defined at /opt/openproject/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.4.0/bundler/gems/omniauth-8385bc0da47e/lib/omniauth/auth_hash.rb:34. This can cause unexpected behavior when accessing the key via as a property. You can still access the key via the #[] method.
W, [2017-06-13T01:01:17.860764 #25822]
I don't know if the warning is related to problem, but i think that the unicorn problem is.
Answering my own question here:
I suspected that the package had some problems so i decided to install it using manual installation. The newest documentation i found was an old Ubuntu 14 step-to-step tutorial, adapted from older versions of Open Project. I decided to follow it and after a lot of adaptations i got able to finish the installation process.
This is the tutorial:
Now I'm writing another step-to-step tutorial based on it, modifying all required steps to perform a clean installation on Ubuntu 16.

Issues with manual installation of predictionIO dependencies

I am installing predictionIO from source code. I have downloaded and done the predictionIO installation successfully. I am now trying to install the dependencies (Spark, Elasticsearch, HBase) but I am running into errors for each of them. Below are the issues I am facing when I execute pio status:
1 - Unable to locate a proper Apache Spark installation
2 - It is also unable to find metadata files.
I have not changed any default settings. I'm using windows 8.1. On localhost, I have running IIS. On I run ipython notebook.
Please help on how I can get predictionIO up and running on my machine.
If you are on Windows, you can install with Vagrant.
I believe the discussion has moved to the google group.!searchin/predictionio-user/SAS/predictionio-user/ZamBr1ZaQ3o/fyNkXh3zsv0J!searchin/predictionio-user/SAS/predictionio-user/0awaASUR8lE/JkLtPeRrNt4J
This is the relevant thread.!searchin/predictionio-user/SAS/predictionio-user/0awaASUR8lE/JkLtPeRrNt4J
Moreover, PredictionIO docs had a few errors. Below are some of them and their corrected versions.
1 - Actual line: PATH=$PATH:/home/yourname/predictionio/bin; export PATH
Corrected Version PATH=$PATH:/home/yourname/PredictionIO/bin; export PATH
2 - Actual Line: $ pio eventserver
Corrected Version: $ pio eventserver --ip
3 - Actual Line pio template get PredictionIO/templates-scala-parallel-recommendation MyRecommendation
Corrected Version pio template get PredictionIO/template-scala-parallel-recommendation MyRecommendation

Installing openstack on mac

I am unable to find how to install openstack on my macbook.
I tried googling but every where i am getting for ubuntu and not for mac
Kindly help me to install as i am a noob in openstack
Late reply but just in case:
You can install VirtualBox and get ubuntu running on it. Directly installing OpenStack on your macbook is usually a bad thing to do since it can mess up your system.
Very late answer but this is to install the openstack command line clients.
first, you have to have python installed on your machine. Open the terminal and type python --version. If you see something like Python 2.7.9, go to next step.
So now, you have to install pip. Pip is a python package manager. You do this by typing easy_install pip. Should work.
Then you have to install every clients one by one.
(taken straight from
ceilometer - Telemetry API
cinder - Block Storage API and extensions
glance - Image service API
heat - Orchestration API
neutron - Networking API
nova - Compute API and extensions
sahara - Database Processing API
swift - Object Storage API
trove - Database service API
openstack - Common OpenStack client supporting multiple services
And the way to install those, one by one, is by calling:
pip install python-PROJECTclient.
So, for instance, you go pip install python-openstackclient. Or pip install python-novaclient. You do that for every client that you need.
Don't forget, before you be able to use those APIs, you have to set up particular environment variables in your shell by sourcing an "openrc" file:
Once this is done, you may use the clients API.
You can install Openstack's python-client which is tools for sending command via http.
But there is no official option to install Openstack services on mac, yet. You can use Hypervisor like Virtualbox and Vmware to install Linux and launch Openstack Services, or docker.
It looks like progress has been made since these last posts. The easiest answer for just testing out OpenStack on your local machine is to use devstack.
NOTE: The tutorial mentions to mv samples/localrc . but the file name has been updated to local.conf. Also, I copied the file over instead of moving it.
DevStack Homepage:
