Jasmine test event with asynchronous call - jasmine

The issue is to test the event handlers with asynchronous internal methods, which is executed by SDK like facebook.
the plain test is:
describe('Listens to someevent', function () {
it('and triggers anotherevent', function () {
var eventSpy = spyOnEvent(document, 'anotherevent');
var data = {
param1: 'param1',
param2: 'param2',
this.component.trigger('somevent', data);
runs(function() {
when someevent is triggered with options, the component handler is fired:
this.handler = function (e, data) {
SDK.apicall(data, function (err, response) {
if (!err) {
// trigger data event
that.trigger(document, 'anotherevent');

In jasmine 1.3 and before, a runs without a preceding waitsFor still executes immediately. It's really the waitsFor that makes the spec asynchronous. This has changed in 2.0.
Alternatively, if you don't really want to call the external API during your tests. You can use something like jasmine-ajax (docs). This will allow you to return the ajax call immediately in test with whatever response you want to test with. This has the advantage of making your specs faster (there's no waiting for the API), and make your specs less dependent on the API being up when they run.


Mocha single test with promises fails and passes at the same time

I am currently writing some tests in a legacy system and am confused about a test result here.
I have one test here which fails as expected but mocha shows as a result 1 passing and 1 failing.
I am using Bluebird Promises, mocha, chai-as-promised and sinon with sinon-chai for spies and stubs. This is the test (I have removed stuff not needed for understanding my problem):
describe("with a triggerable activity (selection)", function () {
beforeEach(function stubData() {
stubbedTriggerFunction = sinon.stub(trigger, "newParticipation");
activityLibStub = ... // stub
selectionLibStub = ... // stub
fakeActivities = ... // simple data with just ONE element
fakeSelection = ... // simple data with just ONE element
// stub methods to return synthetic data
activityLibStub.returns(new Promise(function (resolve) {
selectionLibStub.withArgs(1).returns(new Promise(function (resolve) {
afterEach(function releaseStubs() {
// restore stubs...
it("should call the newParticipation function", function () {
var member = memberBuilder.buildCorrect();
.then(function () {
return expect(stubbedTriggerFunction).to.not.have.been.called;
This test fails as expected, because the function is actually invoked. However, mocha tells me that one test passed and one test failed. This is the only test I have implemented in this module.
I am pretty sure this has something to do with the promises but I don't seem to figure out what it is. Also if I add
after the then-block, mocha still claims that one test passed. The method is also just invoked one time and I have only one synthetic dataset which I am working with. So I don't see what it is which tells mocha that this has passed while failed...
Any ideas?
Regards, Vegaaaa
Return your promise, return your promise, return your promise. Let's chant it all together now "Return, yoooooooour promise!"
it("should call the newParticipation function", function () {
var member = memberBuilder.buildCorrect();
return trigger.allActivities(member)
.then(function () {
return expect(stubbedTriggerFunction).to.not.have.been.called;
I've also removed .done() because that's not generally useful with Bluebird and would be downright harmful here. Mocha still needs to use your promise.
(It's use is generally discouraged, see here.) If you do not return your promise, then Mocha treats you test as synchronous and most likely that's going to be successful because your test is not really testing anything synchronously. Then if you get an asychronous failure, Mocha has to decide what failed exactly and will do its best to record the failure but it can lead to funny things like having an incorrect number of tests or the same test being reported as failed and successful!

Conditionally ignore individual tests with Karma / Jasmine

I have some tests that fail in PhantomJS but not other browsers.
I'd like these tests to be ignored when run with PhantomJS in my watch task (so new browser windows don't take focus and perf is a bit faster), but in my standard test task and my CI pipeline, I want all the tests to run in Chrome, Firefox, etc...
I've considered a file-naming convention like foo.spec.dont-use-phantom.js and excluding those in my Karma config, but this means that I will have to separate out the individual tests that are failing into their own files, separating them from their logical describe blocks and having more files with weird naming conventions would generally suck.
In short:
Is there a way I can extend Jasmine and/or Karma and somehow annotate individual tests to only run with certain configurations?
Jasmine supports a pending() function.
If you call pending() anywhere in the spec body, no matter the expectations, the spec will be marked pending.
You can call pending() directly in test, or in some other function called from test.
function skipIfCondition() {
function someSkipCheck() {
return true;
describe("test", function() {
it("call pending directly by condition", function() {
if (someSkipCheck()) {
it("call conditionally skip function", function() {
it("is executed", function() {
working example here: http://plnkr.co/edit/JZtAKALK9wi5PdIkbw8r?p=preview
I think it is purest solution. In test results you can see count of finished and skipped tests.
The most simple solution that I see is to override global functions describe and it to make them accept third optional argument, which has to be a boolean or a function returning a boolean - to tell whether or not current suite/spec should be executed. When overriding we should check if this third optional arguments resolves to true, and if it does, then we call xdescribe/xit (or ddescribe/iit depending on Jasmine version), which are Jasmine's methods to skip suite/spec, istead of original describe/it. This block has to be executed before the tests, but after Jasmine is included to the page. In Karma just move this code to a file and include it before test files in karma.conf.js. Here is the code:
(function (global) {
// save references to original methods
var _super = {
describe: global.describe,
it: global.it
// override, take third optional "disable"
global.describe = function (name, fn, disable) {
var disabled = disable;
if (typeof disable === 'function') {
disabled = disable();
// if should be disabled - call "xdescribe" (or "ddescribe")
if (disable) {
return global.xdescribe.apply(this, arguments);
// otherwise call original "describe"
return _super.describe.apply(this, arguments);
// override, take third optional "disable"
global.it = function (name, fn, disable) {
var disabled = disable;
if (typeof disable === 'function') {
disabled = disable();
// if should be disabled - call "xit" (or "iit")
if (disable) {
return global.xit.apply(this, arguments);
// otherwise call original "it"
return _super.it.apply(this, arguments);
And usage example:
describe('foo', function () {
it('should foo 1 ', function () {
it('should foo 2', function () {
}, true); // disable suite
describe('bar', function () {
it('should bar 1 ', function () {
it('should bar 2', function () {
}, function () {
return true; // disable spec
See a working example here
I've also stumbled upon this issue where the idea was to add a chain method .when() for describe and it, which will do pretty much the same I've described above. It may look nicer but is a bit harder to implement.
describe('foo', function () {
it('bar', function () {
// ...
If you are really interested in this second approach, I'll be happy to play with it a little bit more and try to implement chain .when().
Jasmine uses third argument as a timeout option (see docs), so my code sample is replacing this feature, which is not ok. I like #milanlempera and #MarcoCI answers better, mine seems kinda hacky and not intuitive. I'll try to update my solution anyways soon not to break compatibilty with Jasmine default features.
I can share my experience with this.
In our environment we have several tests running with different browsers and different technologies.
In order to run always the same suites on all the platforms and browsers we have a helper file loaded in karma (helper.js) with some feature detection functions loaded globally.
function isFullScreenSupported(){
// run some feature detection code here
You can use also Modernizr for this as well.
In our tests then we wrap things in if/else blocks like the following:
it('should work with fullscreen', function(){
// run the test
// don't do anything otherwise
or for an async test
it('should work with fullscreen', function(done){
// run the test
} else {
While it's a bit verbose it will save you time for the kind of scenario you're facing.
In some cases you can use user agent sniffing to detect a particular browser type or version - I know it is bad practice but sometimes there's effectively no other way.
Try this. I am using this solution in my projects.
it('should do something', function () {
if (!/PhantomJS/.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) {
This will not run this particular test in PhantomJS, but will run it in other browsers.
Just rename the tests that you want to disable from it(...) to xit(...)
function xit: A temporarily disabled it. The spec will report as
pending and will not be executed.

AJAX + jQuery Deferred: execution sequence

Task: get data from server with $.post, process them by method .success(), after that call some function.
var t;
$.when($.post("get_json.php", function(res) {
t = res;
}, 'json')).done(function() {
Do I understand correctly that the Deferred method .done() is executed after .success is done (ie t = res)?
But why "console.log(t)" shows "undefined"?
Is .done() fires after request, but before .success()?
Passing a "success" callback to $.post() is an alternative to the (preferred) chaining of .done(...). Do one or the other, not both, then you don't need to worry about the execution order.
Also, unless you have a decent caching strategy for async data, you shouldn't be setting t as an outer var.
$.post("get_json.php", ...).done(function(t) {
//do awesome things with t here
Caching would be something like this :
var asyncCache = {};
function get_t() {
return (asyncCache.t) ? $.when(asyncCache.t) : $.post("get_json.php", ...).done(function(t) {
asyncCache.t = t;
get_t().done(function(t) {
//do awesome things with t here
$.when() is ONLY needed when you have multiple promises and you want to wait for all of them to complete. You simply don't need it at all for your single ajax call. You can just do it like this:
$.post("get_json.php").done(function(t) {
// use the results of the ajax call here
In addition, your code example was using BOTH a success callback function AND a .done() handler. Pick one of the other, not both as they are different ways of getting a callback when the ajax call is done. I'd suggest the promise implementation above because it's more flexible. But, you could also use just the success handler:
$.post("get_json.php", function(t) {
// use the results of the ajax call here
}, 'json');
Note, when you have an asynchronous operation like this, you need to consume the results of the ajax call in the success callback (or the promise callback) or call some function from there and pass it the data. You do not want to put the data into a global variable or a variable in a higher scope because other code will simply have no way of knowing when the data is ready and when it is not. Put your action in the callback.
If you have more than one ajax call that you want to wait for, then you can do it like this:
$.when($.post("get_json.php"), $.post("get_json2.php")).done(function(r1, r2) {
// use the results of the ajax call here
console.log(r1[0]); // results from first ajax call
console.log(r2[0]); // results from second ajax call

Jasmine use it to over ride and test a method that uses aiax

I have a JS file that contains many methods, ajax caller is constant.
function ajaxCaller(data,url,callback) { //standard jquery ajax call here }
function method1(){
// ... does work ... then
ajaxCaller(data,url,function(){ // changes the dom } );
How can I use jasmine to over ride the ajaxCaller method that is being called by nearly every method in my js file such that I can test that the DOM is getting changed?
Probably you have something like the code below, right?
function ajaxCaller(data, url, callback) {
$.ajax(url, { data: data, success: callback });
In this case you can mock the jQuery ajax method so that instead of real AJAX request the function you provide will be called. It is possible to define the response you want to be "returned from the server". Jasmine andCallFake function will do it for you:
it ('when some response returned from the server, something happens', function() {
var response = {}; // ... define the response you need
spyOn($, 'ajax').andCallFake(function(url, options) {
// and assert that something really happens ...

How can I handle async calls when validating with Backbone.js (uniqueness specifically)

This is relevant for either client or server side apps using backbone. I am attempting to create a validation function with uniqueness checks to MongoDB or some REST call (depending on environment). Both of these calls are async by nature; however, I think I actually need to make it block here for validation purposes. If I don't return anything the validate function will assume validation passed.
My code currently looks like this on the server side:
isUnique: function (key) {
var dfdFindOne = this.findOne({key: this.get(key)}),
dfd = new Deferred();
dfdFindOne.done(function (err, result) {
return dfd;
... some stuff here....
I feel like I can do some sort of wait till done functionality here before I return... perhaps not though. I wish backbone provided a callback function or something or accepted some sort of deferred type thing.
validate: function() {
var result = undefined;
result = "AHHH not unique!";
return result;
A possible solution might be to force mongodb's native node client to call things synchronously. I think I can do the same with rest calls... This is probably a bad solution though.
You could call the ajax request and set async:false in this way the return will have value. However to use async:false is evil because could appear as the browser is locked. For server side maybe there are not always workarounds for set async: false
My recommendation is to use your own validation flow instead of Backbone.validate flow, because the validation flow of Backbone was made thinking for synchronous validations only. You could try something like this:
//Code in your Model
isUnique: function (callback) {
var dfdFindOne = this.findOne({key: this.get(key)});
dfdFindOne.done(function (err, result) {
validate: function(callback) {
//trying to validate before save
if( result == 'whatexpected'){
