How to change file contents automically? - windows

I am given a binary file (consider it large) and a several binary blobs, which I should insert/replace somewhere in the middle of the file (offsets are known).
The same time user may gain access to the file, thus I must have "all of nothing", either user have an old version of the file if she opens it before I have updated everything, or she has a new version if I succeeded.
I am interesting in solutions for Linux, Windows and OS X. Of course, implementation may be different.

For Linux:
Do everything on a temporary file.
fsync() the temporary file.
rename() the temporary file to the real file.
This idiom is known as atomic-rename.


Find next file (but not FindNextFile)

If a user opens a file in a program (for example using GetOpenFileNameW, DragQueryFileW, command line argument, or whatever else to get the path, and a subsequent CreateFileW call), is there a way to find the next file in the parent directory of the opened file?
The obvious solution is to cycle through the results from FindNextFileW or NtQueryDirectoryFileEx until the opened file is encountered, and just open the next file.
However, this seems undesireable.
First, because these functions use paths (instead of for example a handle), the original file is decoupled from the search algorithm, so the original file might not even get encountered in that search. This is not much of an issue (as failing in this case is the expected outcome), and it probably could be resolved with (temporarly) changing the sharing mode, using LockFile or similar (though I would like to avoid that).
Second, this cycling search would have to be done every time, because the contents of the directory might have changed (retaining hFindFile does not work, because only FindFirstFileW calls NtQueryDirectoryFileEx and enumerates the contents of the directory). Which seems like unnecessary work and might even affect performance (for example if the directory contains a lot of files).
In theory any file system has some way of enumerating the files in a directory. Meaning there is some ordered data structure of the files' metadata. And getting the next file should only involve going back from the existing file handle to that file's entry, and then getting the next entry from that data structure. So there does not seem to be a fundamental reason why this cannot be done more sanely.
I thought maybe there exist a better way to do this somewhere in WinAPI...
Same question for finding the previous file.

What is the purpose of creating a symbolic link between files?

Recently I came across the os library in Python and found out about the existence of symbolic links. I would like to know what a symbolic link is, why it exists, and what are various uses of it?
I will answer this from a perspective of an *nix user (specifically Linux). If you're interested in how this relates to Windows I suggest you look for tutorials like this one. This will be a bit of a roundabout, but I find it that symbolic links or symlinks are best explained together with hard links and generic properties of a filesystem on Linux.
Links and files on Linux
As a rule of thumb, in Linux everything is treated as a file. Directories are files that contain mappings from names (paths) to inodes, which are just unique identifiers of different objects residing on your system. Basically, if I give you a name like /home/gst/mydog.png the accessing process will first look into the / directory (the root directory) where it will find information on where to find home, then opening that file it will look into it to see where gst is and finally in that file it will try to find the location of mydog.png, and if successful try do whatever it set out to do with it. Going back to directory files, the mappings they contain are called links. Which brings us to hard and symbolic links.
Hard vs Symbolic links
A hard link is just a mapping like the one we discussed previously. It points directly to a certain object. A symlink on the other hand does not point directly to an object. Rather it just saves a path to an object. For example, say that I created a symbolic link to /home/gst/mydog.png at /home/gst/Desktop/mycat.png with os.symlink("/home/gst/mydog.png", "/home/gst/Desktop/mycat.png"). When I try to open it, the name /home/gst/Desktop/mycat.png is usually resolved to /home/gst/mydog.png. By following the symlink located at /home/gst/Desktop/mycat.png I actually (try to) access an object pointed to by /home/gst/mydog.png.
If I create a hard link (for example by calling I just add entries to the relevant directory files, such that the specific name can be followed to the linked object. When I create a symbolic link I create a file that contains a path to another file (which might be another symbolic link).
More specific to your question, if I pass /home/gst/Desktop/mycat.png to os.readlink it will return /home/gst/mydog.png. This name resolution also happens when calling functions in os with an (optional) parameter follow_symlinks set to True, however, if it's set to False the name does not get resolved (for instance you'd set it to false when you want to manipulate the symlink itself not the object it points to). From the module documentation:
not following symlinks: If follow_symlinks is False, and the last element of the path to operate on is a symbolic link, the function will operate on the symbolic link itself instead of the file the link points to. (For POSIX systems, Python will call the l... version of the function.)
You can check whether or not follow_symlinks is supported on your platform using os.supports_follow_symlinks. If it is unavailable, using it will raise a NotImplementedError.
Why use hard links?
This question has already been answered here, quoting from the accepted answer:
The main advantage of hard links is that, compared to soft links, there is no size or speed penalty. Soft links are an extra layer of indirection on top of normal file access; the kernel has to dereference the link when you open the file, and this takes a small amount of time. The link also takes a small amount of space on the disk, to hold the text of the link. These penalties do not exist with hard links because they are built into the very structure of the filesystem.
I'd like to add that hard links allow for an easy method of file backup. For every file the system keeps a count of its hard links. Once this count reaches 0 the memory segment on which the file is located is marked as free, meaning that the system will eventually overwrite it with another data (effectively deleting the previous file - which doesn't happen for at least as long as a running process has an opened stream associated with the file, but that's another story). Why would that matter?
Let's say you have a huge directory full of files you'd like to manipulate somehow (rename some, delete others, etc.) and you write a script to do this for you. However, you're not completely sure that the script will work as intended and you fear it might delete some wrong files. You also don't want to copy all the files, as this would take up too much space and time. One solution is to just create a hard link for each file at some other point in the filesystem. If you delete a file in the target directory, the associated object is still available because there's another hard link associated with it. Creating that many hard links will consume much less time and space than copying all the file, yet it will give you a reasonable backup strategy.
This is not the case with symbolic links. Remember, symlinks point to other links (possibly another symlink as well) not to actual files. Hence, I might create a symlink to a file, but that it will only save the link. If the (eventual) hard link that the symlink is pointing to gets removed from the system, trying to resolve the symlink won't lead you to a file. Such symlinks are said to be "broken" or "dangling". Thus you cannot rely on symlinks to preserve access to a certain file. (Conversely, deleting a symlink does not affect the link count associated with a target file.) So what's their use?
Why use symbolic links?
You can operate on symlinks as if they were the actual files to which they pointing somewhere down the line (except deleting them). This allows you to have multiple "access points" to a file, without having excess copies (that remain up to date, since they always access the same file). If you want to replace the file that is being accessed you only need to change it once and all of the symlinks will point to it (as long as the path saved by them is not changed). However, if you have hard links to a certain file and you then replace that file with another one, you also need to replace the hard links as otherwise they'll still be pointing to the old file.
Lastly, it is not uncommon to have different filesystems mounted on the same Linux machine. That is to say, that the way data is organized and interpreted at some point in the file hierarchy (say /home/gst/fs1) can be different to how it is organized and interpreted at another point (say /home/gst/Desktop/fs2). A hard link can only reside on the same filesystem as the file it's pointing to. Whereas, a symlink can be created on one filesystem but effectively pointing to a file on another filesystem (see answers to this question).
Symbolic links, also known as soft links, are special types of files that point to other files, much like shortcuts in Windows and Macintosh aliases. The data in the target file does not appear in a symbolic link, unlike a hard link. Instead, it points to another file system entry.
Read more here:,somewhere%20in%20the%20file%20system.

How can you identify a file without a filename or filepath?

If I were to give you a file. You can read the file but you can't change it or copy it. Then I take the file, rename it, move it to a new location. How could you identify that file? (Fairly reliably)
I'm looking if I have a database of media files for a program and the user alters the location/name of file, could I find the file by searching a directory and looking for something.
I have done exactly this, it's not hard.
I take a 256-bit hash (I forget which routine I used off the top of my head) of the file and the filesize and write it to a table. If they match the files match. (And I think tracking the size is more paranoia than necessity.) To speed things up I also fold that hash to a 32-bit value. If the 32-bit values match then I check all the data.
For the sake of performance I persist the last 10 million files I have examined. The 32-bit values go in one file which is read in it's entirety, when a main record needs to be examined I pull in a "page" (I forget exactly how big) of them which is padded to align it with the disk.

Undo a botched command prompt copy which concatenated all of my files

In a Windows 8 Command Prompt, I had a backup drive plugged in and I navigated to my User directory. I executed the command:
copy Documents G:/Seagate_backup/Documents
What I assumed was that copy would create the Documents directory on my backup drive and then copy the contents of the C: Documents directory into it. That is not what happened!
I proceeded to wipe my hard-drive and re-install the operating system, thinking I had backed up the important files, only to find out that copy seemingly concatenated all the C: Documents files of different types (.doc, .pdf, .txt, etc) into one file called "Documents." This file is of course unreadable but opening it in Notepad reveals what happened. I can see some of my documents which were plain text throughout the massively long file.
How do I undo this!!? It's terrible because I was actually helping a friend and was so sure of myself but now this has happened. The only thing I can think of doing is searching for some common separator amongst the concatenated files and write some sort of script to split the file back apart. But then I would have to guess the extensions of each of the pieces...
Merging files together in the fashion that copy uses, discards important file system information such as file size and file name. While the file name may not be as important the size is. Both parameters are used by the OS to discriminate files.
This problem might sound familiar if you have damaged your file allocation table before and all files disappeared. In both cases, you will end up with a binary blob (be it an actual disk or something like your file which might resemble a disk image) that lacks any size and filename information.
Fortunately, this is where a lot of file system recovery tools can help. They are specialized in matching patterns. Specifically they are looking for giveaway clues to what type a file is of, where it starts and what it's size is.
This is for instance enabled by many file types having a set of magic numbers that are used to allow a program to check if a file really is of the type that the extension claims to be.
In principle it is possible to undo this process more or less well.
You will need to use data recovery tools or other analysis tools like binwalk to extract the concatenated binary blob. Essentially the same tools that are used to recover deleted files should be able to extract your documents again. Without any filename of course. I recommend renaming the file to a disk image (.img) and either mounting it from within the operating system as a virtual harddisk (don't worry that it has no file system - it should show up as an unformatted drive) or directly using a data recovery tool or analysis tool which can read binary files (binwalk, for instance, can do that directly, but may not find all types of files as it's mainly for unpacking firmware images that may be assembled in the same or a similar way to how your files ended up).

ioutil.TempFile and umask

In my Go application instead of writing to a file directly I would like to write to a temporary that is renamed into the final file when everything is done. This is to avoid leaving partially written content in the file if the application crashes.
Currently I use ioutil.TempFile, but the issue is that it creates the file with the 0600 permission, not 0666. Thus with typical umask values one gets the 0600 permission, not expected 0644 or 0660. This is not a problem is the destination file already exist as I can fix the permission on the temporary to much the existing ones, but if the file does not exist, then I need somehow to deduce the current umask.
I suppose I can just duplicate ioutil.TempFile implementation to pass 0666 into os.OpenFile, but that does not sound nice. So the question is there a better way?
I don't quite grok your problem.
Temporary files must be created with as tight permissions as possible because the whole idea of having them is to provide your application with secure means of temporary storing data which is too big to fit in memory (or to hand the generated file over to another process). (Note that on POSIX systems, where an opened file counts as a live reference to it, it's even customary to immediately remove the file while having it open so that there's no way to modify its data other than writing it from the process which created it.)
So in my opinion you're trying to use a wrong solution to your problem.
So what I do in a case like yours is:
Create a file with the same name as old one but with the ".temp" suffix appended.
Write data there.
Close, rename it over the old one.
If you feel like using a fixed suffix is lame, you can "steal" the implementation of picking a unique non-conflicting file name from ioutil.TempFile(). But IMO this would be overengeneering.
You can use ioutil.TempDir to get the folder where temporary files should be stored an than create the file on your own with the right permissions.
