read data from amazon hbase - hadoop

Can anyone suggest me that whether I can read data from amazon hbase using the org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration and org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTablePool.
We are migrating to Amazon's EMR framework having hbase running on top of it.
The present implementation is based on pure Apache hadoop and hbase distributions. I'm trying to verify that no code changes needed even we migrate to amazon's EMR.
Please share your thoughts.

While it should not happen, I would expect the problems and changes related to the nature of EC2 and its networking.
HBase relay on Regions able to renew their leases in timely manner. If Region servers are two busy - because of some massive operations over them, they can not do so and get kicked off the cluster.
In amazon performance of the EC2 instances are much less predictable then in dedicated cluster (unless you use cluster instances), so adjusting timeout parameters and/or nature of your loads might be needed to get cluster to work properly


Flink Cluster Performance is much worse than standalone

I use flink to process HDFS files or local files.
When I use standalone setup, the server can process the data at 500k/s.
But when I use cluster,the server can only process the data at 100k/s.
It is so weird,I can not figure out what is going on.
I found that when I use cluster(2 servers), there is always one server which has low speeds to read/write data. The flink cluster is based on hadoop.
Can anyone help me?

What is the difference between AWS Elastic MapReduce and AWS Redshift

I see that AWS Elastic MapReduce and AWS Redshift both use a cluster structure and can be used for data analysis. What are the different use cases for them?
Amazon Redshift supports client connections with many types of applications, including business intelligence (BI), reporting, data, and analytics tools.
Amazon Elastic MapReduce (Amazon EMR) is a managed cluster platform that simplifies running big data frameworks, such as Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, on AWS to process and analyze vast amounts of data.
You are correct that both Amazon EMR and Amazon Redshift are clustered systems that can scale-out to offer more computing power. However, there are some very distinct differences between the two services.
Amazon EMR provides Apache Hadoop and applications that run on Hadoop. It is a very flexible system that can read and process unstructured data and is typically used for processing Big Data. However, learning Hadoop and related technologies can be quite difficult. ("With great power comes great responsibility!")
Amazon Redshift is a petabyte-scale data warehouse that is accessed via SQL. Data must be loaded into Redshift before being queried, which often requires some for of transformation ("ETL").
So which one to choose?
If you want to use SQL and you have structured data (eg CSV files), then Redshift is the simplest solution.
If you want to process unstructured data (eg in strange formats rather than structured CSV files), Amazon EMR can provide a Hadoop system that is very capable.
Sometimes people use both -- use Hadoop to transform data, then use Redshift for querying the data.
If Amazon Redshift can fit your needs, then use it rather than Hadoop. Redshift is simpler to use because it presents itself as a standard SQL database that you can get going in a few minutes. All the cluster stuff is behind-the-scenes and you don't have to know much to use it.
If you need more flexible capabilities and you don't mind getting low-level and technical, then Hadoop on Amazon EMR will offer you more capabilities.

Falcon's role in Hadoop ecosystem

I am supposed to work on cluster mirroring where I have to set up the similar HDFS cluster (same master and slaves) as a existing one and copy the data to the new and then run the same jobs as is.
I have read about falcon as a feed processing and a work flow coordinating tool and it is used for mirroring of HDFS clusters as well. Can someone enlighten me on what is Falcon's role in Hadoop ecosystem and how does it help in mirroring in particular. I am looking here to understand what all facon offers when it is part of my Hadoop eco-system (HDP).
Apache Falcon simplifies the configuration of data motion with: replication; lifecycle management; lineage and traceability. This provides data governance consistency across Hadoop components.
Falcon replication is asynchronous with delta changes. Recovery is done by running a process and swapping the source and target.
Data loss – Delta data may be lost if the primary cluster is completely shut down
Backup can be scheduled when needed depending on the bandwidth and network availability.

Is there an Amazon community AMI for Hadoop/HBase?

I would like to test out Hadoop & HBase in Amazon EC2, but I am not sure how complicate it is. Is there a stable community AMI that has Hadoop & HBase installed? I am thinking of something like bioconductor AMI
Thank you.
I highly recommend using Amazon's Elastic MapReduce service, especially if you already have an AWS/EC2 account. The reasons are:
EMR comes with a working Hadoop/HBase cluster "out of the box" - you don't need to tune anything to get Hadoop/HBase working. It Just Works(TM).
Amazon EC2's networking is quite different from what you are likely used to. It has, AFAIK, a 1-to-1 NAT where the node sees its own private IP address, but it connects to the outside world on a public IP. When you are manually building a cluster, this causes problems - even using software like Apache Whirr or BigTop specifically for EC2.
An AMI alone is not likely to help you get a Hadoop or HBase cluster up and running - if you want to run a Hadoop/HBase cluster, you will likely have to spend time tweaking the networking settings etc.
To my knowledge there isn't, but you should be able to easily deploy on EC2 using Apache Whirr which is a very good alternative.
Here is a good tutorial to do this with Whirr, as the tutorial says you should be able to do this in minutes !
The key is creating a recipe like this:
whirr.instance-templates=1 zk+nn+jt+hbase-master,5 dn+tt+hbase-regionserver
You will then be able to launch your cluster with:
bin/whirr launch-cluster --config

Running MRToolkit hadoop jobs on AWS elastic map/reduce

Loving MRToolkit -- great to get away from Java while writing Hadoop jobs. It has become apparent that the library was written to interface with an EC2 cluster, and not with Amazon's elastic map/reduce system. Does anybody have insights into running jobs defined using the toolkit on elastic map/reduce servers? It isn't readily apparent from the web interface, and I'd love to avoid the headache of setting up a cluster by hand on EC2.
I've looked into updloading files under the 'streaming' option (as that's what MRToolkit uses), but Amazon is expecting separate files for the mapper and reducer -- typical MRToolkit style defines them in the a single file as subclasses of predefined Base(Map|Reduce) classes.
Thanks much for any thoughts.
It's doable, but not through the web GUI.
Download and install the Ruby Client
Create your cluster: elastic-mapreduce --create --alive [params to size cluster]
Confirm your Elastic Map Reduce Master security group has port 22 open
SSH into your master node
Use git / scp to copy over your application code
Run your app
