Set point in aspx markup and jump to it - visual-studio-2010

is this possible using resharper or just visual settings to mark some line in aspx markup and then scroll the page and jump to selected line?

You mean bookmarks? Using ReSharper you can press Ctrl-Shift-1 (or 2, or 3...or 9) to mark or unmark some line and then Ctrl-1 (or 2, or 3...or 9 respectively) to jump to it.
Using just Visual Studio press Ctrl+B,T to mark or unmark some line and then Ctrl+B,N to jump to the next marked line.
Maybe I just didn't understand what you need, then please try to clarify it.


Visual Studio 2015 - arbitrary cursor position on empty line

Initial note: I'm not getting any responses over on superuser to my question, so please allow me to ask this here:
I inherited a VS solution with a bunch of unorthodox settings. I'm not at liberty to wipe out all those settings and start over. So there is 1 setting I want to change back to VS default but cannot find it.
In a normal/default VS c# environment, when you click the mouse on a line of code that hasn't been written yet (empty, no spaces, no code, no tabs), the cursor automatically positions to the beginning of where the line of code should begin. If it's just inside a foreach, if, or etc, it will indent a bit from the left edge according to tab rules, etc.
But in the weird VS settings I have, wherever I click, the cursor positions at that exact spot. So if I click on col 20 of the next line, the cursor remains at col 20 rather than auto-repositioning to col 5 or wherever it should be. This is SO annoying because I can't always eyeball where the cursor should be and I end up clicking at the end of the previous line, then hitting ENTER, at which time it goes to the next line and positions the cursor at the right place.
How can I fix this?
It is controlled by the Enable virtual space option. See Visual Studio options - Text Editor - C#. By default it is off/unchecked.
I resolved this issue by applying Sergey's suggested change (Visual Studio options -> Text Editor -> C# -> Enable Virtual Space [check]), but also enabled (Options -> Text Editor -> C# -> Tabs -> Smart).

What is the black flag icon in gutter of VS2013

Visual studios 2013 is showing a black flag looking icon in the left gutter of my code. It doesn't seem to have any meaning and there is nothing particularly special about that line of code. The code works fine, I just want to know why this icon is displayed and what it means.
It may be bookmark or it may be the line at which searched text is found. In this screenshot, the black mark at line 55 shows the line in which search text is found(when we search using Ctrl+Shift+F keys) and one at line 58 is bookmark.
Bookmark can be removed by holding holding Ctrl and pressing K twice. There is also option to remove it in VS menu, same icon as on the line.
Bookmarks are put on the code where we want to navigate more frequently. There is icon in VS menu shown with the arrow and bookmark icon to move forward and backward.
It could be a bookmark. See main Visual Studio menu Edit - Bookmarks.
If you are using dark theme this is a white flag. Ctrl+K, Ctrl+K removes the flag.
To elaborate on the answer given by #Imad. The icon at line 55 can be the result of a search (Ctrl+Shift+F, or Ctrl+F). You remove it by either clearing or closing the Find Results pane.
Or it might be an error indicator from the most recent compilation. These appear in the Error List pane. Fix and recompile to remove it.
Line 58 shows a bookmark. Remove it with Ctrl+K, Ctrl+K on the line in question.
When you do a Search in VS using Ctrl+shift+F -> Find all -> click on a result from the find results tab -> you can see the black pin pointing the matching line in the code.
The answer is here - Black dash / line on visual studio 2012 left margin

Can I create 'jump points' in visual studio 2005?

I am working with a visual studio 2005 project with several thousand lines of code.
When I am looking at an IF statement in the code is there anyway to jump to the corresponding ELSE part without scrolling through hundreds of lines of code? I can't use goto as the line numbers will change all the time. If I can't automatically jump to the else part of an if statement, can I set up something to allow me to tag the else part and then go to that tag in visual studio?
You can use Ctrl+] to jump to the matching brace or parenthesis. So you can place your cursor on the brace of the if statement and press the shortcut to go to the end of the block and thus directly in front of the else.
Another option would be to set bookmarks with Ctrl+B, T. Those move when the line moves as well and you can jump between them with Ctrl+B, N and Ctrl+B, P.

Alt + Enter doesn't use appropriate quick fix in Resharper

I worked with Resharper 5 before and when I have a problem in code (for example unsuitable space around a parentheses), I used Alt+Enter and Resharper fixed the problem. But in V6, this doesn't fix the problem, it generate a supress statement! What should I do?
Here is more detail:
1- I have this line in my code:
if (this.RequestClose!= null)
Resharper draw a blue line under it and warn that the space around != is not correct.
In Resharper 5, I could press Alt+Entyer two times to fix the spacing problem. In Resharper 6, if I press Alt + Enter two times on this line, nothing happens.
2- I have this line in my code:
var view = new AddressDetailView();
view.DataContext = viewModel;
Resharper suggests using object initializer, but pressing Alt+Enter twice doesn't fix it.
Resharper 6.1 solved this problem!
Did you actually look at the menu item you're selecting? (I'm guessing not, since your question includes no mention of what's in the menu.) Alt+Enter brings up a pop-up menu, you know. By pressing Alt+Enter twice, you're just selecting the first item in that menu.
ReSharper 6 has new features, therefore it has more options in the list, therefore the order is sometimes different. The quick fixes are almost certainly still working; it's just that the first quick-fix in the list isn't always the same one as in R#5.
The solution is simple: read what's on the screen before you select it. If the quick-fix you want isn't the first in the list, then cursor to the one you want before you hit Enter.
(There's never been a ReSharper version where it's safe to always accept the first item in the menu -- the options change depending on whether R#'s background scanning has completed yet or not. If you've been blindly accepting the first item every time, I'm surprised you haven't gotten bitten before now.)
I could not find any way to fix this problem and decided to use R# 5.1 with Style cope instead.

Can you set Visual Studio's "smart indent" to not remove tabs in blank lines?

When Visual Studio (2005) has Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Tabs -> Indenting set to Smart it will automatically indent code blocks and line up squiggly brackets, {}, as expected. However, if you hit enter inside a code block, move the cursor to another line, and then move it back, the inserted tabs are gone and the cursor is positioned all the way to the left. Is there a way to set Visual Studio to keep these tabs?
As far as I know, the only way to do that is to enter something (anything) on that line, then delete it. Or hit space and you'll never see it there until you return to that line.
Once VS determines that you've edited a line of text, it won't automatically modify it for you (at least, not in that way that you've described).
This is an annoyance to myself as well. Anytime the code is reformatted the blank lines are de-tabbed.
You might look at this: it's not exactly a solution but a step in the right direction
