Uncaught Error: Returned values aren't valid, did it run Out of Gas? - events

I'm listening to events of my deployed contract. Whenever a transaction gets completed and event is fired receiving the response causes following error:
Uncaught Error: Returned values aren't valid, did it run Out of Gas?
at ABICoder.push../node_modules/web3-eth-abi/src/index.js.ABICoder.decodeParameters
at ABICoder.push../node_modules/web3-eth-abi/src/index.js.ABICoder.decodeLog
Web3 version: 1.0.0-beta36
Metamask version: 4.16.0
How to fix it?

Try the command truffle migrate --reset so that all the previous values are reset to their original value

Throws the same error when inside a transaction it generates different events with the same name and the same arguments. In my case, this was the Transfer event from ERC721 and ERC20. Renaming one of them solves this problem, but of course this isn't the right way.

This is a bug in web3js, discussed here.
And the following change fixes it (source):
--- a/node_modules/web3-eth-abi/src/index.js
+++ b/node_modules/web3-eth-abi/src/index.js
## -280,7 +280,7 ## ABICoder.prototype.decodeLog = function (inputs, data, topics) {
var nonIndexedData = data;
- var notIndexedParams = (nonIndexedData) ? this.decodeParameters(notIndexedInputs, nonIndexedData) : [];
+ var notIndexedParams = (nonIndexedData && nonIndexedData !== '0x') ? this.decodeParameters(notIndexedInputs, nonIndexedData) : [];
var returnValue = new Result();
returnValue.__length__ = 0;
Edit: Also downgrading to web3-1.0.0.beta33 also fixes this issue too.

Before even checking your ABI or redeploying, check to make sure Metamask is connected to whichever network your contract is actually deployed too. I stepped away and while i was afk Metamask logged out, I guess I wasn't watching closely and I was connected to Ropsten when I working on localhost. Simple mistake, wasted an hour or so trying to figure it out. Hope this helps someone else out!

This happened to me on my react app.
I deployed to contract to Ropsten network, but metamask was using the Rinkeby aaccount. So make sure whichever network you deployed, metamask should be using account from that network.

The solution for me was changing of provider. With Infura the error is gone, but with Alchemy is still happening.

Please check your Metamask Login, This issue is generally populated when you are either log out of the Metamask or worse case you have 0 ether left at your account.

This can also happen when the MNEMONIC value from Ganache is different from the one you have in your truffle.js or truffle-config.js file.


Xamarin.Auth - Google authentication won't open in browser

I'm trying to do authentication on my Android application using Xamarin.Auth. Some time ago, Google made the policy that you cannot do this in an embedded web view (for totally valid reasons).
I'm trying to open the account authentication page in a browser, but keep getting the embedded web view. I understand that isUsingNativeUI needs to be true in the following code:
_auth = new OAuth2Authenticator(clientId, string.Empty, scope,
new Uri(Constant.AuthorizeUrl),
new Uri(redirectUrl),
new Uri(Constant.AccessTokenUrl),
isUsingNativeUI = true);
At every point in my application, this always equals true.
Elsewhere, I have code that redirects to what should be a browser:
var authenticator = Auth.GetAuthenticator();
Intent intent = authenticator.GetUI(this);
Regardless, I keep getting a dreaded 403 disallowed_useragent error whenever I try to run the project. Is there another element to this that I'm missing?
To my knowledge, setting auth.IsUsingNativeUI = true in the constructor should dictate that it must open in a browser. I've been following this example to try and debug with no success. I even pulled the guy's repo down to my machine and ran it - the Intent variable at the moment of redirection is almost identical.
Could there be something stupid that I'm missing? What else might be going wrong?
I realize this is an old question, but I had the same issue.
You have to install version of the Xamarin.Auth Nuget package. The newest one (version 1.7.0 right now) doesn't work. You'll have to also install the PCLCrypto nuget package in order to get that version to work.

HttpClient->GetStringAsync() throws 0x000006F4 for https Uris

The code below works fine for me if I use an http URI, but fails for equivalent https alternative. It works fine when built and run on another machine or when I include it in another app.
GetStringAsync throws an exception: “Exception thrown at 0x770B5722 (KernelBase.dll) in .exe: 0x000006F4: A null reference pointer was passed to the stub. occurred”.
ThreadPool::RunAsync(ref new WorkItemHandler([this](IAsyncAction^ action)
HttpClient^ client = ref new HttpClient();
auto uri = ref new Uri(L"https://....");
auto t = create_task(client->GetStringAsync(uri));
t.then([](String^ response)
// response should be valid.
Running netsh winsock reset to reset the network stack seems to fix the issue!
For me, network stack reset didn't help at all, even device reboot didn't help, but your own answer have pointed me in the right direction: it wasn't my code who suddendly went mad, it was Windows. So what actually helped in my case is starting app without debugger (that is, from Start menu) - after that app continues to work fine when started from Visual Studio. It have happened a few times now, and I can confirm that it always helps.

google cloud messaging push with parse and android client does not work

used those lines in android:
InstanceID instanceID = InstanceID.getInstance(this);
String token = null;
token = instanceID.getToken(getString(R.string.gcm_defaultSenderId),
GoogleCloudMessaging.INSTANCE_ID_SCOPE, null);
got exception , token=null.
google.android.gms.iid.InstanceID.getToken(Unknown Source)
any suggestions?
checked that sender id is ok and api key. no clue.
I had this error as well. That was because I called instanceID.getToken in the main thread. The GCD guide says that: Do not call this method in the main thread; instead, use a service that extends IntentService.
Here there is a tutorial where is shown how create an IntentService where you can call instanceID.getToken. I hope this help.
thankx for the answer.
I did all the steps except the steps
since my token was null I was not able to procseed.
I had no problems with parse push service.
when I tried to replace it with gcm it did not work.
The issue is most definitely concerning your google-services.json file. Make sure that you have configured it correctly.
One of the reasons for this "unknown source" issue is a tampered file.

Actionscript 4: NetConnection.connect(...) does not fire a NetStatusEvent event

I downloaded the red5-recorder (http://www.red5-recorder.com/) , which fails to allow me to start recording. After debugging I found that the netconnection, needed to record to a media server, created does not fire a NetStatusEvent event, so essentially it fails silently. I have implemented the connection with the following minimal working example:
trace("make net connection");
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.client = { onBWDone: function():void{ trace("bandwidth check done.") } };
trace("add event listener");
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, function(event:NetStatusEvent) {
trace("connect done");
The output of this piece of code is:
make net connection
add event listener
connect done
The actionscript api states that the connect-call always fires such an event:
Moreover, the netconnection is not 'connected' (a state of the NetConnection object) 10 seconds after the call. I also took a look at this: NetConnect fails silently in Flash when called from SilverLight But the fix suggested by the author, swapping rtmp and http in the connection uri, do not work. Also, I tested the uri and in fact the exact same code sniplet in a personal project, where it did work. I just can not seem to find why connecting to a media server fails silently in the red5-recorder project.
The awkward part is that if I pass some random string as a conenction uri, still nothing happens (no event, no exception, no crash). Also not setting nc.client becore nc.connect(), which caused exceptions in my experience, did not cause exceptions.
Any suggestions are welcome.
You are setting the address to localshost instead localhost.
Correct address:

parsr.com - Connection can not be established

I use the datastore of parse.com to manage the data of my apps. I use javascript by the way. I establish my connection like this:
// A Collection containing all instances of category objects.
var categoryObject = Parse.Object.extend("categories");
var CategoryCollection = Parse.Collection.extend({
model: categoryObject
var collection = new CategoryCollection();
success: function(categoryList) {
error: function(collection, error) {
for(item in error) {
alert(item +" = "+ error[item]);
The thing is that it worked yesterday, now when I browse to www.parse.com, it says that the certificate has expired. I think it has something to do with this issue.
Can anyone tell me please what I could do now.
We had an SSL issue this morning that caused downtime. You can read our post-mortem here: http://blog.parse.com/2012/09/10/summary-of-the-september-10-parse-service-disruption/.
The issue was resolved this morning at 8:42am and everything should be working fine now.
If you have any other issues with Parse, feel free to check out parse.com/help
If you hit parse.com, you'll get an expired SSL cert error. That's why the API calls aren't working, same thing happening for my app. I can't imagine this happening in a professional context, but there it is. I've sent a message to support. Strangely, my tweet didn't show up on #ParseIt.
Same thing is happening for me. I don't think is your code - probably a problem on their site. Hopefully it'll get resolved soon.
Parse.com is still a buggy system but you can access your data through web interface like
Mention you and can access to your data.
