can't upgrade magento to 1.7 from 1.5.1 - magento

Please help!
I have an installation of magento v 1.5.1 and I want to upgrade it to 1.7 but when i try to
list upgrades, this is what i only see:
wp_theme_grayscale: 1.0.7 => 1.4.0
RicoNeitzel_VertNav: 0.3.1 => 0.4.0
Locale_Mage_community_fr_FR: =>
TBT_Enhancedgrid: => 1.031
any suggestions?
after upgrading all,
and tried to list all upgrades again,
it couldn't see any upgrade anymore.
your help would be much appreciated.
I used this guide.
I did not get any error. the updates above are just the updates that i can see,

OK, I can share my successful experience of upgrading:
Go to System -> Magento Connect -> Magento Connect Manager
Log in using your username and password
Click on “Check for Upgrades” button
4.You will notice that most package rows turn to yellow. These packages are the only that have available updates. Go to each package row, click on “Actions” drop-down menu and select the most current stable version available.
Note: Stable version available may vary for each package. For example, some packages may have upgrade version and others or lower. Don’t bother with this, just pick the latest stable version available.
When you are done selecting upgrade version for all packages, click on “Commit Changes” button.
Now, you have to wait. Give it some time. During upgrading process, you may see various notes or outputs that may be tricky and you may think that the process is done. Well, IT IS NOT. Just wait, give it some more minutes. The process will be done when there is no activity in the “command line” like console for about one minute.
Click on “Refresh” button. You are almost done! Technically, you have completed the upgrade process.
Go to your cPanel file manager or your FTP client and delete EVERYTHING in var/ directory.
Last but not least, reindex data in Admin -> Index Management
When you enter admin section and scroll down, you will notice that it says “Magento ver.”
This process worked for me fine.

Please try to run
./mage list-upgrades
In some cases there might be no Mage_* entries in the list. In this case the following command can be used:
./mage install Mage_All_Latest --force

I got it working now.
what i did is after the upgrade, i re uploaded my database back up, and viola the error is gone. The error has a hint, and yes because of duplicate thing that it could not continue if the table already exist.


Windows 10 Magento 2.4 zip install on XAMPP has nowhere to agree to terms

I'm trying to get Magento 2.4 running using the production ready zip and I keep getting it to this point where I believe it's ready to start the setup process, but it's waiting for me to agree to the ToS. Unfortunately there's no agree button or instructions on if there's a file I need to edit. I just did a fresh install of XAMPP with PHP 7.4 and still have the same issue, and can't find a similar mention on google.
Is there supposed to be an agree button, do I need to edit a file?
Term & Agreement link leads here, still no agree button. Getting started link takes me to installation instructions for a Linux CLI
I saw I may still need to run the composer install command even on Windows, but I was under the impression the production ready zip already had the dependencies included. Where am I going wrong??
Update: I got composer running in windows terminal and it returns that there is nothing to install.
According to the official site docs, in a note at the top of the installation instructions for a CLI install of Magento 2.3:
"The Web Setup Wizard is being deprecated in Magento 2.3.6 and will be removed in Magento 2.4.0. After it is removed, you must use the command line to install or upgrade Magento."
So you cannot install Magento 2.4 without touching the command line.

joomla! upgrade from 1.5.26 to 2.5 jUpdate error and more

Migration or upgrade, whatever, I want to get rid of my 1.5 site. I read some articles, watched a few tutorials however I could not beat it.
First, I upgraded my 1.5.2 to latest 1.5.26. Then I installed jUpgrade 2.5.2 extension from admin panel, activated it but after clicking to upgrade: nothing happened. The big arrow is not clickable.
Then I downloaded redMigration. There were two distinct .zip files in it. "plg_redMIGRATOR_1.0.0_j15" and "com_redMIGRATOR_1.0.0_j25_j3". Former was installed as an extension and activated (also I did password operations) but there is nothing. No way to run it. When I tried to install "com_redMIGRATOR_1.0.0_j25_j3" from extensions, it says there is no XML file to install. So I am stucked! I've been trying it hard but I have nothing.
How can I fix these problems?
The not click-able issue is most likely down to the javascript not working.
When I've seen this before, it has been just that JUpgrade needs a newer version of Mootools.
Have you enabled the Mootools Upgrade Plugin?

Magento Upgrade Issue from 1.4.2 to 1.6

Error in file:
/usr/local/sites/client/magento_site/app/code/core/Mage/Customer/sql/customer_setup/mysql4-upgrade-" - SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'customer_form_attribute' already exists
I tried upgrading this using this tutorial from turnkeye to go from 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2 and then to 1.6 but after all the mage upgrading was complete, when I hit the website to upgrade the database I get errors about database tables that already exist and it appears to be running a database upgrade script for a version of magento before 1.4.2. I know this error is extremely common and I have seen many blogs posts about it and read all that I have found -- I see no resolution besides starting a fresh install.
I've heard people say this can happen if a previous upgrade didn't complete successfully but I don't think that is the case here -- I think it was a fresh install at 1.4.1 (at least I don't believe I ever upgraded it). Anyone know why this is happening or how to fix it?
Note 1: I also tried the upgrade by overwriting the 1.4.1 files via SSH with successive version of magento -- always the same database errors though. If I remove the mysql-upgrade script that is failing, then another one fails in its place with a simliar 'table already exists' error.
Note 2: I also made sure I cleared /var/cache and /var/session and even tried reindexing. No success.
Looks like it is just complaining about a table already existing. Either install a fresh version of you database from before you tried to upgrade then clear cache and sessions and try again
Just open the file referenced and temporarly comment out the part that is installing the table again. That should allow you to by pass the error.
Then you can download the magento Database Repair Tool to ensure that your tables are correct.

Attempting to install Magento Mage_GoogleShopping extension

But all I get from my Connect Manager is the following message:
community/Mage_GoogleShopping: Version for 'Mage_GoogleShopping' was not detected
If I try and use the version 1 extension key all I get is:
Couldn't resolve host 'magento-core'
I am using a mostly fresh install of Magento Community (I say mostly because we do have our own template but it is very basic).
Anyone have any luck installing this extension. GoogleShopping is a huge boon to our hit count and the recent changes to the google products API has really affected our implementation.
this extension is still in alpha stability, you need to change your preference settings ("settings" tab in your magento connect manager) for "preferred state"
OSdave had the right answer ... but the way I fixed the error message was I blew away the download folder on the server and re-copied over from the original Magento install package.
Once I had done that I re-ran the Extension Key in Connect and this time it actually said. "That Extension is in Alpha stage. You'll need to change your preferences to install it."
I did NOT get the error above anymore. At that point everything worked like a charm.

upgrade magento latest version from 1.1.3 through admin dashboard

I have a magento site with version 1.1.3. I want to upgrade this to version from mu admin dashboard. Could you please tell me the steps to proceed?
wow, that's a big jump. I would recommend that you use a multi-step approach using the PEAR installer from the command line. Using the Admin Dashboard for such a big upgrade is very likely to fail. I'd also recommend that you break the upgrade into (at least) two steps, 1.1.3 to and then to
You can get a listing of available upgrades from PEAR like this:./pear list-upgrades
Here's a wiki page to guide you.
Make sure you take lots and lots of backups...
Good luck!
