How to copy files from the package to the main codebase? - makefile

I have got a plugin package to enhance the working of our product. This package contain some additional files and some modified main code-base repository files. But we can't directly merge this package with our code-base. Our target is to copy files from this package to the main code-base at the time of build. So we have to do some modifications in makefiles.
This package follows the similar directory hierarchy as that of the main code-base directory tree. What could be the best method to do so ? I'm thinking of creating some kind of script to do so. Would this be a good option ?

Without seeing any of your code, all I can suggest is creating a make target that will always get executed and putting it as part of the dependencies to your main code-base build. Something along these lines
final_target : other_dependencies copy_plugin_files
other_dependencies : source_files
.PHONY : copy_plugin_files #this makes sure this will always execute
copy_plugin_files :
[insert script or cp command here to copy your plugin files]
If you need the plugin files copied first, then put the copy_plugin_files dependency before the other_dependencies after final_target.
If you need the plugin files to run through their own make process first, then put cd path/to/plugin && $(MAKE) as part of the recipe for your copy_plugin_files target.
Hope that helps!


GNU Make does not include all auto-generated includes before executing dependent rule

My makefile makes use of auto-generated dependencies. To do this, I have in my top-level makefile something similar to:
# Makefile
include target1.deps
include target2.deps
all: target2.deps
cat $^
target2.deps: target1.deps
echo "target2.deps:" > $#
echo " touch target2.deps" >> $#
Initially, target1.deps and target2.deps do not exist. When make is first instantiated, it parses the entire Makefile and searches for a way to generate these include files. After building them, it reinvokes itself, causing the Makefile to be reparsed and the include files to be included this time. At least, that's my understanding.
The issue is that when I run the above Makefile, Make first builds target1.deps, then executes the body of the all rule, never having built or included target2.deps. This causes cat to error: cat: target2.deps: No such file or directory
This seems like a contradiction to me. I explicitly tell Make that all depends on target2.deps, but it attempts to execute the rule before satisfying its prerequisites!
The intended behavior is that target1.deps should be built and included, then target2.deps should be built and included using the rule contained within target1.deps, and then all should be run. How do I achieve this?
Context: Since this is weirdly abstract, here's my goal: I have a target index.html, which gets generated from a template, but I don't know anything about its dependencies. I need to find out (a) which files I need to create before building index.html and (b) which files index.html will depend on at runtime.
For example index.html includes some inline css that's pulled out of global.css - I need to therefore build global.css before building index.html. On the other hand, index.html links to about.html, so after I build index.html I want to also build about.html. I call the former "build dependencies" and the latter "runtime dependencies". So my makefile looks something like this:
include index.html.build_deps
include index.html.runtime_deps
all: index.html $(runtime_deps_index.html)
./extract_build_deps %< -o %#
%.runtime_deps: %
./extract_runtime_deps %< -o %#
./compile_template %< -o $#
What I want to happen is for Make to follow these steps:
Build index.html.build_deps
Include index.html.build_deps
Build global.css (now a known prerequisite of index.html)
Build index.html
Build index.html.runtime_deps
Include index.html.runtime_deps
Build about.html (contained inside $(runtime_deps_index.html) included from index.html.runtime_deps)
Target all is reached
What actually happens:
Make sees that index.html.build_deps can be directly build from; does so.
Make sees that index.html.runtime_deps can be built from index.html, can be built from
Make builds index.html. It errors because global.css hasn't yet been built.
If Make had included index.html.build_deps after building that, then it would be aware of the global.css dependency. But because it tries to build all include files before expanding any of them, it's unaware of the dependency. I want to add a dependency "index.html.runtime_deps depends on index.html.build_deps having been included, but I'm not sure how to specify such a dependency.
#Dario is correct. To be a bit more specific, these are the steps make will follow here:
Read the makefile.
Try to build target1.deps.
Find a target target1.deps and execute the recipe.
The recipe succeeds, but make observes that the file target1.deps still does not exist, so make doesn't mark the target as updated.
Try to build target2.deps.
There's a target for it that depends on target1.deps, which make already built, but there's no recipe for it so make doesn't mark target2.deps as updated (since it was never updated, as far as make can tell--it didn't run any recipe to update it).
So, make decides none of the included makefiles were actually updated and it won't re-exec.
Then make wants to build all; it sees that all depends on target2.deps but make already considered that target and decided it didn't need to be rebuilt, so now make is done with all its work.
You can run make -d and follow along with the decisions make takes.

How do packages with multiple files work in golang?

This repo has 3 go files all begin with "package lumber".
To use this package, I'm supposed to put this in my GOROOT and simply
import lumber
in my program. How do variables and types in this package connect with each other across multiple files? How does the go compiler know which file to begin reading first?
In case I want to read the package, where should I begin reading to understand the package? What exactly is the flow of things here?
To elaborate on jnml's answer:
When you use import "foo/bar" in your code, you are not referring to the source files (which will be located in $GOPATH/src/foo/bar/).
Instead, you are referring to a compiled package file at $GOPATH/pkg/$GOOS_$GOARCH/foo/bar.a. When you build your own code, and the compiler finds that the foo/bar package has not yet been compiled (or is out of date), it will do this for you automatically.
It does this by collating* all the relevant source files in the $GOPATH/src/foo/bar directory and building them into a single bar.a file, which it installs in the pkg directory. Compilation then resumes with your own program.
This process is repeated for all imported packages, and packages imported by those as well, all the way down the dependency chain.
*) How the files are collated, depends on how the file itself is named and what kind of build tags are present inside it.
For a deeper understanding of how this works, refer to the build docs.
No, you're not "supposed to put this in my GOROOT". You're supposed to execute
$ go get
which will clone the repository into $GOPATH/src/ Then you can use the package by importing it in your code as
import ""
About the scoping rules: Declarations and scope

Makefile, main function, ClassNotFound

I have a Java program, and write a makefile to compile it on Linux.
My project organized like this ( is the main entry)
Program -
Src -
bin -
lib -
resource -
This is my makefile:
# My project require 3 parameters from user input.
default: Run.class
Run.class: src/adb/Bing_WebResults/
javac -sourcepath src/ -classpath lib/*.jar -d bin/ src/adb/Bing_WebResults/*.java src/adb/jsonModels/*.java src/adb/models/*.java
java -classpath bin/:lib/*.jar Run "$(ARG1)" "$(ARG2)" "$(ARG3)"
When I use "make run" command in Linux terminate, exception shows that "Could not find the main class: Run"
Are there something wrong with my makefile? Wrong path or something?
There are many things that could potentially be wrong, but the most apparent issues are the incorrect dependencies of the targets in your makefile.
First of all, the target run should have a dependency on Run.class. If you do make run then make looks at the target called run. In your makefile, this target does not have any dependencies defined, and it will execute the line java ... without checking whether the actual compiled class Run.class exists. As a consequence, if you do make run from a clean situation, your source code will not be compiled and the java command will fail because the compiled class is missing.
Your dependency of default on Run.class is incorrect as well, because Run.class will exist in the bin directory, not in the working directory. The line below mentions the target Run.class as well.
There are several ways to improve your makefile. See below an example of corrected code with some variables added to avoid repeated expressions. This approach is a matter of style and preference though.
BINDIR := bin
SRCDIR := src/adb/Bing_WebResults
# Note: the default target below is superfluous at this moment
default: $(RUNBINARY)
javac -sourcepath src/ -classpath lib/*.jar -d $(BINDIR) $(SRCDIR)/*.java src/adb/jsonModels/*.java src/adb/models/*.java
java -classpath $(BINDIR):lib/*.jar $(RUNCLASS) "$(ARG1)" "$(ARG2)" "$(ARG3)"
This works for me in a simplified, comparable setup -- it might work for you as well. Looking at the snippet you provided, there are most likely other dependencies or changes that need to be added to complete your makefile correctly. Potentially, you might have to add package information to your run command and dependency expressions, but that depends on your source code. Your post does not contain enough information to provide a complete solution.
P.S.: Do not forget to replace spaces by tabs if you copy this code to your own makefile.
At last you need to specify the package when running since you dont seem to have the main class in default package.
java -classpath bin com.example.Run arg1 arg2 ...
It turns out that two points should be noticed:
(1) Run is in a package, so it should be "adb.Bing_WebResults.Run.class" in makefile.
(2) external jar files should be concatenated by : (e.g. lib/a.jar: lib/b.jar)

Boost's bjam is running tests before the build has finished

I have a fairly simple Boost.Python extension that I am building with bjam. The problem is that the order that things happen in doesn't make sense to me, and I can't see how to fix it.
My project consists of a root directory, with a Jamroot, and a single project subdirectory with a Jamfile, C++ file, header file, and Python script.
In the root I have a Jamroot file that looks like this, largely scraped together from examples and the docs. It is separate from the project's Jamfile because I actually want to share this amongst several projects that will exist in other subdirectories.
import python ;
if ! [ python.configured ]
ECHO "notice: no Python configured in user-config.jam" ;
ECHO "notice: will use default configuration" ;
using python ;
use-project boost
: ./boost ;
: requirements <library>/boost/python//boost_python ;
# A little "rule" (function) to clean up the syntax of declaring tests
# of these extension modules.
rule run-test ( test-name : sources + )
import testing ;
testing.make-test run-pyd : $(sources) : : $(test-name) ;
build-project hello_world ;
# build-project [[other projects]]... ;
Then I have a subdirectory containing my 'hello_world' project (name changed to protect the innocent), which contains a Jamfile:
PROJECT_NAME = hello_world ;
import python ;
python-extension interpolation_ext :
# Put the extension and Boost.Python DLL in the current directory, so that running script by hand works.
install convenient_copy
: <install-dependencies>on <install-type>SHARED_LIB <install-type>PYTHON_EXTENSION
# Declare test targets
run-test $(PROJECT_NAME) : $(PROJECT_NAME)_ext test_$(PROJECT_NAME) ;
That 'convenient_copy' sure is convenient, but I haven't found much documentation about it, unfortunately.
Anyway, the idea is that while I'm in the "hello_world" project directory, I make code changes and type 'bjam' regularly. This has the effect of building the Python extension and then running the file, which does an 'import hello_world_ext' to test that the extension has built correctly, and then a bunch of rather trivial unit-tests. If they all pass, then bjam reports success.
The problem seems to be that sometimes bjam runs the Python test before it has run the 'convenient_copy' rule, which means that it performs the test on the previous version of the extension, and then overwrites it with the new version. This means I'm frequently having to run bjam twice. In fact, the second time bjam knows that something is out-of-date because it actually does something. The third and subsequent time it does nothing until I make further source changes. It's like the classic double-make problem when a dependency isn't correct.
The main problem with this is that it's often failing a successful build (because the existing extension was bad), and other times it is showing a bad build as successful. It actually took me several weeks to notice this behaviour, around the same time I thought I was going insane, perhaps not coincidentally...
It also seems to do this more often on Linux than OS X, but I'm not completely sure. Feels that way though, and I divide my time between both environments fairly equally.
Also, am I the only person who finds bjam's 'jamfile' syntax utterly confusing? There's a lot going on under the hood that I simply don't understand, or can find adequate documentation for. I'd gladly use make or SCons instead but I wasn't able to get those working either due to broken examples here and there. What really confuses me is how bjam builds many, many other targets before getting on to my files, which would make writing a makefile quite tricky I think? As I am quite familiar with GNU Make and SCons, is it worth my time abandoning bjam to use one of those instead?
The order of declaring targets in a jamfile doesn't determine the order of building the targets. Use dependencies to control the build order.
It would be done like this here:
Change the run-test rule to accept requirements argument:
rule run-test ( test-name : sources + : requirements * )
import testing ;
testing.make-test run-pyd : $(sources) : $(requirements) : $(test-name) ;
Modify $(PROJECT_NAME) target declaration to add a dependency requirement on convenient_copy:
run-test $(PROJECT_NAME) : $(PROJECT_NAME)_ext test_$(PROJECT_NAME) : <dependency>convenient_copy ;
Regarding the part on jamfile syntax etc.:
If you do anything with Boost.Build apart from really trivial things, you should definitely read its User Manual. My personal experience is that after reading it from start to the end, I choose Boost.Build over other build systems any day. YMMV

Properly compiling modules in subfolders (ocamlbuild)

I recently decided to organize the files in my project directory. I moved the parsers I had for a few different file types into their own directory and also decided to use ocamlbuild (the as the project was getting more complicated and the simple shell script was not sufficient any longer).
I was able to successfully include external projects by modifying myocamlbuild with some basic rules (calling ocaml_lib, I'll use ocamlfind some other time), but I am stuck on how to include the folder as a module into the project properly. I created a parser.mlpack file and filled it with the proper modules to be included (eg, "parser/Date", et cetera), wrote a parser.mli in the root of the directory for their implementations, and modified the _tags file (see below).
During the compilation, the parser directory is traversed properly, and parser.cmi, parser.mli.depends were both created in the _build directory; as well as all *.cm[xio] files in the parsers subdirectory.
I feel I might be doing something redundant, but regardless, the project still cannot find the Parser module when I compile!
debug : true
<*.ml> : annot
"parser" : include
<parser/*.cmx>: for-pack(Parser)
<curlIO.*> : use_curl
<mySQL.*> : use_mysql
<**/*.native> or <**/*.byte> : use_str,use_unix,use_curl,use_mysql
compilation error
/usr/local/bin/ocamlopt.opt unix.cmxa str.cmxa -g -I /usr/local/lib/ocaml/site-lib/mysql mysql.cmxa -I /usr/local/lib/ocaml/curl curl.cmxa curlIO.cmx utilities.cmx date.cmx fraction.cmx logger.cmx mySQL.cmx data.cmx project.cmx -o project.native
File "\_none\_", line 1, characters 0-1:
Error: **No implementations provided for the following modules:**
Parser referenced from project.cmx
Command exited with code 2.
You'll notice -I parser is not included in the linking phase above; actually none of the parser related files are included!
edit: Added new details from comments and answer below.
You need to "include" the parser directory in the search path. You can do this in _tags:
"parser": include
Then ocamlbuild can search the parser directory for interesting files.
I wonder if parser.mli is somehow interfering with the dependencies in processing the mlpack file. parser.cmi will be generated from the pack operation when parser.mlpack is processed and compiled. Try building with the parser.mli file removed. If that works, then this can be re-processed into a real answer.
Also, you don't need parser/ as a prefix to your modules in parser.mlpack if parser.mlpack is in the parser directory and you have the include tag set. But that shouldn't make a difference for this.
Update: this worked around the problem, but wasn't the root cause. Root cause, per comment below, was a file mentioned in the .mlpack that had been relocated.
