How do I split orders between Magento Multi Stores? - magento

We have a magneto store and we sell decorations that are season based. So we need to have Magento possibly split into multi stores each housing the different seasons. But I need it to ONLY allow orders from 1 season to go through the system at a time not to have the customer able to mix their products up and then complete that order.
Does anyone know if it is possible to have settings changed to lock products/carts to a single store with in a multi store site?


How to handle price dynamic

We have requirement to handle price dynamic (referring external system).
We would like to know, what is the best way to handle dynamic pricing among below :
Approach 1 :
Creating Price factory extension and overriding getBasePrice() method of customPricefactoryManager. Please confirm if it uses jalo layer.
Approach 2 :
In DefaultSLFindPriceStrategy we can customize getBasePrice() method.
If any other way too, please lets know.
We would like to know which approach can help to handle prices in addtocart operation, checkout and product page details pricing.
It is not good getting price in another system with integration online. ERP system used by few sales people but ecommerce site can be used by hundred customer in same time. ERP cannot be handle huge amount of connections. I prefer pushing price from ERP not pulling them from hybris side. On the other hand customer will be hate changing price while surfing between hybris pages. You need to plan correct time for updating price and re-calculating existing carts.
It is highly unlikely that you would need to override the above classes to get dynamic prices.
Hybris already provides OTB functionality to get prices for different-
User groups
Time range
If you are trying to get different prices based on above criterions then you can simply use the OTB price row model.Getting dynamic prices on different pages has many caveats-
The price on different pages i.e. Homepage, PDP, Cart, Checkout,
etc. might show different values confusing the customer.
It cannot
be indexed so the PLP page will almost always show a different price

Magento - modify search for multiple stores

We've got 2 magento stores configured, A and B:
Store B only shows categories and products below the catgory CAT2.
Now, when searching on store B's front-end, products from categories of store A come up. How can I avoid that? I'd like to cleanly separate products assigned to store A from those assigned to store B as store B is a specialized product segment presented with another company.
Any idea how to do this?
we finally set up the second store as a different website, this way we can assign products to either one or the other in the website section of the product, and search results adapt accordingly.

Is it possible to add shipping tracking number for different product in magento?

I would like know
Suppose, A order consist of three product. When i submit this product to warehouse it ship the prodduct in different shipping method.
I would like to know how can i add these tracking number in magento either programmatic php or directly using mysql query
Thank you.
You can do this without having to run any code (i.e PHP or MySQL), simply partially invoice the order by navigating to the order itself, choosing the invoice tab & checking / unchecking the appropriate products. Then, when you choose to create a shipment, you can base it off of an invoice number and assign appropriate tracking information to it.

how to give different access authority to different users credential in magento

I have client requirement that he want to me to make different prices list of products for different users, for example there will be two types of users one normal users and other one are doctors , so he want that if normal users come to this website then the price list should be different as for doctors, like for doctor a particular product rate can be 50 Rs but the same product for normal user is 70 Rs .
so i want to know can this be possible in magento and if "yes".
How to do it??????.
You could try to accomplish this using either
Customer Group
Multi Website
Third Party extension
Take a look #
Different prices for different groups? (wholesale prices, etc.)
Magento: How to Setup Simple Customer Specific Discount Pricing

Using Magento Like Ebay

I want to use magento's multi store system like ebay.
I want to use stores on one domain and using the same root category but every store can have different price on every single product and I want every store to be multilingual.
Before I start I appreciate some direction, which way would be best practise to achieve this?
This cannot (reasonably) be done in Magento, mainly because pricing cannot be set at the store level AND each scope (website/store) comes with a not-insignificant performance hit. MANY have tried what you are proposing. None have succeeded. Sorry.
Actually there has many Magento extension can extend one Magento site into one Marketplace, which can let customer apply to be as one seller to sell their products as vendor on this common market.
