Invalid column names for a Magento product import - magento

I'm trying to upgrade from Magento Community to Magento Enterprise. I've got each installed seperately. I did a direct export of product from my Community installation and have attempted to directly import this to Enterprise.
Initially, the error I was received was
'csv' file extension is not supported
I did the following according to a reply on a forum post from someone with a similar problem:
Disable the Magento Compiler under System > Tools > Compilation
However, the next Validation Error I encountered was this:
Column names: "_root_category", "_group_price_website", "_group_price_customer_group", "_group_price_price", "_media_attribute_id", "_media_image", "_media_lable", "_media_position", "_media_is_disabled" are invalid
I've done zero editing to the product CSV Magento provided me. I duplicated it, opened up the file and have found zero problems and zero duplicated columns.
I'm at a loss as to what to do next, any suggestions?
Sample CSV
Link: - Google Docs Preview
Link - Google Drive Download

Open in a text editor and save as UTF-8 encoding
Make sure you are using Import/Export > Import rather than the deprecated Dataflow method of import


How to import external links in Magento 1.9?

I import my products with MAGMI. In the description field, I imported a external link : <(with no space)a href="http://xxxxxxx.xx" target="_blank>Linkname<(with no space)/a>
On my first Magento 1.9 installation everything was working perfect. But now I have a curious problem.
In the description (html sight) the link is insert perfect. If I click on the link in front end I get something like this:"http://xxxxxxx.xx"
I can't remember what I have done different to my first Magento installation.
The CSV is the same, the MAGMI settings are the same.
Have somebody a hint or a solution for me ?
br from germany,
It was a Excel issue ! I think I use LibreOffice in furture.
Can be closed !


I am getting this error when trying to get to the virtuemart admin page:
I am using Joomla 2.5 with virtuemart 2.0
I cannot identify the exact moment when this problem appeared.
This is the source code that's generating the error message:
if (!class_exists( 'VmConfig' ))
echo $attentionText;
vmTrace('Called by',TRUE);
Thanks a lot
The error you are seeing is an untranslated language string. I've just had a look at the language file and the error that is supposed to show is:
Attention: You have still old vm extensions in your joomla installation active, uninstall or disable them
Simple ensure you have the most up to date version of all VirtueMart related extensions whether it be a component, plugin or module.
Hope this helps

Fatal error: Call to a member function setProductFilter() on a non-object

When I try to create a configurable product from the admin panel I am getting the following error.
Fatal error: Call to a member function setProductFilter() on a non-object
I am not trying anything special. I just went to "Add Product" and selected "Default" attribute set and selected "Configurable Product" from the drop down and hit continue. But I could not create configurable products.
It is showing error in the following line
\app\code\core\Mage\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\Configurable.php on line 294
Could anyone help me in this please?
Almost 2 years on and I have just encountered the same (well, a very similar) problem in Magento I found the cause, and it came as quite a surprise.
Note: I'm using backslashes in my filepaths because I'm using Windows. I see the OP was too. Just in case anyone was about to point out my "mistake". :o)
\app\code\core\Mage\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\Configurable.php on line 294 looks like this:
return Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_type_configurable_attribute_collection')->setProductFilter($this->getProduct($product));
This is supposed to do the following 3 things:
Load the product object using$this->getProduct($product)
Generate a resource object using Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_type_configurable_attribute_collection')
Call that resource object's setProductFilter method, passing in
the product object
It's failing at step 2, because Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_type_configurable_attribute_collection') tries to use the file \app\code\core\Mage\Catalog\Model\Resource\Product\Type\Configurable\Attribute\Collection.php, which - in my case at least - doesn't exist.
To be exact, the file is there but it has the wrong extension - .ph instead of .php. It seems like Magento CE was shipped like this. Maybe other releases are affected in the same way.
Magento CE is available in 3 formats: .zip, .tar.gz, and .tar.bz2. I downloaded the .tar.gz version onto a Windows 8.1 system and extracted it using GnuWin's gzip for Windows and tar for Windows (both command-line utilities). Maybe something got corrupted because of the specific way I chose to download and extract and/or because of the OS I'm using. Or maybe this file is just misnamed at the source. Either way, renaming it to .php solved the problem for me.
Hope this helps someone - as I can see how much of a popular topic this is :oD
If your Problem is - magento Call to a member function setProductFilter() on a non-object in app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Type/Configurable.php on line 294
Go to -
And see there are the Collection.php file exist or not.
I thing there are Collection.php file exist but the file extension is not correct format.
You can change the extension only, Make it Collection.php

importing products with magmi

I've tried to import some products with Magmi,after that,I couldn't find customer options that I've already had.
Even sku,name,description,price,Size:drop_down:1
T-Shirt1,T-Shirt,A T-Shirt,5.00,Small:fixed:0:-SM|Medium:percent:2:-MED|Large:percent:3:-LRG
T-Shirt2,T-Shirt2,Another T-Shirt,6.00,XS:fixed:0:-XS:1|S:fixed:0:-S:2|M:fixed:1:-M:3
Is there something I haven't done?
Should I click the plugins? Which one should I click?
And in my file(var/import),I have many csv files,but when I choose them and run.It will throw like 'csv not found'. What's the matter with it?
My Magento version is , Magmi version is 0.7.17a.
The problem is the path that the file is reading the CSV. When you open the error look the path that's looking for the file and change the properties for having it correct.
In the CSV base directory on the magmi UI, try changing var/import to /var/import

Export to PDF file

I am evaluating Teechart 4.1.2012.2287 and I have a problem with the export to PDF function.
My project is written in VS2010, using VB.Net and framework 4.0, and I have Adobe Reader 9.4.7 on my PC.
When I try to open a PDF generated by TChart it says there is an error with the file.
I also get this problem using your Example application.
Is there a version requirment for the Reader?
I'm afraid this is a bug. I get this error message:
An error exists on this page. Acrobat may not display the page
correctly. Please contact the person who created the PDF document to
correct the problem.
Do you get the same? Anyway, I added the issue (TF02016129) to the bug list to be investigated.
