bash - For every file in a directory, copy it into another directory, only if it doesn't exists there already - bash

Thank you very much in advance for helping!
I have a directory with some html files
$ ls template/content/html
I'd like to write a bash function to copy every file in that folder into a new location (introduction/files/), ONLY if a file with the same name doesn't exist already there.
This is what I have so far:
function add_html {
for f in $orig_html"/*";
if [ ! -f SAME_FILE_IN_$dest_html_DIRECTORY ];
cp $f $dest_html;
The capital letters is where I was stuck.
Thank you very much.

Would the -n option be enough for your needs?
-n, --no-clobber
do not overwrite an existing file (overrides a previous -i option)

use rsync like this:
rsync -c -avz --delete $orig_html $dest_html
which keep $orig_html indentical with $dest_html based file checksum.

Do you need a bash script ? cp supports the -r (recursive) option, and the -u (update) option. From the man page:
-u, --update
copy only when the SOURCE file is newer than the destination
file or when the destination file is missing

Your $f variable contains the full path, because of the /*.
Try doing something like:
for ff in $orig_html/*
if [ ! -f ${dest_html}/$thisFile ]; then
cp $ff ${dest_html}


Checkin if a Variable File is in another directory

I'm looking to check if a variable file is in another directory, and if it is, stop the script from running any farther. So far I have this:
#! /bin/bash
for file in /directory/of/variable/file/*.cp;
test -f /directory/to/be/checked/$file;
echo $?
I ran an echo of $file and see that it includes the full path, which would explain why my test doesn't see the file, but I am at a loss for how to move forward so that I can check.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I think you want
#! /bin/bash
for file in /directory/of/variable/file/*.cp ; do
if test -f /directory/to/be/checked/"$newFile" ; then
echo "/directory/to/be/checked/$newFile already exists, updating ..."
echo "/directory/to/be/checked/$newFile not found, copying ..."
cp -i "$file" /directory/to/be/checked/"$newFile"
Note that you can replace cp -i with mv -i and move the file, leaving no file left behind in /directory/of/variable/file/.
The -i option means interrogate (I think), meaning if the file is already there, it will ask you overwrite /directory/to/be/checked/"$newFile" (or similar) to which you must reply y. This will only happen if the file already exists in the new location.
The command basename will give you just the file (or directory) without the rest of the path.
#! /bin/bash
for file in /directory/of/variable/file/*.cp;
test -f /directory/to/be/checked/$(basename $file);
echo $?

Get date from filename and sort into folders?

I'm running wget to get data from an FTP server like this:
wget -r -nH -N --no-parent -P /home/data/
All of the files are in a format similar to this:
Right now it's putting all of these files into /home/data/.
What I want to do is get the time from the filename and put it into their own folders based on the date. For example:
Based off the answers here, it is possible to get the date from a file name. However, I'm not really sure how to turn that into a folder automatically...
Sorry if this is a bit confusing. Any help or advice would be appreciated.
Keeping the download of all the files into one directory, /home/files
for filename in /home/files/*; do
if [[ -f "$filename" ]]; then # ignore it if it's a directory (not a file)
name=$(basename "$filename")
datedir=$destination/${name:0:10} # first 10 characters of the filename
mkdir -p "$datedir" # create the directory if it doesn't exist
mv "$filename" "$datedir"

copy files while preserving directory structure in mac

How to copy files from one directory to another while preserving the directory structure in mac?
I found that you can use cp --parents in ubuntu but unfortunately that doesn't work in mac.
I ended up using rsync -R to solve this.
On OS X you can use ditto <source> <destination>
See here:
I'm tired of writing this manually, so I'm going to provide a non rsync way for future reference.
cpParents() {
src=(${*: 1:-1})
dest=${*: -1:1}
for filename in $src; do
[ -e "$filename" ] || continue
dirPath=$(dirname "${filename}")
mkdir -p $dest/$dirPath
cp $filename $dest/$dirPath

Checking A Folder For Logs Files

Hello and thank you for for the help in advanced. I am trying to accomplish a simple check to see if a folder contains any files in end in .log. And if it does contain any file ending in a .log, simply copy it to another folder. I did try something like
if [ -f /path/to/log/*.log ]; then cp -a /path/to/log /path/to/backup/folder; fi
But that does not give me anything clean enough to work with.
Thanks so much
You could use a bash array:
shopt -s nullglob # Expand to the empty string if no files are found
logfiles=( /path/to/log/*.log )
cp -a "${logfiles[#]}" /path/to/backup/
Or a POSIXLY_STRICT approach:
cpIfExists() {
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
cp "$#"
cpIfExists /path/to/log/*.log /path/to/backup/
You don't need to check first, just copy the files:
cp /path/to/log/*.log /path/to/backup/folder
Not near anything to test that this works for sure, but it should:
for log in `ls /path/to/log | grep .log`; do
cp /path/to/log/$log /path/to/backup/folder/

Recycle bin in bash problem

I need to make a recycle bin code using bash. Here is what I have done so far. My problem is that when I move a file with the same name into the trash folder it just overwrites the previous file. Can you give me any suggestions on how to approach this problem?
mkdir -p "$HOME/Trash"
if [ $1 = -restore ]; then
while read file; do
mv $HOME/Trash/$2 /$file
done < try.txt
if [ $1 = -restoreall ]; then
mv $HOME/Trash/* /$PWD
if [ $1 = -empty ]; then
rm -rfv /$HOME/Trash/*
mv $PWD/"$1"/$HOME/Trash
echo -n "$PWD" >> /$HOME/Bash/try
You could append the timestamp of the time of deletion to the filename in your Trash folder. Upon restore, you could strip this off again.
To add a timestamp to your file, use something like this:
DT=$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
mv $PWD/"$1" "/$HOME/Trash/${1}.${DT}"
This will, e.g., create a file like initrd.img-2.6.28-11-generic.20110615-140159 when moving initrd.img-2.6.28-11-generic.
To get the original filename, strip everything starting from the last dot, like with:
The pattern is on the right side after the percentage char. (.* would also be enough to match.)
Take a look how trash-cli does it. It's written in Python and uses the same trash bin as desktop environments. Trash-cli is available at least in the big Linux distributions.
Probably the easiest thing to do is simply add -i to the invocation of mv. That will prompt the user whether or not to replace. If you happen to have access to gnu cp (eg, on Linux), you could use cp --backup instead of mv.
