How do packages with multiple files work in golang? - go

This repo has 3 go files all begin with "package lumber".
To use this package, I'm supposed to put this in my GOROOT and simply
import lumber
in my program. How do variables and types in this package connect with each other across multiple files? How does the go compiler know which file to begin reading first?
In case I want to read the package, where should I begin reading to understand the package? What exactly is the flow of things here?

To elaborate on jnml's answer:
When you use import "foo/bar" in your code, you are not referring to the source files (which will be located in $GOPATH/src/foo/bar/).
Instead, you are referring to a compiled package file at $GOPATH/pkg/$GOOS_$GOARCH/foo/bar.a. When you build your own code, and the compiler finds that the foo/bar package has not yet been compiled (or is out of date), it will do this for you automatically.
It does this by collating* all the relevant source files in the $GOPATH/src/foo/bar directory and building them into a single bar.a file, which it installs in the pkg directory. Compilation then resumes with your own program.
This process is repeated for all imported packages, and packages imported by those as well, all the way down the dependency chain.
*) How the files are collated, depends on how the file itself is named and what kind of build tags are present inside it.
For a deeper understanding of how this works, refer to the build docs.

No, you're not "supposed to put this in my GOROOT". You're supposed to execute
$ go get
which will clone the repository into $GOPATH/src/ Then you can use the package by importing it in your code as
import ""
About the scoping rules: Declarations and scope


VSCode look for Go packages in different directory

I successfully used rules_go to build a gRPC service:
name = "processor_go_proto",
compilers = ["#io_bazel_rules_go//proto:go_grpc"],
importpath = "/path/to/proto/package",
proto = ":processor_proto",
deps = ["//services/shared/proto/common:common_go_proto"],
However, I'm not sure how to import the resulting file in VSCode. The generated file is nested under bazel_bin and under the original proto file path; so to import this, it seems like I would need to write out the entire path (including the bazel_bin part) to the generated Go file. To my understanding, there doesn't seem to be a way to instruct VSCode to look under certain folders that only contain Go packages/files; everything seems to need a go.mod file. This makes it quite difficult to develop in.
For clarity, my directory structure looks something like this:
- path
- to
- generated_Go_file.go
- path
- to
- gRPC_proto.proto
main.go should use the generated_Go_file.go.
Is there a way around this?
I don't use Bazel and so cannot help with the Bazel configuration. It's likely there is a way to specify the generated code location so that you can revise this to reflect you preference.
The outline you provide of the generated code, is workable though and a common pattern. Often the generated proto|gRPC code is placed in a module's gen subdirectory.
This is somewhat similar to vendoring where your code incorporates what may often be a 3rd-party's stubs (client|server) into your code. The stubs must reflect the proto(s) package(s) and, when these are 3rd-party, using gen or bazel-bin provide a way to keep potentially multiple namespaces discrete.
You're correct that the import for main.go, could (!) be prefixed with the module name from go.mod (first line) followed by the folder path to the generated code. This is standard go packaging and treats the generated code in a similar way to vendored modules.
Another approach is to use|place the generated code in a different module.
For code generated from 3rd-party protos, this may be preferable and the generated code may be provided by the 3rd-party in a module that you can go get or add to your go.mod.
An example of this approach is Google Well-Known Types. The proto (sources) are bundled with protoc (lib directory) and, when protoc compiles sources that references any of these, the Go code that is generated includes imports that reference a Google-hosted location of the generated code (!) for these types (
Alternatively, you can replicate this behavior without having to use an external repo. The bazel-bin folder must be outside of the current module. Each distinct module in bazel-bin, would need its own go.mod file. You would include in a require block in your code's go.mod file references to the modules' (one or more) locations. You don't need to publish the module to a external repo but can simply require ( name => path/to/module ) to provide a local reference.

Module XXX found, but does not contain package XXX

Not so familiar with Golang, it's probably a stupid mistake I made... But still, I can't for the life of me figure it out.
So, I got a proto3 file (let's call it file.proto), whose header is as follows:
syntax = "proto3";
package [package_name];
option go_package = "[user]/[repository]";
And I use protoc:
protoc --go_out=$GOPATH/src --go-grpc_out=$GOPATH/src file.proto
So far so good, I end up with two generated files (file.pb.go and file_grpc.pb.go) inside /go/src/[user]/[repository]/, and they are defined inside the package [package_name].
Then, the code I'm trying to build has the following import:
import (
And I naively thought it would work. However, it produces the following error when running go mod tidy:
go: downloading[user]/[repository] v0.0.0-20211105185458-d7aab96b7629
go: finding module for package[user]/[repository]/[package_name]
example/xxx imports[user]/[repository]/[package_name]: module[user]/[repository]#latest found (v0.0.0-20211105185458-d7aab96b7629), but does not contain package[user]/[repository]/[package_name]
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? Go version is go1.19 linux/amd64 within Docker (golang:1.19-alpine).
Note: I also tried to only import[user]/[repository], same issue obviously.
OK so what I do is that I get the proto file from the git repository that only contains the proto file:
Then I generate go files from that file with protoc:
protoc --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=. file.proto
Right now, in current directory, it looks like:
- directory
| - process.go
| - file.proto
| -
| - [user]
| - [repository]
| - file.pb.go
| - file_grpc.pb.go
In that same directory, I run:
go mod init xxx
go mod tidy
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build process.go
The import directive in process.go is as follows:
import (
Now it looks like it finds it, but still getting a gRPC error, which is weird because nothing changed. I still have to figure out if it comes from the issue above or not. Thanks!
Your question is really a number of questions in one; I'll try to provide some info that will help. The initial issue you had was because
At least one file with the .go extension must be present in a directory for it to be considered a package.
This makes sense because importing[user]/[repository] would be fairly pointless if that repository does not contain any .go files (i.e. the go compiler could not really do anything with the files).
Your options are:
Copy the output from protoc directly into your project folder and change the package declarations to match your package. If you do this there is no need for any imports.
Copy (or set go_out argument to protoc) the output from protoc into a subfolder of your project. The import path will then be the value of the module declaration in your go.mod plus the path from the folder that the go.mod is in (this is what you have done).
Store the files in a repo (on github or somewhere else). This does not need to be the same repo as your .proto files if you "want it to be agnostic" (note that 2 & 3 can be combined if the generated files will only be used within one code base or the repo is accessible to all users).
Option 1 is simple but its often beneficial to keep the generated code separate (makes it clear what you should not edit and improves editor autocomplete etc).
Option 2 is OK (especially if protoc writes the files directly and you set go_package appropriately). However issues may arise when the generated files will be used in multiple modules (e.g. as part of your customers code) and your repo is private. They will need to change go_package before running protoc (or search/replace the package declarations) and importing other .proto files may not work well.
Option 3 is probably the best approach in most situations because this works with the go tooling. You can create[user]/goproto (or similar) and put all of your generated code in there. To use this your customers just need to import[user]/goproto (no need to run protoc etc).
Go Modules/package intro
The go spec does not detail the format of import paths, leaving it up to the implementation:
The interpretation of the ImportPath is implementation-dependent but it is typically a substring of the full file name of the compiled package and may be relative to a repository of installed packages.
As you are using go modules (pretty much the default now) the implementations rules for resolving package paths (synonym of import path) can be summarised as:
Each package within a module is a collection of source files in the same directory that are compiled together. A package path is the module path joined with the subdirectory containing the package (relative to the module root). For example, the module "" contains a package in the directory "html". That package’s path is "".
So if your "module path" (generally the top line in a go.mod) is set to xxx (go mod init xxx) then you would import the package in subfolder[user]/[repository] with import xxx/[user]/[repository] (as you have found). If you got rid of the intervening folders and put the files into the [repository] subfolder (directly off your main folder) then it would be import xxx/[repository]
You will note in the examples above that the module names I used are paths to repo (as opposed to the xxx you used in go mod init xxx). This is intentional because it allows the go tooling to find the package when you import it from a different module. For example if you had used go mod init[user]/[repository] and option go_package = "[user]/[repository]/myproto";" then the generated files should go into the myproto folder in your project and you import them with import[user]/[repository]/myproto.
While you do not have to follow this approach I'd highly recommend it (it will save you from a lot of pain!). It can take a while to understand the go way of doing this, but once you do, it works well and makes it very clear where a package is hosted.

Any useful alternative to foo.go + foo_test.go

For unit testing a Go code base, is there any reasonable alternative to the foo.go and foo_test.go pattern? The only "concern" is having all those extra files in the same place on the filesystem. It might be nice to put the test files in a central place, but that might not work due to the way Go packages work.
When you tell the go command to test a package, e.g.
go test some/path/mypackage
Then the go tool will look for test files in the package's directory. If you put the test files elsewhere, then the go tool will not find them (it will not even look for them) in other folders, so they will not be run / executed.
This argument alone is enough to not put them elsewhere.
Package doc of testing:
To write a new test suite, create a file whose name ends _test.go that contains the TestXxx functions as described here. Put the file in the same package as the one being tested.
Command go: Testing functions:
The 'go test' command expects to find test, benchmark, and example functions in the "*_test.go" files corresponding to the package under test.
Some notes:
The go tool only expects test files to be in the same folder, but you can name them however you like, you just have to use the _test.go suffix. E.g. you may have a foo.go, and you may use my_test.go for the tests. There is also no requirement to have a separate test file for each .go source files, you may put all tests into a single test file, and you may have more test files than source files.
In the test files, you may use the same package name, and then the test files are compiled together with the package so tests have access to everything–including unexported identifiers–in the package (white-box testing). You may use the package name suffixed with _test, in which case the tests in those files will only have access to the package's exported identifiers (black-box testing). Read more about this here: How can I allow one package access to another package's unexported data only when testing?
You shouldn't worry about the number of .go files. To go tool will handle even if you have a thousand .go files in a package. Although in most cases if you have many .go files in a package, that's an indication that the package is doing too much, and it should be broken into multiple, smaller packages.

Why Go put all code in $GOPATH/src

When I make a package use go install, I found Go search the package form two path
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/ go install dir. many base package like fmt...
/Users/godtail/Product/go/go_path/src/ $GOPATH/src. bad $GOPATH, I will change it.
also can use relative path, but is not recommended.
I always put my work dir like this.
Product A
go(i hope to put here)
Product B
How can I do like this? or maybe change dir follow Go.
Give me some advice, thank you very much.
Go programs are constructed by linking together packages. A package in
turn is constructed from one or more source files that together
declare constants, types, variables and functions belonging to the
package and which are accessible in all files of the same package.
Those elements may be exported and used in another package.
Source file organization
Each source file consists of a package clause defining the package to
which it belongs, followed by a possibly empty set of import
declarations that declare packages whose contents it wishes to use,
followed by a possibly empty set of declarations of functions, types,
variables, and constants.
SourceFile = PackageClause ";" { ImportDecl ";" } { TopLevelDecl
";" } .
You may add many src dirs to your $GOPATH:
Like the system PATH environment variable, Go path is a : delimited
list of directories where Go will look for packages (;on Windows).
So you may add your project src dir to the $GOPATH.
Or just store your library packages in one $GOPATH.
You don't need to do that. Golang is going to introduce an official tool called dep, which is like pip for python or npm for node.js.

Golang: "package ast_test" underscore test

Source file from Golang's stdlib
File's base directory: ast
Package specified in the file: ast_test ???
Package specified in all other files inside the same directory: ast
src contains Go source files organized into packages (one package per directory) ...
By convention, packages are given lower case, single-word names; there should be no need for underscores or mixedCaps
... Another convention is that the package name is the base name of its source directory
How is it possible to have multiple packages (here 2) in one folder?
You find another example in src/pkg/go/ast/commentmap_test.go, with the comment:
// To avoid a cyclic dependency with go/parser, this file is in a separate package.
I suppose it allows for an othogonal command like:
go test
That will test parser features while avoiding for that test to be part of the same parser features (since it has been put in a separate package)
From go command man page:
Test files that declare a package with the suffix "_test" will be compiled as a separate package, and then linked and run with the main test binary.
This thread asked the question:
Now that the go tool requires each directory to be one package and doesn't allow to have files with different package names inside the same folder, how is the package keyword useful? It seems like a unnecessary repetition.
Is it required by the compiler or is there any plan to remove it?
The answers hinted at the fact that you can have more than one package in a folder:
The package declaration declares the name of the package.
The language Go doesn't know what a file or a directory is and the import path itself doesn't effect the actual name of the package that is being imported. So the only way the compiler knows what to call the package is the package declaration.
The language doesn't require separate packages to be in separate directories; it is a requirement of the go tool.
Another hypothetical implementation may not have this requirement.
Even this go tool requirement can be bypassed thanks to the "// +build" build tags.
For example, read misc/cgo/gmp or misc/cgo/stdio (some files include // +build ignore)
