Issues with manual installation of predictionIO dependencies - elasticsearch

I am installing predictionIO from source code. I have downloaded and done the predictionIO installation successfully. I am now trying to install the dependencies (Spark, Elasticsearch, HBase) but I am running into errors for each of them. Below are the issues I am facing when I execute pio status:
1 - Unable to locate a proper Apache Spark installation
2 - It is also unable to find metadata files.
I have not changed any default settings. I'm using windows 8.1. On localhost, I have running IIS. On I run ipython notebook.
Please help on how I can get predictionIO up and running on my machine.

If you are on Windows, you can install with Vagrant.

I believe the discussion has moved to the google group.!searchin/predictionio-user/SAS/predictionio-user/ZamBr1ZaQ3o/fyNkXh3zsv0J!searchin/predictionio-user/SAS/predictionio-user/0awaASUR8lE/JkLtPeRrNt4J

This is the relevant thread.!searchin/predictionio-user/SAS/predictionio-user/0awaASUR8lE/JkLtPeRrNt4J
Moreover, PredictionIO docs had a few errors. Below are some of them and their corrected versions.
1 - Actual line: PATH=$PATH:/home/yourname/predictionio/bin; export PATH
Corrected Version PATH=$PATH:/home/yourname/PredictionIO/bin; export PATH
2 - Actual Line: $ pio eventserver
Corrected Version: $ pio eventserver --ip
3 - Actual Line pio template get PredictionIO/templates-scala-parallel-recommendation MyRecommendation
Corrected Version pio template get PredictionIO/template-scala-parallel-recommendation MyRecommendation


Get the GPU info with Caffe2 in anaconda

I have anaconda3 and cuda 9 installed on my linux machine (aws to be precise), when I check caffe2 installation as in the official documentation it shows me success message, but when I check the GPU with the following script python2 -c 'from caffe2.python import workspace; print(workspace.NumCudaDevices())' I see the following result Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
E0729 20:58:01.995159 2016] Found an unknown error - this may be due to an incorrectly set up environment, e.g. changing env variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES. What I'm I doing wrong.
Your problem translates an issue with your installation.
Usually this problem is solved by one of these actions:
Try restarting your computer (It never hurts to acutally try)
Fully reinstall NVIDIA Drivers + CUDA + CuDNN (check env vars)
Fully reinstall Caffe2 following the official documentation.
Debuging a faulty installation can be really cumbersome. If you are running on Linux, I would recommend you trying Docker + Nvidia driver:
Official Tutorial:
Nvidia Docker:

Installing Open Project 7 (Apache error: Service Unavailable)

Here is the original question:
I'm trying to install Open Project 7 in a brand new Ubuntu instance at Digital Ocean.
I've follow the instructions at, but it's not working.
After the complete of installation and the run of the openproject configure command, i have selected options to install both MySQL and Apache server. When it's all done, i'm unable to connect to my server.
My enviroment:
Ubuntu 16.04
At logs, i can see two strange messages.
bundler: failed to load command: unicorn (/opt/openproject/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.4.0/bin/unicorn)
Second is a warning:
WARN -- : You are setting a key that conflicts with a built-in method OmniAuth::AuthHash::InfoHash#name defined at /opt/openproject/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.4.0/bundler/gems/omniauth-8385bc0da47e/lib/omniauth/auth_hash.rb:34. This can cause unexpected behavior when accessing the key via as a property. You can still access the key via the #[] method.
W, [2017-06-13T01:01:17.860764 #25822]
I don't know if the warning is related to problem, but i think that the unicorn problem is.
Answering my own question here:
I suspected that the package had some problems so i decided to install it using manual installation. The newest documentation i found was an old Ubuntu 14 step-to-step tutorial, adapted from older versions of Open Project. I decided to follow it and after a lot of adaptations i got able to finish the installation process.
This is the tutorial:
Now I'm writing another step-to-step tutorial based on it, modifying all required steps to perform a clean installation on Ubuntu 16.

Failed to find Vagrant

Trying to install Vagrant on Windows 7 X64 with installer from Vagrant - vagrant_1.7.0.msi
Installation goes fine, however unable to use vagrant. On any command, for example vagrant -v the below is shown:
Failed to find Vagrant!
What I did:
Googled. Only 1 link with such an error on github regarding to installer. Not sure if this is relevant.
Checked that vagrant in PATH. Yes it is. Otherwise it would not start at all.
Reinstalled, and repaired - few times.
All the above with no luck. Any idea where to dig?
Thank you.
just to add my own version of this problem too:
i installed version 1.7.0
error message after a "vagrant up": "Failed to find Vagrant!"
checked paths, other environment variables in win7, should work..
so i uninstalled it and installed an older version (1.6.5)
and yes, the older version solved the problem.
i got it from their official website:
i guess the problem was in this file:
Same Issue on Windows 7 64.
Downgraded back to Vagrant 1.6.5
Have you gone through the installation instructions on vagrant side listed here :
This is what I see listed at their site:
The installer will automatically add vagrant to your system path so that it is available in terminals. If it is not found, please try logging out and logging back in to your system (this is particularly necessary sometimes for Windows).
Please try running it from Git Bash too and let me know if it works for you.
And if you still run into issues, try using an older version of vagrant
Vagrant 1.7.1 should fix this.

Installing sensu, sensu-dashboard does not install

I am installing a sensu server inside a docker container running ubuntu 14.04 but when I install it for some reason it does not install the sensu-dashboard.
When I run the following command to set up the defaults I get a file does not exist error
> Command: update-rc.d sensu-dashboard defaults
Error: update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/sensu-dashboard: file does not exist
I have searched for the file but does not seem to be installed anywhere.
Has anyone else had this problem before when installing sensu or know how to fix it?
Thank you
The default Dashboard was removed on July 28th so you missed it by a day!! :( You now have to use a different dashboard. Uchiwa is a great choice and is under very heavy development, so I am sure it will continue to become more feature rich.
link to uchiwa's github page
The default Dashboard was removed that is true but if want to use sensu-dashboard then go for Sensu-Enterprise.
Here is the link:

How to use Webmin - Cluster software package installer in CentOS

I am using Webmin 1.590 on a cluster of machines running CentOS 6.2
I am particularly interested in the Cluster management part of Webmin.
I am trying to install packages using the cluster software package installer
There is an option called Package from YUM which always throws the following error:
Failed to install on : An error occurred installing the specified updates
Any idea why this might be happening?
The following are two links that I found while searching for this error, both of them haven't been answered yet
sourceforge -webmin error
another post regarding the same error
