Joomla Lof ArticleSlideShow Configuring Articles - joomla

I can't get how to use this module (Lof Article Slide Show), it says you have either to use the categories (ok, i got that) or the article id's.
However, articles don't have any space in options that you can assign a class, an id's or anything similiar to Menus (where classes can be applied) or even better like modules (where also id's can be applied).

Finally, I figured out what Articile ID refers to. It refers to each article's ID which is given from the core Joomla that you can see on the far right in Article Manager.


How to re-render certain object descriptions with Sphinx docs?

Using Sphinx's domain-aware ObjectDescriptions I can create fancy rendered documentation for them. For example:
.. py:function:: pyfunc()
Describes a Python function.
This renders the content in a nice way, and this works really well with module indices, references and so on. Cool so far!
Now, let's say I have that directive in a source document src/mymodule/functions.rst, and I have a bunch of text in src/guide/getting-started.rst, I can reference to the objects like
Also cool!
Now, my actual question; Could I also tell the Sphinx writer to re-render the same documentation snippet for that object? To ease the user in not having to navigating away from the Getting Started page where I just want to include a single piece of content again.
What I've tried to do:
Simply copy the contents. This results in a warning that the object is defined multiple times, hurts the index and as a result references don't point to the "authoritative" place in your project, if unlucky. Not okay.
Document each object in its own file and then use .. include:: rel/path/to/pyfunc.rst in each document where I want to render it. As those includes are literal on ReST-level, this results in the same downsides as the option above. :-(
Thus, I'm looking for a solution where I would tell the renderer/writer of Sphinx to simply re-render the contents of a reference instead of producing a link. It should not add it to the index for a simple re-render.
I'm okay with a custom extension or a domain-specific custom solution - I'm already using my own custom domain, but I just used the general Python domain above as a well-known example.
Context for the use case: I'm building a Protobuf domain. Protobuf messages and enums are reused a lot and I would like to show the context of commonly reused objects inline on pages where this is useful to the reader. This means it is repeated over the whole project on purpose where it is deemed useful rather than navigating away all the time. Yet only the reference page should be "authoritative".
I've been successful with a dirty hack: abusing the XRef role logic. Cross-references in Sphinx render dynamically (e.g. Table 23) by producing arbitrary 'nodes'. By:
keeping a copy of the parent node during parsing in a custom Domain
registering a custom Sphinx/ReST XRef role to render a whole set of nodes (the saved parent node)
re-running the ReferencesResolver another time
... this basically does what I need. But yuck, it's rather ugly.
Working example I implemented in a Protobuf Domain extension.

Interface for viewing demographic information in maps

I am involved in a research project where we try to find correlation between demographics and restaurant types. We want to have an interface where we can apply the demographic information over a map of the city as filters and check how the restaurant types and information changes.
I am lost on what sort of tools to use for this purpose.
Note: I am not sure whether this is the right place to post this question. If there is a specific SO site for this, I will move it there.
There isn't a specific SO site for openstreetmap, but even better there is a site which would be an even better place to ask.

How to use ruby on rails to construct a scaffold that also contains a different scaffold that can be added to it multiple times?

I'm new to ruby on rails and in the efforts of "not repeating myself" in my code, I am trying to create a scaffold that contains one or more (decided by user) of a different scaffold. But I am lost and Im not sure that it can be done.
1. There is an "article" scaffold that contains "sections" along with standard information (title, date of article, main image, main topics, etc)
2. The "article" type can has_many "sections". Each section contains an order reference, header text and body text of the section. But the sections are small.
3. In this example, the article will be displayed with it's overview text AND each section that is assigned to it.
I am trying to construct this through ruby but do not know how to architect it. What is the best practice? Creating an article that has many sections built into it (some not used) would be a waste of memory for the article. Creating the "section" data point would allow me to easily create sections, but they would not be visibly connected and the editor would have to do a lot of work to make sure that it makes sense.
The best idea I had, which ruby does not seem to support, is the create an "article" type that has as many "sections" as the editor see's fit. Theoretically this would allow the editor to create a new article and while filling in the article information, be able to write the individual sections one at a time, with the ability to add additional sections on the same screen. But again I am new and not sure if that is even possible...
Copied from my comment:
This can be done but not as a "scaffold" which is a rails generator for quickly building a controller, model and views in 1 shot. What you are looking for is a rendered partial. Take a look at nested_form Or cocoon gems to get an idea of how to implement these dynamically.

HMVC how to separate the modules?

I'm making a leave management (HRM) website. I'm using codeignitor HMVC to build this. Following features are included in this site:
A table to display a summary of leaves.
A table for leave types like annual, MC, urgent, other...
I was thinking to create two modules for leave_summary and leave_types, but my friend told me it is useless.
According to HMVC architecture we are trying to create self contained modules for reusability. If I'm creating a different module for leave types, I should be able to reuse it and module itself needs to be self containing. But I can't use leave_types module anywhere else.
My friend asked me to put all the leave related stuff in one module called leave. This sounds strange to me as I found lots of examples people are trying to separate things out.
Do we only need to separate the modules which can be reused in the future (ex: login module, image_gallery module, profile module) and keep all others things inside a one module?
(according to the above example I have to keep everything related to leave in a one module
ex: leave_type, leave_requests, leave_summary will be placed inside the leave module)
What are the benefits I will get, if I separate the leave_type, leave_requests, leave_summary etc... into separate modules?
Will I be able to reuse them? If so How?
In HMVC model classes and other assets can be exchanged among the modules, so how can I call it a self-contained module or a separate entity as it is depending on another module?
(ex: I have to call leave_type module's model class inside the leave_summary module to show the leave type name in a table.)
I'm little lost here. Please help me to understand. Thanks a lot!
As i work lot of MVC projects. And I am agree with your friend.
May times this question arise when i used join that i have to choose in which one module i should go for write query. If you write in one model may next developer will write in another one model.
So according me it is best to keep same type of tables which are handling relation and using for same behavior use this approach like leave model, profile model etc.

Generating Navigation for different user types, MVC, PHP

I have this idea of generating an array of user-links that will depend on user-roles.
The user can be a student or an admin.
What I have in mind is use a foreach loop to generate a list of links that is only available for certain users.
My problem is, I created a helper class called Navigation, but I am so certain that I MUST NOT hard-code the links in there, instead I want that helper class to just read an object sent from somewhere, and then will return the desired navigation array to a page.
Follow up questions, where do you think should i keep the links that will only be available for students, for admins. Should i just keep them in a text-file?
or if it is possible to create a controller that passes an array of links, for example
a method in nav_controller class -> studentLinks(){} that will send an array of links to the helper class, the the helper class will then send it to the view..
Sorry if I'm quite crazy at explaining. Do you have any related resources?
From your description it seems that you are building some education-related system. It would make sense to create implementation in such way, that you can later expand the project. Seems reasonable to expect addition of "lectors" as a role later.
Then again .. I am not sure how extensive your knowledge about MVC design pattern is.
That said, in this situation I would consider two ways to solve this:
View requests current user's status from model layer and, based on the response, requests additional data. Then view uses either admin or user templates and creates the response.
You can either hardcode the specific navigation items in the templates, from which you build the response, or the lit of available navigation items can be a part of the additional information that you requested from model layer.
The downside for this method is, that every time you need, when you need to add another group, you will have to rewrite some (if not all) view classes.
Wrap the structures from model layer in a containment object (the basis of implementation available in this post), which would let you restrict, what data is returned.
When using this approach, the views aways request all the available information from model layer, but some of it will return null, in which case the template would not be applied. To implement this, the list of available navigation items would have to be provided by model layer.
P.S. As you might have noticed from this description, view is not a template and model is not a class.
It really depends on what you're already using and the scale of your project. If you're using a db - stick it there. If you're using xml/json/yaml/whatever - store it in a file with corresponding format. If you have neither - hardcode it. What I mean - avoid using multiple technologies to store data. Also, if the links won't be updated frequently and the users won't be able to customize them I'd hardcode them. There's no point in creating something very complex for the sake of dynamics if the app will be mostly static.
Note that this question doesn't quite fit in stackoverflow. would probably be a better fit
