Hudson post build step security issue - shell

Hudson jobs can be configured to have a post build step which can execute shell commands as an option, accidently or intentionally someone can wipe out the hudson home directory
just by running rm command is there a specific set of permission of home directory
which will prevent such scenario

On Linux, you will likely be running the Hudson process as the "hudson" user. Using a combination of chown and chmod, you can set the permissions on the hudson application server directory such that the hudson user only has read-access of the Hudson application server directory.
Hudson stores all of its file storage in /var/lib/jenkins by default (if you're using the .deb package).
so basically, make sure that the hudson user has recursive write access of that directory, allow hudson read-only access of the other Hudson installation files, and no access over any other file.


jenkins pipeline no permission to run a tool from system32 folder

I'm running jenkins pipeline on a slave computer (slave run from agent command line - user with full admin privileges).
when trying to run a tool from system32 folder, it failes: The system cannot find the path specified.
if I copy the tool to c:\myfolder, it succeeds.
I've also tried to run msbuild - fails on post build regsvr32. but, when running the same command via computer's command line (not jenkins), it succeeds.
It looks like I have a problem with permissions but I do not know what is wrong. jenkins is running via command line with a user that have administrator permissions.
any ideas?

Running .bat commands on a Jenkins slave with restricted execution permissions

I am running a Jenkins slave on a restricted environment. This environment will only allow me to execute files in a specific directory.
The problem I have is running simple batch commands.
The slave's being AppData/Local/Temp, jenkins will copy my command in a temp bat file and attempt to run it, like such:
cmd /c call D:\Users\TastyWithPasta\AppData\Local\Temp\hudson8090039221524722157.bat
Here the issue becomes obvious, the command cannot be run due to restriction and the build fails.
Anybody working in a restricted environment and facing the same issues? What would be a good workaround?
Unfortunately, is not an option since this taps into the Java installation. Maybe there is a way to override it locally?

Run Jenkins' Cygwin script as user

I have Jenkins running on Windows, and I have a build that works fine under CygWin bash from the CygWin terminal, so I now want to automate it. However, using this script:
The system reports me as nt authority\system, not the ken that I get when using an interactive shell. Is there an easy way to persuade Jenkins or CygWin to run as me?
Most likely you are running jenkins with default installation. You have two options. First is mentioned in the comment. Change the "Service account" to be same as yours.
Second option is derived from best practices. Run the jenkins master on a system with backup etc. Configure slave node with your account credentials. Change the project configuration to build on the specific node.
(It is possible to run slave and master on same machine with different credentials - just in case you want to try out things)
The real problem I was having was not that the shell script was running as the wrong user, but that the shell script was not executing the default /etc/profile. So, the solution was simply:
#!C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -l
I was still nt authority\system, but now I had the correct environment set up and could run make successfully.
Note also that if I create a /home/system directory I can add .bash_profile, etc, to that directory to further customise the build environment.

Changing the user executing the build script in Atlassian Bamboo

Here is my problem:
I have a python build script building a .air package and deploying it on a server. If I run this script from a cmd.exe window, there is no problem, the files are correctly created and deployed.
But I would like to use Bamboo to be able to build my app everytime I commit/push changes. I configured it but have a serious problem: the .air package is created but the deployment (with a fabric script) doesn't finish... I noticed that the process is launched by 'Administrator' in a cmd.exe and by SYSTEM trough Bamboo. I think that this is the problem (maybe SYSTEM cannot find the ssh host or whatever), so I wanted to know if someone knows how to change the user executing the script to 'Administrator'.
Yes, you can change the user that your bamboo server runs as. I recently posted an answer with details on how do just that in Windows Mercurial global keychain . All the documentation for the windows stuff in the wrapper file can found at .

Move files to remote file share after build

I want to create a post build script that moves files from the build directory to a remote (UNC) file share.
This line:
xcopy "C:\TeamCityBuild\project\WebSite\*" "\\\WebSite\" /C /R /Y /E
Works fine when it is ran in a DOS-window but when TeamCitys buildrunner sln2008 tries to run it it fails with the message "Invalid drive specification"
I have shared the folder with full rights for 'Everyone' on the remote server.
Any ideas?
Just a guess. Not quite sure if it solves your problem. We had a similar problem using CruiseControl and deploying our application to remote JBoss server.
We've added
net use \\\Website ...
before each copy. So that it 'mounts' the remote share before trying to access it. Note: you probably need to specify the username and password for the command (consult the command line for details).
The 'net use' seems needed even if you run the automated job as the same user you log on manually. These two kinds of sessions seem not to share remote shares information.
I've never used TeamCity Buildrunner sln2008, but if it runs as a service, then it is probably running under the "Local System" account, which doesn't have network access. Change the service properties (under the "Log On" tab) so that the service logs on as a user with permissions to that network share.
I don't beleave it works because the agent is running as a system service so it has limited network access (I beleave).
Instead of trying to use a post build step to copy the output, I think you should look into using TeamCity's Build Artifact's. That's what we use at my work altho we are new to TeamCity as well. What I don't know is if Build Artifact system will do extactly what you want.
You could try nANT
