Why are there open connections on my Heroku app's PostgreSQL database? How do I close them? - ruby

My Heroku app is www.inflationtrends.com.
Usually, when I run "pg:info" in Git Bash to see how many connections there are, that number is zero.
Recently, I've seen a spike in traffic -- not much, only a little over 1,000 in the past 48 hours -- and when I ran "pg:info" this morning (around 11 a.m. Eastern time), the result shows that there are 4 or 5 open connections.
My app is run using the Ruby gem Sinatra. In the Sinatra file, I have the following code:
after do
The "after do" loop disconnects from the PostgreSQL database after a page is loaded.
The variable "DB" has the connection info for my PostgreSQL database (username, password, host, port number, SSL mode requirement):
DB = Sequel.postgres(
Is there some reason that there are open connections? Are there ways to close these connections? Are there more efficient ways to handle this situation?

An alternate way to check the number of open connections on Heroku is to type this into your console/terminal and replace "myapp" with your app's name:
heroku pg:info -a myapp

Have you considered that perhaps your site is getting traffic? When people visit your site and use your application connections will be opened.
Try adding some tracking code (such as Google Analytics) to your web pages, then check if the number of recorded visitors matches the number of open connections.
It is also possible that the database has connections opened by various maintenance tasks, such as backing up.

I grabbed the following toolbelt add-on which worked perfectly.
heroku pg:killall --app xyz


mongo shell not showing all dbs

Good Day.
I've been developing with meteorJS which uses mongodb. No problems there. I've been using the mongo shell to access the database on my dev machine (osx 10.11). This is my first project with mongo and when the shell would load, it would connect to db.test and I'd always show dbs and get the list of database, then use myApp.
Yesterday whenever I go into the shell and I type show dbs the only one shown is local 0.078GB. However my app is still working and pulling and pushing data to the database.
I've checked the dbpath in the mongod.conf and that seems ok. I'm not entirely sure about the exact order of things, but two things where different (I'm not sure if these happened prior to the show dbs not showing everything or after, and I'm not sure which came first):
when loading the mongo shell I was getting this error:
WARNING: soft rlimits too low. Number of files is 256, should be at least 1000"
I followed these directions which seemed to stop that error from appearing (https://github.com/basho/basho_docs/issues/1402 )
I use Meteor Toys and for the first time I update user.profile.companyName (which is a custom field within the standard profile from within the Meteor Toys widget.
Just odd that the app can still access the database and collections, but that the mongo shell doesn't show. I've update mongod via brew upgrade mongodb from 3.0.2 to 3.0.7 to no avail.
Any ideas?
If you want to use the regular mongo console you have to specify the port to be 3001 for meteor apps instead of the default 27017. Otherwise it's much simpler to just type meteor mongo and connect that way. Then you can type 'show collections' and it will show them all just like normal.
MongoDB do not show the database unless if there is minimum of one collection with a document in it.
Refer to this link

How does Redis client/connection limit work on Heroku RedisCloud?

So, I have a Java app on Heroku that uses RedisCloud addon.
The addon clearly states that the free version comes with a maximum of 30 Connections:
The problem is that Im getting this error:
ERR max number of clients reached
So the first thing I did obviously was check the RedisCloud monitor and to my surprise, It establishes a limit of 10 Connections:
The question:
Why are we getting a connection limit of 10 on RedisCloud when the limit on the Heroku addon says it should be 30?
It appears that your add-on is using an old version of the plan from before we launched our Bigger and Imporved XXXL Free plan earlier this year.
The easiest way to resolve that is to use the Heroku toolkit belt and run the command:
heroku addons:upgrade rediscloud:30 -a <your app's name>

Reduce Embedded Tomcat startup time on Prod profile

I am running a basic Jhipster generated app - see bottom for setup details - that is to be run on a single basic Heroku dyno for the time being. I use the embedded tomcat approach and all is working out fine apart from the start-up time on the production profile.
Running the server locally on my machine with Foreman I get the following results:
On the dev profile I get start-up times of <30sec for both the local and the remote Heroku database.
On the prod profile this goes up to >100sec for both cases.
This causes Heroku to terminate the instance before start-up completes due to them requiring the server to bind to their designated port within 60 seconds.
Thus my question is how/if I could reduce that time. I am aware of Heroku offering to increase the timeout interval to 120sec on a per-application basis. I would appreciate a more elegant approach, though, especially since I am running on a basic dyno so that timeout extension might not even be sufficient.
I know of Jetty/WebappRunner, too, but would prefer to stick to the simpler embedded tomcat setup if at all possible.
Finally, I have seen that for Rails there is the possibility of employing a proxy during start-up to bind to Heroku's port right away - I did not find a Spring equivalent, though.
Thanks in advance!
jhipster v017.2
authenticationType": "token"
hibernateCache": "no"
clusteredHttpSession": "no"
websocket": "no"
databaseType": "sql"
devDatabaseType": "postgresql"
prodDatabaseType": "postgresql"
useCompass": true
buildTool": "maven",
frontendBuilder": "grunt"
javaVersion": "7"

Connecting to Heroku Postgres Database takes a long time

connecting to a Heroku Postgres database using Dbeaver client to after enabling ssl and using org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory takes about 4-5 minutes to connect to the database.
Is this behavior normal?
Just uncheck "Show non-default databases".
It crashes / freezes because it tries to load a huge amount of databases in that host
No, this is not normal at all. Connecting should be quite instantaneous. A few seconds is already way too long, and minutes is completely off, so something else is going on.
If you try connecting with some other tool (like psql directly), do you have the same problem? I'd check there to make sure your code or some dependency is not doing something odd.

Restarting an interrupted heroku db:pull

I have a decently large DB that I'm trying to pull down locally from heroku via db:pull.
I never can stick around my machine long enough to keep it from going to sleep, effectively killing the connection and terminating the process. GOTO 1.
I know I could change my system settings to stop my computer from sleeping, which would keep the connection alive, but is there a way to continue a previous pull?
Or maybe the solution is just not to use db:pull for a large db.
heroku db:pull supports resuming. When you start a pull it will create a .dat file in your project (and get rid of it when it's completed). You can do:
heroku db:pull --resume FILE # resume transfer described by a .dat file
to start the pull from the previous location.
Heroku pgbackups maybe a better option to grab the large Db file - http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/pgbackups.
Although I'd be more inclined to prevent your computer from sleeping - just disable the sleep functionality during the downloading from settings/control panel depending on OS.
