mongo shell not showing all dbs - macos

Good Day.
I've been developing with meteorJS which uses mongodb. No problems there. I've been using the mongo shell to access the database on my dev machine (osx 10.11). This is my first project with mongo and when the shell would load, it would connect to db.test and I'd always show dbs and get the list of database, then use myApp.
Yesterday whenever I go into the shell and I type show dbs the only one shown is local 0.078GB. However my app is still working and pulling and pushing data to the database.
I've checked the dbpath in the mongod.conf and that seems ok. I'm not entirely sure about the exact order of things, but two things where different (I'm not sure if these happened prior to the show dbs not showing everything or after, and I'm not sure which came first):
when loading the mongo shell I was getting this error:
WARNING: soft rlimits too low. Number of files is 256, should be at least 1000"
I followed these directions which seemed to stop that error from appearing ( )
I use Meteor Toys and for the first time I update user.profile.companyName (which is a custom field within the standard profile from within the Meteor Toys widget.
Just odd that the app can still access the database and collections, but that the mongo shell doesn't show. I've update mongod via brew upgrade mongodb from 3.0.2 to 3.0.7 to no avail.
Any ideas?

If you want to use the regular mongo console you have to specify the port to be 3001 for meteor apps instead of the default 27017. Otherwise it's much simpler to just type meteor mongo and connect that way. Then you can type 'show collections' and it will show them all just like normal.

MongoDB do not show the database unless if there is minimum of one collection with a document in it.
Refer to this link


CouchDB Performance: 1.6.1 vs 2.1.1

We are looking at upgrading our CouchDB on our RHEL servers from 1.6.1 to 2.1.1. Before we do that, though, we wanted to run a performance test. So we created a JMeter test that goes directly against the database. It does not use any random values, so that the test would be exactly the same, and we could compare the two results. This is just a standalone server, we are not using clustering. I ran the tests the exacts same way for both. I ran the tests for 1.6.1, and then installed 2.1.1 on the same machine. And I created the database new for each test run. [I also updated Erlang to R19.3.]
The results were very shocking:
Average response times:
1.6.1: 271.15 ms
2.1.1: 494.32 ms
POST and PUTs were really bad ...
1.6.1: 38.25 ms
2.1.1: 250.18 ms
1.6.1: 37.33 ms
2.1.1: 358.76
We are just using the default values for all the config options, except that we changed 1.6.1 to have delayed_commits = false (that is now the default in 2.1.1). I'm wondering if there's some default that changed that would make 2.1.1 so bad.
When I ran the CouchDB setup from the Fauxton UI, it added the following to my local.ini:
n = 1
Is that causing CouchDB to try to use clustering, or is that the same as if there were no entries here at all? One other thing, I deleted the _global_changes database, since it seemed as if it would add extra processing that we didn't need.
Is that causing CouchDB to try to use clustering, or is that the same as if there were no entries here at all?
It's not obvious from your description. If you setup CouchDB 2.0 as clustered then that's how it will work. This is something you should know depending on the setup instructions you followed:
You can tell by locating the files on disk and seeing if they are in a shards directory or not.
I'm pretty sure you want at least two, so setting n = 1 doesn't seem like something you should be doing.
If you're trying to run in single node follow the instructions I linked above to do that.
One other thing, I deleted the _global_changes database, since it seemed as if it would add extra processing that we didn't need.
You probably don't want to delete random parts of your database unless there are instructions saying this is OK?

RethinkDB does not create help and help_internal databases

I am trying to use the Horizon framework by the RethinkDB team but I am facing startup issues with Rethink. I try to start up the server with the command
rethinkdb --http-port 8082
all works fine but when I run my app.js where horizon is embedded, I obtain the error.
error: Connection to RethinkDB terminated: Error: The database help_internal does not exist.Run hz set-schema to initialize the database, then start the Horizon server.
I ran the command above and it creates a rethinkdb_data folder and whenever I restart the server, it gives me the same error.
You need to tell hz set-schema how to connect to the RethinkDb server you're running, otherwise it will create its own in your current working directory. You can pass it the same connection options you pass to hz serve.
I also got this error. It can be confusing because in dev mode of horizon it usually creates these databases for you.
In prod, however, you must create the databases yourself. To do this it is as simple as logging into RethinkDB's admin interface, click on the "Tables" navigation item then clicking the "+ Add Database" button. Create two databases called 'help' and 'help_internal' assuming that your horizon project_name name is 'help'.
Note that in addition to creating the databases I've described you may also need to create tables in these databases. This is where you should use get-schema on your dev server (to dump the current schema to disk) and set-schema on your prod server (to create the tables needed to support the schema).
For some npm tasks that accomplish the getting and setting of schema you can see here.

How to setup Cloud Coding on Parse Open Server using Heroku

I have looked everywhere but cannot seem to figure out how to setup cloud coding on the Parse Open Server using Heroku.
I see this link which tells me what to put in the Index.js and Main.js file: Implementing Cloud Code on Open Source Parse Server. However, I cannot seem to find those files. Nor can I find the "cloud" folder.
How do I find the cloud folder?
I created the Parse Server on MongoDB using the "Deploy to Heroku" link on this page: After creating my application by filling out all the information, I ran the command heroku git:clone -a yourAppName to clone the application files. However, when I use the command I obtain a empty repository and get the following message in my terminal:
Cloning into 'hyv3-moja'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
So, how/where do I find the cloud folder with main.js? Did I miss any step in creating the Parse Server?
I also tried using the Parse Command Line. However, when I try to use the parse new command, it requires me to login to a Parse account. However, since Parse is going down, they are not accepting new accounts and I did not have an account before. Regardless, this seems like a deadend.
So can someone please explain to me how to set up Cloud Code?? I want to create a code that decrements a column in the database every second so it operates like a timer. Basically, I want my application to create objects on the database that last a certain amount of time chosen by the user. For this example, ill say 24 hours. So from the moment it is created, I want to decrement those 24 hours in the database. That way when a user of my application clicks to view the object, I translate the time remaining from the database and just output that value to the user to show how much time is remaining for the life of the object.

C# mongod- insert fails with "unable to connect to server, attempted to read past the stream"

I am able to create a successful connection to a remote mongodb server and database. When I try and insert the document into a collection I get the following error:
Unable to connect to server Attempted to read past the end of the stream..
after a little lag. I am not sure what the issue is if the connection seems fine.
server = New MongoClient("mongodb://").GetServer
db = server.GetDatabase("TestDB")
mongoC = db("TestCpo")
Have you made sure that Mongo is up and running? Open up a command line, navigate to the location of your mongo installation then to the bin directory, type in "mongod". This will start up the mongo server, you need to have the mongo server up and running before you can do anything with it.
It's also useful to add the path to your environment variables so that it can be set up easier.
Another thing you could do is use
Process.Start(#"C:\[Directory of the mongo installation]\bin\mongod.exe");
(this is probably more useful if you want to start Mongo under test conditions)

Desktop SPARQL client for Jena (TDB)?

I'm working on an app that uses Jena for storage (with the TDB backend). I'm looking for something like the equivalent of Squirrel, that lets me see what's being stored, run queries etc. This seems like an obvious thing to need, but my (perhaps badly phrased) google queries aren't turning up anything promising.
Any suggestions, please? I'm on XP. Even a command line tool would be helpful.
Take a look at my Store Manager tool which is part of the dotNetRDF Toolkit which I develop as part of the wider dotNetRDF project I maintain.
It provides a fairly basic GUI through which you can connect to various Triple Stores including TDB provided that you expose your dataset via Joseki/Fuseki. You need to have .Net 3.5 installed to run the apps in the toolkit.
If you don't already expose your TDB dataset via HTTP try using Fuseki as it is ridiculously easy to use and can be run just on your local machine when necessary to make your TDB store available via HTTP for use with my tool e.g.
java -jar fuseki-0.1.0-server.jar --update --loc data /dataset
Please see the Fuseki wiki for more information on running Fuseki and the various options. In the above example Fuseki is run with SPARQL Update enabled (the --update flag), using the TDB dataset located in the directory data (the --loc data argument) and with a base URI of /dataset for the data.
Once running you can use my tool to connect to a Fuseki server by going to File > New Generic Store Manager, selecting the "Fuseki" tab from the dialog that appears, entering the URI http://localhost:3030/dataset/data and then clicking "Connect to Fuseki".
Twinkle is a handy SPARQL client :
As it happens I'm working on something similar myself, but it still needs a lot of work (check back in a month :)
first download jena fusaki from
un-zip the file and copy the "jena-fuseki-1.0.1" to c drive
open cmd
type for accesing the folder
"cd C:\jena-fuseki-1.0.1"
then type
"java -jar fuseki-server.jar --update --loc data /dataset"
at last open a browser and type
remember you must first declear the enviorment verible(located in system poperties then advance tab)
and edit variable name call "Path" in the "System verible" to
I also develop a SPARQL client, Open Source in Java Swing: EulerGUI.
In fact it does a lot more, see the manual:
For the SPARQL feature, better take the EulerGUI minimal build:
