Debug problem occurs sometimes in Silverlight when in Chrome - debugging

I am using a dedicated test SL web application that hosts SL object I am debugging.
I am debugging using basic F5 and use browser Google Chrome. Sometimes a bug happens, how I reproduce it.
I was running build->debug like 100 times already, but then I made a mistake that caused StackOverflowException and happened in main page constructor and afterwards when I rebuild and hit F5 it says no symbols have been loaded. Note that NOTHING has changed , I use the same 2 buttons combinations rebuild solution-> start debugging.
In order for debug to continue to attach I need to close XAML main page , open it again (in visual stuido) and hit rebuild ->f5 again, afterwards it works fine. (found this solution after SOME time)
I am not sure whats bugged but it appears to be a bug somewhere in SL to me.
Question is - whats going on maybe someone can explain.

This sounds more like Chrome's isolation mode for plug-ins. Generally speaking it's best to manually attach to the Chrome process that is running Silverlight (which isn't always one VS attaches to when pressing F5).

Actually error was super simple, I wasn't understanding how "exactly" xap works, it was a little more magical to me than it is. I just needed to rebuild & clear cache in browser ( chrome in this case) to attach successfully. For some reason I thought that local version doesn't require clear cache call.
Actually chrome is pretty bad to debug silverlight so I recommend IE for this sole purpose, sometimes debugger simply fails to attach to chrome, in that case you usually need to do this by attach to process - choose chrome with silverlight name there.


How to debug Dojo in browser?

I'm currently (trying) to develop an app with Worklight Studio 5.0.6 and Dojo (Mobile) 1.8.3. I have a really hard time to to find a proper method for debugging. After waiting 5-10 minutes for the build an deploy-process on the server, an error usually looks like this in the Chrome debugger:
How am I supposed to track down this error in MY source? The whole stack trace consists entirely of Dojo code which generates an absolutely useless error message after 20 abstraction layers.
Seriously, how do you guys handle this in real life? What methods do you use for debugging Dojo-driven apps in the browser?
For dojo.parse errors, I find it useful to pause the Chrome debugger on all exceptions (the purple icon on your screenshot, should be blue). You usally get more details about the cause of the error, the name of the DOM node being parsed, etc. in the first exception being raised.
Debugging dojo based application should be the same as debugging any javascript application.
Usually I will follow these steps:
add console.log() somewhere in code: this is fast and most of time this is enough.
set breakpoint in debugger: if step 1 is not enough, you can base on error information to set breakpoint before error line, then step in or step out.
comment out recently changes: for some error which is hard to find the error line, for example, parse error in your case, the good way is comment out your recently changes one by one till back to your last working version. Or, return to your last working version, then add code back one by one.
Create a simple application to reproduce the error : if your application is very complicate and it is hard for you to follow above methods, you can try to create a new application which mimics your current application but with simple logics and try to reproduce the error.
Based on experience : Some errors, for example, extra ',' in the end of array which works at chrome and firefox, will report a nonsense error information at IE. Debug these kinds of errors is very difficult, you can base on your experience or do a google search.
Did you provide isDebug: true in your dojoConfig? Also, try to see if the same occurs in other browsers.
Update: I recently discovered that there are issues with Google Chrome and Dojo debugging and I think it has to do with the asynchronous loading of files. As you can see in the provided screenshot of #spyro, the ReferenceError object is blank (which you can notice because of the empty brackets {}). If you want to solve that, reopen the console of Google Chrome, (for example by tapping F12 twice). After reopening the ReferenceError should not be empty anymore and now you can expand that object by using the arrow next to it and get a more detailed message about what failed.
Usually what I do in situations like that is to place a breakpoint inside the error callback (line 3398 in your case) and then look into the error variable ("e").
I am not sure how familiar you are with the Web Inspector, but once you hit the breakpoint open the Web Inspector 'console' and check for the error properties "e.message" and "e.stack" (just type in "e.message " in the console).
Also, during development it is better to avoid Dojo optimization / minification, which greatly improve your debug-ability.
Bottom line is to try to place the breakpoint before the error is thrown.

How to debug in VS instead of JIT Debugger?

UPDATE: navigating to the process via menu:DEBUG / Attach Process / iexplore.exe shows "Automatic: Silverlight code". i.e. VS 2010 already attached to the process. Why doesn't it go to debug view?
I have a frustrating debug behaviour going on on my laptop which I'd like to fix. I was following along with the demo called Silverlight TV 46: What's Wrong with my WCF Service?
On my computer, I noticed that putting throw new ArithmeticException() in the RIA service causes the just-in-time debugger to get involved (a bad thing -- I want VS). I can put a break point on the the throw new ArithmeticExpression() line, and VS stops as it normally does. Press F10, and I still get the just-in-time debugger kicking in.
On Yvor's computer (the presenter in the Ch 8 link above), the visual studio debugger kicks in instead of the just-in-time one. What am I doing wrong? Could having Redgate Reflector installed previously have caused this (it is gone now).
Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger
Code: 4004
Category: ManagedRuntimeError
Message: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid.
Check ...
Possible Debuggers:
New instance of MS VS 2010,
New instance of VS 2008.
[checked] Set currently selected debugger as the default.
[unchecked] Manually choose the debugging engines
Action: Hit Yes.
2nd ERROR:
Unable to attach to the crashing process. A debugger is already attached.
I've spent several hours looking for a way to solve this.
Browser is IE9 / Silverlight 4.
Previously, I started starting the silverlight app directly via the VS2010 environment... but then decided to get more deployment compliant (again).
Down the bottom they mention repairing from control panel / VS2010. Did that. Waited for ages, made coffee, did something else. Finally complete. Problem sill there. Included this step just-in-case the fix is cumulative (you get superstitious after a while with these things).
I then deleted zap files, switched startup page from html to the aspx one. Wired aspx to the xap (it wasn't pointing to the /debug/ folder). [note: looks like you can remove the debug via Silverlight Project / build / Output path: Replace Bin\Debug\ with Bin. With Silverlight I feel that the relative Uri path should match up to your html / aspx files no matter what -- wheather you are in Debug or Release.
project properties / Web / Specific Page
debugging works again!
Did .html stop debugging? Casual inspection reveals the same javascript stuff firing up Silverlight. On the surface it looks the same. hmmm. I guess it isn't.
... here are a few extra things to look at for those who still have issues (I may as well list them
while they are fresh in my mind).
project / properties / Web / Debuggers: I now only have Silverlight checked. ASP.Net is not checked any more. (Not sure if this influences my result at this stage)
make sure your web project points to the silverlight project in project / properties / Silverlight Applications. This ensures that the silverlight project's binary "xap" is copied to a folder within the Web Site / Web App. Note: hitting the add button reveals a destination folder (should be ClientBin).
Your build configuration will add an additional sub foler e.g. debug.
Make sure your .aspx or .html files have the right path. For me, I just included the .ClientBin/debug/ folder. I don't think this is deploy friendly, so I will search for a better way later.
IE9 settings.
[X] Disable script debugging.
[X] Disable script debugging (Other)
[ ] Display notification about a script error
[ ] Show friendly HTTP error message
Again, unsure if these later setting have an impact.
Lastly, there's something that I forget about sometimes. Be sure to check Debug VS2010 / Exceptions / Common language Runtime. This ups the ability to catch exceptions.
I had a similar problem, but the above did not resolve it. However, starting the application without debugging (Ctrl-F5) and triggering the exception would allow me to select the Visual Studio instance that I started the application from. Amazingly, I got a sensible stack trace and resolve the problem within a few minutes.

Visual Studio 2010 F10/F11 Stepping Slow, Toolbar Stepping Fine?

I'm running Visual Studio 2010 with SP1, as well as R# 5.1, and a few other extensions (like PowerCommands and Productivity Power Tools). Somewhere along the lines, my debugging got super slow. If I use the F10/F11 keys to step, VS hangs for a bit and then steps. If I use the toolbar buttons for stepping, it's snappy as expected.
Any idea what's up with my shortcut keys?
I had exactly the same problem - extremely slow debugging with keyboard (F10 for example). Some symptoms:
if I click Step Into on toolbar, then everything works normal,
the lag during debugging is present not only in Visual Studio but anywhere (notepad, browser,...),
if I set any other browser as default browser in Visual Studio (I tried Firefox), then it works OK,
if I disable third-party browser extensions in IE, then it works OK,
if I enable third-party browser extensions and disable LastPass, then the problem is gone and debugging with keyboard is fast again!
So, try to disable LastPass extension if you have it or all extensions and try it.
Edit1 - somebody allready posted this on LastPass forum:
Edit2 - and here on SO also :)
I've found a deeper explanation for this problem.
I had this problem, with the symptoms user1110039 described BUT I haven't installed LastPass toolbar. And my default browser is Firefox.
Well, my application uses SetWindowsHookEx() function for setting a system wide shortcut. Which happens to be the reason for blocking F10/F11 debug keys (only in Windows 7 64 bits) It doesn't happen under 32 bits.
I've just removed the hook from the debug build and it works ok. I reckon the problem with LastPass is some system wide hook in the code of the extension.
I had exactly the same problem.
The problem was solved by closing the Watch window.
Try debugging with Firefox or Chrome. There must be something about the interaction with IE that is causing this behavior.
Disable "show threads in source" worked for me!
Calling DirectInput's Acquire() function on a keyboard device is what caused the slowdown for me. This is potentially related to the SetWindowsHookEx() caused slowdown - ie. that might be using DirectInput.
It's really odd that the keyboard stepping is slow while the toolbar buttons are not. Typically whenever I hear about a slow stepping experience my recommendation is to disable automatic property and ToString evaluation as this is the most likely cause
Tools -> Options
Debugger -> Uncheck "Enable property and .ToString evaluation"
I'm not very hopeful that will fix this instance. It sounds like a problem with a misbehaving extension that processes keyboard input. Your best bet is to disable the extensions one by one and see which one fixes the problem. I would do it in the following order
Productivity Power Tools
Power Commands
Make sure you've installed Service Pack 1. I believe they fixed at least one significant performance problem in the debugger.
I experienced that very slow step by step debugging too, and fixed it by closing the threads window.
(Making a note here on an old thread, so it can be found in a web search.)
I normally leave the ==Disassembly== window open during debugging (I have a big screen.) I just discovered that single-stepping in the debugger can be speeded up by 50% if I hide that window too. The -tab- for it can exist and be handy - makes no difference - but the window itself shouldn't be showing. Ahah.
Have followed all the other suggestions and more from elsewhere, single-stepping is now about 8 times faster overall. (About 2.5 steps per second now.) Woo-hoo! Thank you all.
(I don't understand how they can write such slow UI code... I have a CPU here that's running at two billion cycles per second... that works out to about 400 million instructions per single step. Seems like Microsoft code could be a -little- faster... but then, I've never had the pleasure of using .NET etc.)
I tried all the suggestion and finally found that When I uninstalled VS2005, this issue got resolved. Note that in that machine VS2005
I was having this problem in my new job, where we use Visual Studio 2008 SP1. (Yes, I know, I know). Long delay on step with flickering hourglass. I always use F10, I don't even think about it, there's no way I could tolerate changing to the mouse or waiting multiple seconds for a simple step command.
I read through all the solutions provided here and elsewhere on the net with no joy.
Finally found the issue - I had set up my default language for the IDE as C#. It turns out the project I'm working on actually uses VB.NET, and when I set the default language to VB.NET (via Tools - Import and Export Settings) the debugger got so fast that I couldn't keep up with it and accidentally pressed F5 on the breakpoint I want to examine.
I hope this helps someone else.
In the end, the disabling of Last Pass in my browser (IE) was what solved this problem for me, but along the way I learned a lot of other things that could have just as easily been the cause. A variety of other valid answers to this question (Some in the various answers on this page) are validated and explained here:
This article explained that this F10 slowdown can be from having various diagnostic windows and toolbars open, Symbol loading issues, etc. and also explained what to do about debug slowdowns in general. It was an eye opening education that I think will continue to help me in the future should the F10 slowdown rear it's head again.
In my case it was the Call Stack window (Visual Studio 15.9.13) that caused the lag!
Even when I stepped over a very simple line like ++i; it took around 1-2 seconds until the debugger stepped over to the next line. Closing the Call Stack window or hiding it fixed the lag for me immediately.

VS2010 debugger debugging old code

I have a console app, and a class library.
I'm making changes to the class library (adding new methods, changing what methods do, etc) - Just regular stuff - nothing fancy.
In the console app - I'm calling methods from the class library - obviously to test the class library methods - again no rocket science here!
Both projects are targeting Framework 3.5 (This is because I have Sharepoint 2010 being referenced in class library)
When I debug the app using F5 - I've set a break point in the console app. When it steps through to the class library (using F11) I get a message saying source code has changed in a pretty lengthy dialog. If I click cancel - it then says No source code available.
I have found a work around to right click on project in solution explorer, then select debug -> create new instance.
But this is strange, never had this issue before, what can I do to get the debugger behaving normally. By normally I mean every time I hit F5 it should understand that the source code in the class library will almost surely have changed and I don't want any nags about this, or break point conditions never being met.
On a side note, never had this issue before, so an explanation as to why its happening would help a lot.
Thanks in advance
Update: the short version
Why do I have to manually tell the debugger to "create new instance" everytime I want to debug? If I don't hitting f5 debugs the source code of the last successful debug session.
Maybe your console application doesn't build second project? Try verifying that newest version of library is called.

Another knack on the "Dialogs must be user-initiated" Security Exception in Silverlight printing

I get the infamous "Dialogs must be user-initiated" Security Exception when I try to print some stuff in Silverlight. As you can see, the dialog is as user-initiated as can be:
John Papa couldn't help me much out neither, because I don't have any breakpoint set. Mr MSDN thinks it could also be that I'm just taking too long, but this is a demo application just as simple as can be.
Any ideas? I guess it's a Visual Studio quirk, maybe some extensions interfering, as things seems to work when I launch the application outside of it. I first thought maybe the Code Contracts are interfering with their IL weaving, but they are deactivated for this project.
Update: This is just a simple Silverlight application that runs locally from the file system. When I do "Start debugging", Visual Studio creates a hosting HTML file containing the Silverlight app in the Debug resp. Release folder of the project, launches the Internet Explorer with that HTML file and attaches the debugger to it.
Update 2: I also get the same error when I create a web project to host the Silverlight app and create a virtual directory for it on IIS.
I might also want to add that I don't have problems with printing in other Silverlight projects regardless of their hosting scenarios.
Update 3: I downloaded FireFox and it works, I don't get the error when I debug with it. So it seems to have to do with my IE8. I uploaded the solution:
I wonder if anyone can reproduce?
Anyone got an idea to which team I should file a bug report? Silverlight team? IE team? VS Debugger team?
I'm able to reproduce this. You have handled the Click twice, once in XAML another time in code. See your MainPage.xaml
<Button x:Name="PrintButton"
Content="Gotta print 'em!" Margin="8"
Click="PrintButton_Click" />
Don't feel bad about it. I did it last time through a misplaced Print inside a loop.
I've also experienced this strange behaviour. A standard button click event immediately invoking an OpenFileDialog. It would frequently generate the same error when being debugged but would eventually be coaxed in to working when the button is clicked several times.
However when built as a release (or perhaps simply by running the same Xap without a debugger attached to the browser) the problem would go away.
Try to remove
if(SightPaleceListBox.Items.Count > 0)
I had the same problem and found out that the reason was this following line:
cnvMain is on the page that the user pushed the Print button on (I was trying to remove it from that page in order to add it to the canvas that I was going to print).
My tip: try to comment rows one by one, until you find what row causes the problem. Than try to work around it.
