How can I handle async calls when validating with Backbone.js (uniqueness specifically) - validation

This is relevant for either client or server side apps using backbone. I am attempting to create a validation function with uniqueness checks to MongoDB or some REST call (depending on environment). Both of these calls are async by nature; however, I think I actually need to make it block here for validation purposes. If I don't return anything the validate function will assume validation passed.
My code currently looks like this on the server side:
isUnique: function (key) {
var dfdFindOne = this.findOne({key: this.get(key)}),
dfd = new Deferred();
dfdFindOne.done(function (err, result) {
return dfd;
... some stuff here....
I feel like I can do some sort of wait till done functionality here before I return... perhaps not though. I wish backbone provided a callback function or something or accepted some sort of deferred type thing.
validate: function() {
var result = undefined;
result = "AHHH not unique!";
return result;
A possible solution might be to force mongodb's native node client to call things synchronously. I think I can do the same with rest calls... This is probably a bad solution though.

You could call the ajax request and set async:false in this way the return will have value. However to use async:false is evil because could appear as the browser is locked. For server side maybe there are not always workarounds for set async: false
My recommendation is to use your own validation flow instead of Backbone.validate flow, because the validation flow of Backbone was made thinking for synchronous validations only. You could try something like this:
//Code in your Model
isUnique: function (callback) {
var dfdFindOne = this.findOne({key: this.get(key)});
dfdFindOne.done(function (err, result) {
validate: function(callback) {
//trying to validate before save
if( result == 'whatexpected'){;


How to handle progress update using ReactiveX Observables/Subjects?

I'm writing an Angular app which uses the ReactiveX API to handle asynchronous operations. I used the API before in an Android project and I really like how it simplifies concurrent task handling. But there is one thing which I'm not sure how to solve in a right way.
How to update observer from an ongoing task? The task in this case will take time to load/create a complex/large object and I'm able to return intermediate progress, but not the object itself. The observable can only return one dataType. Therefor I know two possibilities.
Create an object which has a progress field and a data field. This object can be simply returned with Observable.onNext(object). The progress field will update on every onNext, while the data field is empty until the last onNext, which will set it to the loaded value.
Create two observables, a data observable and a progress observable. The observer hast to subscribe to the progress observable for progress updates and to the data observable to be notified when the data is finally loaded/created. These can also be optionally be zipped together for one subscription.
I used both techniques, they both work, but I want to know if there is a unified standard, a clean way, how to solve this task. It can, of course, as well be a completly new one. Im open for every solution.
After careful consideration I use a
solution similar to option two in my question.
The main observable is concerned with the actual result of
the operation.
A http request in this case, but the File iteration example is similar.
It is returned by the "work" function.
A second Observer/Subscriber can be added through a function parameter. This subscriber is concerned only with
the progress information. This way all operations are nullsafe and no type checks are needed.
A second version of the work function, without the progress Observer,
can be used if no progress UI update is needed.
export class FileUploadService {
doWork(formData: FormData, url: string): Subject<Response> {
return this.privateDoWork(formData, url, null);
doWorkWithProgress(formData: FormData, url: string, progressObserver: Observer<number>): Subject<Response> {
return this.privateDoWork(formData, url, progressObserver);
private privateDoWork(formData: FormData, url: string, progressObserver: Observer<number> | null): Subject<Response> {
return Observable.create(resultObserver => {
let xhr: XMLHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url);
xhr.onload = (evt) => {
if (progressObserver) {;
xhr.upload.onprogress = (evt) => {
if (progressObserver) { /;
xhr.onabort = (evt) => resultObserver.error("Upload aborted by user");
xhr.onerror = (evt) => resultObserver.error("Error");
Here is a call of the function including the progress Subscriber. With this solution the caller of the upload function must
create/handle/teardown the progress subscriber.
this.fileUploadService.doWorkWithProgress(this.chosenSerie.formData, url, new Subscriber((progress) => console.log(progress * 100)).subscribe(
(result) => console.log(result),
(error) => console.log(error),
() => console.log("request Completed")
Overall I prefered this solution to a "Pair" Object with a single subscription. There is no null handling nececcary, and
I got a clean seperation of concerns.
The example is written in Typescript, but similar solutions should be possible with other ReactiveX implementations.

Angular2: Example with multiple http calls (typeahead) with observables

So I am working on couple of cases in my app where I need the following to happen
When event triggered, do the following
List item
check if the data with that context is already cached, serve cached
if no cache, debounce 500ms
check if other http calls are running (for the same context) and kill them
make http call
On success cache and update/replace model data
Pretty much standard when it comes to typeahead functionality
I would like to use observables with this... in the way, I can cancel them if previous calls are running
any good tutorials on that? I was looking around, couldn't find anything remotely up to date
OK, to give you some clue what I did now:
onChartSelection(chart: any){
let date1:any, date2:any;
date1 = Math.round(chart.xAxis[0].min);
date2 = Math.round(chart.xAxis[0].max);
let data = this.tableService.getCachedChartData(this.currentTable, date1, date2);
if(data){ = data;
this.chartTableRes = this.tableService.getChartTable(this.currentTable, date1, date2)
data => {
console.log(data); = data;
this.chartTableRes = null;
error => {
throw e;
Missing debounce here
-- I ended up implementing lodash's debounce
import {debounce} from 'lodash';
onChartSelectionDebaunced: Function;
this.onChartSelectionDebaunced = debounce(this.onChartSelection, 200);
For debaunce you can use Underscore.js. The function will look this way:
onChartSelection: Function = _.debounce((chart: any) => {
Regarding the cancelation of Observable, it is better to use Observable method share. In your case you should change the method getChartTable in your tableService by adding .share() to your Observable that you return.
This way there will be only one call done to the server even if you subscribe to it multiple times (without this every new subscription will invoke new call).
Take a look at: What is the correct way to share the result of an Angular 2 Http network call in RxJs 5?

AJAX + jQuery Deferred: execution sequence

Task: get data from server with $.post, process them by method .success(), after that call some function.
var t;
$.when($.post("get_json.php", function(res) {
t = res;
}, 'json')).done(function() {
Do I understand correctly that the Deferred method .done() is executed after .success is done (ie t = res)?
But why "console.log(t)" shows "undefined"?
Is .done() fires after request, but before .success()?
Passing a "success" callback to $.post() is an alternative to the (preferred) chaining of .done(...). Do one or the other, not both, then you don't need to worry about the execution order.
Also, unless you have a decent caching strategy for async data, you shouldn't be setting t as an outer var.
$.post("get_json.php", ...).done(function(t) {
//do awesome things with t here
Caching would be something like this :
var asyncCache = {};
function get_t() {
return (asyncCache.t) ? $.when(asyncCache.t) : $.post("get_json.php", ...).done(function(t) {
asyncCache.t = t;
get_t().done(function(t) {
//do awesome things with t here
$.when() is ONLY needed when you have multiple promises and you want to wait for all of them to complete. You simply don't need it at all for your single ajax call. You can just do it like this:
$.post("get_json.php").done(function(t) {
// use the results of the ajax call here
In addition, your code example was using BOTH a success callback function AND a .done() handler. Pick one of the other, not both as they are different ways of getting a callback when the ajax call is done. I'd suggest the promise implementation above because it's more flexible. But, you could also use just the success handler:
$.post("get_json.php", function(t) {
// use the results of the ajax call here
}, 'json');
Note, when you have an asynchronous operation like this, you need to consume the results of the ajax call in the success callback (or the promise callback) or call some function from there and pass it the data. You do not want to put the data into a global variable or a variable in a higher scope because other code will simply have no way of knowing when the data is ready and when it is not. Put your action in the callback.
If you have more than one ajax call that you want to wait for, then you can do it like this:
$.when($.post("get_json.php"), $.post("get_json2.php")).done(function(r1, r2) {
// use the results of the ajax call here
console.log(r1[0]); // results from first ajax call
console.log(r2[0]); // results from second ajax call

Jasmine test event with asynchronous call

The issue is to test the event handlers with asynchronous internal methods, which is executed by SDK like facebook.
the plain test is:
describe('Listens to someevent', function () {
it('and triggers anotherevent', function () {
var eventSpy = spyOnEvent(document, 'anotherevent');
var data = {
param1: 'param1',
param2: 'param2',
this.component.trigger('somevent', data);
runs(function() {
when someevent is triggered with options, the component handler is fired:
this.handler = function (e, data) {
SDK.apicall(data, function (err, response) {
if (!err) {
// trigger data event
that.trigger(document, 'anotherevent');
In jasmine 1.3 and before, a runs without a preceding waitsFor still executes immediately. It's really the waitsFor that makes the spec asynchronous. This has changed in 2.0.
Alternatively, if you don't really want to call the external API during your tests. You can use something like jasmine-ajax (docs). This will allow you to return the ajax call immediately in test with whatever response you want to test with. This has the advantage of making your specs faster (there's no waiting for the API), and make your specs less dependent on the API being up when they run.

Make jQuery ajax calls in order

I want to make a stack of Ajax calls in this way: call(n) starts after call(n-1) finished...
I cannot use async:false for many reasons:
some requests maybe jsonp (the most relevant)
I have other ajax requests that may work meanwhile..
The browser got blocked
I cannot chain my requests this way:
$.post('server.php', {param:'param1'}, function(data){
//process data
$.post('server.php', {param:'param2'}, function(data){
//process data
Because the number and params of the requests are dynamically created from user input.
A small example that illustrates my problem.
You will see that the server response order is random, what I want to achieve is to have it in order
Response to arg1
Response to arg2
Response to arg3
Response to arg4
Response to arg5
Response to arg6
Any help would be very appreciated, thanks.
Ok, jQuery Ajax returns a Deferred Object, this can help you achieve this.
Here is how to do it:
var args = ['arg1','arg2','arg3','arg4','arg5','arg6'];
deferredPost(0, 5);
function deferredPost(index, max){
var delay = Math.random()*3;
if (index<max){
return $.post('/echo/html/', {html:('Response to '+args[index]), delay:delay},
deferredPost(index+1, max);
} else {
return $.post('/echo/html/', {html:('Response to '+args[index]), delay:delay},
Here I used then function.
I also recommend to read a little bit more about deferred objects, they can solve a couple of common problems.
This is a job for a queue.
var queue = ['arg1','arg2','arg3','arg4','arg5','arg6'];
function runQueueInOrder() {
if (queue.length === 0) { return; }
var arg = queue.pop();
var delay = Math.random()*3;
$.post('/echo/html/', {html:('Response to '+ arg), delay:delay},
}).then(function() {
You don't need to use jQuery's then for this to work if you've encapsulated the processing of the queue in a function. It's handy though. The code is destructive as it removes elements from the original array (but as they are processed, it's usually OK).
The method runQueueInOrder is called to initiate processing.
When there is no more work to be done, the function simply exits. (I've written a version that polls on a timer before, but that's not needed here).
The function grabs the next work arg, calls your post call syntax, and when done uses jQuery's deferred then callback to call the function again (to process the queue further if needed).
(I looked at the other answer and found it confusing to follow, so I took a simpler approach. Using my simple version, you can add new items as new work is discovered--or remove them.).
