ioutil.TempFile and umask - go

In my Go application instead of writing to a file directly I would like to write to a temporary that is renamed into the final file when everything is done. This is to avoid leaving partially written content in the file if the application crashes.
Currently I use ioutil.TempFile, but the issue is that it creates the file with the 0600 permission, not 0666. Thus with typical umask values one gets the 0600 permission, not expected 0644 or 0660. This is not a problem is the destination file already exist as I can fix the permission on the temporary to much the existing ones, but if the file does not exist, then I need somehow to deduce the current umask.
I suppose I can just duplicate ioutil.TempFile implementation to pass 0666 into os.OpenFile, but that does not sound nice. So the question is there a better way?

I don't quite grok your problem.
Temporary files must be created with as tight permissions as possible because the whole idea of having them is to provide your application with secure means of temporary storing data which is too big to fit in memory (or to hand the generated file over to another process). (Note that on POSIX systems, where an opened file counts as a live reference to it, it's even customary to immediately remove the file while having it open so that there's no way to modify its data other than writing it from the process which created it.)
So in my opinion you're trying to use a wrong solution to your problem.
So what I do in a case like yours is:
Create a file with the same name as old one but with the ".temp" suffix appended.
Write data there.
Close, rename it over the old one.
If you feel like using a fixed suffix is lame, you can "steal" the implementation of picking a unique non-conflicting file name from ioutil.TempFile(). But IMO this would be overengeneering.

You can use ioutil.TempDir to get the folder where temporary files should be stored an than create the file on your own with the right permissions.


Find next file (but not FindNextFile)

If a user opens a file in a program (for example using GetOpenFileNameW, DragQueryFileW, command line argument, or whatever else to get the path, and a subsequent CreateFileW call), is there a way to find the next file in the parent directory of the opened file?
The obvious solution is to cycle through the results from FindNextFileW or NtQueryDirectoryFileEx until the opened file is encountered, and just open the next file.
However, this seems undesireable.
First, because these functions use paths (instead of for example a handle), the original file is decoupled from the search algorithm, so the original file might not even get encountered in that search. This is not much of an issue (as failing in this case is the expected outcome), and it probably could be resolved with (temporarly) changing the sharing mode, using LockFile or similar (though I would like to avoid that).
Second, this cycling search would have to be done every time, because the contents of the directory might have changed (retaining hFindFile does not work, because only FindFirstFileW calls NtQueryDirectoryFileEx and enumerates the contents of the directory). Which seems like unnecessary work and might even affect performance (for example if the directory contains a lot of files).
In theory any file system has some way of enumerating the files in a directory. Meaning there is some ordered data structure of the files' metadata. And getting the next file should only involve going back from the existing file handle to that file's entry, and then getting the next entry from that data structure. So there does not seem to be a fundamental reason why this cannot be done more sanely.
I thought maybe there exist a better way to do this somewhere in WinAPI...
Same question for finding the previous file.

Is there a way to limit my executable's ability to delete to only files it has created?

I'm on Windows writing a C++ executable that deletes and replaces some files in a directory it creates during an earlier run session. Maybe I'm a little panicky, but since my directory and file arguments for the deletions are generated by parsing an input file's path, I worry about the parse throwing out a much higher or different directory due to an oversight and systematically deleting unrelated files unintentionally.
Is there a way to limit my executable's reign to only include write/delete access to files it has created during earlier run sessions, while retaining read access to everything else? Or at least provide a little extra peace of mind that, even if I really mis-speak my strings to DeleteFileA() and RemoveDirectoryA() I'll avoid causing catastrophic damage?
It doesn't need to be a restriction to the entire executable, it's good enough if it limits the function calls to delete and remove in some way.

How to get a file's arrival time to a directory using Perl?

Assume a file is copied or moved to a directory by some other program. I want to get the time that this file was copied/moved to this folder. That is, I want the time that the file first appears in this directory.
Note that this file might exist before it was moved/copied or it might not.
This is not any of the time information that can be obtained by File::stat. Thanks.
You may find File::ChangeNotify helpful which tracks file and directory changes. I would suggest looking at incron, which can track various events and changes of files in filesystems.
My guess is you want the time the file was closed after being first written. This may or may not be available, and will be OS-specific. Most OSes track file creation, last modification, and last read (or some subset of those). If none of those work for you you're out of luck unless you control the creation and writing of the file in your application code, in which case you can use whatever you like.
While it may not be the best way to do it,
but for the copying case, if you make a file handle $fh,
You can keep checking for file existence using -e $fh
As soon as you find that file exists, record that moments time.
You may find more interesting -X $fileHandle stuff here.
If nothing else has happened in that directory, this will be the modification time of the directory.

identify portable executable

I want to write a program that allows or blocks processes while openning a file depending on a policy.
I could make a control by checking the name of the program. However, it would not be enough because user can change the name to pass the policy. i.e. let's say that policy doesn't allow a.exe to access txt files whereas b.exe is allowed. If user change a.exe with b.exe, i cannot block it.
On the other hand, verifying portable executable signature is not enough for me, because i don't care whether the executable signed or not. I just want to identify the executable that is wanted to execute even its name is changed.
For this type of case, what would you propose? Any solutions are welcome.
Thanks in advance
There are many ways to identify an executable file. Here is a simple list:
The most simple and straightforward approach is to identify a file by its name. But it is one of the easiest things to change, and you already ruled that out.
Files have an access, creation, and modification date, and they are managed by the operating system. They are not foolproof, or maybe not even accurate.
Also, they are very simple to change.
Version Information:
Since we are talking about executable files, then most executable files have version information attached to it. For example, original file name, file version, product version, company, description, etc. You can check these fields if you are sure the user cannot modify them by editing your executable. It doesn't require you to keep a database of allowed files. However, it does require you to have something to compare to, like company name, or a product name. Also, If someone made an executable with the same value
they can run instead of the allowed one and bypass your protection.
If the file is located in a specific place and is protected by file system access rights, and it cannot be changed, then you can use that. You can, for example, put the allowed files in a folder where the user (without admin rights) can only read/execute them, but not rename/move. Then identify the file with its location. If it is run from this location, then allow it, else block it. It is good as it doesn't need a database of
allowed/blocked files, it just compares the location, it it is a valid one, then allow, and you can keep adding and removing files to allowed locations
without affecting your program.
If the file has a specific file size, you can quickly check its size and compare it. But it is unreliable as files can be changed/patched and without any change in size. You can avoid that by also applying a CRC check to detect if the content of the file changed.
But, both size and CRC can be changed. Also, this requires you to have a list of file names and their sizes/CRC, and keeping it up to date.
Deanna mentioned that you can self-sign your executable files. Then check if the signature matches yours and allow/deny based on that. This seems to be a good way if
it is okay for you to sign all the executable files you want to allow. It doesn't require you to keep an updated list of allowed files.
arx also pointed out, that you can hash the files. It is one of the slowest methods, as it requires the file to be hashed every time it is executed, then compared to a list of files. But it very reliable as it can uniquely identify each file and hard to break. But, you will need to keep an up to date database of every file hash.
Finally, and depend on your needs and options, you can mix two or more ways together to get the results you want. Like, checking file name + location, etc.
I hope I covered most of things, but I'm sure there are more ways. Anyone can freely edit my post to include anything that I have missed.
I would recommend using the signature, if it has one, or the hash otherwise. Apps such as Office that update frequently are more likely to be signed, whereas smaller apps downloaded off the Internet are unlikely to ever be updated and so should have a consistent hash.

Should I write a temp file to a temp dir? or write a temp file to the final directory?

When an application saves a file, a typical model is to save the file to a temporary location, then move the temporary file to the final location. In some cases that "move" becomes "replace". In pseudo code:
Save temp file;
if final file exists
delete final file;
move temp file to final filename;
There's a window in there where the delete might succeed, but the move may not, so you can handle that by something like :
Save temp file;
if final file exists
move final file to parking lot
move temp file to final filename;
if move succeeded
delete previous final file.
restore previous final file.
Now to my questions:
is it preferred to save the temporary file to a temporary directory, and then move it, as opposed to saving the temporary file to the final directory? (if so, why?)
Is there a difference in attributes and permissions on a file that is first saved to a temp dir, then moved to the final file in a different directory, as compared to a file that is saved to a temp file in the final directory, and then renamed within the directory?
If the answers to both are YES, then how can I do the preferred thing while getting the appropriate ACL on file which was first saved to a temporary directory and then moved to a final directory?
Create a temp file in the temp folder if it is just a temporary file. Otherwise, create it in its final destination.
1) This may not work if the final destination is a 'pickup' folder (unless the 'pickup' process checks for locked files (which it should))
2) The final destination has special permissions that have to be created in code and applied before being able to move to the final destination.
Microsoft Word saves a temp file to the original directory starting with a tilde (~). I would just follow that convention.
If these are temp files that turn into permanent files, create them in the same location to avoid any risk of having to "move" files across disks/partitions, which will result in more I/O (as a copy followed by a delete).
If these are temp files that are truly temporary, create (and leave them) in the temp dir.
A reason why you might want to never write a file to one directory and move it to another is because those directories might be on different filesystems. Although this is less often a problem on windows, it is still reasonably possible so long as the parent filesystem is ntfs. In unix, it is a standard practice for /tmp to be a different filesystem.
The reason this could be a problem is because that means the file has to be copied from one place to another. This significantly impacts performance for files of substantial size, and will certainly require many more seeks, even if the file is small. Additionally, there are many more ways for this to fail when moving a file across filesystem boundaries. Of coursea access permissions could be different, but also the target filesystem could be full, or any number of other additional complications that you are now deferring until much later.
It is preferable to create a temp file using the GetTempFile routines because this creates temp files in predefined locations (e.g. C:\temp) that utilities can delete if your app crashes or makes corrupt files in. If the same thing happens in your final directory, it is unrecoverable.
Yes, attributes could be different if the target file's attributes or ACL has been edited. This could happen even if you create the temp file in the same folder.
You fix this by using the File.Replace routine, which performs an atomic replacement of one file with another, replacing the new file's attributes and ACLs with the old file's.
A C# method that does this is an answer to Safe stream update of file.
I prefer saving the temporary file to the final directory:
It avoids the potential permission problems that you've described.
The final directory might be on a different volume, in which case the move (of the temporary to the final file) is really a copy + delete -- which incurs a lot of overhead if you do it often or if the file is big.
You can always rename the existing file to a second temporary file, rename the new temporary file to the existing file's name, and rollback on error. That seems to me to be the safest combination.
EDITED: I see that your "parking lot" already described my suggestion, so I'm not sure I've added much here.
1 . Yes, it is preferred to save to a temporary file first
Because the final file will never be in a corrupt state should the creation of the file fails for any reason. If you write directly to the final file and your program crashed mid-way... it will definitely leave the final file in an invalid state.
2 . Yes
The "inherited" attributes and permissions will of course, be different. But temporary directories on most systems usually are pre-configured for all applications to use. The "final file" directory might, however, need to be configured. Say the "Program Files" folder and Vista UAC, for example.
3 . Copy ACL from the final file to the temp file prior to replacing?
By default Android places .tmp as the suffix when the suffix param is set to null in File.createTempFile(). I would suggest you just use that.
File file = File.createTempFile(imageFileName, null, storageDir);
You should call file.delete() yourself as soon as you're done with your .tmp file in your app. You shouldn't depend on file.deleteOnExit() since there's absolutely no guarantee it'll be used by the Android system/VM.
Why not make it user configurable? Some users don't like temp files polluting their current directory.
