Nusphere PhpEd Debugger (With CodeIgniter ) Issues - debugging

I am using Nusphere PHPED for my CodeIgniter Project. I am trying to use the debugger, it first gave me problems and I had to alter php.ini to get it to start the debug session. Now, I start the debugger from index.php, and it looks like it starts, but every time I do something (like clicking an anchor or something), it takes me back to index.php and has to start initializing everything again before it jumps to the specific task. In the log it says that the session ended and it "failed to navigate to URL localhost/project/profile" (where project is my project and profile is the controller i am targeting with the anchor)
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

you can use external browsers like IE, FF or Chrome with installed DBG debugger toolbars. One for IE is shipped and installed with PhpED and bars for FF and Chrome are avilable for free on their forum. Using debugger toolbar you can trigger debugger from the right place.


debugger doesn't work in chrome / safari/ firefox for ember app

I am working in an ember application. The version is "ember-cli": "1.13.13".
For a very strange reason, debugger doesn't work in Chrome. (I also tried Safari, and Firefox developer's edition. Same thing.)
Specifically, the problem is I put a debugger statement in a function. Ember app loads and hits the function and the debugger statement in the function. What happens in the Developer Tools -> Sources tab is that it doesn't show me the function that the debugger is in.
Instead it keeps highlighting the last line of app-boot.js file. The breakpoint, or the line that it's paused on, is not showing up at all. (see screenshot attached)
Furthermore when I step into the function call using the down arrow, it remains at app-boot.js, so I have no idea whether it did step into the function or not.
This has been plaguing me for a while now.
I've resolved many times similar error on OSX + Chrome by using Empty Cache and Hard Reload - after that code in Sources tab was updated and I could correctly see actual source code.
Make sure you didn't blackbox scripts of your application.
Alternatively you could try to reinstall npm packages, bower packages - it might be issue with creating source maps in Ember CLI.
If nothing helps please investigate your JavaScript and associated map files and check if something might be missing, or maps don't update. You could possibly try turning them on and off in Ember CLI.
See Source Maps section in Ember CLI guides how to enable/disable them.

Can I use Aptana V3 (Eclipse) debugger with Marionette/Require/Backbone?

I have the Marionette/Require TodoMVC sample imported into Eclipse (Aptana V3) and have breakpoints set, but they never hit.
The non-Marionette/Require version debugs just fine.
I assume this has to do with how things are modularized with Require.js? Anything I can do so I can debug and not have to go back to console.log?
You can also use Backbone Eye (!
[Disclaimer : I am the author]
You need to debug the client code from the browser like firebug if running client in Firefox. Or Chrome Dev tool if Chrome is used.
Here are the steps:
From Eclipse, right click the 'index.html' file
Goto Run-As menu --> Select JavaScript Web Application
It will launch Web Browser and load the index.html file and Aptana internal server will be running without you doing anything.
Browser setting is"Preferences/General/Web Browser"
Then you can follow the firebug to debug if using Firefox and to set breakpoints.

Auto open Chrome web inspector for all pages

I need to trace redirect using network tab, but it works only if I open web inspector and then reload page. Unfortunatly, I open this page from external native program and need to found, which URL is passed to browser. Is it possible to do this? I bneed to do this on Windows 7.
As far as I know this isn't possible. The complete list of up-to-date chromium command line switches can be found here:
I thought you might be able to to get something working using --wait-for-debugger-children, giving you enough time to open the developer tools before the page loads, but setting that flag also gives the developer tools a 1 minute delay before loading.

Error message - You need to specify full path to an executable file+mvc

I am working on an MVC project- for changing the default browser I added a web form and by right-clicking, I changed the default browser, but now when I tried to run the MVC app it showing an error pop up."You need to specify the full path to an executable file"
Can anyone help me to fix it?
Right click on Project file ( .csproj) and select Properties.
Go to the Web tab.
Choose specific page radio button ( its The start external program causing the problem).
I did the same default browser trick that you did and ended up with the same error every time I tried to run the app.
I tried:
Using 'Browse With...' and manually pointing to the exe of one of the browsers
No joy
running devenv /resetsettings
No joy
Installing WoVS Default Browser Switcher and switching between browsers
No Joy
In the project properties changing to 'Don't open a page. Wait for a request from an external application' then changing back to 'Specific Page'
No more error!
As far as I know the last step is all that was needed but just in case a previous step had a side effect I thought I'd list them all.
Hope that fixes your problem, it's a truly awful error.

Debug problem occurs sometimes in Silverlight when in Chrome

I am using a dedicated test SL web application that hosts SL object I am debugging.
I am debugging using basic F5 and use browser Google Chrome. Sometimes a bug happens, how I reproduce it.
I was running build->debug like 100 times already, but then I made a mistake that caused StackOverflowException and happened in main page constructor and afterwards when I rebuild and hit F5 it says no symbols have been loaded. Note that NOTHING has changed , I use the same 2 buttons combinations rebuild solution-> start debugging.
In order for debug to continue to attach I need to close XAML main page , open it again (in visual stuido) and hit rebuild ->f5 again, afterwards it works fine. (found this solution after SOME time)
I am not sure whats bugged but it appears to be a bug somewhere in SL to me.
Question is - whats going on maybe someone can explain.
This sounds more like Chrome's isolation mode for plug-ins. Generally speaking it's best to manually attach to the Chrome process that is running Silverlight (which isn't always one VS attaches to when pressing F5).
Actually error was super simple, I wasn't understanding how "exactly" xap works, it was a little more magical to me than it is. I just needed to rebuild & clear cache in browser ( chrome in this case) to attach successfully. For some reason I thought that local version doesn't require clear cache call.
Actually chrome is pretty bad to debug silverlight so I recommend IE for this sole purpose, sometimes debugger simply fails to attach to chrome, in that case you usually need to do this by attach to process - choose chrome with silverlight name there.
