JCE Mediabox issue - joomla

Im trying to open contact form with JCE Mediabox popup.
When I click on link then popup opens and together with that popup also opens "print properties". I cant understand where that Print properties comes.
I have used JCE mediabox before and everything worked well (no print properties opened).
How can I see where it comes from or how to disable it? Or is this not suitable with the latest Joomla version.
I tried it on a blank site, and there are same thing. So the problem cant be on my site, I think.
I just made blank site for show the problem. Maybe someone can understands wheres the problem. Heres link

There is a script just before </body> tag.which opens the print popup
<script type="text/javascript">window.print();</script>
Most probabely it will be in component.php of your current template folder.
like joomla root->templates->your_template->component.php
May this will solve your problem.


CK Editor and Firefox 33 conflict

Today, I open my website which use CKEditor.
I encounter a strange behavior. In any page that has CKEditor, jquery click event listener seems to not work.
This is odd. I have try to open the same website in chrome and firefox 32 with no problem.
I even try to visit CKEditor website to make sure that this problem is not caused by my script.
And I can ensure that the problem is occurred exactly as in my website. CKEditor has javascript based menu, if you click "Full featured" link, the element on the left-side should be changed with respective element. But it doesn't response as it should be. (Just for the record, this website also works fine in chrome and firefox 32)
I have also use firebug to find any helping-error-message, but I can't find any error message there.
I am sure this must be firefox's bug. Hopefully they will fix this in firefox 34.
However, does anybody experience the same problem? Is there any workaround for this?
UPDATE : Seems that this problem is caused by plugin (firePHP or fireQuery). Look at the comments for more information.

Django-cms page blank even after adding text plugins

Okay so I was able to do the ff:
Install django-cms on and show the "welcome page"
Go to admin page and choose a template.
Add a page
but when i try to add a text plugin to a page and preview it. The page is still blank and it does not even show an error.
UPDATE: When i use the front-end editor "edit mode on" I am able to add plugins. That's weird
I had a similar problem. I eventually realised that it was caused by my failure to click on the 'publish' button.

ALFContact joomla plugin used want to edit that page

i am working on a website already built in joomla and ALFContact form plugin is used for contact us page. i want to add some information on that page but cannot find any option to edit that page. (i've asked for edit the content only). As i hav'nt use joomla befor it's bit problem for me. not found any help on ALFContact plugin site.
The page is not present in article manager so i can edit them.
here is the Screen shot of page.
want to make changes in text. so help me out if any one used this plugin in any way.
Thanks in advance
The only way I found to edit the form was:
Delete underlined code to detele field "From" (De:)
To add custom optional fields: Componets > ALFContact manager
And you got
(Youtube) Install and basic config ALF contact module
Aditional, the language can change on "Language manager" of the site
(sorry for my english)
joomla joomla3.x joomla-extensions

iframe tag doesn't work in magento

If any one can help, I would be so grateful. I have spent 2 days scouring the internet for an answer and tried every option I could think of. Here is the problem.
On my site (www.naturevite.net/nature-vite/), all the product pages have a "supplement facts" section. In the section, it displays the nutrition facts. I have all the nutrition labels as .html files. So I added the following iframe to my supplement_facts description area:
<iframeĀ src="http://www.naturevite.net/nature-vite/media/catalog/product/facts/WWSNPPBR0012YOGBBR.html" frameborder="0" width="500" height="900">/iframe>
Now the strange thing is that NOTHING appears BUT if I just click on the WYSIWYG editor, open the popup window, don't change anything except just click submit, the html file opens perfectly.
This wouldn't be a problem except that with 2000 products, I have to go in and do this for each one.
Any ideas guys.
Oh and I tried adding the extend iframe code ('iframe[src|style|width|height|scrolling|marginwidth|marginheight|frameborder],style,script'") and it doesn't workto setup.js file and it didn't work. I also tried disabling the WYSIWYG from configuration and attribute and that didn't work.
I am using magento

I'm building a theme for tumblr and the {HasPages} doesn't seem to work properly

I've put the HTML draft of the theme so far, with minor CSS edits.
Currently I have all the block posts and everything else that's essential to a tumblr theme but I can't seem to get the {HasPages} block to work properly.
I've tested it on a different tumblr, also. There are pages created and I already have provided some basic CSS for it just in case. But there isn't anything showing up.
Has anyone has this problem and if so, is there a solution I'm missing? The code to display the pages is included.
Also, is this a valid web masters' question. I'm not sure.
I just had this issue: a link to a page I created didn't show up.
I solved this by checking off "Show a Link to this Page" in the Page options. To find this:
Go to tumblr.com.
In the top navigator click the gear. This is where the settings are.
On the side, click on the blog you want to customize.
A customize button should show up beside the name "Theme". Click on this button.
Now your blog will show up with a Customize panel. In the Customize panel there should be a Pages section. Click the Edit button beside the page and a window will pop up.
You can find the "Show a Link to this Page" option in this window.
Let me know if you need any clarification.
As far as I can see your code is right. Have you clicked the 'show a link to this page' checkbox, which is at the bottom of the page edit popup? I bet that's it... :)
I have also been having this problem. However, everything works correctly on my actual page, even though the theme editor does not appear to be aware of the block on my custom theme, nor does the theme preview seem to be aware of the pages tagged to show.
Have you tried saving your theme and checking the links on the live page?
