OpenCV & Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 ( for x64 ) - visual-studio

I have been trying to run OpenCV through MVS 2012 with no succeess.
Here is an error i get:
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'opencv_core242d.lib' 1> 1>Build FAILED.
Could someone provide me a tutorial? or how can i solve this problem?

I've written a blog post on Using OpenCV 2.4.2 with Visual Studio 2012 on Windows 7 (64-bit). With the step by step instructions provided, I think it should be pretty easy for you to get it done. Feel free to comment if you have any doubts.

Since OpenCV 2.4 does not work well with Visual Studio 2012. I think that's why you always got problems. Actually, it used me a lot of time to make all things work. So I wrote a very simple tutorial about how to use OpenCV 2.43 in Visual Studio 2012. Please check it. Good luck. If you still have questions, ask me again.

Some basic steps...
use cmake to create the .sln or the solution file ...make sure you choose right the compiler in cmake properly...use the address of the cmake file (CMakelist.txt) in the folder containing opencv files..
click on the .sln file (this will be found in the target folder whose path you have set in cmake to contain the build..) and open with VS2012
VS2012 will build your libraries and dlls...add the path of the dlls to the system variable PATH...put the path of the libs in the IDE..and the include files also..
restart VS2012 to make the changes in PATH variable to reflect

You have 2 options - one is to use the precompiled libraries and link them into your VS2012 projects.
The other is to use CMake to make the the right .SLN and .PRJX files so you can simply open them .SLN in VS2012 and compile everything for yourself.
Both have been discussed here, however, to add to the first option, you need to manually edit the top level CMAKElist.txt file with the following lines
if( MSVC ) # VS2012 doesn't support correctly the tuples yet
add_definitions( /D _VARIADIC_MAX=10 )
Before generating your solution files. This ensures that you don't have problems with the VARIADIC length issue with :tuple - which Visual studio 2012 has issues with.

there may be 2 option to solve your error:
1) You may use opencv 2.4.2 that may have some problems to connect with visual studio 2012
so use newer version of opencv
2) You need to restart your visual studio 2012 so that it can reconfigure its Setting as per requirements.


Visual Studio 2019 Preview 1 missing windows.h

I am attempting to compile a .cpp file on Visual Studio 2019 Preview 1 and the file windows.h is not present on the system. What do I have to do to make this file available to Visual Studio? The file being compiled contains include <windows.h>.
windows.h usually comes from Windows SDK installation. Like you discovered, some projects might even require a certain version of Windows SDK. Therefore, when such compilation errors happen, the first thing to do is to read carefully the source code documentation, which might indicate what is needed to install in advance.
Visual Studio 2017/2019 become more modular than previous releases, so missing a component is expected, and you can always go back to VS installer to find the suitable components to install.

How to create a vcproj to build boost 1.54 (Visual Studio 2013)

My application use boost 1.54 and it's not up to me to upgrade it. Now I have to port the whole thing to Visual Studio 2013 but I still can't figure out a proper way to build it. So, is there a way to make a vcproj that can be built with VS 2013?
Building boost basically is quite simple.
These guide lines describe the process:
Basically what you have to do is,
Open a VisualStudio Command Prompt
Change the current dir to your boost directory i.e:
CD c:\myStuff\boost\boost_1_54_0\
Call boptstrap:
start build i.e:
bjam address-model=32
This is the process that worked for me with VC2010. It should work with 2013 as well. If you have problems specific to VC2013, please report the error messages you receive in detail.
You can also use BlueGo to build boost:
BlueGo is a tool which builds Boost libraries using Visual Studio 2010/12/13. You just have to start the application, select your configuration and hit the Build button- everything else works automatically. The application downloads the library, extracts it and builds it.

Fixing the "MSVCP110D.dll is missing from your computer" issue

I am facing the following (fairly common) problem: I am running my program in Debug mode in VS2010 and/or VS2012, but at startup it crashes, saying:
The programme can't start because MSVCP100D.dll is missing from your
computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
Now I found a number of possible solutions, but none of them work for me:
Compile with /MTd instead of /MDd: actually this does solve the problem, but I am not allowed to: my program is part of a bigger program, and /MD[d] is mandatory.
Install the VS 2010 Redistributable package: This doesn't work because I have VS 2012 installed, so this installer tells me: "A newer version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable has been detected on the machine."
Finding, dragging and dropping a version of MSVCP100D.dll into the correct directory: I am not dropping unknown DLLs into places where they might interfere with other things.
Last resort: reinstalling VS2010/VS2012: possible, but as it would also mean reinstalling lots of other packages and plugins I need, I'd like to avoid this if it's not absolutely necessary.
Are there any other options left?
The Visual Studio REDIST packages never deploy the DEBUG versions of the CRT files. This is by design.
With VS 2012 or later, the easiest way to deploy the DEUBG versions of the CRT is to install the "Remote Debugging Tools" package on your test machines.
For VS 2012, the latest Remote Debugging Tools package is here
For VS 2013, the latest Remote Debugging Tools package is here.
Another option is to just use application local deployment of the DLL (i.e. copy it into your app directory). Again this is only for testing purposes. For actual deployment of your application, you are required to use the non-debug versions of the CRT.
If this error is happening on your development machine, however, then you have other problems because with VS 2012 installed, you should have the VS 2012 DEBUG CRT on that machine.
UPDATE:: Sorry, I would have expected the debug CRT DLLs to be included in the remote debugging tools package along with the remote debugger bits and the Direct3D 11 Debug Device. Alas, it's not. See Preparing a Test Machine To Run a Debug Executable. You have to either use the MSMs in Program Files (x86) directory in \Common Files\Merge Modules or copy the DLL-side-by-side from Program Files (x86) directory in \Microsoft Visual Studio <version>\VC\redist\Debug_NonRedist\. The VS Team probably assumed you would have already been doing that, but I'll suggest to them to roll it into the remote tools package.
I had a similar issue (the project made in VS 2012 but I was running VS2013) and resolved it by:
Open the project (or the solution ) in VS2013(or the newer one)
Open Project menu and select "Retarget the project" option (it was the first option but after applying it, this option vanished).
Rebuild your solution.
I am new to openCV and C++ and had the same problem using openCV 2.4.10 with Visual Studio Express 2013 on a Windows 7, 32-bit platform. If I made a simple program without using OpenCV, the program ran but when I used OpenCV I got the missing DLL error.
This post made things clear:
I guess the problem I had was not with my Visual Studio but my OpenCV. The OpenCV was compiled on a version of visual studio which required MSVCP110.dll. I could have tried another version of OpenCV or compiled OpenCV again using VS2013 but I was short of time. Instead, I found the dll file elsewhere and placed it in my system32 folder (not sure if that's recommended). This fixed the problem. However as #slater mentioned, I won't recommend downloading the dll from external website due to security issues.
This is a debug runtime DLL. If (and ONLY if!) you just want to run the debug build of your own application on a system without Visual Studio installed, then you can find the missing DLLs in
C:\Windows\System32 (for 64-bit builds)
C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (for 32-bit builds)
Just keep copying DLLs until your executable will run.
If this is NOT what you are trying to do, refer to, which is the CORRECT, but less practical answer.
I had the same problem, I found out that the cause is that I used dll compiled with VS2012 in a VS2013 project. JUST downloaded the missing dll and put it in my linker path and wala: the program worked. I downloaded it from
Particulars: My program was working in in release mode but not in the debug mode as it says the MSVCP110D.dll is missing. My code was an opencv image processing program. I put the missing dll in opencv linker path in the VS2013 project options.

Visual Studio 2010 , QT and intellisense/highlight error

Hi have a problem with VisualStudio 2010 and the QT5 plugin, it seems that VisualStudio doesnt recognize the QT Library (despite i have installed the plugin and followed the whole procedure).
This is what I see:
So the IDE highlights the QT stuff like if the files were not present, and Intellisense is not working. But, If I compile the application, it compiles without error and works like a charm.
What could be the cause of the highlight/Intellisense issue?
You cannot launch Visual Studio 2010 directly.
You will need to launch the QT 5.0.1 for Desktop(MSVC 2010) command line from Program Files->Qt 5.0.1->5.0.1
After which you will need to run the vcvarsall.bat and devenv after.
x:\program files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0.\VC\vcvarsall.bat
x:\program files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0.\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
This is applicable to VS2012 and Qt4.5.0, though I believe Qt version does not matter.
I am not sure if it is the same/similar to VS2010, but I stumbled upon this post while looking the answer to the same question for VS2012.
Here is what you can do:
Right-click the project in your solution and select Properties.
Select Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories.
Edit Include Directories entry.
Add $(QTDIR)\include\QtCore and any other (required by your project) Qt folders to the list (it depends what Qt headers you are using).
This has to be done to every project in your solution that uses Qt, unfortunately.
Now, there is another note:
We were transferring our solution from VS2005 to VS2012 and that problem happened to me when I converted the solution 2005->2012 BEFORE setting the QTDIR environment variable.
When I re-converted the solution again (AFTER *QTDIR* variable was created) the problem didn't appear. So make sure you have this variable before you open/convert your solution for the first time.
Based on the previous note, I believe that some information related to the issue is stored in one of the following files: .sdf and/or .v11.suo.
So closing VS, deleting these files and opening VS again might help. Just back them up before you do it - I haven't tried it myself (I just re-imported the whole solution which generated these files anew).

Compiling CUDA with Visual Studio 2010

I have used Visual Studio 2008 to compile and run CUDA applications before. I have switched to Visual Studio 2010 and Windows 7. I've been trying to get integration set up all morning, but haven't had complete success. I've downloaded the toolkit, installed Nsight, made sure the libraries/include/bin paths are set, checked the box to use a Build Customization of CUDA 3.2, and set the properties of the individual .cu file to be of type CUDA C/C++ instead of C/C++. I got an error about not supporting compiler v100, so I set the project platform to v90 and am downloading Visual Studio 2008 now. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to have two versions of visual studio installed, but oh well. Anyway, most of the syntax highlighting is enabled, some keywords like "int" is blue, comments are green, and strings are red. However, cuda-specific keywords like __ global__ aren't. Also, I've checked through the include directories and can't find cutil.h, so I'm wondering if there's anything else that wasn't included in the install of the 3.2 SDK (I have included cuda_runtime.h instead, but I don't know if this will solve my problems). Does anyone know how to fix this?
Edit: I have Visual Studio 2008 installed. When I try to compile, I get a giant list of errors, starting with 1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include\crtdefs.h(490): error : invalid redeclaration of type name "size_t", while most of the following errors have to deal with the size_t type. All of the errors are in included files, most of which I've never seen. Does anyone know what's going on? Or if there's a simple, step-by-step guide to getting VS2010 to use cuda?
Edit 2: Apparently I had one of the many current settings as 64-bit, and the others as 32-bit. Changing the active configuration, Cuda C/C++ Target Machine Platform, and Linker|Advanced Target Machine all to 32-bit or 64-bit allowed me to compile and run. I still don't have any idea how to fix the __ global__ and such syntax highlighting, but it's not that big of an issue.
You'll find a complete guide here:
How to Run CUDA In Visual Studio 2010
you can check if the source file that contains kernel is a CUDA/C file rather than a C/C++ file. (Solution Explorer -> File Properties)
